2020-When Time Stood Still

By ZoZoBJones

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2020-When Time Stood Still Prologue
Chapter one: 2017 Europe
Chapter Two-Middle East 2020
Chapter Three-Kai
Chapter five-The New Normality
Chapter Six-Turkey Room 350
Chapter Seven-Ronnie
Chapter Eight-Shamsa
Chapter Nine-Nothing Is What It Seems
Chapter Ten-The Great escape
Chapter Eleven-It's a New Dawn...
Chapter Twelve-The House Of The Rising sun
Chapter Thirteen-Where Do We Go From Here?
Chapter Fourteen-The Last Supper
Chapter 15-The Visitors
Chapter 16-Alienation
Chapter 17-Noah's Ark-The Great Flood
Chapter 18-We'll Meet Again Some Sunny Day
Chapter 19-You Can Check Out Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave
Chapter 20-London, The Beginning Of The End
Epilogue-Francis' Letter Continued. The Final Stage
About The Author & Acknowledgments

Chapter four-The desert

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By ZoZoBJones

Chapter Four

The desert

He sat waiting in the foyer. He seemed to be shouting in Arabic at someone on the phone. One could never be quite certain if he were shouting angrily or was it just that commanding tone again?

He noticed me approaching and abruptly stopped the call.

"Good morning! I trust you slept well?" He greeted me with a bright smile instantly adopting a more jovial tone.

I smiled back. "Actually, yes thanks. In the end anyway with a little help from the mini bar."

He looked slightly surprised at this admission. "I thought you weren't a drinker?"

"I'm not generally. Very, very, rarely do I have any alcohol at home. I'm more a one glass of wine a week girl and the occasional two shots if it's a night out. That's my level of naughtiness and non- existent capacity to hold my booze. However, on occasions like last night, two small drinks did the job. And I was most thankful to be honest. I really did need my sleep."

"Well, that's what's important then. As long as you haven't got a hangover and you're not feeling queasy. Dune bashing isn't gonna be much fun if you are." He winked.

I was glad he seemed in a lighter mood today. I was still slightly dreading our conversation which was stupid really given this entire encounter between us had been my idea.

The morning went well, better than I'd expected.

I shrieked like a teenage girl as we drove at top speed over the dunes. His Wrangler jeep was a monster. I loved every moment of it: The wind in my hair, the music playing on the radio. My body being tossed from side to side as the vehicle almost flew from one dune to another, dangerously teetering on the edge at times, leaving me breathless with fear and anticipation.

"You want to go to the desert camp where the tourists go? It's pretty lame but it's funny. I think with your humor you'll appreciate it. I know the guy who runs it. We can just turn up." I agreed, content to keep the moment flowing.

It was as kitsch and amusing as he'd promised. We sat cross legged on floor cushions, sharing large juicy dates and drinking strong, sickly sweet tea. We were served an array of local delicacies. He offered me the shisha pipe which I declined. He sat smoking, staring thoughtfully at the tourists around us. A belly dancer was keeping the crowd entertained. The pulsating music and sensual moves of her voluptuous body transfixed the audience, particularly the male spectators.

I already knew by the expression on his face and body language that his mood was shifting into a state of introspection.

"It's kind of weird really, this curiosity we all possess, this curiosity of each other. How we travel to observe how others live, behave, eat, or entertain themselves. You know that child -like curiosity that most of us lose. Being a tourist is a bit like reconnecting with that inner child. Even some of the silly idiotic behavior."

He laughed drily as a blonde, red- faced male tourist clambered on the stage and attempted to gyrate with the belly dancer. He was sweating profusely in the desert heat despite the temperature gradually lowering. His partner was shrieking with delight, photographing the spectacle. He shook his head wryly. "Whatever floats your boat."

I smiled at his English. "You know you are pretty funny at times. You can tell you lived in the UK for a few years. Apart from your English being incredibly good, you've picked up some amusing expressions."

"Thank you for the compliment." He nodded. "Have you enjoyed the day? Was it a good enough distraction from the apocalypse that awaits?" I momentarily felt my mood slump.

"Well, it had been until you used the term, 'apocalypse.'"

