DRACARYS: game of thrones sea...

By marvelis04

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"You don't know me. You don't know what I am capable of." - Davina Tyrell "I want nothing to do with you. Yo... More

c a s t
winter is coming
the kingsroad
lord snow
cripples, bastards, and broken things
the wolf and the lion
a golden crown
you win or you die
the pointy end
fire and blood
the north remembers
the night lands
what is dead may never die
garden of bones
the ghost of harrenhal
the old gods and the new
a man without honor
the prince of winterfell
valar morghulis
dark wings, dark lords
walk of punishment
and now his watch is ended
kissed by fire
the climb
the bear and the maiden fair
second sons
the rains of castamere

valar dohaeris

121 5 0
By marvelis04

RAENA MARTELL knelt down beside Talisa, who she had appointed as her lady's maid, as they looked over the corpses around them to determine whether or not they were trult dead. Raena walked over to her husband and the two watched as Lady Catelyn was escorted to a chamber fit to be a cell.

"She's your mother." Raena spoke softly as Talisa joined her by her side. "You shouldn't treat her any differently than before."

"She freed Jaime Lannister." Robb did not spare his wife a glance. "The Lannisters robbed them of their sons. She robbed them of their justice."

A loud cough sounded in front of them. Raena and Talisa rushed into action kneeling beside the man as he coughed. Talisa quickly glanced at his wound before giving a diagnosis. "This needs to be cleaned and closed."

Robb gently handed Raena his flask of water. "Here, drink." Raena held the flask to the man's lips with a soft smile.

"What's your name, friend?" Robb asked leaning down towards the man as Talisa and Raena moved away to grab their satchels of supplies.

"Qyburn." The man answered as Raena knelt down to clean his wound.

"You're lucky to be alive." Raena pressed her rag to his neck to prevent him from bleeding out.

"Lucky." The man murmured as he looked off into the distance as Talisa handed her Queen another rag.

ANNALYS TYRELL stood beside her siblings when King Joffrey burst into the dining hall with his mother on his arm. The Highgarden Ladies greeted the King with grins and small curtsies. "Your Grace."

"Your Grace." Loras bowed from behind his sisters as Joffrey gestured for the three to sit.

"Please, sit, sit. I do apologize, my Lady. Small Council meetings. At what point does it become treason to waste the King's time." The King replied bitterly before sitting. Margaery shared a small laugh with her sister before setting her eyes on the Queen. "That's a lovely gown, my Lady."

"Yes, it suits you perfectly." Cersei said softly as she moved to sit down. "I imagine you might be rather cold."

"The climate is a bit more forgiving back in Highgarden, your Grace." Margaery mused with a fake smile on her lips.

"Shall I have them bring you a shawl, my Lady?" Annalys looked at her sister whose eyes were fixated on the King.

"I am touched by your concern, your Grace." Annalys eyed her sister with a sweet smile. "Luckily for us Tyrells our blood runs quite warm, doesn't it Loras, Annalys?"

"Yes." Loras eyed the Queen with a mock satisfaction.

"Quite warm, indeed." Annalys smiled softly in response. "Loras, isn't the Queen's gown magnificent?"

"The fabric, the embroidery, the metalwork," Margaery gushed over the slendidness of the red gown. "I've never seen anything like it."

"You might find a bit of armor quite useful once you become Queen." Cersei stated as the Tyrell siblings lowered into their seats. "Perhaps before. Joffrey tells me you stopped your carriage at Flea Bottom on your way back from the Sept this morning."

"Yes." Margaery's head snapped to her betrothed. "I paid a visit to an orphanage the High Septon told me about."

"Margaery does a great deal of work with the poor back in Highgarden." Loras informed Cersei who smiled falsely.

"The lowest among us are no different from the highest if you give them a chance," Margaery spoke sweetly as Annalys observed the Queen. "And approach them with an open heart."

"An open heart is what you'll get in Flea Bottom if you're not careful, my dear." Annalys could sense Cersei's falseness from miles away. "Not long ago we were attacked by a mob there. We had a full complement of guards. It didn't stop them. The King barely escaped with his life."

"My mother's always had a penchant for drama." Joffrey eyed his mother angrily from across the table. "Facts become less and less important to her as she grows older." Annalys swallowed at Joffrey's comments about his mother. "Our lives were never truly in danger."

"You're right, of course." Cersei eyed her son as she swirled the wine in her goblet around. "You're your father's son. We can't all have a King's bravery."

The Tyrell siblings looked amongst one another as the food was served. "Hunger turns men into beasts. I'm glad House Tyrell has been able to help in this regard." Margaery looked at her sister to continue.

"They tell me one hundred wagons arrive daily now from the Reach. Wheat, barley, apples." Annalys looked at the Queen who seemingly didn't despise her as much as Margaery. Perhaps that was because she wasn't marrying Cersei's son.

"We've had a blessed harvest and of course it's our duty to assist the capitol in time of need." Annalys sighed softly as Margaery once again couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"Well," Joffrey eyed the Tyrell sisters with lust. "As Ser Loras said, Lady Margaery has done this sort of charitable work before." Annalys rolled her eyes at her sister's sickly sweet smile. "I'm sure she knows what she's doing."

"I'm sure she does." Cersei eyed her fork held in her hand with a glare.

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