By Trufflerabbit13

1.4M 50.6K 33.7K

Hunter x Hunter is an amazing manga, one problem... It has no romance, so I added a female character that'll... More

CHAPTER 10 edited
CHAPTER 11 edited
CHAPTER 12 edited
CHAPTER 13 edited
CHAPTER 14 edited: Sorata Kijime
CHAPTER 15 edited
CHAPTER 16 edited
CHAPTER 17 edited
CHAPTER 18 edited
CHAPTER 19 edited
CHAPTER 20 edited
CHAPTER 21 edited
CHAPTER 22 edited
CHAPTER 23 edited
CHAPTER 24 edited
CHAPTER 25 edited
CHAPTER 26 edited
CHAPTER 27 edited
CHAPTER 28 edited
CHAPTER 29 edited
CHAPTER 30 edited
CHAPTER 31 edited
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40: Our Bloodline
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44: Hello, Miss Kijime...
Chapter 45 'DON'T LOOK AT MY BUTT'
Chapter 46 Sorata's going to kill me...
Chapter 47 Rescued and its sure a small world
Chapter 48: Pik- no, Eletic!!!
Chapter 49: Can I have you, please?
Chapter 51 Well, that sucks
Chapter 52

Chapter 41

20.9K 776 462
By Trufflerabbit13

Elementally gifted

Chapter 41


"Mmhmmm!!! Oishi~!!!" My cheeks flushed as I chewed happily on the stack of pancakes in front of me.

"Unnnn, umai~!!!" Killua chewed as he too stuffed his mouth with the pancakes, though his was obviously larger than mine.

It is currently 11 o'clock in the morning, and Killua and I are eating in a small càfe we found.

"We need to have food like this everyday!" Killua moaned as he chewed his food that seemed like it was going to over flow out of his mouth.

My nose scrunched up in slight disgust, but I realized I looked quite similar to how Killua was. Mouth full of food and probably covered in chocolate syrup and whipped cream.

I nodded my head eagerly but thought for a moment, swallowing, before shaking it.

"We'll get fat!" I laughed as I gulped down some milk I ordered, "Anyways this is a small reward to ourselves! We stayed up all night working, we deserve something!" I state and stuff some more pancakes into my mouth.

Killua nodded eagerly before swallowing, "I still can't believe we made four billion in a night!" The silvernette laughed as he sipped his warm milk, his slanted eyes watching me eat.

I stopped for a moment, pulling out the criminal wanted book from my pocket, "Yeah, but I don't think there's any criminals for us to catch in York Shin, except, you know the ones that are too strong for us," I coughed, "Phantom troupe," and finished my sentence with another cough.

Killua rolled his blue eyes while cutting a new piece of pancakes, "Well yeah, but did you see the look on Stephan's face, he couldn't believe we had to make four rounds in total to bring all the heads," my friend cackled as he continued to eat.

I nodded recalling the look of his face, a small giggle escaped my lips. It was quite amusing.

"Hey, hey! Nijika since we have so
much money can we buy-"

My lips turned down as I narrowed my blue eyes at Killua, "I'm not buying any choco-robo-kun with the money we made."

Immediately Killua started making a booing sound as he pouted childishly, "Aw come on! Ten or maybe a hundred box wouldn't matter!!!"

I scoffed and rubbed my temple with slight annoyance, a hundred? What the hell is this guy thinking? Obviously it'll matter!

"Come on~!! Niiiiijiiiiiiikaaaaaaaa!! Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty-"

"If you don't shut up," I growled placing my knife and fork down, "I'm not going to pay for your food!"

Killua and I stared to each other neither of us not breaking the gaze. I smirked and sent wind to Killua's face, making him blink in pain.

"I win," I giggled and picked my knife and fork up once again, and started to stuff my face.

My silver haired friend scowled, his eyes narrowed in annoyance, "You cheated!" He exclaimed as he slammed his hand that held the fork down onto the table.

"I still won," I childishly state as I take a big and final bite of my pancakes, "I'm not buying you any choco robo-kun's, the reason we made this much money was to help Gon buy the game! We can't waste it for our candy," I scold while chewing.

As I swallowed, I gulped down my tall glass of milk, sighing in satisfaction.

"You know there's no point of drinking the milk, you don't have to grow those any bigger." Killua stated as he eyed we with a mischievous look.

Eh... Grow those bigger....?

My eyes widen as I covered my chest with my arms, a blush painting my cheeks.

