By BethImagines

221K 6.9K 2.7K

๐Ÿ’ขThis is dark romance.๐Ÿ’ข Reader's discretion is highly advised. *** "Stop crying Geneva." His eyes held hers... More



12.2K 363 238
By BethImagines


Geneva's eyelids flattered open and she  spotted Marcelo in front of her by the foot of the bed fastening his belt.

Her gaze stayed on him. And as  though he already knew she were awake, Geneva spotted the sides of his lips stretch into a smirk before he turned and faced her.

Unable to hold his piercing gaze, she looked away first. Vividly remembering that she was the one left unable to move beneath him. Her loud moans  had turned soundless,  her vocals had made their due for the day and she went to sleep in both fright and respect at Marcelo's stamina and his manhood that kept at it after climax.

Her eyes shifted and landed on Marcelo  when he sat down on the bed  besides  her covered thigh.

"Are you okay?"

He asked in his smooth deep voice holding her gaze.

It bothered her that she was still affected by him and didn't know what to call it.

"I'm okay."

She hadn't moved yet but she felt the after  effect of their continuous sex.

"Not sore?"

" of course I'm sore Marcelo."

She glared  watching him chuckle at her.

"Should we fuck again Geneva?" His hand gripped and squeezed her upper thigh. Her muscle there constricted, grip on the sheet she held above her chest area tightened as well  "I'll be gentle." He promised.

"I don't want."

She didn't want his dick. Not again in the same day. She didn't want die of lung failure. There was a point she was sure her lungs would give up on her. He had slowed down for her to catch breath only to gradually drive her back to point A.

"Don't be like that amor."

He chuckled amused.

His hand had risen and was now on the deep of her side as he leaned in. His hand slowly rose and cupped her boob in his hand before it rose higher and he pulled the sheet down out of her unprepared grip.

" no amor." His gaze sharpened  " don't cover them from me."


Her voice caught when his gaze left her chest area and met hers. It wasn't a request.

She  let her hands drop and watched his dark head lower. His mouth took one of her nipples into his hot mouth, his hand on her other flicking and playing with it.

Her eyelids dropped because of the pleasure and her hand found its way on the back of his neck and up into his thick silky  hair. His mouth had its feel on both her nipples before his head  lifted  and he captured her mouth.

His hand found its way down and between her thighs and he pushed a finger inside her moist channel. Fingering her to the rhythm of the kiss, his tongue played with hers and her hands lifted, held the back of his neck when he added another finger and the speed increased.

She tore her mouth from his for air as she felt her orgasm beautifully build up. He gripped her jaw and made her face him.

"Don't look away amor, I'm not fucking your brains out."


She brokenly cried out and exhaled audibly when his thump attacked her clit sending electric jolts of pleasure.

She moaned  out his name again as the door of her orgasm opened and only let go of his neck after her orgasm subsided.

Marcelo licked her bottom lip before he pulled   back and sensually cleaned  the evidence of her orgasm from his hand with his mouth.

He  noticed her  exposed skin react  to the air  and lifted the sheet back up to her chest with a smile tagged on his lips  in thought before he looked up and met her gaze with a  grin of his own.

" I'm headed out to take care of business. Would you like to come with me?"


She answered quickly and  cleared her throat hearing how husky her voice had gotten.

"You afraid?"

Yes she was. She didn't  want to see people die. What if he made her kill someone again ? She didn't want that. She didn't think she could take another person's death. She'd rather ask the angel of death do it and not her.

Oh Lord what if -

"Stop that Geneva."

She heard Marcelo's  stern warning but it didn't register in her mind. Heart  painfully pounding taking all her attention alongside the urge to breath until she felt both her arms  pinned down above her head and registered Marcelo's eyes close to hers before he pushed back a little. Certain he had her attention.

The pounding and pain in her chest  slowed and lowered when his gaze softened but the traces of dread remained in the back ground. The feeling of dread not a threat but present nonetheless.

"There you go." His smile not as  visible. "Death is inevitable Geneva. It simply comes much faster to those who do shit that call for it."


Marcelo  intimately embraced Geneva  to sleep  before he departed and she woke up better than the previous time with her thoughts and mind more at ease. No guilt or reoccurrence of death images in her mind. She was beyond grateful that Marcelo hadn't forcefully taken her with him to wherever he had to be.

