Motorcity Dreams

By Silenthilllz

542 13 11

Tales of my adventures in the wonderful underground city, Motorcity. More of my dreams featuring my OCs in th... More

The Nightmare
The Nightmare 2
Dream 1
Dream 2
Dream 3
Dream 4
Dream 5
Dream 6
Dream 7
Stray Sisters Part 1
Stray Sisters Part 2
Stray Sisters Part 3
Small Junior RP
Various Junior Prompts
RowdyBoyJunior RP2
RowdyBoyJunior RP3
RowdyBoyJunior RP4
RedVendetta RP
RedPonyLegs RP

RowdyBoyJunior RP

3 0 0
By Silenthilllz

Silent found herself back in the junkyards of Motorcity once again. It had been ages since she had been here. So she didn't know where anything was anymore, especially her old base and the Burners. So, she was walking around in her feline form with Code trailing above her in his raptor bird form.

"Damn bots." Junior said as he walked out of the kennel and slammed the door in frustration. He leaned against a steel wall, crossed his arms and and exhaled out of frustration. "Those metallic junk-tards don't understand concepts of human orders." He said to himself.

"Silent, I think we're lost. We've been wandering around for about three hours now, and I doubt your old base here." Code flapped slowly behind the purple cat. "Own up and ask for directions like normal person." Sadly he had no idea where he was because he hadn't been here before.

Silent stopped in front of a busted up building. "Code, I will not hesitate to agitate the mutated species around here so I can laugh at you running for your life." She slowly transformed back into her human form to finally ask for directions, heading towards the the Burners base.

Still in the posistion against the wall, he hears footsteps coming from around the corner, possibly from his other Mama's Boys. "Leave the me hell alone!" he shouted to oncoming person.

Silent jumped at the sudden yell. She tripped on all the broken equipment that was lying around. "FUCK!" She had rolled over to the other side of the lot and slammed up against some large equipment rather harshly. As a normal habit to being scared or surprised, her cat ears and tail popped out. "Oww..."

Code snickered at Silent. "Haha!! Serves you right. Told ya we shouldn't crawl around all this junk." He hovered right next to the girl before sensing another presence. He looked around to see a boy. "Hello"

Junior was alerted of a presence nearby. "Who the hell is here? Trespassing on our territory?" He shouted.

Silent jumped from the loud noise again so she tried to change back into her cat form but with all the junk on her, it didn't work. She sighed, "IM SORRY". She tried to pull herself out but failed. "Fucking hell. I'm stuck."

Code laughed as he transformed back into his human mode. Red hair and blue eyes. Jeans and a shirt. Tiny little black wings. He looked for the voice that scared Silent. "Yo whoever is there. We'll leave as soon as I can get Silent out from underneath the junk. Wanna help me?"

"Ugh, fine." Junior replied gruffly. He walks over to see what the commotion around the corner was about. He was surprised to see an oddly colored feline caught between some rusted junk. Even noticing another being helping the cat as well; they had odd appearance as well. It was definitely odd even if it's from this world. Despite these odd figures, he swiftly dashes to lift the junk off the cat finally releasing it free.

Silent scampered out and ran around the hick a few times. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" She purred, weaving herself around his legs a few times.

Code smiled in relief, "Looks like she's ok. Thanks dude. Sorry for going through your junk, Silent is confused as to where her old base was. Doesn't help that she doesn't remember where the Burners are either."

Junior was stunned by the cat talking, shaking his head in disbelief. "This fur ball can talk?" He asked, looking down to watch the cat weave back and forth between his legs.

Code let out a soft chuckle. "She can do more than that you know." He looked at Silent, "show this guy what else you can do."

Silent stopped what she was doing and looked at the boy, "I'm not a fur ball... I'm partially human." She transformed back into her human form. A light purple hoodie with a grey undershirt and some dark blue jeans along with some sandals that had seen better days. She giggled at the boy's shocked expression while sticking her tongue out, "See?"

Junior was at a loss for words by the transformation of the cat into into attractive girl. "Impossible?" He exclaimed. "Are you some kind of alien or something?" He asked with confusion.

"This is Motorcity. Nothing is impossible." Silent simply replied. "But I guess with some things I do; I could be considered an alien but no, I'm a demon cat."

