(Killua x reader) boyfriend/h...

By Tlhtzrr

26.3K 499 744

a young girl called (Y/N) who escapes her orphanage due to her miserable life there, meets a young cute hands... More

When you both met Ep: 1
When you get to know each other better Ep: 2
When he blushes Ep: 3
When he realizes... Ep: 4
When you confess and first kiss Ep: 5
When you and him go on a date Ep: 6
When you and him text Ep: 7
When he kisses your cheek Ep: 8
When he's jealous Ep: 9
When you and him cuddle Ep: 10
When he gives you nicknames Ep: 11
When you both tickle each other Ep: 12
When he does the kabedon (1k reads special) Ep: 13
When you and him had a fight Ep: 14
Halloween carnival (Halloween special) Ep: 16
When you're jealous (3k reads special) Ep: 17
When He Has a Nightmare (100+ votes special) Ep: 18
When You Steal a Kiss Ep: 19
When he steals a kiss Ep: 20

When you and him makeup Ep: 15

1K 19 32
By Tlhtzrr

(A/N): Wazzup readers! Here's the new chapter y'all have been waiting for. Sorry again for taking  forever in doing this! By the way, in this scenario you're in the tour bus that Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio took to reach the zoldyck's estate. Idk who made this amazing piece of art but I got it from Pinterest, link: https://pin.it/6Iz8yxQ. plz do inform me if ya know who made it so I could mention them here. Arigatou! UwU


Gon's pov

"Um...excuse me sir, can I sit there?" I asked the person sitting next to (Y/N)- Chan politely.
She looks uncomfortable with the guy beside her, I wonder why? She is wearing her hood, hands on her chin, and looking down. It's like she's trying to hide her face from him.

That's why I wanted to help, maybe she feels comfortable if she's with someone she knows rather than any other stranger, I mean everybody does!

" why? Get lost kid." Agh! So he isn't moving. "Hey jack, get your but here! I think you've mistaken. I don't think that's her" someone butted in, who seems to be friends with the man sitting next to (Y/N)-Chan.

"Agh, whatever" the man got up and idly walked to his friend. "Hey, is everything ok?" I asked (Y/N)-Chan.
" yeah, Gon I'm fine" she replied.
"You sure? You don't look fine to me! We're best friends (Y/N)-Chan! You can talk to me about anything, anytime ya know"
"*sigh* ok...you know the person......who was just sitting next to me, he is one of THEM! I knew they were going to find me sooner or later"
" oh....oh no...one of them! Oooooh that explains why you were trying to hide yourself!"
When she said them, I immediately understood what she meant. She means the folks from her orphanage! She told me about that before.
"Don't worry (Y/N)-Chan! I'll make sure that no one recognizes you..you're in safe hands"
"Yeah....thanks Gon" she said sadly. But why? Why is she sad?
"Um...what's wrong?"
"It's....it's killua...I-I feel so lonely without him, I feel...empty. I just.......miss him so much! I miss his sweet compliments, his hugs, his choco-robot time *giggles*, his fluffy hair, him getting flustered on small things (which is so freakin cute), a-and his k-kisses...."

" *grasps your hand* (Y/N)-Chan, I..I'm sure he misses you too! After all, we are here right now in this bus to get him. Every movement this bus takes is us getting closer to killua! So please don't feel down, we are going to get him in no time!"

"We are? Yeah, We are! Thanks Gon, *hugs in friendly way* you're the best" wow she really cheers up quickly.

A-ah she's hugging me (//∇//). If killua was here I'd be dead! I don't know why I feel very different when (Y/N)-Chan and I are alone together. What's wrong with me? Do I like her? *gasp* no it can't be! S-she's already taken.

I support her relationship with killua, but I won't deny that I'm a bit jealous..no I shouldn't be...AGH! Gon, you do not like her, you do not like her, you do not like-ahhh I like her. I like her smile, her cute laugh, her kindness, cheerfulness, her....her- NO I HAVE TO STOP! THIS IS WRONG!