She  questioned how much of death Dante was and  had been exposed to all this time. She wasn't familiar with death. Samuel was her first real life encounter with it and the guilt no longer a mountain after the talk with Dante, but  a raised platform nonetheless. One she was trying to properly navigate passed.

While she freshened up and prepared to head downstairs, Geneva managed to push the dark thoughts from in front of her mind to the side and focused on light ones.

Thinking dark thoughts wasn't helping her case and she worried she'd be stuck in the predicament. So she focused her mindset on a positive one giving her emotions time to adjust.

Took her time going down the stairs then into the kitchen where she was certain the smell of delicious food was coming from and smiled seeing the silhouette before her sat  on yesterday's same kitchen stool.

Alberto turned with a smile towards  Geneva who blinked in surprise caught off guard that he knew she was present even with her silent movement.

( good morning)

Alberto placed the pan containing Spanish omelette on the wooden board. "slept well?"

Geneva nodded. She had managed to get rest.

"And you?" She looked up at his bright face that matched  his gleeful aura that got  hers was lifting to match his. "Did you sleep okay?"

He begun to remove his apron and Geneva felt her heart  thump in near panic because that meant he was leaving and she didn't  want him to leave just yet.

Not so soon  at least. She knew  nobody  and  felt a sort of  comfort being around Alberto.

She made  heist  hopped  off the stool and found her knees and palms on the floor to which Alberto quickly rounded the  island and helped her off the ground  asking if she was alright.

" I'm fine." She held his forearm " I shouldn't have leaped off like that." Making  light of her mishap with a small smile.

"Roughy night?" Alberto asked looking down at her knowingly. A slight smirk evident on his face Geneva glanced away flashed when the erotic images crossed her mind and  her arms retuned to her sides.

" don't be shy." He made the air light  as he sat on a nearby stool. "The both of you have chemistry. Anyone with knowledge what that's about can see it"

His Italian accent not  as thick.

"What had you jumping off the  stool ?" He asked. His body language calm and patient. It eased her mind to know he wasn't going to disappear somewhere out the kitchen.

"Well" she sat on her previous stool laughing at her previous act. " I wanted to ask if you could stay." She looked at him and remembered he had a life. " Or I could come with. If that's no bother for you. Do you stay here? With your family?."

His  smile stretched.

"I do stay here at times, with my family. And you can come with." They both smiled at his choice of words. "Finish your breakfast first." he then  gracefully got up from his stool. "I don't doubt you worked up an appetite."

Geneva's face warmed. Seated , she  turned the stool  to face the countertop.

"Are you Marcelo's  chef ?"

Geneva asked after heaping  her plate while she thanked him for the delicious meal he had prepared the previous day and  he accepted her gratitude.

"It wasn't something I  applied for." He chuckled lightly. Standing and leaned  against the counter on the the other side of the kitchen.

"He had an unhealthy habit of skipping meals. No healthy pattern. So he  made me his personal chief because I was always in his ear reprimanding him about it .

an effective way of his getting me to shut up about it. No?" Her eyes met his and she nodded with a mouth full making him  smile.

" you're really good." Geneva praises after swallowing her food. "Like -" She browsed through her mind to find the sentence. "I don't know, you're a chief right? What are you doing here?"

"I own a franchise. Restaurant started in Italy."

His home.

" how come you're here in Mexico. You don't like Italy?" Was Marcelo keeping him here against his will too?

" I love Italy, and I  love Mexico too. My wife's from here. Where are you from?"

" France. And the US."

Father French and mother African American.

Her eyes on the double fridge, she willed herself not dwell on them for long. And changed the topic triggered by emotion. Face in his direction within a second and leaned forward onto the counter.

"Alberto." His position was  of one  paying   attention. Wanting to know something, she chose to inform as thought telling a secret. " Marcelo's keeping me against my will."

" I know."

His blunt response had her in shock as she watched him get  up then  help her off the stool. Directed  her out of the kitchen through the back door all the while she followed his lead replaying his straight forward answer.

" you know?"

He gazed down at her with a friendly smile that didn't spark resentment within her.

" he told me he found someone. A week and a few days later you're here. Brought in unconscious."

"You mean his done this before?"

It shouldn't have excited her but the thought of knowing that he'd let her go seeing as she hadn't found any other female sleeping with him in his house was hope for freedom.

Question left was did the others get out alive. Maybe this was one of his sick hobbies. Use a woman get tired then cast her out.

