Face Value

بواسطة harrypanther

85.7K 3K 1.6K

Modern High School AU. Nerdy outcast Astrid Hofferson finds herself the centre of attention when word gets ar... المزيد

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 30- Epilogue

Part 29

1.5K 61 76
بواسطة harrypanther

A/N: Trigger warning for incidents of homophobic abuse and anti-disability sentiments expressed by fictional characters. These in no way represent the author's opinions.



"Ah-the losers table!" a smug and slightly slurred voice announced. As every head snapped up, Thuggory walked forward, his jacket and bow tie gone and top button of his shirt undone. He was gesturing with his glass that clearly didn't just contain a soft drink. "And look-it's loser central!" Eret, Moomin and Boarface walked alongside, their expressions unkind and very superior.

"Give it a rest, Thug," Hiccup told him in a weary voice. "We're just here, trying to enjoy our Prom."

"You shut your mouth, cripple!" Eret sneered.

"Yeah...oh, wait. Who was it who won that 800m race? Oh-it was Hiccup! And where did you all come?" Astrid asked them pointedly. Thuggory and Eret glared at her, taking a small pace towards her.

"Shut up, Nerdstrid!" Thuggory sneered.

"First-no one forced you to be here-your table is waaaay over there," she retorted. "And secondly, as I have just pointed out. You two are the losers, not Hiccup-or me, since we both beat you."

"In one race," Eret fumbled.

"Oh-did we mention every single class? Or grade average? Or overall class position? Even in terms of disciplinary record? So which metric do you want to use to prove your failure?' Astrid snapped, her eyes glittering.

"Popularity!" Thuggory hissed. Astrid gestured.

"These are my friends-people who when given a chance, chose me over your precious Atali," she said. "Chose us all. We chose to be who were are, not who Atali wanted us to be or some facade to satisfy her personal narrative. Who have you got on your table? The four of you-none of whom seem to have a girlfriend-Atali and her two Junior year wannabe hangers-on. How often do you meet up after school, go out together, hang out?" Thuggory chucked back his glass of definitely not non-alcoholic drink and glared at them.

"Why would I want to hang with you losers?" he sneered. "Three queers, one...Odin only knows what Ruff would count as...two cripples, two sluts and two nerds!"

There was a moment of absolute silence as everyone stared at the drunken student and then Hiccup rose to his feet.

"I think you need to apologise now," he said sternly. "And then get out of my sight." Thuggory laughed in his face.

"You know you don't scare me at all," the tall, dark-haired footballer sneered. "You're just a toothpick with a metal leg. A cripple!"

"I really don't like that word," Hiccup ground out through his teeth, the frustrations and slights of a year finally getting the better of him. "Snot was injured in an accident that will curtail his elite playing career but he will still function normally. He's just on crutches while his injuries heal! And I was hurt in a fire. I am an amputee-but I still beat you in a fair race. No head start. No handicap. Nothing. So which one of us is the cripple?"

"You're pathetic!" Thuggory slurred, stabbing a finger at him. Hiccup balled his fists.

"You know, you called me 90% of a person," he said evenly, his voice vibrating with anger. "But it only took 90% of Hiccup to beat 100% of Thuggory into the distance! So you tell me-who's pathetic now?"

"I thought we'd agreed on 95%," Astrid piped up, resting a hand on his fist, though she looked fit to kill as well.

"I kept 5% in reserve," Hiccup muttered. "Didn't need to even exert 100% of what I got to beat that ass."

"Oh-and a girl beat you as well, in case you forgot," the blonde told the Football Player angrily. "Level playing field. No fancy equipment or head start."

"Shut up, Nerdstrid!" Eret muttered. She looked over at them and smiled.

"Well strangely, people actually want to hear what I have to say," she told him sweetly. "Got interviews lined up with half the world's media in a few weeks. While you-not even your friends care what you're saying!"