"Sorry, my brutal honesty gets the better of me at times." He shrugged apologetically. He didn't sound sorry though. His voice was hard. "Poor bastards! They really have no idea."

"How do you know that? We are here too with them: A distraction from reality. There could well be others among us here too for a momentary release from the trauma in this world."

"True." He agreed. "I'm sorry for my harshness. I'm sure you understand. We share the same frustrations." He motioned for the shisha to be removed. He stood up, shaking off the sand from his clothes. He reached down to pull me up from the cushions. It seemed the day was over, our desert distraction. We were leaving behind the spectacle of the sweaty tourist and voluptuous dancer. Back to face the music.

We clambered into the jeep and sat quietly for a while, savoring the deep peace of the desert. Despite being so close to the camp, the noise and music seemed a distant echo as it carried softly on the warm breeze. "On a clear night the stars are incredible." He looked up above us. There were only a few stars visible at this early hour.

"I've always wanted to spend the night in the desert. Camp out."

He looked at me in surprise. "Why didn't you tell me that before? I would have arranged it. I haven't met many women that like camping nowadays. They prefer the comfort and luxury of a five -star hotel."

"I'm not all women." I retorted.

"I'm me. I love camping and always have. You've just been hanging with the wrong women. That's what happens when you're a wealthy successful businessman. You meet superficial women"

He laughed holding up his hands in a position of surrender. I was glad to have shifted the mood again.

"Can you stay away an extra night, could that be arranged? We could camp tomorrow. Let's enjoy the moment now. Tomorrow we can have the final discussion, in the middle of the desert. That will make things easier, soften the blow."

"Yes, my final night in the middle of the desert: Very appropriate. I agree."

I called the family as soon as I returned to the hotel. I was reassured that things were still relatively 'normal' and one more night away would be fine. If things shifted in the meantime, they would contact me immediately.

I attempted a conversation with my daughter. "Hi darling. How's it going?"

"Hi! Yeah. Ok. What else do you want?" The typical teenage forthright response. I laughed drily. Obviously, I was not being missed too much.

"How's stuff? How are you feeling?" I asked. "Yeah, fine. Just a bit of a cough but nothing much. We're ok. Watching lots of Netflix and eating comfort food. Pretending everything is normal." I could see her in my mind's eye, shrugging and pulling that face, faking nonchalance when deep down she was as shit scared as all of us despite her wise words at the resort.

"Ok babe, just carry on like that. I'm back tomorrow." I responded gently. I could almost hear her mental cogs whirring.

"So, what's he like then?'' Her tone was suddenly slightly chirpier. "Is he good looking? Is he rich? You know what we told you, no more poor, hippy Jesus look alike boyfriends. You're getting older, you need some comfort in your old age!"

My God, who was the parent here? "Jesus! I'm still in my 40's! I may not be in my 20's but I'm not quite ready for retirement yet. Anyway, it's not like that at all. This is business, or better said, survival. I'll tell you about him when I see you. Love you. Bye."

I hung up before she could continue with the interrogation. Besides, I wasn't quite sure myself what I was feeling right now and didn't need the mental probing from someone else.


The next morning, I stood outside the hotel at the agreed hour. The sky was hazy, the sun was absent, hidden behind invisible cloud. There was a strange eerie stillness in the air, that feeling of the calm before the storm.

I sensed a nervousness from both the guests and hotel employees. There seemed to be a sudden exodus going on. Taxis drawing up to whisk away the guests to who knows where? Home? Where was safety?

Suddenly the jeep screeched to a halt before me. He always insisted on making a dramatic entrance. He jumped down and greeted me somewhat abruptly. "Morning! Quick, jump in before I change my mind. Things are moving fast. I almost called to cancel but..." His voice trailed off. I jumped in hastily before he did change his mind. Perhaps this was foolish and irresponsible of me and him, but I sensed if I didn't spend these last hours with him now, I'd never get to know what he wanted to share with me.

He drove fast and slight carelessly, his mind obviously on other things. My mind too was miles away. Back to a time when this trip had filled me with huge excitement and anticipation. Spending times with my loved ones, preparing to start a new life, excited for the future.

