Girl Meets Realization.

By shanti__xoxoxo

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For Maya, her friendship with Riley means the absolute world to her. She never hesitates to put Riley and her... More

Before Starting the Story.
Chapter One : Girl Meets Second Day of Senior Year.
Chapter Two: Girl Meets Rucas Argument.
Chapter Three: Girl Meets Getting Called Out.
Chapter Four : Girl Meets The Aftermath.
Chapter Five: Girl Meets A Sticky Situation.
Chapter Six: Girl Meets An Unwanted Surprise.
Chapter Seven: Girl Meets A Different Side To Lucas.
Chapter Eight: Girl Meets Round Two.
Chapter Nine: Girl Meets Confrontation.
Chapter Ten: Girl Meets Forgiveness.
Chapter Elven: Girl Meets Unwanted Memories.
Chapter Twelve: Girl Meets A Night Out.
Chapter Thirteen: Girl Meets Change.
Chapter Fourteen: Girl Meets An Unexpected Guest.
Chapted Fifteen: Girl Meets Missy.
Chapter Seventeen: Girl Meets An Unsuspected Night.
Chapter Eighteen: Girl Meets Confronting Old Friends.
Chapter Nineteen: Girl Meets Being Stuck In the Middle.
Chapter Twenty: Girl Meets An Early Christmas.
Chapter Twenty One: Girl Meets Another Party.
Chapter Twenty Two: Girl Meets Moments.
Chapter Twenty Three: Girl Meets A Mad Josh.
Chapter Twenty Four: Girl Meets A Kiss.
Chapter Twenty Five: Girl Meets The Hidden Truth.
Chapter Twenty Six: Girl Meets Lucas Finding Out.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Girl Meets Unexpected Confessions.
Chapter Twenty Eight: Girl Meets A Sleepover.
Chapter Twenty Nine: Girl Meets Our First Fight.
Chapter Thirty: Girl Meets Sleepover Part Two.
Chapter Thirty One: Girl Meets A Date.
Chapter Thirty Two: Girl Meets Another Day At School.
Chapter Thrity Three: Girl Meets Feeling Nervous.

Chapter Sixteen: Girl Meets Not Being Worthy.

267 10 6
By shanti__xoxoxo

Maya's POV:

It seems as though everything in time is moving in slow motion. As Huckleberry and I walk down the corridor side by side, the numerous amount of students walking by all start to blur to the point where I can't make out one person from the other.

I despise the fact that my heart starts to beat a mile a minute. The closer we get, the harder it gets for me to provide air for my lungs. My nerves are going off the walls and I can't help but feel more anxious with each passing second.

You're almost there Maya.

The realization of the inevitable, causes my palms to sweat. I know there's no avoiding this, I'm gonna have to face the music sooner or later. The only thing granting me some sort of comfort is the fact that I won't be doing this alone. I'll have a cowboy by my side through it all.

Almost as though Lucas is able to sense my uneasiness, his arm goes up and wraps itself around my shoulders. He makes sure to pull me in close to his side before leaning down to tell me something. His previous actions cause butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

"Don't sweat it Hart, everything well be fine. And worst case scenario we can just ditch for the rest of the day." He whispers into my hair and I can't help but feel somewhat surprised at his words.

"Woah there Hopalong, did you just suggest that we ditch school? I must really be doing a number on you." I smirk teasingly as Lucas laughs sarcastically at me in response.

"I guess I'm not the cowboy with a moral compass anymore." He looks down at me with a cocky smirk and takes his bottom lips in between his teeth.

I shake my head to get rid of the butting emotions stirring up inside of me. How am I supposed to suppress how I've been feeling when Lucas looks at me like that?

A look that is capable of turning me into complete mush.

"Mr. Friar can I speak to you for a minute?" Lucas quickly looks between me and the Principal that is calling him into his office.

"Stay here and wait for me. I'll be right back. I won't let you go in there by yourself." He does his best to comfort me and give my shoulder a reassuring squeeze before following our principal into his office.

I know it might seem like I'm making a big deal heading to the cafeteria, but it's gonna be the only time where Lucas and I are completely vulnerable. Not to mention we'd have to confront our entire friend group for the first time since everything has gone down last night.

"You do realize how pathetic you are, don't you Peaches?" I instantly look over at the person that I once knew. I never thought I'd ever hear Riley call me that name again, especially not in that context.

"I saw the little scene between the both of you this morning, the whole school did actually. Do you really think you could ever be with Lucas?" She adds on and I know better than to give into what she's saying. Riley wants a reaction from me, and there's no way I'm going to give her one.

