Falling In Love With A Vampire

By CassieSalvatore

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Cassie Mitchell is a 17 year old girl who, ever since she was a little girl, was obsessed with vampires, espe... More

Chapter 1 The Meeting
Chapter 2 He Asked Me To The Ball
Chapter 3 The Weird Dream
Chapter 4 The Masquerade Ball Part 1
Chapter 5 The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Chapter 6 The Masquerade Ball Part 3
Chapter 7 Damon Tries To Get A Confession
Chapter 8 Damon's Reaction
Chapter 10 The Complicated Friend
Chapter 11 The Special Visitor
Chapter 12 The Big Problem
Chapter 13 Kidnapped
Chapter 14 Tortured
Chapter 15 The Plan
Chapter 16 The Choice's We Make While Protecting The One's We Love

Chapter 9 Do You Love Me?

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By CassieSalvatore

(NOTE: All rights reserved to the writers of the show 'The Vampire Diaries'! I don't own anything except Cassie, because she really is me and the new character!)

Previously On "Falling In Love With A Vampire"


3rd Person POV

Damon looks down at Cassie and smiles. He runs his hand through her hair as she sleeps, a twinkle in his eyes. He kisses the top of her head and closes his eyes. Just as he starts to fall asleep he whispers "I love you Cassie" "

The Next Morning

Cassie's POV

I wake up slowly. I keep my eyes closed as I wake up, not really wanting to wake up. Then I realize that someone is stroking my hair. My eyes snap open and I look up to see Damon with his eyes closed and a peaceful expression on his face. Last nights events flood into my mind and I blush then snuggle closer to him before I can stop myself. Then I kiss his bare chest very lightly, so not to wake him. I unwrap his arms from around me. I get out of the bed, gathering up my clothes and putting them on, slipping on my boots as well.

As I go to walk out of the room, I notice something on the floor. I walk over to it and pick it up, seeing it is a condom. I blush and try to remember if I felt a condom on him, not being able to remember ever feeling one. Why would he have them, and not use them? I think. Shakes my head. He probably just forgot. I put it in my back pocket, slipping out his bedroom door before he wakes up.

*Break In Time*

When I walk past the parlor, a voice calls out, stopping me.

"Leaving so soon?" Stefan asks. I bite my lip, tempted to just continue walking. "Is he still asleep?" I sigh.

"Yes" I answer. When I look over at Stefan, I see he is reading a book. Stefan closes the book and looks up at me.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"Home, maybe the grill" I say. Stefan looks at me.

"Why are you leaving?" Stefan asks. I sigh again.

"I-Because I have to before..." My voice trails off.

"Before what? Before you do something else you'll regret?" Stefan says.

"I don't regret what happened Stefan. I just...I-I-I won't let him be my fault too" I say and walk out the door, not waiting for Stefan's answer.

*Break In Time*

An hour later, I am laying in my bed. My car was still at the grill so I had to walk all the way there, then drive to my house. I stare up at the ceiling, thinking about what happened last night and what Stefan said. I sigh.

"I won't let Damon be my fault. Everyone I care about always die...because of what I am. I won't let that happen to Damon. I-I won't! Damon is just a vampire and the bite of a werewolf can kill a vampire...he probably doesn't even know that. Well I'm not about to let him find out all because I want to mark him" I say. My phone begins to ring. I pick it up and sigh in relief when I see it is just Elena. I open it and put it to my ear.

"Yeah?" I say into the phone.

"Hey Cassie. I didn't wake you, did I?"

"No I was already awake. I've been awake for about an hour.

"Oh Okay. Listen, I need you to come over to my house, we kind of need to talk"

"Okay...I'll be there in about three minutes, okay?"

"Okay. See you then" Elena then hangs up on me. I'm surprised. Talk? What do we need to talk about? I think. I get out of the bed and go down the stairs, grabbing my keys and walking out of my house, locking the door behind me.

*Break In Time*

"Okay, sit down, please" Elena tells me when I am in her living room. I nod and sit down. Jeremy sits in the chair to the side of the couch and Elena stands, pacing in front of me.

"Elena? Elena? ELENA!" I shout and she stops pacing.

"Sorry" she apologizes.

"It's okay. Now, what's this about? What do we need to talk about?" I ask. Elena sits down beside me.

"Cassie...we have to tell you something. The reason we decided on telling you is that, well, you're going to find out eventually, so here it goes. The world you live in...it's not the type of world you think. It's a lot different from what you think it is" Elena says. I look at her confused. What the hell is she talking about? I think. Then realization hits me. Wait...is she seriously trying to tell me about vampires and werewolves and witches like this? Wow... "There are things in this world you don't know about" she continues.

"Elena, I know what you're talking about. Trust me" I say, trying to stop her.

"Cassie, no you don't. Trust me. There is a lot you don't know" Elena says. I stand up.

"Elena, I know about the supernatural world" I say. Elena stands up and stares at me, mouth open. Jeremy looks up at me with surprise.

"H-how? Your human...aren't you?" Elena asks. I laugh.

"Not at all" I say.

"Then what are you?" Stefan asks, coming into view. Elena and Jeremy jump, but I don't because I knew he was there. I turn and look at him.

"You really want to know?" I ask. Stefan, Elena, and Jeremy all nod. "Elena, you wouldn't have a basement, would you?"

"Huh?" Elena asks.

*Break In Time*

A half hour later I was still being asked questions but just by Elena. Stefan and Jeremy had run out of questions 10 minutes ago. And Elena had just asked what they were all wondering.

"How old are you?" I sigh and chuckle.