"I-Idiot! Where do you think you're looking!" I stuttered as glared at my friend, my face beet red, "Baka! What are you thinking! I wasn't drinking milk for that reason!"

Killua snickered as he pointed his fork at me while his face was rested in his propped elbow, "That wasn't what I saw, I really don't think you need it though, wait, but you could grow few inches taller."

My cheeks seemed to grow hotter if it's even possible as I scowled at Killua, "You're just few inches taller than me!"

The silver haired teen rolled his eyes, "Nah, I could place my chin on your head, that's more than few inches."

I bit my lips knowing he was right. He's is taller than me by a head....

"Oi, it's almost time to meet Gon and Leolio."

I frowned and pulled out my phone checking the time, "Eh, you're right, we should start heading over there...."

With my blue eyes I watched in amazement as Killua scarfed down the rest of his pancakes before drinking his orange juice in one gulp.



"YOU IDIOT!!!!" Killua and I screamed as we glared at Gon who was looking at us with his large brown eyes filled with fear.

"You left your hunters license to loan out money?" I groaned as I pinched the bridge of my nose, the headaches are coming...


Killua growled and smacked his fist on Gon's head.

"Ite! Killua!!!"

"Don't 'Ehehe' us! Are you an idiot?" Killua yelled, pointing a finger at Gon's face.

I turned my glare towards Leolio and pointed my finger at the older man, "And you! Why didn't you try to stop him!"

Leolio sweat dropped and raise his hand up in surrender, "H-Hey! Don't blame me!"

"But Killua! Nijika!" Gon whined showing us a thick book, "I got the 100 million and bought a catalogue!"

Killua and I shared a look before sighing. Jeez.... We really can't just leave him...

"Hah," I sighed and massaged my temple, "Alright, we need to go get your license back, let's go." I state as Killua and I exit the park.

Gon and Leolio give me an questioning look as they follow us.

"How are you going to pay them back?" Gon questioned as he walked beside me.

Killua threw his arms over his head as he walked between Gon and I.

"What do you think we were doing all night? We obviously were making money," Killua matter of factually stated as he waved Gon's question off.

Leolio caught up to us as he walked beside me, "So how much did you make?" Leolio suddenly grinned as he wiggled his eyebrows, "You guys were gone the whole night, you sure you guys didn't do anything inappro-"

I glared at the older man, my hands landing at the katana at my side, "Don't even think about finishing the sentence if you don't want your suit turning into shreds. I haven't had any practice with this baby yet, I can't assure you that the only thing I would be cutting is the suit," I threatened as I unsheathed a bit of the sharp weapon.

Leolio visibly gulped as he loosened the tie around his neck.


I nodded and sheathed the Katana while giving him an closed eye smile, "Apology accepted, anyways we made 4 billion."

Gon and Leolio both made a choking noise as they looked at Killua and I with disbelief.

"Suge! How did you two do that?!" Gon yelled with excitement.

Killua and I awkwardly made eye contact, speaking to each other silently, agreeing we weren't going to tell Gon.

"Eh~, that's a secret between Kilkua and I," I laughed and bumped my fist with Killua.

"Uh huh," Killua nodded in agreement, "Now I know how to make money to buy myself some Choco Robo-kun's."

The three of us sweat dropped at Killua's comment, obviously that's what he only thinks about.


"Well, since we got Gon's license back, mind you guys telling us what kind of information you got about the game?" I questioned as I played with the long silver strands of my wig.

Gon nodded enthusiastically as he opened the catalogue he bought, "So we now know that one copy will be sold each day on the 6th, 7th, and the 8th of September. On the 9th and 10th, during the afternoon, two copies will be sold everyday."

I nodded at the information, "And how much will the bid start for?"

"8.9 billion Jenis each."

I whistled, that's a lot of money.

"Well, we have a bit over or less of 8 billion right now, and we need to subtract 15 million for the information of the Ryodan right? I questioned as I looked at my bank account through my phone.

"Yeah," Gon agreed as he scratched his chin.

"Alright, we should begin by registering on the announcement site, and we'll just have to check back later..." I conclude, tucking my phone into the chest pocket of my dress.

The four of us walked through the crowded market while talking.

"We should use bait!" Gon declared as he raised his arm with a determine smile.

Leolio sweat dropped at the raven haired boy's blunt comment.

But Killua and I both nodded slightly with a thoughtful look, "Using bait isn't a bad idea but..." Killua muttered trailing off.

