Adventures Of The Gallavich F...

By Malec0914

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What happened after Ian and Mickey's honeymoon? After a doctor's visit Ian finds out he's pregnant with twin... More

Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8

Untitled Part 3

768 13 0
By Malec0914

A few months had passed, Ian was now 6 months pregnant with the twins and he showed it. He knew his job was stressful at times so he had gone on leave until after the babies were born. He also had stopped taking his bipolar meds for the duration of the pregnancy, he didn't wanna do anything to hurt his kids.

Mickey had always been protective of his husband, he grew more protective since he became pregnant. Nothing and he meant nothing would happen to his family. If he even caught a whiff of his father being around he'd take Terry out in a heartbeat.

Late one night Mickey was asleep, Ian couldn't sleep. He looked at his big stomach and rubbed it. The redhead smiled when he felt a kick. "You two are being very active tonight. Could you please settle down so Papa can sleep"

Turning Mickey blindly looked to see his husband. "What's wrong?"

"You're kids won't let me sleep"

"Why are they my kids?" He gave a small tease.

Ian gave a smile and a chuckle. "They're yours because it was you're dick that put them there. They're very active and won't let me sleep"

Putting a gentle hand on his husband's stomach he started to rub it. "Hey now you two, you've been quiet half of the day. Settle down so you're Papa can rest"

"I think they're hungry Mick"

Looking at the clock the clock flashed, 1:45 am, he sighed. The past few months Ian had gotten the most random and weirdest cravings at different times.

"What do they want tonight?"

"Chicken strips with ranch and peanut butter. And Mozzarella sticks. Oh onion rings as well"

"You best be fuckin' lucky I love you. You and you're weird ass cravings"

"You're the best husband ever"

"Yeah yeah"

Ian propped himself up, he hadn't told his husband but lately he'd been having dizzy spells, his hands and feet have been unusually swollen more than usual, he'd been getting more headaches, he'd get real short of breath. He shrugged it off as nothing. Most likely normal symptoms of pregnancy he thought.

He hated lying and hiding things but he didn't wanna worry his husband over nothing. If it was becoming something else then he'd tell him but for now he wouldn't.

After a few minutes Mickey had come back with his husband's food, he kept the ranch and peanut butter on the side. The redhead saw him coming back smiling.

"The best husband ever"

"Yeah yeah. Here's your food and you're dips. How the hell do you even eat that shit together?"

"You're kids let me eat it"

"When were you gonna tell me you got shit wrong with you?"

In the middle of eating an onion ring Ian had stopped. He found out. But how?

"I don't know what you mean Mick"

"Ian, don't start that shit. You've been getting sicker lately, hell you dam near passed out today, you've been getting headaches like crazy. Did you think I wasn't gonna find out?"

He had eaten a chicken strip with peanut butter. "I didn't wanna worry you if it was nothing. It was probably normal pregnancy symptoms"

"And what if it isn't then what? I don't wanna lose you Ian, I don't wanna lose you or these babies. You three mean everything to me"

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to worry if it wasn't anything"

"I'm always gonna worry about you Ian. For better for worse, in sickness and in health. And I'm always gonna worry about the babies now. We're both responsible for two human beings now"

After eating a cheese stick he leaned onto his husband. "I'm sorry. Next time I'll tell you. I didn't wanna worry you"

"When you go to the doctor tomorrow we'll tell them and see what they say"

"Alright" He ate an onion ring with peanut butter and ranch on it. "Want some?"

"I'm good, you eat that weird ass shit"

"You're missing out Mick"

"And I'm perfectly ok with it. As long as your eating and these two eat, you can have whatever the fuck you want"

A short time later Ian was finished eating and he curled up next to his husband, he laid on Mickey's bare chest and fell asleep. Mickey had held him protectively and held a protective hand on his husband's big stomach where their babies were, his babies. He only hoped he could protect them and keep them safe.

The following morning, the couple got up and ate breakfast, afterwards they showered and left out to make Ian's appointment on time. Ian was getting dressed and started to cry. Mickey was getting out of the shower when he heard his husband crying.

"Ian? Ian!" He ran to their room. He saw his husband on the bed crying. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I can't fit any of my clothes because I'm fucking fat" He sobbed. "None of my clothes fit and I look like a fat whale"

"You're not a fat whale and you're not fat. You're cute and very sexy. Now get your cute redhead ass dressed so we can go to the doctors"

"But nothing fits"

Mickey had muttered under his breath. He went to find his husband some bigger clothes. After searching he found some bigger sweat pants and a sweatshirt. Going back to their room he tossed the clothes to his husband.

