
By Kaasbroodje

6.7K 79 13

It's been one year since Gloria defeated Leon and became champion of the Galar region. Things seemed peaceful... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 16

260 6 1
By Kaasbroodje

Victor slipped on his shoes and slipped outside through his bedroom window when he heard the front door close. It has been a few days since they all sat together at the lab now. Currently it was a few minutes after midnight. With his Rotomphone in front of him he started to follow his twin sister as stealthy as possible. He was filming it so he had evidence of what he was going to see tonight. He was hiding behind a tree now, Gloria was standing at the entrance of the Slumbering Wealds now, looking around, clearly searching for someone. The red haired boy appeared from behind a tree. Victor clenched his fists. I knew it! He thought to himself. He had to show this evidence to Sonia as soon as possible. Yesterday Victor stayed a little bit longer to discuss things a bit more with the new professor and the former champion. Sonia had a rough time believing him that Cane couldn't be trusted since he helped her out with her research so much. Leon agreed that Gloria didn't feel like her usual self the past two days, so that felt like a relief for him.

''Are you ready for tonight? Make sure you get enough sleep champ... I don't want you to overwork yourself...'' The soft voice of Cane asked Gloria in a hushed tone.

Gloria smiled at him with a tilted head. ''Let's go. I want to explore a bit more tonight before we train.''

With a nod the young boy grabbed her hand and took her into the forest with him. When they were barely out of sight Victor started to follow him with his rotomphone floating in front of him. He was close enough to hear them talk but too far away to be seen especially in this thick fog.

''Sssh!'' Cane suddenly whispered.

The duo stood still, both looking around. Victor could see a faint red light coming closer and closer at them. He wanted to call out his twin sisters name to warn her, but she'd never trust him again if she found out he was following her behind her back. He could see the pink veins starting to glow on Gloria's body once again.

''Look out!'' Cane nearly shouted as he grabbed Gloria's neck to throw her along to the ground with him.

It was a Vibrava this time. The poor pokémon crashed into the ground, causing a large cloud of dust to rise up from the forest floor. It was even harder to see now. Victor squinted his eyes and searched for his sister. Was she okay? Cane shielded her from the attack... Maybe he wasn't guilty of his accusations after all? Victor shook his head. He was still taking her out in secret! There must be something more to this. He could finally see his sister rising up from the dust. It seemed that she'd let out Eternatus, which was floating loyally beside her. The gigantic pokémon turned around to stare right into Victor's eyes while Gloria rushed towards the wounded pokémon. Victor froze in panic. Eternatus knew he was here. He knew he was following them! It just kept staring at him, but somehow it felt rather reassuring than scary. Gloria was holding the fainted Vibrava in its arms now, showing it to Cane. The red haired boy fed the pokémon a berry and wrapped it up in a warm cloth.

''I'll take it to Sonia tomorrow. I'll say it attacked me on the way there.'' Gloria mumbled as she handed the Vibrava over to Cane.

Cane nodded and stretched out his free hand towards her for the young champion to grab it. ''You should do that. Come on now, we can't waste any time standing around.

Eternatus turned around and followed its trainer and her friend further into the woods. But instead of the usual route, which let to the altar, they took a different road. One that was even more crowded with plants. The fog kept getting thicker and thicker. It became harder every second to keep track with them. Even Eternatus's gigantic glowing body seemed invisible. He stopped walking and looked around. There was nothing or no one at all. His twin sister had completely disappeared into the mist now. He gritted his teeth and let out a groan. How could he lose her? He took a deep breath. Focus, Victor, focus! He had the evidence he needed now. She was indeed meeting up with Cane to train in secret. He had to show this footage to Sonia tomorrow. It was for the best if he'd try to search for the exit now.

''Rotomphone, thank you so much. Please save this video.'' The young boy said with a soft voice as the rotomphone flew back into his pocket. Victor turned around and headed back towards the entrance. He was going to confront his sister tomorrow.