I'm gonna keep this to myself and ignore it, until it goes away. I'm sure it will. It has to! Yeah hopefully it will.


Your pov

"LET ME SEE KILLUA, NOW!" I shouted at the lady in front of me, who claims to be killua's mother. After Gon and I gave that call to the butler, he told everything we said to killua's mother. I guess she told him to keep the boys out and take me in, alone. A group of butlers, that outnumbered us four, attacked us.

They tied me with chains, and took me in. The boys were busy fighting, so they couldn't save me on time. And now I'm sitting on this chair all tied up, and listening to what this old hag is saying. I'm so pissed from all the blabbering of this woman! I mean she is literally asking ME, her son's GIRLFRIEND, on how to torment her OWN son! Like, what the hell is wrong with her!?

"Please....take me to him....i-I'll do anything" I said weakly, giving up.I'm just tired from all this. "Eh, anything? Well~ I will let you see him, BUT you will still be chained up, AND no touching aloud. you're just going to watch him from outside the room. Sounds fair, doesn't it?" No it's not! But whatever...as long as I can see him, then i don't care.

She broke the chain off and brought another chain, but this time, it has a collar attached to it! She put the collar around my neck, but made it a bit tight, which is giving me a hard time breathing. She held the chain, and told me which directions I should take to reach my desired destination.

"We're here." The woman, who I just knew that her name is kikyo due to our chit chat we had while coming here, said. The room had a view window from the outside, so I could clearly see what's happening inside. *GASP!* OH NO! I-I can't look at this!

Killua's gaze shifted to me, and our eyes were locked together. I felt my heart throb, knowing that I can't do anything for saving killua. He was about to break off his chains, but then, I felt cold hands from the back of my neck, squeezing my neck. I gasped for air, and killua immediately went back to his position, not wanting his mother to kill me.

"*thud, thud,thud" I hear someone coming from the other side of the corridor. "Hello there" "oh, hello there father" "I think I already strictly prohibited you from calling me that." " awe, I know you're not my biological father, but still you are my father in law, I love to call you-" "whatever, just shut up".

He opened the door, and told killua to go meet his father. Killua easily broke his chains off, and came running towards me. "(Y/N)" he said while cupping my cheek and caressing it. "*slap* huh uhuh I think part of our deal was NO TOUCHING!" Kikyo slapped killua's hand away from my face.

"Shut up,woman!" "Kil~that's not a way to talk to your mother! And why does everybody wants me to shut up?" While his mother was talking, killua already broke the collar of my neck and carried me bridal style. "Hey! Come back here.....HEY STOP RIGHT THERE, KILLUA ZOLDYCK!" Kikyo shouted.

Killua completely ignored her, and continued walking to his father's chamber. "Killua, it's ok I can walk you know" I mumbled. "No it's ok, really. Um....(Y/N), listen......I...I-I'm sorry for what I did to you back then, I was a total jerk! To be honest, I don't know what got into me that day....I just wasn't myself.." I cut him off by hugging him tightly, and of course he hugged back.

"Killua..I missed you so much! And I'm sorry too, making fun of your dream like that I-mmff" I blushed as he cut me off by a kiss right on my lips. "I forgive you already" "me too, killua" I said that while rubbing my cheek against his.


"We're here, can you come with me? I just...don't feel that it's safe for you to stay here. You're much safer with me." "Yeah, sure"

He put me down, and held my hand. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze and nodded, reassuring me that it's gonna be okay.

As we set foot on the chamber, I felt an irritating aura leaking out of somewhere. Oh come on! Is this family always like this!? Talk about psychopaths!

"Hello son. So we finally meet again,huh?" "Yes, father" wow they're so formal with each other! "And who is this young lady next to you?" "She is my...my partner" "your partner you say? Hmm....I suppose you forgot what Illumi and I taught you?" "But you.." "I what?" " nothing father"

"yes, I thought so. Now, have a seat, the both of you" he patted the seat next to him.