"Don't like queers," Moomin mumbled, about three minutes behind everyone else. Snotlout glared at the pallid, bulky teen: he had never liked him but even he was shocked at the statement.

"I think you should maybe go home and let the grown ups talk,' he said evenly. The other boy had only really gained a place in the team after Snotlout's accident.

"Why?" Thuggory sneered. "He's right. Shouldn't be allowed out. Interfering with kids and coming onto normal..."

"Oh you are not finishing that sentence!" Ruff snapped.

"You seem to be unable to distinguish homosexuality from paedophilia-which are two totally different things," Heather growled.

"It's a common trope amongst homophobes," Fishlegs commented disparagingly. "Research shows that many paedophiles seem to prefer young girls by the way."

"And as for playing team sports...well, it's a distraction and makes proper men feel weird being ogled by..." Boarface interjected.

"Shouldn't be allowed to play Football," Moomin sneered, still staring at Justin who gave him an especially camp wave and a big smile. Dagur clenched his fists as Eret stiffened as well at the words.

"You realise my brother is gay?" Heather growled. "And he's got a Football Scholarship to Dragonia University. You know-the premier Football Programme in the Archipelago? And he explicitly stated his sexuality on the application so there could be no doubt."

"Quota filling," Thuggory sneered.

"Beat your ass in every game this year," Snotlout scoffed. Hiccup smiled.

"Is that why you don't actually have a girlfriend, Thug?" the auburn-haired teen asked him pointedly. "You've never had a girlfriend. You just hang around with Atali's gang and switch who you go out with at each event depending on what Atali says-unlike Snot who only dates Mindy and does date. Have you actually taken anyone out?"

"Nope," Heather put in promptly.

"Never took any of us out-ever," Mindy added.

"And never discussed any dates with us guys," Snot added.

"So is there something you aren't telling us?" Dagur asked him with a broad grin. "It's always so sad when someone is so repressed he can't acknowledge his true identity..."

"You shut your trap, you raving faggot!" Thuggory yelled and threw himself at Dagur...but before he could get more than a step forward, Eret grabbed him and shoved him back.

"Shut up," he snapped. The drunken teen glared at him.

"You siding with the freak show?" he scoffed. "I always knew there was something wrong with you..."

Eret punched him and he flew backwards, landing on his ass and skidding back a yard into the dancefloor. Principal Queen-who had been watching the tail end of the confrontation-walked forward.

"There should be a very good explanation why I should not eject the pair of you right now," she said in an icy voice. Surprisingly, Justin looked up and smiled at the Principal.

"I believe Eret just stepped in when Thug, Boarface and Moomin were subjecting one of the students here to a torrent of homophobic abuse," he said clearly. He shrugged. "To be honest, he insulted everyone here and pretty much everyone here was ready to hand him his ass. I think him lunging at Dagur was the last straw." The Principal's icy green eyes swept across the table, every student looking up into her face-except Tuffnut, who was finishing Ruffnut's pudding, having already eaten his own and Justin's. He looked up, a mildly confused expression on his face.

"What?" he mumbled, spraying crumbs on the tablecloth.

"Everyone except Tuff," Astrid amended.

"I think Eret may just have come out," Hiccup mumbled, watching the tall, dark-haired boy walk towards Dagur.

"And Thug is definitely drunk," Fishlegs added. Mr Throk walked up and shared a look with the Principal.

"I'm afraid your evening is over," he said the Thuggory, grabbing his arm and hauling him up. "I'm calling your parents to collect you. And you two as well..." he added, beckoning to Moomin and Boarface. Principal Queen glanced at Eret.

"I will be watching you for the remainder of the evening and I will see all of you, eight sharp, in my office on Monday," she told him. He nodded.

"Yes, Miss Queen," he said resignedly, then turned back to Dagur. Hiccup sat down, breathing hard and Astrid took his hand, a small smile lifting her lips.

"You know you were awesome?" she murmured, leaning close.

