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By jikookeverafter

458K 15.4K 5.5K

"๐”๐ก-๐ˆ..." ๐‡๐ž ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐š๐ญ ๐š ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฌ๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐๐ฌ ๐›๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ฐ๐ก๐ž๐ง ๐ก๐ž ๐ฌ๐š๐ฐ ๐š๐ง๐จ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐จ... More

Little Introductions
Little Pilot
Little's Daddy
Little Research
Little Hurts๐Ÿ”ž
Little Shower Mistakes
Little Punishment๐Ÿ”ž
Little Boyfriend
Little Best Friends (lrr)
Little Disappointed
Little Horny๐Ÿ”ž
Little Mother
Little Heartbreak
Little First Day
Little Broken
Little New Beginnings
Little First Time๐Ÿ”ž
Little Exes๐Ÿ”ž
Little Forgiveness
Little Deceiving๏ฟผ
Little Threats
Little Arguments
Little Misses Daddy
Little Cuddles ๐Ÿ”ž
Little Make-ups and Break-ups ๐Ÿ”ž
Little Get To know
Little Safe Word๐Ÿ”ž
Little UnFair
Little Fights
Little Assist
Little Surprised๏ฟผ
Little Change of Plans
Little Over It๐Ÿ”ž
Little Big Lies
Little Understanding๐Ÿ”ž
Little Not My Boyfriend
Little Heat๐Ÿ”ž
Little Trust
Little Apologies
Little Bad Friend
Little Panick
Little Party
Little Disrespectful๐Ÿ”ž
Little Present
Little Sowwy
Little Confessions
Little Vistitors
Little Adorable
Little Cheater
Little Revealed
Little Date๐Ÿ”ž
Little Attitude
Little End In Sight
Little Planning
Little Dinner Date๐Ÿ”ž
Little Wedding Scare๐Ÿ”ž
Little Last Time

Little Unsolved Mysteries

3.7K 160 33
By jikookeverafter

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(an: thank you for being patient! entire chapter is Jimin POV)

Jimin POV


".....what are you doing here?" I asked because I had know idea Jisoo knew him.

"Oh Jimin! I'm here for the little party too! Jisoos boyfriend invited me." He responded and I just smiled and nodded. He's acting strange considering the last thing he said to me was that I was an asshole. We sat in pretty awkward silence until finally someone came up to us.

"And who might this be?" Lisa asked excitedly while practically eye fucking Minguk. I chuckled to myself at the boys flushed face.

"This is Minguk. And Minguk this is my friend Lisa." I introduced them and decided it would be better to leave them alone. They seemed to have a nice conversation going and I wouldn't want to be a third wheel. I made my way towards the other group of people with only one I knew.

"Hey Taehyung." I said lowly avoiding any possible chance of eye contact with him. I know he hates me but I was hoping he could be a little nicer. He didn't respond but I didn't think he would so I just sighed and walked away again.

I helped myself to a drink or two and sat alone in the corner of the room. I saw Jungkook talking to Jisoo and a few other people I don't recognize. Feeling like a burden I didn't really want to intrude on their conversation. I took a few more sips of my drink before escaping my corner.

I found myself wondering away from the function and down the side walk. It was breezy out and the weather reminded me of fall. It was the type of wind that stung a little when it was too cold. My gaze traveled from the color changing trees, to the beautiful stars that lit up the dark night sky.

I was just thinking about how romantic watching the stars with Jungkookie would be. How happy he'd be. How he would giggle at the shapes he thought they made. I smiled at the thought of being under the stars with my love. I miss him.

I continued my journey on the beige pavement for a while. I hadn't even noticed that thirty minutes had passed. I looked down at my phone to see I had a missed call from Jungkook.

I pressed on the contact and called him back quickly. He must be worried and I didn't even notice the call.

"Minnie?" He questioned.

"Hi Jungkookie! I miss you." I responded sweetly. Maybe it's the few drinks I had or my lack of sleep lately but I even sounded off to me.

"Baby where are you? I don't see you anywhere." He asked with concern lacing his tone. He thought I was at the party still. I sighed and put the phone away from my ear to look around. I soon realized I have absolutely no idea where I am.

"Don't know." I shrugged even though he can't actually see me. I heard him let out an annoyed groan on the other side of the line.

"Jimin please look around. Is there anything there that could help?" He said in a slightly more serious tone.

"Hmmm..... Jungkookie! There's a fire hydrant!" I yelled and he groaned again. I can't tell if he's more mad or worried.

