By pink_lemo3ade

16.4K 1.9K 457

❝ Distances should be kept because too much attachments blow them apart ❞ When the world is trying to keep it... More

one | spring
two | familiarity
three | sharing sandwiches
four | announcements
five | evening walks
six | basketball court
seven | free period
eight | accidents
ten | conference calls
eleven | perfume bottles
twelve | cotton clouds
thirteen | changing seats
fourteen | sinking boat
fifteen | summer vacations
sixteen | reunions
seventeen | layups
eighteen | identical
nineteen | blueberry cafe
twenty | butter milk
twenty one | honey skin
twenty one | summer camp
twenty three | wringing fingers
twenty four | sleepover
twenty five | cracks
twenty six | silver moonlight
twenty seven | change of plans
twenty eight | ice cream
twenty nine | love blooms
thirty | the sun
thirty one | unspoken thankyou-s
thirty two | cursive strokes
thirty three | dumbheads
thirty four | grateful smiles
thirty five | comforting
thirty six | lemony & sober
thirty seven | moral support
thirty eight | puzzled pieces
thirty nine | possiblities
e p i l o u g e
a r t
p r o m o t i o n

nine | giddy smiles

331 48 17
By pink_lemo3ade

c h a p t e r : 9

"Bye Chotu!", Ahana bided to Mehak who in return scowled and turned towards the primary wing side where primary classes (1-6) were present.

With a giddy smiling face, she entered the school gate and stride towards the entrance where there was the sanitizing tube, a student had to swipe his/her i-card then they had to stand in front of the automatic temperature checker and then with their eyes closed and held breath they had to pass the tube where the person passing was sprayed with sanitizing spray and steam to get rid of the virus if there was any.

After coming out she took a deep breath from her nose inside the mask which caused the cloth of the mask to get pulled towards her nostrils to which she had to pull it out and cover her nose properly with her fingers.

Uff! Flaws of wearing a mask but at least she didn't have to think about the way how she had to smile or not to scowl.

'If we are planting a rose plant because of its flowers we should accept the thorns too', she thought to herself and ascended the steps.

Today there was no practice, so Ahana thought of spending this time to saunter in the corridor since her friends hadn't arrived yet.

"Hey!", she greeted Rema, they practiced basketball together. When she heard her, she greeted back and paused, indicating she wanted to converse. Assessing this Ahana paused too.

"Did you join the evening practice classes?", inquired Rema.

"Naa. I have other important things in life", Ahana replied with mocking sophistication with her head held high and shoulders squared.

Rema hmmed to herself making eye contact and then they both end up laughing.

"I have tuition in the evening so...can't", Ahana answered soberly, "Did you?", she asked further.

Rema denied with a shake of her head, " I live a little far away and my parents are busy in the evening so...me too", she explained.

Then they both got silent and started looking at the students entering through the school gate, some scattered in the school assembly ground.

Suddenly Rema remembered looked, "You know a new student is coming today?"


"Take this", Ishaan's mother gave him the paracetamol tablet. He took the tablet from his mother's palm and stared at it while his mother moved to the bedside table to fetch the glass of water.

"Do I have to take this?", he asked his mother.

She nodded and indicated him to take it. He stared at the tablet a little more then after huffing, gulped it down with water at last.

"Now rest. I will inform your teacher that you are not going to school today."



He huffed again.


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