Gloria shoved the chair against the table and cleaned up her dishes. She just finished breakfast along with her Pokémon team. Once she had cleaned up the table and put her pokémon back in their balls she walked back into her bedroom to grab her trusty old bag. On the bed was Vibrava, sleeping soundly in the blanket Cane had wrapped him up in yesterday night. They went to train once again, but she got attacked before she reached the hidden village. The young champion suddenly got an sudden wave of pain through out her whole body. The training she did with Cane was rough on her, but what Calyrex told them yesterday convinced her to train even harder then before. Her pokémon told her everything before hand already, but he also told her that he couldn't say what was going to happen. It simply wasn't how things worked, he explained to her. With an aching body the brunette girl gently picked up the wounded Vibrava. She suddenly got reminded to when they found Shinx. She grasped for her chest with her free hand. They've only been together for a few weeks, yet she missed him lots already. Maybe she could take her back home with her today while dropping off Vibrava. The girl took a deep breath and walked out of the front door. She was about to close it when she suddenly felt a warm hand on her shoulder.

''Gloria, wait!''

It was Victor. Gloria turned her head around to face her twin brother. His eyes were worriedly focussed on his sisters face.

''Where'd you get that Vibrava? Why is it wounded, and where are you going?'' He asked her with a frown.

''I found him this morning, I'm taking it to Sonia for-''

''Don't lie to me, Gloria. '' Victors voice was loud and cold.

They locked eyes for a few seconds. Gloria could sense that he had a lot of mixed emotions. Worry, sadness and madness. She took a step backwards but Victor grabbed her hand. Has he found out about yesterday? Did he see her sneak out? Did everyone else at the lab know it too? Is that why he arrived earlier, to tell everyone about it? Gloria's headaches started to get even worse the more she thought about it.

''What did you see?'' She softly whispered while looking down at the ground.

''I've seen you go into the slumbering wealds with Cane. The mist got too thick to follow you after a while, but I got enough footage to proof what I saw... Why are you meeting with him behind my back, Gloria? Don't you see that I just want to do what's best for you?'' Victor's voice was harsh at first, but in the last sentence it turned soft and kind.

Gloria jerked her hand away from Victors grip. Her heart felt as if it was breaking apart. What Cane said was true. Even Victor, the person she trusted most on this whole world betrayed her in her eyes. She was doing this to get stronger, so she wouldn't be seen as helpless anymore by everyone! She clenched her fist, but her body started to ache again. She let out a soft groan and turned back around.

''You don't know what I'm going through Victor. '' She spat out as she reached for a pokéball out of her pocket.

''That's why I'm trying to understand, let me help you!'' Victor said as he reached out his hand again to her.

''Leave me alone!'' Gloria loudly said.

Their mum was standing in the doorway too now. Her eyes were filled with worry as she looked at her children. ''Gloria, Victor. What's going on here?''

Victor and Gloria both remained silent, both facing the other way. The brown haired woman walked outside and tried to rest her hand on Gloria's head, but Gloria took another step forwards to avoid her mum's caring hand. She turned her head around with tears dripping down her face. She wanted to jump into her mothers arms more than everything right now, but her instinct told her to flee. Gloria stretched out her arms to hand over the wounded Vibrava to her mum, who accepted to pokémon with open arms.

''Mum, I'm going to need a week for myself. I'm tired from training too much... Please tell Leon I'm sorry and I'll contact him as soon as I'm back...'' The champion announced in a rough voice.

Her mum stayed quiet, but nodded in understanding. Victor stepped forwards, wanting to grab Gloria to take her back inside. Gloria threw the pokéball up in the air and Inteleon came jumping out elegantly.

''Gloria, wait!'' Victor called out to her.