His cell phone rang. He answered with one hand while steering with the other. I almost volunteered to hold the phone to his ear but decided it best not to interfere given the darkness of his mood.

He listened in silence and hung up, barely saying a word to whoever was on the other end.

Just as I was about to speak and break the uncomfortable silence, I became aware of a strange sound that I couldn't quite identify. I looked up and around me as did he. Then they came into view. A fleet of military helicopters flying back in the direction of the city. They looked dark and ominous.

"Oh Fuck!" He punched the steering wheel, making me jump nervously.

"I may as well tell you what I was just told. Besides all the other shit that's going down, I've just been warned of an imminent attack. Involving a country round here that begins with I." I looked at him in confusion, slightly puzzled at the way he was talking. Then he pointed at his phone wordlessly. Bugged?

Surely, they can only listen in when you're talking on the phone? I wasn't about to question anything right now.

He spotted a place to pull over and came to an abrupt halt. He motioned for me to leave my bag and phone in the Jeep. He did the same. We both jumped out and headed into the desert dunes. I was quite happy just to keep wandering into the great open, vast space, far away from the madness.

"Okay, let's stop here. Sit." He ordered me to sit as if I were his pet. If I weren't so alarmed at the turn of events, I'd have laughed or retorted rudely at least. Now however was the time to obey. I was in unknown territory. We both sat side by side, staring into the great beyond, the desolate beauty of the desert.

"My phone is tapped. I've known that for a while, hence most of my conversations are bullshit. Though I've been told that they've place a listening and tracking device to keep tabs on me at all times."

"What the fuck?" I was incredulous. "Jesus Christ! If I had known I was walking into a scene from a Bond film, maybe I would had thought twice about all this! How long have you known? Doesn't that mean that they could be suspicious about anyone in contact with you, including me?"

"Obviously! They probably tapped your phone. Hope you haven't got any sex-texts on there. Anyway, they're watching all of us" He laughed somewhat halfheartedly.

I had to rapidly gather my thoughts and do some deep breathing to get over the shock of what I was being told as things got stranger by the second."Can we just finally have this conversation once and for all? Let's just summarize what the fuck is going on here. One: We have a virus that is now declared a pandemic. A virus that started either in a wet market in Wuhan or in the lab in same city or in the USA which was then transported to China and either accidentally or purposely released.

Two: The way it spread was rather odd and made no sense. The closest cities and nations geographically barely seemed to have had that many cases if the news or so called official sources were to be believed yet all of a sudden, one of the nations, beginning with I ,by the way this is like playing fucking I spy, suddenly seems to be number 2 in the world! All this not long after apparently blowing a passenger jet out the sky in their own airspace, were condemned worldwide and were about to trigger World War 3 with Mr Trump. Why the hell were they suddenly struck down? Something to do with their trade agreements with China? What weakened their nation so suddenly above areas so much closer? Then Italy? What happened there, and obviously Japan and South Korea?

And then Spain worse than China, especially Madrid? The world knew back in December, well actually some knew in November, and they did nothing despite the warnings. Are you telling me the governments, apparently knowing how this virus worked, how it attacked the respiratory system, didn't consider stocking up on essential machinery, medication and masks?"

I stood up and begin stamping the sand in fury.

"All these innocent people dying. Elderly dying in care homes kept apart from their families who will never know the real truth. How painful is that to know your loved ones are dying or sick and they keep you apart? It's tragic and disgusting. I know we can't control everything in life but seriously! Some measures could have been taken.

Funny how Italy and Spain statistically have some of the lowest birth rates and longest living elderly. Funny how they were talking pensions, how they could not sustain them in the future, how there wouldn't be enough younger workers to maintain the pensions system. God! It's sounding like genocide or some kind of eugenics experiment, a clever virus that removes the weak and disposable, the non -essentials, then a vaccine will magically appear that will continue the job and sterilize the population!

That would be a good way to control numbers. It is said that nature is wise, but I get a bad feeling about all of this. They will choose who lives and who dies, what type of human they want to remain on the planet and how many. I've heard crazy figures, like around the 500 million mark. I know my explanation is far -fetched and simplistic but still..."

I was getting dark.