"So, son , what was the reason that made you proceed to flee from your own family?"
"I will answer you truthfully, father. I am not quite fond of you controlling my own future, for I thought I shall live my own life, and decide my own future. Trust me, nothing is going to change my mind, period."

"I'm dazzled son. I did not know you had that attitude in you. How fascinating. Very well then, I agree to what you think is best suitable with you, BUT, you have to promise me something in return." "Yes, father. What is it that you desire?" " what I want from you is very simple, do not betray your friends, and always take care of your partner."

"Of course, father" i saw them both bite their thumbs until blood came out, then they pressed their thumbs together. I guess that's how they make a promise. "If you break your promise, I'm afraid you will be forced to live here, and you will follow the marriage we arranged for you a long time ago." "Arranged marriage?" "Yes son. You will get married to one of the most beautiful women in the world, and she is also one of the finest assassins" WHAT THE HECK!? HELL NO! That will not happen, right?

"Her name is Yua. Wait, I think I have a photo of her in the assassins album. *flips pages* ah, there she is."

(Photo of yua, link: https://pin.it/3NRDBId)

OH MY GOD! Her beauty is TOXIC! I'm nothing compared to her. Any boy would fall for her just with a glimpse. I...I feel ugly right now. Yua is clearly more beautiful than I am. Any person will think that. Her body, her long golden-brown/caramel hair, her purple eyes, her everything, she's just........too perfect! Will...will killua-

"No! I do not want her as my future wife! I-If I w-were to choose, I-I'll immediately ch-choose (Y/N)" his face is red~ "Son, I do not know what you see special in your (Y/N), I mean, she's weak, does not have the 'breathtaking looks', is not an assassin-" ouch! That hurt. All that is SO true, except for the 'weak' part. I'm not that weak for my age! "AND,she was able to steal my heart" *gasp* killua (>////<). I.....I love this boy so much! my heart is throbbing from my love for him.

"Young lady, do you truly love my son? Because, I do not approve of you being my son's partner." "Yes, of course! I love him so much,sir. He's my everything!"

"I see. So you both truly are in love with each other, though you are still too young. Okay, you both can leave now. Remember son, never break your promise, and if you feel like you want to come back home, you are always welcome here. I still do not approve of what we discussed for the marriage, but I shall keep this matter for when you get older. Goodbye"

"Thank you father, and goodbye. *smile*. Come on (Y/N), let's go" "*nods* goodbye, sir."

Wooh, finally we are leaving this place! I still can't take Yua out of my mind. She.....she might steal away killua from me. She's very beautiful! And I feel like we are going to bump into her anytime soon. Agh, why is this happening!?

I'm really curious if killua finds her more beautiful than I am. I really want to ask him, but I'm really hesitant. I...I'll try asking him anyways.

"Umm....k-killua *fidgets fingers*" "hm?" "D-do.....do you....do you think that.....I...I-I look u-ugly?" Oh my god, I did it! RIP time for me.
"Huh? (Y/N), what nonsense are you talking about!? Of course you're beautiful! From the inside and out! BAAAAKA! Wait.....why are you telling me this? *gasp* is it because of that girl, Yua?" "U-umm....y-y-yes. I find her m-more beautiful than I-I am"

" well guess what? I think you're the most beautiful girl in the whole world. (Y/N) *cups cheek* I.....I only have eyes for you. Nothing can change that. Girl, you stole my eyes and heart! You...you're a professional thief! *pokes both your cheeks*" "killuaaa~*giggles*"

I don't know what I was thinking! Of course he thinks I'm beautiful. Besides, I trust killua. I'm sure he'll never ever cheat on me.

(A/N): DONE! *wipes sweat*. Wow, I took a very very long time to do this. I hope you enjoyed it. The next scenario is going to be a Halloween special, so stay tuned! I think I'm gonna make 2 more scenarios, then I'm gonna stop because exams are coming up and they'll take 2 weeks minimum, AGH! Question of the day: what do you think of Yua? Have a great day/night ahead of you and stay safe!


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