But he was too late. Gloria started running on ahead. Inteleon used icebeam at the ground, creating a giant wall of ice in between them so it was hard to catch up on her. She was sprinting towards route 1 as fast as she could. Once she passed Hop's house she placed her starter pokémon back in its pokéball. She slowed down her pace and looked back for a second. She had just entered route 1 now. She could still see traces of the ice being melted away by one of Victor's pokémon from a distance. Gloria couldn't help but feel bad for both her Mum and Victor. With big steps Gloria decided to keep on walking. She was planning on going to the Crown Tundra now to get some rest for real. She'd let both Cane and her Mum know about her whereabouts once she arrived. It'd be for the best. Her quick pace slowed down each step due to the pain in her legs now. Every limb in her body hurt... Why was her body acting up like this? Was it really due to the training? She was nearing the entrance of Wedgehurst now, she could see the bridge in the distance already. With gritted teeth she grabbed unto the fence that was standing on the side of the road. She had to push through. Once she arrived at the Tundra she could rest as long as she wanted, without anyone worrying over her!

Thud thud thud.

She jerked her head around in panic when she heard a couple of footsteps running towards her. Was it Victor? Had he actually caught up with her? As she turned her head around she was reaching for her bag again to get out another one of her pokémon to chase him away if needed. Couldn't he see that she needed some time away from home?! Before she could see who it was she could feel two arms being wrapped around her waist. One of the hands was placed on her stomach and the other one on the hand that was reaching for her bag. A familiar, soothing scent took over her nostrils. Gloria immediately fell through her knees and started to tear up.

''Ssshh mate...'' Hop's kind voice softly said in her ear as he held her tightly.

Gloria could feel her heart beat loudly in her chest. Her mind wanted to jerk away from him and continue towards the train station, but her body was too weak now.

''It's okay now, come here.''

Hop turned Gloria around and hugged her tightly with his arms wrapped around her waist and his hands clenching her back tightly. She used the last bit of the strength she had left to cling onto his arms. She pressed her head against his chest and started to cry. The tears started rolling down her chest. The two friends both fell down on their knees, but Hop pulled Gloria even closer against him for comfort. The young boy moved his hand from her back to her head to stroke through her hair softly. After a minute or two Hop's Dubwool decided to join in and pressed himself against Gloria's flank too for comfort. After another few minutes of sobbing Gloria sniffed her nose and moved her head away from her best friend's chest. Hop smiled kindly at her and started to stroke the tears away from her cheek carefully.

''Victor has told you too now, hasn't he...'' She mumbled in between a few sobs.

''Yeah,'' Hop nodded with the same kind smile on his face as before,'' everything you must've been through... It must've been hard on you mate. Its nothing like you to act like this...''

It must've been hard on you... These words stung like a Beedrill right through her chest. She looked into Hop's piercing yellow eyes and could feel her eyes tear up once again. ''I'm sorry...'' She whimpered as she clenched his t-shirt between her hands.

''I am training with Cane in secret to become stronger...I just wanted all of you to view me as a depended champion! We both saved the region, we're the strongest trainers of Galar, yet I get treated as if I'm weak and vulnerable by everyone around me... '' She started pouring out her heart. ''Cane told me he wants to help me get stronger, for the sake of Eternatus and the world he said. But it hurts, it hurts so much... I feel as if my body really isn't strong enough to handle it...''

Hop stood up and stretched out his hand to her. Gloria grabbed it quietly and got pulled back on her two feet by him.

''I've never seen you as weak, or vulnerable, ya know? Nothing makes me prouder than thinking about what you achieved, and what we achieved together as a team.'' He said softly as he squeezed her hands softly. ''The Postwick dream-team, remember?''

Gloria let out a soft chuckle. With a smile on her face she looked at Hop's face again. ''Yes, I remember.''

Hop turned his body towards his house, but was still facing the champion. ''Come on mate. Let's go to my house, I bet you don't want to go back home yet, right?''

Gloria nodded. She didn't want to go home at all, but she did want to stay with Hop a bit longer. She wanted to tell him everything Cane told and showed her the past couple of days. They started to walk towards his house together now.

''Thank you...I'm sorry for letting you out on all this stuff...' Gloria softly said to Hop as she walked a little bit closer towards him, their shoulders pressing together now as they were setting off, back to Postwick.

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