Of course it was demeaning but she'd make the most of it. It's not like her hormonal body was complaining. Only question was when she'd be released and whether it would be alive and in one piece.

"No. You're the only woman I've heard him speak about  possessively  and reside with in his house."

At first the new piece of information was flattering before her mind calculated the possibility or chance of anyone who resided in Marcelo's premises stand as a piece to her freedom and came up with a possibility between zero and one.

It seemed her other help besides Dante was her family. Which wouldn't be a soon possibility because she distinctly told her parents not contact her until after a specific period of time.

So repetitive she had been her parents agreed. Now she questioned why she made the damn request in the name of 'space needed'.

Geneva's gaze  on the ground  lifted with narrowed eyes. Eyes adjusting to the bright light as she  glared  at the sun.

Then found  herself appreciating and admiring the designed green and paved landscaping. The atmosphere serene the stationed guards didn't take anything  away from it.

Alberto's house was located west within the curtilage.

His wife, Ana, was beautiful. Alberto and her made such a good looking couple Geneva didn't doubt their daughter, Evelina, who was with her grandparents at the moment, to be  an eye catcher.

Alberto having  business to attend to  in his restaurant  left her with his equally amiable wife.

Ana pried to know how she and Marcelo met, adding that she was  the only woman Marcelo  ever brought to his house  that isn't family or  business related.

The already similar  knowledge didn't place any dent where Geneva was concerned and she told Ana  without sugar quote that she was in Marcelo's house against her will.

To her amusement Ana didn't seem to believe so at first.  Ana asked again and received the same response from Geneva.

Geneva didn't add details of her traumatic experience where Samuel was concerned nor the bandages and hidden wound by her side. There was no use repeating the events. She knew it wouldn't lead to immediate physical help. The fact felt like a huge damp spot on a piece of cloth worn in cold weather. Uncomfortable.

Ana smiled sadly at her, placed her hand on top of Geneva's that was on the couch.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Her other hand brought and placed Geneva's other on top of hers. She  went on and hugged Geneva before pulling back with a beam on her face.

"But you have a life to live regardless the circumstance. I know for one he wouldn't have brought you all the way here for nothing. I think he has a thing for you."

On cue Geneva recalled  Marcelo tell her without stutter that he liked her.

She engaged in conversation with Ana the same time mentally brought up ways to gain her freedom but continually met a dead end. She refused to base her theory that  Marcelo was keeping her against  her will because he simply liked her.

It didn't make sense to her. Feelings had to be  reciprocated. This .. Whatever he was doing wasn't the way.

She had rights.

Ones he obviously didn't give two rats about.

The more she tried to find a way out of her situation, the more miserable she felt.

Outside and on her way back to the house after she had  thanked Ana for the meal heat up in the oven for her and convincing Ana she knew the way back, Geneva's gaze remained at the far end away from the house. At the far end trees closely packed and,

No guards.

The observation sparked  a chain reaction of thoughts linked to freedom and escape.

She was going to  take  her chances and gamble her way out. Plan after plan formed.

Make it out of his premises. Dig a tunnel  if she needed to . As a matter of fact didn't he have one of those? Underground Tunnels laying somewhere around.

From a quick walk to full on running, Geneva found herself come to an almost abrupt stop when she spotted men standing interacting with each other,  a few dogs on leashes. She could easily spot the  German Shepherd breed and gulped when a large Rottweiler turned its head in her direction. Her gaze from the dog to the dog owner and she was certain it was Juan with whom her eyes locked.

She bit her bottom lip hard and dropped to the ground after turning so as to blend in.

Thing was the grass was level trimmed and was hiding nothing but the possible  tiny organisms living inside the ground.

So she stood up, placed her hand flat above her eyes to block the already setting sun and acted lost. With an explainable action, acted like she remembered her way.

Took quick steps in the direction of the house only to nearly collapse when she spotted Marcelo with three other men headed towards her.

She clutched her chest sure her heart would jump out soon.

"Where are you coming from amor?"

Marcelo asked and she had an internal shake before answering.

"Oh you know.. Around and about." She smiled praying he'd buy her words.

"Oh yeah?"

She  nodded believing he had.

A slight smirk tagged at the edge of his lips before he introduced her to the men with him. Two had ink all the way up with sculls on their neck and the other with long sleeves and a turtleneck hard  to tell.