He echoed my thoughts. "Man, you're getting dark." He sighed heavily and looked down, rubbing his nose thoughtfully as he gazed at the grains of sand. "Though you're not the first person I've heard repeat those sentiments and I believe you won't be the last. The horrendous decisions the doctors and nurses on the front line are being forced to take, remember the orders come from above. These people are putting their own lives and sanity on the line. I can tell you for a fact that there is a lot of distress and dissent amongst doctors and nurses alike and in some countries they fear for their lives and freedom if they speak out about what they are seeing." I nodded sadly. I couldn't bear to be in their shoes.

"Though you do realize you are accusing the global governments of mass murder aka genocide right? Or at least compliance with a bigger agenda?

Though there is still the issue of climate catastrophe. You haven't got on to that yet."

Hmm, Yes, I was making some serious accusations, though they were in the middle of the desert to one man. I try not to think too much on that side of things, but would it be the first time a government had made sacrifices for 'the greater good?' Like the collateral damage I'd mentioned before. I decided to continue.

"You haven't even given me time to get on to the rest yet! Let me continue...

So, three: The economic crash, which was predicted by many, including myself, in 2017, has now well and truly started. Back then most of us didn't quite know how or what would be the big trigger. Now we do. There was talk of a complete economic overhaul, a restructuring of the entire economic and social system. Very conveniently blame a virus/pandemic so all governments and multinationals will be completely blameless themselves. Not like 2008 when all financial institutions were blamed alongside the massive real estate bubble and the governments for allowing it to happen. Now with a dangerous mixture of fear and ignorance, very few people will take the time to look behind the scenes. The government has our best interests at heart, they will declare, we will defeat this common enemy! We are at war!" I was almost shouting at this point.

He placed his hand on my shoulder, pressing gently.

"Calm down. I'm listening. My hearing is not yet impaired, but it will be if you don't stop shouting."

He then patted my hand kindly in a vain attempt to quieten me. My brain was racing. My thoughts were jumbled. I was aware that I wasn't being particularly articulate and actually I sounded completely mad and paranoid, but I had to express this and get it out of my head. Right now, here, in the desert with this man who seemed to not only believe me but understand me better than anyone else.

"You know something else? I heard that there are certain requirements in order to declare a global pandemic but once they meet them, important financial bail outs can be put into place. I know the situation is bad, but is it truly so critical as to be labeled a pandemic? You know when they talk about the Spanish flu of 1918 or whenever it started, comparing this to back then. Well, there's no comparison! People seem to forget the conditions of the time, the end of the first World War. Four years of hell! How many people were malnourished, living in squalor, gone through physical and mental hell and anguish? The situation would have been catastrophic, the ideal conditions for a virus to decimate them."

I sighed again.

"Is this bio-warfare? Is this their way to decimate the human population? You know how the world was never the same again after 9/11. Travel became hideously stressful, gone were the days when it was fun and peaceful. We are all treated like potential terrorists. But really, who were the terrorists all along?" I kicked some more sand.

"Wow, you really are going for it! I think you need to calm your brain a bit before you start on the alien theories," He paused and looked at me. "I was joking. Please don't..."

I shot him a dirty look.

"So, you were the one who said how can people believe in some omnipotent bearded bloke in the heavens but an intelligent race, somewhere else in the universe is hugely far -fetched?"

"Ok, ok I'm joking, I already told you I'm open to all possibilities!" He surrendered. "So now we've discussed infinite possibilities of what may or may not be going down, the existence or non- existence of God and the 'Virus'. Anything else you want to add? Let me guess, you want to give me those alien theories of yours in depth and you won't let me rest till I've listened"

I remained silent but my triumphant smile gave the game away. He sighed, accepting defeat. "Go on then, tell me."

"Well, when you've exhausted all other channels of fear and control, what's left? How about rocking 99% of the world's belief system to the core?

To be honest, I've spent most of my life investigating, researching. Nasa, aka never a straight answer, remaining silent or refuting claims while indirectly allowing footage to be released...

Looking at press from as far back as the 40's and 50's and earlier where they spoke openly about an alien threat and published photos of UFOs hovering above the White House. The general consensus of those who really rule aka 'The Cabal' , the Deep State or whatever you want to call it, seems to be that the human race are not ready or evolved enough to accept the reality of the existence of intelligent life forms other than ourselves, who, let's face it, are really not that intelligent."