"Are you mad daddy?" I asked cutely to which he didn't respond right away.

"Baby listen up. I know you're a little tipsy and daddy's not mad okay? Just tell me what's around you so I can come get you." He explained calmly and patiently. I put the phone down again and tried to look for anything helpful this time.

"Oo daddy there's a sign! Wa-wash Washing- Washington! Washington road daddy!" I yelled excitedly and jumped after finally getting the hard word.

"Okay! Good job cutie. Stay there. I'm coming to pick you up now." He sighed a heavy breath of what I'm guessing to be relief.

"But no drink and drive daddy!" I yelled into the phone as I clearly remember Jungkook drinking earlier. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to him or anyone else.

"I'm not driving sweetie. I called a cab I'll be there in 10." He said reassuring me. I couldn't be anymore relieved.

I ended the call on accident by hitting the button with my face. I just let it go since he'd be here in a few minutes anyways. My legs were getting a little tired and I had become slightly too drunk to stand for long so I sat. My feet on the road as my bottom sat on the sidewalk. I sat and waited patiently for my savior to save me. As always.

"Jimin?" A voice familiar yet not called from behind me. I didn't look towards the voice instead I just answered them.

"Yes this is Jimin." I respond as if it were a phone call with a giggle.

"Are you with anyone?" I was now curious. I had to know since they clearly knew me. I slowly turned my head towards the figure standing a few feet behind me.

"M-Min Yoongi." I stuttered and my face paled. I felt my bones begin to shake and hands begin to sweat.

"Jimin please calm down. I just want to talk." He tried reassuring me, but why should I believe anything he says.

"No! You don't get to tell me to calm down! You tried to rape me! And then you beat the shit out of me!" My sudden burst of confidence crumbled as soon as he took some steps in my direction.

"Jimin stop screaming." He looked around panicked that someone would hear our dispute. And I sure hope someone does because I don't feel safe. He reached a hand out to me making me flinch.

"I'm so sorry I promise I won't hurt you." He said in a soft voice. And I might be too drunk because I completed trusted his voice. I completely trusted him when he gave me every reason not to. He dragged me away from the road quickly.

"W-what are we doing?" I again don't feel safe. I was so far away from home. Not just my house but Jungkook. He's my home too.

"We need to talk. I want to apologize." He started and I looked around worriedly. Jungkook should arrive any minute. If he doesn't see me waiting for him he's going to freak out.

"Min Yoongi-" I tried and he shook his head.

"Just Yoongi is fine. My friends call me Yoongs." He said in a sweet tone but I can't get Jungkook out of my head.

"I would like to be nothing like those disgusting friends of yours." I spat and he sighed sadly.

"I did it for money. Mrs Jeon has been paying me ever since you started at SPDA and I couldn't refuse." He suddenly blurted out and I scoffed. Are you kidding, couldn't refuse? My blood started to boil up again.

"What do you fucking mean couldn't refuse? You could have easily shot that down. As a decent human being, anyone would have said no!" I yelled at him releasing all of my pent up anger.

"No Jimin you don't understand! I- My mom- she's in the hospital and I can't pay those bills. I'm doing everything I can to get this money. If I don't get the rest by the end of the month they'll release her and stop her treatments. She'll die. I'm so sorry Jimin but I couldn't refuse the offer." After hearing his entire explanation I felt bad. I felt bad for his mom and for him. I felt bad that he thought it had to come to this. I felt bad that that was the mother my fiancé grew up with.

"Hey hey it's okay. I-I f-forgive you." I muttered when I notice the tears falling from his eyes.

"Really?" He looked hopefully and to be honest I did forgive him. I couldn't predict what I'd do if my parents were alive and I had a chance at keeping them that way. I think I wouldn't do it any differently. So how can I be upset at him?

"-min. Jimin." Yoongi called while waving a hand infront of my face. I shook my head of my thoughts and focused on what he was saying.

"What sorry?" I said and he looked at me confused.

"Isn't that your boy toy?" He said plainly and pointed to the road. I followed the direction of his finger with my eyes to find Jungkook.

"Fiancé." I corrected him sassily and he laughed a little. He has this gummy smile. It's adorable.

"And yes that's him so I have to go." I told him and then we went separate ways.

"Daddy!" I yelled and jumped onto him hoping he'd catch me. He of course caught me with ease. He always does. He snuggled his head into my neck. I giggled at the feeling of his hair tickling my collarbone.