" come."

Marcelo's hand rest on her lower back and they all walked away from the house and towards the other wing opposite Alberto's house direction .

The three men with him parted ways leaving her and Marcelo alone as they went down a few steps. Possibly a basement.

One hell of a large dark themed  dimly lit basement.

The floor smoothly cemented. She had spotted a burning fireplace. Wasn't sure if it was a  propane or electric based fireplace because she didn't see nor smell any smoke. It wasn't modern like the indoor ones but rather built and raised with stone.

Her attention shifted to the men armed with a gun each and she felt her anxiety begin to rise.

Her feet stopped moving on their own, Marcelo guiding her forward close to the men on the ground who  at a nearer glance now appeared to be wounded and beaten up.

When she saw a trail of crimson blood besides one of the men tied up, her head begun to shake in denial. Thoughts about Samuel run through her mind. His blue eyes that smiled sadly at her before his life was taken from him eye lids shut.

Her gaze followed the blood and found a body laying on their side on the cemented  floor, their blood pooled around their stomach area , the source of blood.

Her back collided with another's front stopping her backward steps from the scene and she looked over her shoulder head raised.

"What's the matter?"

Marcelo asked looking down at her and placed  his hands on top of both her shoulders with a firm grip and begun to walk forward. Closer to the scene tagging her with him.

Geneva's heart painfully pounded against her chest, throat tight and a few stay tears escaped her eyes. She  didn't want to be present in the room  nor did she want to be anywhere near either  of his  strong looking  men in the room.

"I don't want to be here." Her head repeatedly shook in negative regarding  her discomfort.

All the while she did her best planting the heels of her feet against the floor but it was no use against Marcelo's  strength.

"Please Marcelo I don't want." Her lips begun to quiver " I don't want to be here."

He stopped and so did she. Felt his body against hers abruptly leave and he stood by her side.

"Do you know who these people are?"

She didn't.

"One went against the terms agreed  upon in a contract he had a say in, plain stupid. The other, he finds pleasure in molesting young boys for his pleasure and for that of old men. Five to eight year olds."

He walked  forward and then turned to face her.

"It's of concern really, don't you think? Had the balls to do so under the  family name. And the others?"

He gestured to the other men bounded and on the floor.

"They received enough warning about stealing. Don't bite the hand that feeds you is the how it goes." He chuckled and turned to face  them.

"Even warned they did it anyway. Paid well but still greedy."

They all appeared badly beaten so much so none was moving. Only trace that they were alive was the rise and fall of their chest area. Her gaze dropped to another blood pool whose hand was cut off and she  instantly felt faint.

Geneva found herself blurting out the words without stop.

"You're not God to decide their death."

Her chest  painfully constricted   she  didn't know how to calm herself. What he was doing wasn't okay. Doing this to  people wasn't okay.

Her eyes met the beaten up frame of the one responsible for child exploiting. His clothes torn , bruises and cuts on different parts of his body she was afraid to ask what they had done to him.

He was the only one tied onto a metal chair and below him was a small pool of blood he looked in so much pain and when his head slightly lifted, showcased his busted lip and swollen bruised  face she gasped.

He didn't appear capable of such deeds and she quickly looked away. Met Marcelo's gaze who had been observing her with an almost unnoticeable smirk.

"They decided their own death falling out. But oh sweet and kind amor,"

Marcelo stepped close and lifted her head by the chin.

"What punishment do you suggest ?" His tone mocking. "Should the wolves do the job then?It was  God's intention make them carnivorous beats after all."

Suddenly, Marcelo turned.

"Baby girl's just suggested your fate. Wolves it is."

"No I didn't say that."

Geneva interjected in shock quickly held onto his shirt and looked up.

"I didn't say that Marcelo. You know I didn't."

"Oh I know. Everyone heard. So tell me." He held here to himself. " what do you suggest."


She  didn't want to be responsible for another's death.

" Marcelo can I please leave. I don't want to be here anymore." She pleaded in earnest. Felt the back of his hand soothingly graze down her cheek before he brought her head against his front. His hand on the nape of her neck holding  her in place and away from the scenery. Hiding her face for her.

Marcelo lifted his arm signaling his men and she  heard the beginning of a weak groan cut off by the sound of gunshots fired in sync.

And then silence.

Her lids tightened as she fisted his shirt. Fighting to stay upright against  the drowsy and sick feeling.