He shot me a look. "Speak for yourself, don't throw me in with that 99%!"

"Well, actually I wasn't including you in that percentage, that was your conclusion. Anyway, the fear of mass suicides, civil unrest, there is a potential for that, I think. I used to think that fear was arrogant and unfounded however, while I don't believe for one moment that they have our best interests at heart, now that I see the huge fear and panic provoked by the virus I am beginning to question what would happen.

I mean, we're talking about waking up one day and finding out that your entire belief system, your concept of reality has been turned upside down. History, religion everything we've ever been taught may have been completely flawed not to mention a downright lie. It's like waking up one day and finding out your parents aren't really your parents; your entire identity is a lie. Now even for those of us who are free thinkers, and relatively mentally stable, it would still have an effect.

Even me, who would potentially cry with relief and welcome the extra- terrestrial beings with open arms, there would be a part of my mind that would be going into analytical overdrive." I paused for breath.

He jumped up and stretched. "Your mind is already in over analytical overdrive. How the hell do you ever have relationships? Do you ever shut up?" I gasped at his rudeness. He reached down to pull me up. I ignored him and sat like a petulant child, offended by his words.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it as an insult, I was being ironic and if the truth be told, I love being in your company. Even if you are quite annoying." Impossible for him to give a compliment without an insult, even if it was playful irony. I was learning his ways. And if the truth be told, I quite liked it, this constant playful sparring, it kept me on my toes.

I gestured for him to pull me up from the sand where I seemed to have sunk further down, unable to move easily. I momentarily imagined him losing his footing only to fall on top of me, like in one of those cheesy romance movies. We'd gaze into each other's eyes and...

Out of nowhere it seemed, a group of fighter jets flew over us at such speed that the boom seemed to explode around us, shattering the silence and disappearing as swiftly as they'd appeared, leaving an ominous ambience in their wake. He did pull me up from my seated position, but the moment had gone.

He rubbed his forehead, frowning with concern. "Fuck, this really is all getting out of control. I'm getting really nervous now." He pulled out a cigarette, and lit it taking a long drag, as if trying to pull as much oxygen into his lungs as possible. "Jesus, I could really do with a joint." Now that surprised me, I really didn't have him down as a dope smoker.

He registered my surprise. "What? Don't you think I need to disconnect sometimes too?"

"Of course!" I responded. "It just didn't seem your style. I thought you were more of a whiskey and cigar man." I laughed as I said it because the more, I got to know him the more I realized he was actually the opposite of many of my prejudgments.

A good lesson on wrongly judging someone: We're all guilty of doing it whether we like to admit it or not. I'm sure he had made judgements about me and my character while still knowing extraordinarily little about my life.

We started to head back in the direction of the vehicle. My mind was indeed exploding with an overload of information processing. I couldn't stop talking. "But what if world governments decide to create a threat that is not real by admitting to the existence of extra- terrestrials but fabricate a story of a dark and sinister threat, a fake alien invasion? Therefore, creating a common enemy that unites world government and military forces to ensure that we, the people cower in fear at home and obey the rules re martial law? Those who dare to disagree will be perceived as dissidents, enemies of the human- race and dealt with accordingly."

He stopped in his tracks and spun round to face me.

"Fuck! No one makes me swear as much as you do!

We've got enough to contend with right now without having to worry about your alien buddies as well! Let's deal with one threat at a time! Right now, there's military everywhere. God knows how we're going to get back into the city." He shook his head in disbelief. "How the bloody hell do you have the power to convince me to do such stupid things, like be here, right now, in the middle of the damn desert discussing aliens when the whole world is falling apart including my business!"

And then he did pull me towards him.

Well, let's face it, if the world is about to end, it's nice to have one last love story in your final days.

He looked down at me. "I think I'm beginning to love and hate you in equal measure." I ran my fingers through his hair and breathed in the scent of after shave combined with his natural scent. I found that far more sexy than any chemical perfume.