"I didn't really do anything," he mumbled.

"Not do anything? You were amazing," Snotlout butted in. He gestured. "You stood up for your team, you faced down the guy who has been on your back since the accident and you even defended me...which was totally unexpected. And I'm grateful...and proud." He caught up with Astrid's glare. "And I may just need to go to wash my hands..." He got up and headed off to the restrooms at speed as Eret slid into his seat and leaned close to Dagur, speaking in a low voice. Mindy moved to Heather's side and the two girls and Justin entered a lively conversation about everyone's fashions. Ruff, Tuff and Fishlegs sat back and finished any unattended meals and the cheese boards that arrived with biscuits and fruit. Coffee and mints was served and the servers collected the votes for the Prom King and Queen in the envelopes by everyone's place setting.

"You know, this is almost perfect," Astrid said as the music struck up, checking the programme. There were fifteen minutes until announcements and the music had started playing gently. Hiccup rose to his feet.

"Then let's try to make it perfect," he said and offered his hand. He gave a small bow. "Would Milady do me the honour of a dance?" She looked into his eyes, reading nothing but genuine affection there.

"You know no one else is dancing?" she asked him.

"They are all still picking the cheeseboards clean," he reminded her. "It's Berk. They eat until they lose consciousness, given the opportunity."

"Mostly," Astrid amended. "Though having a raucous good time comes a close second. You know it's Celine Dion again?"

"I don't care," he said. "Because I would be dancing with Astrid Hofferson and that means everything!" The sincerity in his tone melted her heart and she rose, taking his hand.

"You are the sappiest Viking in the entire Archipelago," she smiled as he pulled them into the middle of the dance floor, rested a gentle hand on her waist and stared into her eyes.

"The happiest, certainly," he sassed back. "And we better get in now because I know the twins will join in when they notice..." They swayed gently as Hiccup cautiously steered them round the room, leading them with more confidence.

"Have you been practicing?" she asked him with a smirk.

"I may have asked my Dad for lessons,' he confessed. "And he didn't at all institute a programme of nightly one hour ballroom dancing lessons. Nope. Not even slightly..."

"Oh my Thor," she muttered,

"And Gobber didn't at all help either," Hiccup added ironically. "Even though he couldn't dance even before he lost his limbs."

"Should I be worried?" Astrid asked.

"No-because it turns out my Dad can dance-and is a pretty good teacher," Hiccup confessed, raising his arm and twirling her around. "Who knew?"

"Do you ever think about her?" Astrid asked as he spun her around while the song built to its climax. He concentrated on his steps for a few seconds then sighed.

"Sometimes," he confessed as he pulled her close. "I sometimes wonder if she ever thinks about the little red-haired boy she left behind when she decided to bail on her family. I wonder if she ever considers coming home to see me. And I wonder if she's happy where she is."

She leaned in and kissed him gently, her lips capturing his and stopping his progress around the dance floor.

"Her loss in not knowing the amazing person you are," she told him, pulling back. She raised her hand to run it through the lightly messy auburn locks. "And maybe one day she will reach out-and at that time, you can decide what you want to do. But whatever you decide, I'm with you." He dropped his hands to her waist and kissed her again then pulled back and bowed.

"Thanks, Milady," he grinned as he became aware of clapping and whoops as all the students applauded their dance...except Atali and her minions. Instead, she stood up and cleared her throat, tapping her spoon against her glass until they shut up. Hiccup and Astrid resumed their seats.

"Everyone-shut up and go back to your seats!" she ordered as she glanced around the rooms. Students had migrated to different tables to chat with other friends and in response, people just grabbed chairs willy-nilly and sat down anywhere, causing the Queen Bee to scowl at them. "Right-so there has been voting during the meal for various prizes and here are the results." She looked over to Kari and Tora who had been given the task of collating the results while Atali held court to the girls on the next table who she deigned to visit and who she shared Art and Design Class with. Astrid thought they had looked incredibly bored and quite relieved when she had returned to her table.