They were dead.

Men who  were alive beaten black and blue that she had seen alive not more than thirty seconds ago were now gone.

Family, friends, children. Did they each have that?

The man who exploited young boys crossed her mind she fought to prevent thought's about him but couldn't help and ask herself if he had a family of his own. Children or a child.  Were  the kids abused found? Got help?

So many questions about each man crossed her  mind and it all quickly flashed back to Samuel. The guilt and pain accompanied the sick feeling and she just couldn't bare the emotional turmoil upright any more.

Her feet off the ground and carried in strong arms Geneva felt the worst internally in her whole life. Nauseous with a heavy rock against her chest. She wanted to disappear for a moment and  everything stop.

And it probably happened because when the heaviness lifted giving room for response and her emotional turmoil eased up, she found herself inside the warm  house and in Marcelo's arms.

" are the children, are they okay?"

Geneva asked looking up at Marcelo's profile from her position and waited for his response hearing the thumbing of her now slow beating heart.

"They've been returned to their homes and those with no family placed on one of our orphanages."

At his answer Geneva inhaled deeply.

Relieved to hear so then miserable the next.

All the things happening in the world, she had had of them and it sounded more so real. Stories of human and organ trafficking weren't a mantra for the seek of it and even if she was among those who didn't dwell on it because of the dark and twisted truth the feeling brought, she found herself sadden and then become angry.

Why were people so cruel?These were fellow humans they were doing these things  to.

Suddenly she didn't want to be in Marcelo's arms anymore.

"Put me down."

She was sure he had heard her but decided to tighten his hold on her as he begun to climb the stairs.

"Can't suddenly stand being in my arms?"

She didn't answer and Marcelo gave off a short detached chuckle.

"We all do evil Geneva, all of us. No one's guiltless. The difference is how far we're willing to ignore our conscious and normalize certain things."

He turned and she  knew his bedroom was next. Looked away when he briefly glanced down at her.

Marcelo placed her down in the lit bathroom and headed towards the bathtub.

She watched as he pulled up and neatly  folded each of  his sleeves above his elbow exposing his detailed  ink that begun above his wrist and continued upwards into his shirt.

He sat at the marble slab close to the enclosed bathtub and filled it with water.

She watched quietly. Unsure what to expect or translate his calm and non give away side expression on his face.

He didn't look angry nor was he particularly happy.

He called for her and she swore she felt her heart nearly stop. She had been weary of him but now she was fearful. It become clearer that he was very capable of ending her life if he wanted to. He could also make it a living hell if he wanted to.

"If I stand and fetch you myself," his head turned to face her " I'll do worse than what I'm about  to do."

She walked towards him, hands joined together in plea as she neared, worried. Saw the bathtub filled  with  water. The color a reflection of it turquoise.

"Marcelo ."

She couldn't see straight her vision blurred.

Marcelo's face in the direction of the tab filled with water. A small tag on his lips.

"Why did you try to run Geneva?"

" wh-What?"

She wiped her face free from the trace of  stray tears  and the  balancing ones out her eyes. Numb to his words at first then fidgety the next when they registered properly.

"I wasn't-"

His slow and  mocking  chuckle made her stop her speech.

"Are you going to lie Geneva?"

Marcelo's  head lifted and without looking at her, knowing where she was his arm stretched out and brought her neared  frame to him with ease.

"  Do so in my face."

His arm around her waist held to him between his parted legs. His other hand gripped her jaw, her face lifted  facing his.

"I'm waiting."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I tried to."

Geneva opted for the truth heart pounding  scared for  the next  outcome if she went on with her found out lie.

Marcelo's lips stretched  pleased and turned her around . Her back facing him, he fixed her mane of hair into a braid all the while Geneva complied. Trying and failing to make her sniffs subtle.

She turned to face him at his command. Let  his hand guide and help  her into the bathtub with her clothes still on. She didn't want to but was scared to act otherwise.

Sitting inside the comfortably warm tub, she lifted her face looking at Marcelo with watery eyes.


He too stepped into the tub with his clothes and positioned himself in front of her before he placed her legs on top  either of his. Holding her thighs firm.

" I was going to dunk your head inside but you haven't fought me. So instead I'm going to submerge you inside. It was stupid of you to try and run but you want to play  cat and mouse Geneva."


Thank  you for reading.💐
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