"Baby. Why did you wonder away like that? I was worried." He admitted and I thought it was so cute. He looked genuinely frighted and for some reason it made me happy. He really cares.

"Sorry daddy I was lonely." I pouted and to my surprise so did he.

"Why didn't you tell me? Baby we could have figured something out. Please don't ever go out tipsy like this without at least letting me know." He explained while peppering my face with tiny kisses. I giggled and he put me down.

"Home?" He asked and I nodded in agreement. I just need some sleep.


Jimin it was great being with you last night.

I read the message with a blank expression. I knew it. When Jungkook told me who M was I told him it couldn't be. He guessed it was his mother behind the annoying messages but I had my suspicion it wasn't. To which I'm indeed right.

Minguk. Is the only person that I spoke to besides everyone I already knew it couldn't be. It wouldn't make any sense though. He's seemed pretty fine to me. Literally no spec of suspicious anywhere near him.

I was lost. Who if not him? Then it hit me.

Min Yoongi. No. Right? He was so apologetic yesterday how could it be him? I saw him crying, I saw how genuine his tears were. What the fuck?

"Oh you're awake!" Jungkook exclaimed while walking into our room.

"Yeah, Morning." I responded not as thrilled as I usually am and I could tell it concerned him by his features.

"M." Was all I said after handing him my phone.

"Who were you with?" His tone was soft and worried not jealous. Not yet atleast.

"M-Minguk." I managed to stutter again after scolding myself so many times. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"So it's him. Minguk. I knew I didn't like tha-" He was about to start ranting about how bad of a guy Minguk was. Which isn't really true he is just persistent. And quite annoying sometimes but also very sweet.

"Jungkook-ah it could also be someone else." I said hesitantly. I know this is going to piss him off to another level. Hell he put this guy in jail for me.

"Who?" He questioned and raised one of his eyebrows. I found it quite funny when he did that. It lightened my mood slightly and gave me the confidence to finally speak up and just say it.

"Min Yoongi." I practically whispered and his eyes widened dramatically.

"Wait! You were with him last night? When? Why was he at the party?" He was asking a million questions and I couldn't really follow.

"Jungkook!" I finally interrupted his annoying questioning.

"Explain now please." He demanded in a gentle yet stern tone. It's the type of tone a parent uses when they're mad but not disappointed yet.

"A-after I called you last night. H-he found me on the s-side walk and wanted to t-talk." I admitted and I already saw his eyes close in frustration. He's trying so hard to keep his cool.

"He took me t-to a more secluded a-area once I agreed. We talked and he a-apologized." I continued to explain and he continued to get even more angry.

"He told me his reasons and I forgave h-him." I finished and he let out a deep sigh.

"Jimin. Do you know how dangerous that was? What if he hurt you? What if he took you? Jimin what if something happened to you?" He spat with anger and worry all throughout the words.

"I'm s-sorry Jungkook-Ah." I said softly. I'm not sure why he's so mad if I forgave him.

"I'm just worried Jimin. You scare me with how reckless and careless you can be. I just want you safe." He sighed again and hugged me tightly.

"I was talking to Tae too." I said hushed and he instantly pulled away with a shocked face.

"Really you talked?" He said eyes filled with hope. Unfortunately I have to crush it.

"Not really I tried and he ignored me." I huffed and rolled my eyes at how annoying Tae is.

"He hates me without reason." I huffed again and Jungkook laughed.

"You're not considering Tae in this right?" He chuckled but when he realized I wasn't laughing stopped.

"Wait seriously. You think Tae would do this? My bestfriend." Jungkook scoffed and looked away from me in disbelief.

"Don't start this 'bestfriend' thing again Kook-ah. We've been through this and just because he's your friend doesn't mean you can just cross him off the list." It's annoying how easily he protects his friends to me.

"But Jimin he wouldn't-"

"No." I cut him off firmly showing him I mean it when I say he's a suspect.

"Fine then I'll talk to him about it." He was clearly annoyed but I didn't care. Tae has never been nice to me and it wouldn't surprise me if he was behind this. But what doesn't make sense are what the messages say. That would imply he has a thing for me and that just doesn't seem right. Right?

Fuck this is so confusing and we aren't any closer than we were before.


Yeah yeah yeah. I know I said M would be revealed but there's some stuff that has to happen first. So sorry for the lateness please forgive me. Vote and Comment please! Thank you sm for reading, love you all!!! ✨

Who do you think M is?

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