"Most desirable male..." she began and then her eyes widened. "TUFFNUT THORSTON?"

"What?" Tuff asked, looking up. His sister slapped him across the back of the head.

"Pay attention muttonhead-you're apparently the most desirable male in the year!" Ruff hissed. He frowned.

"What? Are you sure?" he asked.

"Well, Atali is glaring at you like she wants to melt the flesh of your bones so I guess it's true," Heather pointed out.

"No...seriously...I'm not sure I'm the most desirable male out of us two..."

Heather and Ruff got up, grabbed his arms and carried him to Atali's table. Gritting her teeth, she handed him a small trophy which he held aloft as if he'd just won the World Cup. Then he began running round a lap of honour as Atali shook her head. She took a deep breath and read the next category.

"Most desirable female...Heather Oswaldson. What? Are you sure you've added these up right?" Heather walked up, high-fiving Ruff, Fishlegs, the returned Tuff and Astrid before she walked forward and collected her incredibly grudgingly handed over trophy. Then she turned to the room and bowed.

"Thanks, everyone!" she said and blew them a kiss then winked. Atali looked like she was about to vomit.

"Yeah yeah yeah," she sneered. "Okay-class Nerd...Fishlegs Ingerman..."

"YAY! I WON!" the husky boy shouted and leapt up, high-fiving his friends.

"This isn't supposed to be a desirable prize," Atali growled through gritted teeth.

"It is for Nerds!" Fishlegs announced as he lumbered up and made his way over. "I mean-look at the competition this year! Tuff, Hiccup, Astrid...even Heather could all win. I am just so honoured..." Atali practically threw the little trophy at him and huffed in annoyance.

"Most individual style... Justin De Brett and Raquel Thorston...now come on...there aren't meant to be ties..."

"I don't mind!" Ruff yelled, waving her arms in the air and almost losing her dress. Justin winked and walked up with her and somehow, they were handed a tiny trophy each. Hiccup and Astrid led the cheering as the awards went on. Dagur won 'fittest student', Snotlout won an award for 'most spectacular Prom invite' and Mindy for 'most loyal boy/girlfriend'. Neither Hiccup nor Astrid had won anything but neither minded as they sat pressed against one another, hand in hand. Tuff and Ruff were both filming Atali and this on its own had Astrid frowning. But Atali was grinning.

"And now, the highlight of the evening...the Prom King and Queen," she announced. "And this year, the winners are...Hiccup Haddock and Astrid Hofferson. NO! NO! NO!" She was screaming in rage. "NO! I am the most desirable and beautiful girl and I deserve to be Prom Queen! You wouldn't have Prom without me! And she shouldn't even be here! I made it so no one was allowed to sell her a ticket and she cheated to get in! It's not fair!"

By this point, everyone was staring at her as she completely melted down and glared at Astrid. Hiccup stood beside her and then glanced over at the furious Atali. Then he turned to the room, not failing to see his friends high-fiving and looking inordinately pleased. He silently vowed to work out how they had achieved this...later.

"Thank you all," he said, ignoring Atali. "I honestly didn't expect this-what with me being a one-legged auburn fishbone nerd. Though all Astrid needed was people to see the amazing person she is. She's smart, beautiful, determined, kind, brave and compassionate. And when she was given the chance, all of you were able to see it!" He glanced into Astrid's eyes and smiled before he looked back at the raging Atali. "But there is a problem here. And somehow, there are people in this year who measure their worth by bullying and denigrating other students. And whether you are Viking or not, boy or girl, sporty, nerdy, artistic, quiet, gay or straight or maybe fashionable or not...no one should validate themselves by causing another unhappiness. If your only sense of self-worth is because you can be cruel to another person, then your worth is pretty worthless. You should measure yourself by your own achievements and your own goals and try to be the best you can be-which includes the best person. Too many people in this year have spent too long bullying and isolating others. And in life, you will always find a bigger fish or meaner dog than you-so maybe being kind, decent and amiable will serve you better in life when being Queen Bee, Prom Queen or Football player have all faded into memory."