He rubbed his chin against mine, the bristle tickling my skin. He kissed me deeply and I responded in kind. Yeah, maybe it was cheesy but right now, surrounded by panic and fear, this feeling of powerful connection, such strong chemistry, was a very welcome distraction. Shame there would be no camping tonight...


The journey back to the city felt surreal to say the least. My feelings were mixed, ranging from ecstatic at the kiss and closeness, to absolute dread and fear at what awaited us. Whatever did await us would also inevitably spell separation for the two of us-each going our own way into a highly uncertain world where things were on the brink of global collapse.

We sat in easy contemplative silence for a while broken only when he put on the radio and began humming to the tune playing. I surprised him by breaking into singing.

"And if I say to you tomorrow, take my hand child come with me, to a castle I will take you where what's to be they say will be..." I smiled at his surprise and continued singing along, for a brief, few last minutes we could be carefree and happy.

"Catch the wind, see us spin, sail away, leave today, way up high in the sky. But the wind won't blow, you really shouldn't go, it only goes to show, that you will be mine by takin our time..."

He interrupted me, "So, you've surprised me again. A Led Zep fan I see. Once again you have gone up in my estimation." He smiled to himself and shook his head whilst continuing to hum along.

"What is and what should never be. A great track, yeah I'm a fan and likewise, you have now also gone up in my estimation as I did not have you down as a fan either." I retorted while looking out the window at the rapidly changing scenery.

We were brought back to the present as the song ended and the radio presenter made an announcement. "As reported on the previous newsflash, lockdown begins today from 9pm. A curfew will also be in place from 9pm to 9am seven days a week. To leave the house, you will need a permit which will be downloadable from the official government website. Only essential trips for food shopping, the pharmacy and dog walking are permitted as well as doctors and hospital visits with previous appointment only or to A&E.

The military have been called in to aid the police in enforcing these rules. All tourists who remain in the country will need to contact their airlines or booking agents immediately as airspace will be closed to all commercial flights in the coming 24 hours. Likewise, any nationals and residents who remain outside the country will be given a limited period to return over the next 72 hours. Thank you and stay safe."

We sat in stunned silence as a rather somber love song began to play only exacerbating our shock and sadness. He turned off the radio and pulled the vehicle over to the side of the road. He turned to me and took my hand. I was still shellshocked.

"So, we knew this was coming but I guess we were both naive to think we still had even a few days left of freedom. We literally only have minutes left to say goodbye then you must go and be with your family and arrange your flight out. Even if there was the possibility of staying here with them, which on the one hand would be safer than travelling across 3 countries, I wouldn't recommend you staying. I don't know how heavy things are going to get, I can only imagine." I was trying extremely hard not to cry though I could see he was also struggling to maintain a strong front. He too had loved ones, friends, a business. What would happen to us all?

"Really, please listen to me on this. There's so much at stake here. God knows how long it will be before they allow commercial airlines back in or anywhere for that matter. Choose very carefully where you want to be stranded, where you wish to quarantine."

The shock of the reality of what was going on hit me and I could no longer keep the tears from falling.

"I'm sorry I think the shock and worry has got to me. And obviously the thought of saying goodbye to you and no longer being able to melt your brain with my theories." I attempted to joke but it felt forced. He looked at me and began to speak but was interrupted by the sound of another vehicle approaching at high speed. He turned, looking back towards the road. "Shit! It's the military. Have you got ID on you?"

I fumbled in my bag. "Yes, I brought my passport just out of habit."

"Thank fuck for that. Just leave the speaking to me unless they ask you something directly."

The military landcover screeched to a halt beside us. Three soldiers jumped out, wielding machine guns. It was hard to remain calm and not be just a little overwhelmed by the situation. One of the soldiers spoke in a harsh tone, barking orders at the soldiers next to him. I turned to Kai not understanding the Arabic. "Get out the car with your hands above your head." He spoke quietly and urgently. Simultaneously we unbuckled our seat belts and opened the car door. A soldier stood either side of the vehicle with their guns pointed directly at us.

Kai turned to me and whispered, "Don't think about what you've left behind, the alchemist said to the boy as they began to ride across the sands of the desert. Everything is written in the soul of the world, and there it will remain forever." 

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