Sean & Kaycee: one shots

By Sean_kaycee1234

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One shots based on Sean & Kaycee. Just completely random plots. 🏆 #1 Sean #1 Baiken #1 Kaycee #1 Seanlew #2... More

°Love works in different ways°
°Back to You°
°Sliding in socks°
°Skating Rink°
°Letters part 2°
°Waiting for her°
°'Jokes'with Sean°
°Silent Treatment°
°Eyes For you°
°Eyes for you part 2°
°Eyes for you part 3°
°So glad I didn't listen to myself°
°Long distance°
°Soulmates part 2°
°Soulmates part 3°
°Creep part 2°
°Reincarnation part 2°
°Reincarnation part 3°
°Reincarnation part 4°
°Too late°
°Best present ever°
°Losing your job°
°Too late part 2°
°First kiss°
°Heart eyes°
°A mom in love°
°Mom in Love part 2°
°Library assistant °
°Just married°
°Leaves From the Vine°
°Popcorn part 2°
°Waiting for her part 2°
°Waiting for her part 3°
°Jokes with Sean part 2°
°Caffeine part 2°
°Waiting for her part 4°
°Smile part 2°
°Popcorn part 3°
°Popcorn part 4°
°Mom in Love: Pregnant°
°Roommates part 2°
°Caffeine part 3°
°Jokes with Sean part 3°
°Popcorn part 5°
°Smile part 3°
°Popcorn part 6°
°How To Love You°
°Enemies part 2°
°Roommates part 3°
°Camping...with friends°
°Just married part 2°
°Beauty and the Beast°
*Not an update*
°A love story beneath the stars°

°Will you?°

840 44 74
By Sean_kaycee1234

'Is everything set?' Sean asked, tired and exhausted as he brushed his fingers through his hair.

'Sean, Love. Everything's fine and set in place. It'll all go as planned' Laura comforted him, giving his shoulder a squeeze before a nurse had appeared in front of him.

'Sean Lew. Your girlfriend is going into labour. She'd has requested for your presence' the lady spoke kindly, knowing exactly of Sean's plans.

Sean nodded his head, sending Laura a quick 'thanks' before he rushed into the labour room where Kaycee was laying, blowing out heavy breaths on a bed.

The bed didn't look comfortable in anyway. Or maybe it was that Kaycee didn't look comfortable on it. I mean, she was trying to push a baby human out of her. But Sean never thought she looked more radiant. Her chest was rising and falling, eyes pressed shut and legs trembling with pain. 

 A doctor was beside he legs, instructing her and trying her best to calm the patient down as she spoke softly.

Sean ushered quickly to her side, taking her hand in his and giving it a squeeze to tell her that he was there. Kaycee eyes opened, smiling in relief before a contraction shot up her body and she pried her eyes shut.

When the labour began the pain was more intense than anything Kaycee had ever imagined. Nothing could be more brutal, not whips or chains. The room was only the bed and four walls, her helpers melting into the background as if they weren't even there. Is there anything more isolating than intense pain? Doesn't pain lock us in as effectively as any prison? 

 'Push again, that's prefect' the doctor said kindly.

'It's not that easy' Kaycee yelped, squeezing Sean's hand tightly, and he was for sure wondering who was feeling more pain, his hand or her body.

'We're nearly there. You're doing great' The doctor smiled.

Kaycee blew out breath after breath, sweat lining her forehead, and the pains of her cramps increasing rapidly.

'Nearly there, Kayc' Sean whispered, pushing back the strands of her hair that had managed to fall into her eyes. 'You got this, haze'.

Kaycee squeezed his hand tighter, his fingers losing feeling and touch as it went numb. 

The doctor was telling her that is was time, time to push. With a guttural grunt she did so and was told to stop, one was enough. She felt the baby crowning, the hot stretching of flesh and held her breath. Without any further effort the baby slid into the hands of the midwife. There was elation, a girl at last, and in seconds she was there, nascent eyes opening, mouth rooting for milk.

'Kayc' Sean sighed, pressing a kiss on to her forehead as he caught a glimpse of the baby in the doctors arms. 

The doctor approached Sean, cradling the baby in her arms before laying her comfortable on Kaycee's chest. 

'She's beautiful, Kayc' Sean whispered, directing her hands to hug around the baby.

Tears had glossed over her eyes, and they were freely streaming down as they landed other baby's head. It was as if only sunshine existed the world, as if all the earth was ushered into harmony. She looked into those new eyes, a new consciousness, perfect and reaching out for her love. In that instant she knew she would do anything to protect her child, that her love was as vast as the universe yet solid as rock. She was a mother and would always be.

'We'll just clean her up' The doctlr smile, picking the baby up.