Code grinned as he stood beside Silent.

"What?" He shouted. His eyes and mouth were wide open. He just couldn't figure out this person? Were they even considered a person? After being quiet for a while, he shook his head back into reality. "Okay, I know this city is full of freaks but this tops it all." He said, wondering if he by chance is still sleeping in his room and is having a bad dream. He pinched himself, and he was surprised when he indeed was in the waking world.

Silent glared at the boy. "That was rather rude. Just because I'm a demon doesn't mean I'm freak." She kicked at the scraps near her feet. "But the correct term you're looking for is monster. I'd rather be called a monster than a freak."

Code tried to stop snickering. Failed it. "Pftttt sorry Silent. First time I've met someone who's called you a freak for being a demon." He composed himself, looking at Silent. "I don't believe that letting him call you a monster is any better." He looked at the boy again, "Oh and I'm a demon avian. Names Code and the girl beside me is Silent."

The hick was still puzzled, he just couldn't wrap his mind around these unusual beings. If he wasn't dreaming, then was he under some hallucinations? Did his brothers drug him while he was asleep? But he shook his head back into reality. He then looked at Silent, he was bedazzled by her beauty, forgetting about what she explained who she was. 'She's very pretty.' He thought to himself.

Silent looked around the room for a bit before feeling someone watching her so she looked directly into the boy's eyes to catch him in the act. She smiled at him.

This made the boy look away before standing upright and walking right next to her. "I sorry for my utter rudeness, but did anyone ever tell you how out of this world you are? He asked passionately.

Silent blinked before realizing what he just said. She almost laughed, but that would have been really rude. "uh... Erm.." She was speechless as her face was engulfed in a red hue. "Code help me out here." She whispered.

Code wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, "You sure? You have been hit on in ages." He could feel Silent's glare on him, and so he relented. "Yo you might wanna stay away from Silent. When she's pissed, all hell breaks loose. And she's not very touchy feely."

Silent smacked Code, "You're making me sound like a wild animal!"

"Huh, I refuse to believe that a girl as sweet as you can unleash hell." He replied. "You seem like an innocent one." He added.

"Looks can be deceiving you know. I may look innocent, but I have my reasons. My past didn't help me at all." Silent replied, showing off the dark shadowy substance that was hovering in the palm of her hand. She felt Code nudged her side, "What?"

Code sighed, "Stop showing off to the boy. We have a new mission. We need to find a Garage wolf's nest in Motorcity it seems." He closed his phone and looked at the boy. "Hey, you seen any odd looking creatures around here? They need to be exterminated or someone could die."

"Woah!" The hick exclaimed. "Woo!" He added after stepping slightly away from the girl. "What, other creatures? There's more of you?" He asked them.

Silent eased off with her powers and replied, "Of course there are more demons and other supernatural beings. They exist everywhere even if you can't see them. We're just on a mission to eradicate some Noise."

Code laughed, "Relax dude, the creatures we're looking for look like animals, but they have tattoo looking body parts. Lemme get a picture of said Noise." He struggled to find a picture of the beast they were tracking. "Oh I found it."

The image was of a pale yellow wolf with its front legs and tail replaced with blue tattoo like forms.

Junior studied the picture thoroughly. "Wait, I think I might have seen those before." he admitted to the two.

Silent fist pumped the air in victory. "Finally we can find the nest and get some rest!" She was so jumpy. Some of her little lurkers appeared and hissed in agreement.

"What she means is that we haven't had sleep in 2 weeks so we're very irritated and drowsy." Code explained. He closed his phone, "Where did you see them at? Garage Wolves don't usually stray away from the pack unless it's for scouting issues."

Junior thought for second where he had those creatures. Then it hit him, "Oh yeah, the Duke has has been complaining about something shredding scraps in his junkyards all over Motorcity. They're also usually in really abysmal places in his yards and also devouring those mutant rats." He answered.

Code stretched out his arms, feeling his tiny wings on his back grow in size. "Thanks... Uh I don't think we ever got your name?" He flexed out his wings.

Silent froze. "Great it's the Duke of Detroit. Hope to God he doesn't remember me." She muttered to herself. She looked back to Code and the dude, "Mind showing us the way?"

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