I AM GUMIHO (Completed)

By chocomint89

4.2K 134 10

We all know that Gumiho is considered bad by nature as a celestial fox spirit creature that appears in the ta... More

First Meeting Her
Have Babies with Her
Our Baby
TaeYeon's Charm
The Fox meets the Ice Princess
Fox At Work
Welcome Baby Cubs
Daddy Duty
Dumb TaeYeon
The Fox Wedding
The Foxy Ending

Baby Irene and Wendy

285 9 1
By chocomint89

"Do you have names for them?" Tiffany asked her lover when the twins were transferred on their mother's room and as a new parents they were overwhelmed by the presence of the newborn cubs.

"Names? Sorry, I can't think of one." TaeYeon sighed frustratedly since she's been a hard times learning everything in one go and looking for names of the baby was one of the difficulties, the celestial fox ever encountered.

"It's okay, don't be so hard on yourself." Tiffany rather worried about the fox well-being since adapting the human lifestyle were very hard for TaeYeon who only knows casting spells and fighting mythical creatures.

"I'm so sorry Tiffany." TaeYeon stutter before they both heard a soft whimpers from one of the twin baby cub on the crib beside their mother's bed.

"Aw, did you hear her? Look at her." Tiffany pointed at the bigger baby who yawns cutely like a little pup before she search for her milk, she softly whimpers and the mother signal TaeYeon to take the baby out from the crib.

"I'm scared, Tiffany." TaeYeon whine but the little cub loudly whimpering right now and it bother her twin sibling who started to wake up.

"You can do it Taetae." Tiffany cheer and encourage the father of the twin cubs while TaeYeon thought twice before she follows her instinct and carefully carry the whining baby on her arms before she gave it to Tiffany.

"Is it she's wonderful?" Marvelling over the little cub's beauty, Tiffany slowly breastfeed the baby and gladly feeds on her huge breast. TaeYeon innocently stare at the lucky cub who take the nipple inside her cute little mouth and continue to suck it like her life depends on it.

"So damn lucky." TaeYeon thought.

"Carry the other twin Taetae, I think she needs your heat as their father." TaeYeon oblige and take the other cub into her arms, the cute little one purrs like a cat and snuggle into her chest before she fell asleep.

"I think she loves to sleep." TaeYeon noticed how the other one immediately closes her eyes and not caring on her surroundings. She slowly sway the baby back and forth making the celestial fox stare at her lovingly.

"She already loves you." Tiffany warmly smile at the beautiful scene infront of her, she never thought that she will be having a family with a celestial being by an accident yet she's been grateful towards TaeYeon and sees it as a blessing instead.

"I love her too." The celestial fox glows giving her small energy inside her own cub so the little one would possessed her celestial power too.

"She's pretty like you, Tiffany." TaeYeon compliments her child as she looks at her carefully from soft little head to its cute little toes. They made them with love and she wonders what if Tiffany didn't find her that fateful day maybe she will be astray around the city until now.

"We need to get married." TaeYeon suggested because the celestial fox need to take her wife into a fox wedding once they're given a child by the Moon Goddess according to the urban legend or it will bring bad luck on them.

"If not, it will bring a bad luck on us." TaeYeon explained before Tiffany understood and slowly nod agreeing to what she says besides her human lover wanted to ask her regarding for making their relationship official.

"I'm so happy right now." Tiffany said out of nowhere while holding her baby in her arms looking at them makes her feels like heaven and she felt it as a motherhood.

"Thank you for giving me another foxes like me since I'm only the one who left from my tribes." TaeYeon said before she held her lover's hand filled with affection.

"You're my life now." The fox said.

"Thank you too Taetae." Tiffany held her hand tightly while they carrying their children on their arms giving them warmth.

"Irene and Wendy." Tiffany murmur.

"Huh?" TaeYeon tilted her head

"I will name them Irene and Wendy." Tiffany said while doting on her twin babies whose sleeping peacefully.

"It sound so wonderful." TaeYeon agree.

"This is Wendy." TaeYeon pointed at the baby she's carrying in her arms.

"Yours is Irene." Tiffany nods while looking at the sleeping baby Irene in her arms.

"She looks more like you Taetae." Tiffany happily said while gently touching the soft skin of Irene's chubby cheeks.

"I think Irene was more like you." TaeYeon looks carefully and noticed Irene's features was more like Tiffany.

"Wendy's features was mine." TaeYeon observe the baby's face in her arms.

"Irene is a mix of us both." TaeYeon nod.

"You should sleep too, Tiffany. I will be guarding all of you in your sleep." TaeYeon put Wendy into the crib followed by Irene whom she took from her lover's arms.

"Do you think they can transform themselves into a fox like you?" Tiffany curiously asked.

"Of course, they were my kids but they will learn it when the times come." TaeYeon answered confidently as she blankly stares at the twin cubs.

"Awesome, I will have more of my furballs inside the house and snuggle into all of you in to sleep. You know how your silver soft furs make me fell asleep." Tiffany talks from her experience when she snuggle into TaeYeon's silver fur.

*We will love it too." TaeYeon take her lover's hand on hers and silently hums to make Tiffany sleep.

"Stay beside me until I wake up." Tiffany pleads while snuggling into her lover's warmth who sat beside her spooning her like a small child.

"I will stay beside you." TaeYeon follows Tiffany into her deep slumber as the whole fox family have a goodnight sleep.

To be continued.

A/N: A fluffy chapter on their cute family's soft interaction ^^

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