The doctor winked at Sean, making a quick show with her hands of his surprise plan before she and Some of the other nurses left with the baby.

'You did it, haze' Sean leant down to her face. Kaycee's hand reached up to cup his cheeks, but fell weakly against his chest, gripping into the fabric of his t-shirt.

Kaycee said in a whisper. 'I want to see her'.

Sean nodded his head, pulling away and looking for the nurse.

'They're just going to clean her up and wrap her up warmly. She'll be here in a minute' The nurse explained, taking note of the date and time.

Kaycees limp fingers were still holding onto Sean's shirt, her heart beat slowly going back to normal. 'That wasn't so bad' Sean chuckled. 

Kaycees eyes popped open, an incredulous look plastered on her face. 'Not bad?! Not bad? Shut up, Lew' Kaycee scoffed, more than grateful that the pain was driving away.

'Here comes the baby' the doctor appeared at the doorway, the newborn baby now wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket. Sean immeditaely approached the older woman, taking the baby from her as he cooed at the sight.

Tufts of brown curly hair sticking up, lips parted slightly with a red shade to them. She was beautiful.

'She's gorgeous' Sean murmured, trying to hold back his tears. 'So beautiful'.

The nurses had elevated Kaycee's bed, helping her sit up straighter and in a more comfortable angle as she forced her eyes open and caught sight of Sean cradling the baby.

Mom at 19,  definitely something that not everyone gets to experience.

'Could I see her?' Kaycee croaked out. Sean eagerly nodded his head, carefully carrying the baby and laying it in Kaycee arms. He adjusted the bed duvet to cover her chest, pulling her hair back in a ponytail.

'What an angel' kaycee smiled, pecking the top of the baby's head.

'Sean and Kaycee? Your parents would like to come in' One of the nurses announced. Sean gestured to let them in, overwhelmed with the fact that he was a dad now. His girlfriend had just given birth. He couldn't believe it.

'Let's see her' Miya and Laura coed, running up to Kaycee and lightly shoving Sean to the side.

Brad and Cheuk followed closely behind them, as well as Devon, Kylie, Serris, Sarah and Bailey, all cooing at the sight.

Cheuk approached Sean, wrapping his arms around his son's shoulders. 'Now it's more important than ever to take care of her and your baby now' he explained.

Sean smiled understandingly. He would do everything he could to make Kaycee and his baby happy. Everything.

But now all that had to be done, was Sean's surprise plan. He nodded at Kylie, his sisters and the dads and mums as the plan went on operation.

'What's the baby wearing?' Kylie questioned, sitting by Kaycees legs.

Sean bit down on his fingernails nervously, sitting down beside Kaycee once Miya and Laura had moved to this side, with a knowing grin on the faces.

'It doesn't matter, Ky. She's just a baby' Kaycee giggled, one filled with exhaustion and content.

Sean internally groaned. Things never went smoothly around Kaycee Rice. 'Just check' Sean tried, laying a hand on her knee.

'Why does it matter? Look at how beautiful she is. I can't believe you're asking me to check what's she wearing?' Kaycee laughed, leaning her head onto Sean's shoulder.

'Just check it Kaycee, for goodness sake' Devon laughed, pulling out his phone and videoing her just like everyone else.

'I'm tired' she whispered into Sean's ear. Sean wanted nothing more than to let her relax and rest, giving birth to a baby then suddenly being bombarded with questions and requests wasn't easy. But he was so overwhelmed with joy and anxiety, it had to be done.

'Just quickly check, then I'll tell everyone to leave' Sean murmured, kissing the top of her head.

Kaycee nodded her head weakly, slowly pulling the blanket and revealing a white bodysuit. She hadn't realized at first what was happening, the video cameras did make her feel conscious, and the 'she hasn't realized' looks she was getting made her feel weird. 

'What's she wearing?' Serris piped up, behind a laugh.

'It's a white onesie-it says, 'mommy, will you marr-' Kaycee started, before a gasp left her lips and she slapped her hand over her mouth.

'What does it say?' Sean asked softly, biting the inside of his lip.

Kaycee turned back to her baby's outfit, re-reading the lettering on it to make sure she wasn't hallucainating. 'Mommy, will you marry daddy?' Kaycee whispered, her mouth hanging open.

The audience...well family member that had gathered were clapping their hands enthusiastically, all waiting for her answer.

'Will you?' Sean asked softly, tilting her chin to meet his eyes.

'Yes, yes' Kaycee smiled, turning to Sean and hiding her face in his chest. 

'I love you' he murmured, embracing her fully while being careful about the baby in her arms. 'And I'm so happy I finally get to call you mine'.




QOTD: ARE YOU A MORNING OR NIGHT OWL? I'm for sure a night owl!





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