"Here put these on"

Ian quickly changed, once he changed they headed to his appointment. Ian was sipping water while Mickey signed him in. Once he signed his husband in he went and sat next to him.

"Shouldn't be long"

"What do you think they are? Two boys? Two girls? Maybe one of each" Ian glanced between his husband and his growing stomach.

"I think two boys. What do you think?"

"Maybe two girls. Who knows maybe we'll get lucky and get one of each"

"If we end up with a girl, no dating till she's 30"


"Ok fine sorry. No dating till we're dead and buried"

The redhead chuckled. "You're gonna be hella fun if we have a daughter"

"Let a horny teenage weasle come to our door and see what he's met with"

"We weren't that bad"

Before Mickey could respond Ian was called back, they went back together. Ian sat on the table as Mickey sat next to him. A few minutes later the doctor had come in with a smile.

"Are you two ready to find out what you're having?" The doctor asked.

"We are" Ian gave a smile.

"First, how have you been feeling?"

"I've been getting a few bad headaches occasionally, the morning sickness has been bad a few times, I got some dizzy spells"

The doctor frowned. "I don't like the sounds of that. Let's do a few test"

That had caused Mickey to frown. "Is everything alright?"

"We'll just run some tests to be sure"

The doctor had taken the redhead's blood pressure, his blood pressure was higher than normal. "His blood pressure is higher than it should be"

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"With his blood pressure being high he could develop preeclampsia it could be fatal to him and the babies"

The couple had gotten frightened, Ian just held his husband's hand tightly. "Fatal how?"

"A number of things could happen. For now we monitor your blood pressure and if you feel any different come in straight away"

"I'll make sure he does," Mickey said, after finally getting his voice back.

"Let's check those babies"

Ian laid on the bed and lifted the shirt up, the doctor turned the machine on then squirted the cold gel on his stomach he put the wand on his stomach. She moved it around.

On the screen were two babies and they were moving around. Turning up the volume the couple was able to hear the heartbeats of their babies.

"And looks like two good looking babies"

"Mick," Ian said tearfully. "Those are our babies"

The dark haired man looked on with tears of his own as he held his husband's hand. "They're just like you. Strong. Stubborn. Fighters"

Ian smiled and squeezed his hand. "Do you know what they are?" He asked the doctor.

"Looks like Baby A is...come on..A little boy. And Baby B is a...little girl"

The couple had smiled. They were getting a little boy and a little girl. The doctor had printed the sonograms and gave them to the couple.

The couple had gone home, Mickey took his husband to rest and keep him away from anything that could raise his blood pressure. He tucked him in the bed and sat next to him for a moment. Ian was terrified.

"Ian, this ain't your fault. It's just something that happens" Mickey told him.

"What if I lose one of them or both of them?" Ian asked fearfully.

"You won't. I'll keep an eye on you the whole time. We got 3 months left before we meet these two"

"MJ and Nova"

"You sure you want a mini me running around?"

"I want a million mini yous running around" He teased.

Mickey chuckled. "How about we just stick with these two?"

"I'm ok with that. Thank you Mick"

"What for?"

"Giving me everything I could ever want. A loving and caring husband, two beautiful kids. We have a family now, me, you, MJ, Nova. We finally have our own little family"

"That we do now no more sappy shit, I get your hormonal and shit but no more sappy shit. Try and rest"

Ian laid close to his husband, he laid his head on his husband's chest. Mickey held him tight and protectively. The doctor's words are still in his head. Ian's blood pressure being high can be fatal to him and the babies. He wouldn't know what to do if he's forced to choose between the man he loves or his children.

He placed a protective hand on the big building stomach. "Hey you two, I'm your daddy. I'm always gonna love you two. MJ, you're gonna be named after me. My little boy is going to be just like me. Nova, my little girl. If any boy starts sniffing around I'll take care of them. Just don't tell your papa. He'd kill me. You two are our everything, we love you both so very much, we'll do anything for you. I'll be a better father than my own, I'll be ten times better than him. I can't wait to meet you both in a few months" Soon Mickey had fallen asleep with a protective hand on Ian's stomach. 

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