"Mmhm, even if we detailed our demand well, our main problem would be the number of bad and false information that we'll gain," I state as buy a peach from one of the stalls. Biting into the juicy fruit I continue, "Of course, we could get info that are unintentionally false because the judgement of the informant are always different."

I took another bite, wiping at the extra juice that dripped down my mouth.

"What you guys are saying are quite right... I think we'll have to find a way to sort out the replies we get... Depending on the place where the informant will affirm they have seen the Phantom Troupe, we can find the info concerning the places where the Troupe isn't on the net." Leolio stated, pushing his tinted glasses up his nose, "Plus, if we're time, 'I saw the Phantom Troupe in York Shin,' there's a very high chance it's true."

Killua frowned as he stuck his hands in his pants pocket in a bored manner, "Yeah, but we don't have any proof that the Troupe is still here..."

I nodded my head, growing annoyed by the long hair, "That's true but it's very likely they still are here," I pause as I move my hair to one side, "For the single simple reason that the mafia controls every circulation of the auction, whether by land, air, water, or even under ground," I explain to the three males who looked at me intently, "I can't believe they would succeed in leaving York Shin without being caught. So..."

I smirk as all four of us share a knowing look, "They're hiding somewhere in town...!" We chorus in excitement.

As the male chat excitedly together I frown in worry.

Sorata isn't going to be happy about this...

Too busy with my thoughts, I didn't notice how the scenery changed until Gon spoke out loud.

"What's this? There's paper stuck on a of the object!" The boy dressed in green exclaimed as he eyed toys with paper stuck to them.

Leolio smiled as he took a closer look at the papers, "We're in the tag bid market," he stated explaining to the three of us, "You write on the paper the price you're ready to pay for the object."

Leolio pointed at the paper that were filled with numbers that were crossed out, "When the times up, the person who proposed the highest price will win the object. Look!" Leolio pointed out one paper that was almost completely filled, "For the most wanted object the paper fills up quickly."

"Oh! It's true!" Gon exclaimed in amazement.

"Hm, so technically it's a auction and flea market rolled up together," I conclude as I look carefully at the objects.

We started to walk again but I stopped when a sharp looking knife caught my attention.

"Eh, Gon, Nijika?" Leolio muttered as he noticed both of us stopped.

My mouth opened slightly as I activated Gyo, looking at the knife in Gon's hand.

Oh! The aura.... I looked down at the katana at my waist, and the knife that was tucked in my socks... So similar... Must be a Ben's knife...

"Say, mister...." Gon muttered as he held the knife.

The man who was reading a book lifted his head up, "Yes? If you want to buy it, write your name down on the sheet."

I nodded my head before using my hand to make the boys lean closer to me, "Here, I'm giving you an advice, When you fight with an opponent that uses hidden aura, what do you do?"

"Hidden aura?" Leolio questioned as he and Gon tilted their head to the side.

I sighed and scratched my head, though I noticed a look of realization appear in Killua's eyes, "Ok, Gon, when you fought Hisoka, how did you see his Bungee Gum?"

"Ah! Gyo!"

I grinned and nodded, clapping my hands, "Good! Now... Try looking at the knife using gyo now..."

Leolio whined loudly, realizing he doesn't understand a single thing we were talking about.

Though both Gon and Killua gathered aura to their eyes and looked at the knife. Gon's mouth dropped open in surprise while Killua's eyes narrowed in confusion.

"It's letting off aura?"

"Huh?! Cool!"

I smirked and made Leolio lean forward so I could whisper to him, "You're pretty good at bargaining right? Can you do all you can to get that knife?"

Leolio smirked an gave me a thumbs up and walked forward.

"Say, we have to leave soon, so... Would you sell it to us right now?" Leolio questioned as he pointed at the knife.

"Huh?" The man questioned as he lifted his head up from his book once again, "There's no other buyers so... It depends on your proposition."

Leolio smirked and nonchalantly spoke, "Eh... You're knife looks a bit old, I'll give you 100 jenis for it!!"

My mouth opened in shock. Huh?! Obviously the man won't sell it for that low of a Jenny!

"No..! I won't give it for such a price!!"

Leolio sighed as he stood up, "Ah... Too bad," he muttered in disappointment, "Let's go guys."

As we started to walk the man stopped us with a yell, "Wait, how about 500 Jenis?"

Leolio turned around and lifted up three fingers, "300 Jenis."


I smirked and flipped the knife in my hand, I was definitely pleased.

"That's definitely an original," Killua spoke as he looked over my shoulder.

I nodded but frowned looking back at him in surprise, "You know about it?"