"Do you really think he could love someone so broken and worthless?" I hate to admit how much her words really do hurt me. My heartaches at the fact that she really believes what she's saying.

Riley and her entire family have gone out of their way to always make me feel loved and taken care off. I guess it was all a lie. Every hug, ever time they were my source of comfort, it was never truly real.

"Lucas deserves better than some whore like you Maya. You won't ever be worthy of him. And you'll be completely alone when he decides to come running back to me." Feeling somewhat satisfied with herself, she smiles triumphantly before walking away.

I know if I let her words truly sink in then I'd be a complete and total mess. I can feel my eyes sting with tears but I quickly blink them away.

Maybe Riley is right? I've been so foolish in the way I've been feeling for Lucas. He won't ever feel the same way and even if he did I'm not what he deserves. He needs someone for stable and someone with less issues to say the least. Thinking that the two of us will bond and be closer than ever was a lie. I know sooner or later Lucas will leave me.

They all do.

I know better than to let Lucas meet with me when he's done in the office, so I make sure to leave before he can notice. I know I can't stay in this stupid building for the rest of the day, especially not with a determined Huckleberry trying to find me and with the wrath of my ex best friend.

I rush down the hallway and take out my phone before dialling a familiar number. I call the one person I know I can count on when it comes too distracting me from my overwhelming feelings...


I haven't even been by Nick's and Drew's for over an hour and a half and my voicemail is already full from messages by Lucas.

I know what I'm doing is wrong, but there's no way I can face him especially not with everything Riley said. A part of me knows what she's saying isn't the truth but a larger side can't help but wonder, will Lucas actually leave me too?

"Whose turn is it now?" I question trying to ignore my racing mind with the distraction being our game of never have I ever.

"It's mine!" Nick exclaims excitedly but he ponders on what to ask.

It was Josh's great idea to start playing this drinking game and I was never more grateful for a drinking game that also makes you expose yourself. I'm currently on my second cup of straight vodka but I'm making sure to only sip at it so I don't over drink.

"Never have I ever lied about someone I hooked up with." A slight blush starts to appear on my cheeks as I am the only person that drinks from that question.

"Let me just make it clear that "hookup" doesn't necessarily just mean sex." I say while looking at all of them being able to guess what they all must be thinking.

As the game goes on the more buzzed I start to feel from the alcohol I've been consuming. I know I'm not drunk but I am border line tipsy. I find myself consistently giggling and having less of a filter than I usually do. And I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good to loosen up a bit.

"Never have I ever had feelings for two people at once." As the words leave Drew's lips, I instantly feel dreadful and Josh's lingering gaze don't help that fact.

"I feel like all these questions are targeted at me." I groan before downing the rest of my drink.

"It isn't our fault you're a little wild Hart." Josh teases.

"Yet I'm the most innocent out of all you naughty boys." I chuckle and they join me.

"I'm going to grab myself another drink." I announce.

As I walk down the hall I can't help but admire the multiple picture frames that are hung up. My fingers trace the outline of them as I can't tear my eyes away from what the frames contain. Most of the photos consists of the twins and their family, mainly from when they were little. However, my graze is glued to one particular photo, it's a mini version of Lucas. I can't help but smile at the adorable picture before me. It's Huckleberry with a wide smile and a over sized cowboy hat on.

He looks so precious.

I finally find it within myself to leave the more than intriguing family photos and make my way to the kitchen to grab me a new drink. Just as I am pouring some soda in my cup to weaken the strong alcohol, I hear banging on the front door and someone going to open it.

"Where the hell is she!"

How the hell did he know I was here?

Almost immediately I freeze. I can't find it within myself to have the strength to move and show myself to him. My eyes are widen in shock and my heart instantly fell at the sound of his voice. I have been at the receiving end of his anger outburst, but never like this. I have a feeling it will be completely different this time.

I can vaguely hear who I presume is Nick talking down Lucas in his quest to find me. I can barely make out his reassuring words and I know better than to stay here and hide from him. That would only make things worse.

I drown my drink as fast as humanly possible, hoping to gain some liquid courage.

Here goes nothing...

Right as I walk out of the kitchen and make my presence known to Lucas, everyone becomes silent. I can feel eight pairs of eyes stuck on me as I dare to walk up closer to Nick and Huckleberry.