Then he leaned forward and kissed Astrid and she kissed him back, smiling.

"Let's hear it for Hiccup and Berk's own Valkyrie, Astrid!" Tuff yelled as the music started again and Hiccup led her onto the dance floor once more. This time 'Angels'-the original version-played and Hiccup gently rotated Astrid round, singing softly to her as they swayed. By the time the second verse was being sung, the floor was full and the couple were surrounded by the gang, paired off in various ways with Eret and Dagur holding hands and dancing, still talking in a low voice. Astrid nudged Hiccup.

"It looks like Dagur has got his happy ending after all," she commented as Dagur dipped Eret.

"Maybe Eret finally made a choice to be happy," he replied, his smile knowing. "I think most of us knew he was more interested in guys than girls but he needed to admit it to himself. And he was the only one who could make that decision."

"So what do we do now?" Astrid asked and he smiled, glancing around at the others, who were bouncing up and down at their sides. Tuff and Justin were doing a waltz and Fishlegs and Heather were dancing cautiously in a very small circle, though both were smiling.

"We enjoy Prom together with our friends and the rest of school and then...we decide what to do with the rest of our life," he suggested, lifting his arm and twirling her around. She giggled.

"You are getting very sassy," she told him, raising her arm and watching his duck to twirl under her hand.

"I'm thinking of changing my name to Sasscup..." he grinned.

"Oh, the horror!" she teased. "I prefer a Hiccup..." He leaned forward.

"Then Hiccup it shall be...your Majesty," he said with a wink. "I am your humble servant."

"You clown-you're my King," she reminded him.

"So what is it-clown or King?" he asked her with a sassy grin.

"Both," she said, glancing at their friends. "My clown King. My boyfriend. My Viking. Whatever you want." He smiled and leaned closer.

"Your boyfriend," he said. "The only title I want, Milady." She smiled.

"I think I like being a Valkyrie," she admitted and grinned. "And your girlfriend. Definitely your girlfriend." His emerald eyes were filled with a look of wonder.

"You know, in February, just three months ago, I was resigned to never getting a chance to ever speak to you, to apologise and tell you how much I admired and cared for you," he said honestly. "I guessed I had lost my chance-especially when Atali and her friends embraced you. You were awesome and beautiful and how could you want to speak to a one-legged loser when you had everyone wanting to be your friend?"

"But it was all for show," Astrid murmured. "No one wanted me, they just wanted my Uncle Finn. I was a trophy for Atali to show off...but the person who stepped up and actually was concerned for Astrid was...you. I never regretted choosing you at the Valentine's Dance-and I don't think I ever will." She stared into his eyes. "Given the choice between a hundred starry-eyed followers, a thousand well-wishers on social media or a handful of real friends and one Hiccup, there is only one choice."

"The followers?" he teased her. She punched his shoulder lightly and he groaned, clutching at the injury. "The pain." She lunged forward in a kiss, their lips locking as they halted, the dance swirling around them.

"That's for everything else," she murmured. He chuckled against her lips.

"It's been an interesting journey to get to here," he conceded. "Sometimes a bit painful too..." She rubbed his shoulder sympathetically.

"Sorry," she mumbled. But he was smiling.

"None of it was your fault, Astrid," he told her gently. "And I would go through it all again-twice-if I could end up here with you." She sighed and rested against him, tucking her head under his chin as he wrapped his arms around her.

"So sappy," she sighed.

"Your sap," he reminded her. "And now I have you. My beautiful fierce Valkyrie Astrid. And for as long as you want me, no matter how rocky life gets, I am with you. I am confident...we will be travelling the road ahead...together."

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