His Obsession (COMPLETED)

Autorstwa WrittenByKalifa

254K 8.9K 2.2K

***WARNING: THIS STORY INCLUDES MATURE CONTENT AND VIOLENCE**** "They call it obsession, I prefer the word lo... Więcej

Chaper 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
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Chapter 15

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Autorstwa WrittenByKalifa

The next morning, Lamar decided to let Bianca go. Even though Bianca wanted to to go the police, she promised she wouldn't. She respected Amiyah's decision and hoped that she was right about him.

Amiyah did go to work today and so did Lamar. Bianca stayed home though, she wasn't feeling the best. Later that day, Amiyah got a second phone because she realized that Lamar may have his phone connected to hers and she went to Bianca's house.

"So, I didn't tell the police. What's your plan from here?", Bianca asked.

"I don't know. Find him some resources and get him some help", Amiyah said.

"Are you still dating him?", Bianca asked.

Amiyah was quiet.

"You can't date him, Amiyah. He is unstable", Bianca said.

"I know but if I break up with him he'll definitely be unstable", Amiyah said. "Besides...if you get to know his true side-"

Bianca cut Amiyah off. "His true side is fake. The one you've been talking to, kissing...is fake. It's built on the type of guys you like", Bianca said. "He's been studying you for god only knows how long"

Amiyah looked down. "Point is, it won't be that hard to play along because he doesn't act crazy toward me.", said Amiyah.

"You have a good heart and you've always had a good heart and I'm going to need to be careful", Bianca said.

Amiyah looked at her. "If it isn't his true side, then he's one hell of an actor", Amiyah said. "When we're together I still feel that he's that same guy from high school. Just older and...cuter"

Bianca sighed.

"But at the end of the day I just wanna help him", Amiyah said. "That's it. If things go good from there then so be it. He seems to be the only guy who won't play with my feelings or the only one who will man up"

"Man up? Are you talking about Dominic", Bianca asked.

Amiyah rolled her eyes. "No im not talking about him", she said.

"Yes you are", Bianca said.

Amiyah sighed. "It doesn't matter. At the end of the day he's still acting like a little scary ass boy who can't even admit that he at least likes someone", Amiyah said. "But if doesn't even matter because I tired of waiting for him. I'm in my mid 20s. I wanted to be married by now. I wanted to have my first child at this age at least. By the time he admits to something...ain't no telling how old I'll be or if he'll even still continue to have feeling for me"

"So... a guy that is literally crazy about you, is literally crazy and you want to fix him because you wanna start a family before you're 30?", Bianca said.

"That's not why", Amiyah said.

"All I'm saying is...life is a short but long process. When things happen, it should happen freely and not forced and I don't think that him basically forcing you to be with him is good for you or him. And you setting up different milestones for yourself and you can't complete them when you want to, you don't go out and force that either. Especially too fast" , Bianca said.

"I know", Amiyah said.

"Have you heard from him today?", Bianca asked.

"Yea. Almost every hour", Amiyah said as she looked down. "More frequent than before", she mumbled.

"Overbearing and the more you continue to show him attention and give him what he's wants, it isn't no telling how bad things can get", Bianca said.

Amiyah sighed.

"Just be safe", Bianca said. "Whether something is wrong with him mentally and he needs help, he's still dangerous"

Amiyah nods. "....but I'm going home", she said. "I just came to check on you", Amiyah said.

"I'll be okay", Bianca said.

Amiyah got up and walked to Bianca and bend over to hug her. "Love you", Amiyah said.

"Love you too", Bianca said.

Amiyah pulled away and left.

Amiyah's main reason for staying with Lamar was so nobody would get hurt. She thought that maybe if he gets some help that maybe he would let her leave him without any consequences.

Bianca picked up her phone and suddenly, somebody called her. It was Dominic so she answered.

"I bet if I was Amiyah calling you, you would've answered on the first ring and not wait hours after I called you twice", Bianca said.

"I was busy", Dominic said. "And second, just stop alright. I was wondering what she was talking about yesterday and I see she getting that shit from you"

"She ain't get nothing from me. She can tell", Bianca said.

"What do you want?", Dominic asked.

Bianca sighed. "...I'm going to tell you something but you have to promise not to tell anybody, including Amiyah and you have to promise not to do anything", Bianca said. "I'm just telling you think just incase something happens and you don't hear from us"

"What's going on?", Dominic asked as he got concerned.

Bianca begins telling him about Lamar.



Amiyah was at her house when Lamar decided to come over. She let him in and they stood in the living room for a moment.

"I just wanna say that I'm so sorry about what I did", Lamar said. "I didn't- I didn't mean to. I was just so scared that-"

"Shh", Amiyah said.

Lamar got quiet and looked at her.

"I don't wanna hear anything else", Amiyah said. "We are turning a new leaf"

Lamar looked down.

"But in order to do that, you need to listen to me", Amiyah said.

"Okay", Lamar said.

"I've been looking at some places, good places, where you can get therapy and I mean the best in the city", Amiyah said.

Lamar made a face. "No", Lamar said.

"Why not?", Amiyah asked.

"Just, no", Lamar said.

Amiyah got quiet as she looked down.

"It won't help", Lamar said. "All they do is prescribe you medicine...I don't like to take that medicine"

"Lamar, you need help", Amiyah said.

"Help? I don't need any help, Amiyah", Lamar said. "All I need is you. You complete me"

Lamar walked to Amiyah and touched her waist.

"You're all I ever wanted", Lamar said. "From your personality, your smile to your body"

Amiyah just looked at him. She didn't know what to say, she didn't even know how to feel. She just knew it was going to take some time to help him.

"I love you", Lamar said. "You don't have to say it back. I just want you to know that I love you and I'll do anything and everything for you"

Lamar began kissing her and Amiyah kissing back a little but it wasn't the same energy that he was giving. He then began kissing her neck and Amiyah began thinking about what she had gotten herself into, instead of paying attention to him her. It felt good though, it made her body warm up.

She did think that he was a good guy deep inside, but if he won't let her help him then she wasn't looking forward to the worst that could come. At this point, she just knew not to trigger his other side and everything would be okay. She still wanted to figure out a way for him to get help though.


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