He looks down at me with such ferocity that causes my nerves to start growing. He's never had so much anger towards me. His fists are clenched at his sides and his nostrils are flared to no end. His chest is puffed out in an intimidating matter that is clearly working for him because that's exactly how I feel right now.

"C-can we talk in the other room please?" My tone is utterly weak as I am barely even able to uphold his eye contact.

Lucas doesn't respond to me so I take that as a yes. I walk to one of the twin's bedroom hoping that he is following ensuite. I take a seat on the bed as I let out a deep breath. There's no way I'm ready to face Lucas now but I know I don't have a choice in the matter.

When he walks in he makes sure to close the door behind him. He doesn't sit next to me on the bed, but rather leans against the closed door with his arms crossed over his chest.

A few silenced moments ago by before I speak.

"How did you find me?" He lets out a scruff in reply.

"That's seriously the first thing you say to me? How about some fucking answers Maya." I can't help but feel some disappointment within myself. I know it wasn't right of me to just ditch Lucas but I honestly didn't know what other option I had.

"I couldn't be there. Not after every-" And just like that I closed my mouth just as quick as I opened it.

Am I really ready to tell him everything Riley said to me?

Lucas looks over at me curiously, he comes over to me and stops when he is standing just before me. He looks down at me with an eyebrow raised clearly wanting to know what I'm keeping from him.

"After what?" His voice is deep with curiosity and anger still laced in his tone. His eyes defyingly glare into mine with such sharpness, that I begin to squirm under his stare.

"Lucas I'm sorry I just left. I know it wasn't the right thing to do but I just couldn't be there."  A slight pout appears on my lips as I feel tears prick my eyes. Straightaway, my head snaps in the other direction so I'm not under Huckleberry's direct glare.

"Hey." He calls out but I don't move. Lucas reaches out his hand and places it so it's cupping my chin. He turns my head so that I can face him once again, I bite on my bottom lip to stop the tears some spilling.

"You can trust me." As I look into his enthralling eyes I can't help but want to put all my trust into him, but then Riley's menacing words replay in my mind.

How am I supposed to know that Lucas won't leave me? That he won't choose her once he's all forgiven?

I shake my head clear of the pestering thoughts and I move to standup and put some distance between the both of us, leaving his touch on my skin. I can't do this, I'm not going to be vulnerable with him not knowing the outcome.

"I'm not doing this with you okay?" I let out a deep breath before running a hand through my untamed curls.

"Why the fuck am I not surprised?" Lucas mumbles under his breath. I try my best to walk out the room without having to address the words that just came out of his mouth.

But I know I'm just kidding myself...

"And what's that supposed to mean Ranger Rick?" I turn around to face him to see he's the one now seated on the comfy bed.

"It means exactly what I said. I'm not surprised. You don't like dealing with your emotions, you've been that way since I met you Hart. That's how I know you aren't dealing with it now." I wish I can say that he's wrong but I know he's not.

I'm not dealing with everything that's been going on the last couple of days. Instead I'm suppressing my feelings so I don't have to deal with the emotional turmoil set with it. If I were addressing all of it I know I wouldn't be okay.

At this point I rather pretend to be okay than actually not being it.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." My voice comes out more defensive than I would like to admit but it's obvious this topic is a sensitive one.

"Tell me what I said was crazy." He says before stand up and taking intimidating steps closer to me.

"Look me in the eye Maya." He eggs on while not stopping his further action.

"Tell me what I want to hear." He stops walking when we're only inches apart.

"Prove me wrong." He leans down so we are closer to eye level then before.

His eyes are staring into mine with such emotion that I find myself allowing all the buried emotions to resurface. Before I am able to stop it a single tear falls onto my cheek. Just as quickly I am taken into a consoling embrace.

I almost don't let myself relax under his familiar touch, remembering Riley's words. But in this moment I don't care if Lucas will leave me for her in the future or whatever else, because I know right now this is something that I needed.

"You won't leave me... right?" I know how pathetic I must sound right now but I can't help it. I need to hear his answer. I need to make sure Riley wasn't right, but most of all... I need reassurance.

"And what could ever make you think I would?" Though his tone is light, I know how seriously he is anticipating my answer.

"Just making sure." The steady beating of his chest causes mine to calm down. I let myself completely unwind in his arms, knowing I will get through this especially with him by my side.

"I wouldn't dream of it."


Just a little note, remember to be patient with Maya over the next few chapters she's going to be dealing with a lot of suppressed emotions‼️ You're going to see part of her journey is doing so...

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to comment and vote!🥰

- Shanti❤️

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