Captain - An Oliver Wood Fanf...

By Alpacalypse

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"What? No, of course not. You're joking right?" That's what Oliver Wood told Erin Evans when she had finally... More

Chapter 1 - Technically yes
Chapter 2 - Surprises were not very uncommon at Hogwarts
Chapter 3 - You seem to be everywhere lately
Chapter 4 - Why does he have to be so goddamn hot?
Chapter 5 - Can't argue with that
Chapter 6 - I need everyone out, now
Chapter 7 - I hate you
Chapter 8 - His eyes smiled
Chapter 9 - You sure about that, Wood?
Chapter 10 - Well, I like you being nice
Chapter 11 - Excellent air clearness on the pitch
Chapter 12 - I'm an absolute snack!
Chapter 13 - Easy there, tiger
Chapter 14 - Fair, can't be said about both parties
Chapter 15 - Didn't know you were the "fashionably late" type
Chapter 16 - This time she'd make sure he'd remember it.
Chapter 17 - Because I'm a girl, you dumbass
Chapter 18 - She didn't want it to be over
Chapter 19 - Happy birthday
Chapter 20 - So who did you hook up with?
Chapter 21 - I did it, dad. I practiced all summer and I finally did it
Chapter 22 - How could he not be?
Chapter 23 - So he did
Chapter 24 - Well, Oliver just kissed me
Chapter 25 - Stripping, Erin?
Chapter 26 - Your Secret Admirer
Chapter 27 - I really like it when you distract me
Chapter 28 - I want him to know that you're taken
Chapter 29 - You're still my favourite purrson
Chapter 30 - Mostly hot
Chapter 31 - We'll be okay
Chapter 32 - I want to tell you about someone, actually
Chapter 33 - Will you wear it during the match?
Chapter 34 - You ready to meet my parents?
Chapter 35 - Been really deprived of that lately
Chapter 37 - Merlin Erin, stay with me please
Chapter 38 - She just wanted to be enough
Chapter 39 - Hmm, don't really care
Chapter 40 - Dear Captain
Chapter 41 - You're like properly in love with him, aren't you?
Chapter 42 - You weren't there
Chapter 43 - You're not allergic to plants, right?
Chapter 44 - Yeah, on first years
Chapter 45 - This is the only time I'll ever willingly reach out to you.
Chapter 46 - But when was it time for his happiness to come first?
Chapter 47 - I swear to god, woman
Chapter 48 - I'm glad you're here
Chapter 49 - He had all the right words.
Chapter 50 - There's a lot we can do in half an hour
Chapter 51 - Well well, long time no see
Chapter 52 - You don't have to ask me twice
Word of Thanks
New Fanfiction: Fire & Ice

Chapter 36 - You're a high schooler? How precious.

16.6K 696 1.6K
By Alpacalypse

"Come on, we got to find our seats!" Oliver said and pulled Erin with him. Erin was still staring at her surroundings, completely in love with the magical setting of the Quidditch World Cup.

"Come on, love", he chuckled. They had quite a few stairs to walk up as they were somewhere in the middle of the stands. They'd be seated in the same box as all Oliver's teammates, so Erin was a little nervous. She loosened her scarf a little as the workout was making her sweat.

"Jeez, why can't we apparate?" she complained as her legs started to feel sore.

"In this chaos? You want to get splinched again?" Oliver chuckled as he waited for Erin to catch up. He grabbed her hand and they finally arrived at their box.

"You alright?" he asked, before giving her a small peck.

"I'm fine." Oliver looked adorable with his green stripes along his cheekbones. We entered the compartment and Oliver was immediately greeted by a couple of his teammates. Erin recognised some of the players she had seen over Christmas, when she had watched a game with her family, and had a hard time to keep herself from fangirling.

As Oliver walked up to Benjy Williams, the most famous seeker in Britain, her feet stopped moving. These were genuine celebrities, especially if you were as into quidditch as Erin. Oliver didn't notice her absence as he went to talk with Benjy. He really was in the big leagues now.

"Excuse me, I think you made a wrong turn", Erin heard behind her. She turned around to see an absolute bombshell and she knew exactly who it was: Marlo Deverill, chaser of Puddlemere United. Erin's mouth ran dry as she tried to find words, completely in awe by the woman in front of her. Marlo was only three years older than Erin, but she felt so small standing in front of her. She was super talented, super rich and not to forget extremely beautiful.

"Cat's got your tongue?" she asked with a frown. She didn't seem the biggest fan of Erin.

"I- uhm... I'm with Oliver", Erin stammered. "Oliver Wood, he's on the team. I'm with him", she continued rambling. Marlo raised an eyebrow and then chuckled.

"Oh, right, Ollie. Didn't know he had a sister", she said. Sister? Erin and Oliver didn't even remotely look alike. And Ollie? Where did that come from?

"Girlfriend, actually", Erin said, not liking the tone of this woman. As much as she looked up to her, she didn't like the way she mocked her.

"Really? How cute", she said, before her eyes moved upwards.

"Oh, hey Ollie. I just met this little one, how adorable", she said and for the first time, Erin wasn't roped in by her toothpaste smile. She wanted to slap the smile off her perfect face.

"Hey Marlo, she is, isn't she?" Oliver grinned, putting his hand on Erin's lower back, which calmed her down a little. He didn't seem to notice how aggravated Erin was, though.

"I have to steal her from you though, but we'll see you around." Erin was happy when Oliver pulled her with him, away from Marlo. She knew she hadn't directly insulted her, so Erin was overreacting a little, but she looked so sly that Erin was sure there would be trouble.