The male nodded as he gently took the knife out of my hand, eyeing the sharp blade with interest.

"Hey, what do you two mean?" Leolio questioned as Gon and him walked up to us.

"It's a Ben's knife." Killua and I both chorused. We shared a looked and giggled slightly.

Leolio had an disturbed look on his face while Gon was watching with a curious look, "Ben's Knife?"

I nodded my head and pulled out my own Ben's knife and Katana, "Benny Delon was a well known serial killer who lived around a hundred years ago," I started to explain.

Killua nodded as he took my katana and knife out of my hand examining it with Gyo, "He was an Sabre blacksmith. Each time he killed someone, he made a knife as a souvenir, and engraved a number on it." Killua continued my explanation as he looked at my katana in alight confusion.

Gon and Leolio nodded at both of us, ushering us to continue, "Well, he sold them in his shop exactly like the other knives. Pretty psycho man, after he was caught he wrote in his diary saying 'The cries and expression of my victim gives me inspiration!'"

I frowned at that and took my weapon away from Killua and looked at it.

Killua mirrored my look but lifted the newly bought knife up, letting it glimmer in the light, "Since its a work of a murderer, it's not easy to name it's value, but... On the other note, we'll have good luck finding an interesting collector, it's quite famous, but also well hidden."

"So..." Leolio smirked and look of greed appearing in his eyes, "What's your estimation?"

Killua shrugged his shoulders as he ran his finger on the sharp blade, drawing a drop of blood, "The value changes a lot depending on the number, but at least 5 million..."

Leolio jumped back in shock, his glasses skidding off of his nose, "WHAT?!"

Killua nodded before turning towards me, eyeing the weapon in my hand, "It's a different story for Nijika's two weapon. It's clearly engraved in both of the blades, number 287 and 288. And to add to the value Benny is know to only make sabre weapons, but one of them is a katana, a weapon he isn't known to make..." Killua paused as he made eye contact with me, "How did you get them? Because their Benny's last victim, they could go over a billion each."

I looked at the blade, unsheathing the katana, holding it in front of me.

"Did you know the last victims of him were two Kijime siblings?" I questioned as my eyes raced over the black and blue blade, "The old man who gave it to me told me they were on a mission to assassinate Delon, but was killed by him instead. Later the two's oldest brother, which is likely my great great grandpa or something caught Delon and threw the man in the hunter's association's jail."

"Oi, Killua how much do you think those two would sell for?" Leolio questioned as he eyed my weapon with money signs replacing his eyes.

I glared at the man and bared my teeth at him in anger.

No way in hell was I going to sell these, they are mine!

"The knife could be around a 70 million while the Katana...." Killua paused as he examined the black blade of the katana, "I don't know, it's definitely one of a kind because Delon isn't know to make swords, it could become a couple of billion if an extreme collector would want it."

Leolio's eyes shined as he clasped his hand together, "Let's sell it!"

I growled and unsheathed the katana and pointed at Leolio, "Shut it! There's no way I'm selling it, if you say something about selling it once again, I'm really going to cut up all of your suits!" I threatened as I made the tip of the blade touch his throat.

Killua and Gon sweat dropped, somewhat used to having me threaten Leolio.

"Anyways," Killua caught our attention holding the newly bought knife in his hand, "We found this because of Gyo, some aura was trapped in the blade. So we can search for rare items this way!"

My eyes widen slightly as I placed my thumb and index finger on my chin while nodding, "We can make money this way... By using Gyo we could find items that have aura in it, cause usually those are the rare items...."

All four of us grin at each other, leeway knowing what to do.

Leolio happily cracked his knuckles before grabbing his briefcase he placed on the floor, "Fine, in that case, since I can't help you three cause I have no knowledge of Gyo, I'll take charge on the info from the announcer site. If I feel like we have a serious info, I'll make sure to call you three."

I nodded and placed my knife back where it belonged and sheathed my Katana, "Alright, as for us, we'll go immediately to hunt down other rare object!"

Gon happily laughed as he high-fived the three of us, "Ok! Operation start! And Go!!!"


OK, chapter 41 is published.

Some of you might how noticed I didn't update when I got fifty comments and eighty votes.

It cause some people said they disliked how I did that.

So I decided not to that anymore. So... I'll just start randomly updating. I'll just update when I feel like it, so sadly it could be a day of waiting or maybe few months.

So, I apologize if you dislike my new decision. But I do not plan on changing it!

So! Anyways thank you all for reading and I hope you will continue to follow this story!!!

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