"Erin, this is Benjy. He's been a real nice lad since I joined", Oliver said with a crooked smile as he introduced her to Benjy Williams. All Erin's dark thoughts were driven away when she stood in front of the legend. She quickly extended her hand.

"Hi", she said with a small voice, trying to act casual, but failing miserably. "My brother is a huge, huge fan of yours. His name is Benji too, or well, Benjamin, but I call him Benji." Erin bit her lip to stop the stream of words that was spilling out. Benjy just smirked, shaking her hand.

"Well, then I have to meet the kid someday. Nice to meet you, Erin", he said. All Erin could do was nod.

"She's a keeper", he mumbled towards Oliver before taking his place.

"Chaser, actually", Erin said, before realising what he actually meant. Luckily Benjy hadn't heard her, because she was already dying of embarrassment. Oliver on the other hand, burst out laughing at Erin's awkward state.

"Stop it!" Erin hissed as she tried to cover her massive blush with her hands.

"You're absolutely adorable, love", Oliver grinned as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to their seats. Erin just followed and avoided all eye contact, as she didn't want to embarrass herself even more.

"I was so not prepared for that", she mumbled as they finally sat down. The seat next to Erin was luckily not occupied, so Erin could delay embarrassing herself in front of another professional quidditch player for a little longer.

It was so weird that Oliver was one of them now. Sure he was a reserve, but he wouldn't always be. She had always been very, very supportive of his quidditch career and she was debating on trying to find herself one as well, but she only now realised how big of a deal that was. Thousands of wizards watched their games, they appeared in the papers every week, and had fans all over the country. What if there would be fangirls trailing behind Oliver soon?

"You did okay", Oliver shrugged. "I was just as bad the first time I met them."

"Okay?! I literally word-vomited about my little brother's nickname to the most famous seeker in all of Britain!" Erin whisper-yelled. Oliver chuckled again and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, giving her a soft kiss on her head.

"Benjy is cool, don't worry about it."

"Aren't the two of you adorable?" The seat next to Erin was no longer unoccupied. Marlo sat down, the same sly smile she had earlier on her face.

"Erin's a Chaser too and a bloody good one", Oliver bragged, causing Erin to smile. Damn the bloke was good at being a boyfriend.

"What team do you play for? Don't think I've seen you around before", Marlo asked.

"Oh, just the Hufflepuff team at school. I'm not a professional", Erin said.

"You're a high schooler? How precious." Erin felt herself get heated again. She was sick of this woman treating her like a child. She wasn't directly being mean to her, but she just saw the evil glint in her eye that told her that she had no good intentions. But of course she was the only one to notice.

"You want a drink, love?" Oliver asked as a man walked by with a cart of snacks and drinks.

"Just a water please", Erin smiled, averting her eyes from Marlo. This was going to be an enjoyable night.

"Oi, Erin!" Erin heard and she looked around surprised. She spotted a couple of red-heads on the staircase next to their box and a smile broke out on her face.

"Weasleys, what are you doing here?" she grinned as she made her way over to the twins.

"Dad got tickets. We're in the top box", Fred grinned.

"I see you're with the fancy folks", George smirked, looking over her shoulder at the Puddlemere United team.

"Yeah, Oliver got tickets. Surreal really", she blushed. As he had told her all those months ago, George had never tried anything with her, so him and Oliver were back on good terms, causing Erin to hang out with them more often. She could really use some extra friends next year.

"Well, the match will start soon and we've got quite a way to go, so we'll see you around!" Fred said and dragged his twin with him. Erin shortly waved at Ginny, Harry, Ron and Hermione, who she vaguely knew through Oliver.

Oliver was still waiting in line for their drinks, so Erin sat down reluctantly next to Marlo. She really hoped this match would start soon, but it didn't even take five seconds before the she-devil opened her mouth.

"Were those your high school friends? What year are you in?" she asked. Erin decided to just be friendly to try and avoid problems. Kill 'em with kindness, right?

"I'm starting my last year now."

"So you two will break up before the school year starts?" Marlo said, trying to sound innocent. All Erin could hear was a snake talking. Erin raised her eyebrows, her mouth slightly agape. 

"No, we're not, thank you very much", she said firmly.

"You think it will work out? You won't even be seeing each other", the woman chuckled, aggravating Erin even more.

"We'll manage." Oliver really had to come back, because she was about to release her entire charms book on this witch.

"We'll see about that."

"What exactly is your problem?" Erin snapped. She had enough of her snide comments and the underlying threats they concealed. What did that mean, we'll see about that? If she'd do anything to boycott her relationship with Oliver, she'd Avada Kedavra her arse.

Marlo opened her mouth, an evil glint in her eyes, but soon her face transformed in a warm, large and very fake smile.

"Here's your water, love", Oliver said and sat down.

"Such a gentleman", Marlo winked, causing Erin to clench her fists again. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep in the library of insults she had prepared for Miss Marlo Deverill.

"You okay?" Oliver whispered for only her to hear. He put one of his hands on top of her clenched fist and rubbed circles on the back of her hand. Erin slowly released the tension and sighed.

"I'm fine", she said with a small smile. These were topics to discuss when Marlo was not seated next to her.

"You sure?" he asked again, scanning her eyes for signs. It warmed her heart how much he seemed to care for her. They'd make it, they definitely would. They loved each other and one year of barely seeing each other would not break that apart. It was just one year. They were strong enough to survive that. Erin was strong enough.

"I'm sure", she said and gave him a quick hug.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the finale of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup!"

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