"You know, it's not polite to ask a woman her age" I say and Elena just stares at me. I sigh. "Okay okay. I'm...645" Elena's mouth falls open again. This time though, Jeremy and Stefan follow suit, all three of their mouths hanging open. Jeremy is the first to recover.

"Is that why...why you turned me down?" he asks. I sigh.

"My species and my age are two of the reasons I have" I say.

"What are the others?" he asks.

"You shouldn't ask questions you don't wanna know the answer to Jer" I say, thinking of what happened with Damon last night. Jeremy goes quiet. Stefan recovers next.

"You're really that old?" he asks. I stare at him like Really?

"That's a kind of rude way to put it but yes. I'm really that old Stefan" I say. I look at Elena and say "You should close your mouth. You'll catch flies" Elena snaps her mouth shut.

"Okay well since you know about vampires and stuff, we should tell you something" Elena says. I nod.

*Break In Time*

After another hour, I learn a lot. I find out that when I spoke to Elena at the ball, it wasn't Elena but someone named Katherine. Right before Elena had tried to explain it, I had spoken up and told her I knew about the doppelgänger thing. I just hadn't realized Elena was the doppelgänger. Now, I sit in the Gilbert living room, Jeremy and I on the couch, watching Dracula 2000, and I'm laughing at it.

A/N: Actually, Dracula 2000 is a pretty good movie. Dracula 3000 is just so ridicules...I recommend Dracula 2000 NOT Dracula 3000.

"Will you stop laughing at it?" Jeremy asks. I shake my head.

"Nope because this is so stupid. Half of it ain't even right! The first vampire didn't get turned because he tried to kill himself and God brought him back to punish him" I say, then realize I spoke of something I shouldn't have.

"Well then how was the first vampire made?" Jeremy asks.

"Well, I've heard they were all turned by Original Witch" I say. Jeremy stares at me.

"Whatever. Just watch the movie. This movie is really good. And it's like half right because stakes and sunlight do kill" Jeremy says. I sigh but it is in relief, Jeremy doesn't know it.

"Fine" I say.

*Break In Time

After the movie, Jeremy and I play a little video games then we go to the Grill. We play a few rounds of pool and I'm in the middle of kicking his ass when the door opens. I freeze right in the middle of my shot as a specific scent hits me. I feel arms wrap around me from behind and Damon kisses the back of my neck, making me shudder. Jeremy glares at him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jeremy asks.

"What's it look like? I'm wrapping my arms around my girl. What's it to you, Baby Gilbert?" Damon says, venom in his words. They glare at each other.

"She's not your girl, dick" Jeremy says. Damon starts to growl when my phone rings, stopping them both. I pull it out of my pocket and look at the ID. My eyebrows raise when I see who it is.

"Who is it?" Damon asks me. I ignore him, pulling out of his arms and walking away, putting the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I say.

"What's up Cassie! It's been like forever since I talked to you! No pun intended" They laugh. "How you been? Where are you? Are you in Chicago? Or California? Or England?" The voice speaks quickly and I sigh in relief when I recognize the voice.

"Hey, hey, HEY! Calm down. Hold on" I say then walk out of the Grill. I walk into the alley beside the Grill. "Okay now I can talk. Now, will you take a chill pill Henry? Seriously. Take a deep breath" I say. I hear Henry take a breath. "Okay good. Now, yes it has been forever, I've been okay and no I'm not in Chicago, Cali, Or England. I'm in Virginia" I answer each one of his questions.

"Oh. Visiting the old town eh? Mystic Falls? Huh, huh? Find any boyfriends? And people to drink from? And friends?" I chuckle.

"Stop asking so many questions Henry. First, yes I'm revisiting Mystic Falls...the people have grown since I was last here. I might have found a boyfriend, you know I don't drink people and yes I have several friends" I say.

"Is it true the town is like a haven for the supernatural?"

"Indeed. There are like three or four vampires, there is a werewolf, a witch...but there are still normal people" I say. Henry chuckles.

"Normal is highly overrated! Oh and I'm coming to visit you! I'll be there by tomorrow, okay?" I smile.

"Okay. See you then Henry" I say.

"Bye girl!" Henry hangs up and I laugh, closing my phone and put it back in my pocket.

"Whose Henry?" I spin around and see Damon leaning against the wall.

"He's just an old friend" I say. Damon nods, pushes off the wall and walks back into the Grill.

*Break In Time*

The Next Day

Cassie's POV

My Apartment

3:00 AM

I had spent all night hanging decorations for Henry's arrival. It had been years since I had seen him. But I remembered that he always showed up in the middle of the night.

I was right because at 6:00 AM, I heard a knock on the door. It was still dark as I walked to me door and opened it, grinning widely when I saw Henry. He was different then when I had last seen him. He use to have blonde hair but he had died it black. He has blue eyes and is wearing a black t-shirt and blue skinny jeans. He has a lip piercing and he looks to be about 19. (Link for him on my Profile!) I laugh and he pulls me into a hug.

"Hey girl! God I missed you!" Henry says, hugging me tightly. I hug him back just as tightly.

"Henry! God I missed you too" I say. After standing there for about five minutes, he finally let's me go and I step back into the house. "Come on in!" Henry smiles and walks in. We spend the next several hours catching up.

"So, where's Danni?" I ask Henry, grinning. Henry's face falls.

"Gone!" Henry shouts and starts crying. I gasp and pull him into a hug, letting him cry. I sigh. Henry spends the next half hour crying, then he cries himself to sleep, tears still falling from his eyes. I put him in one of the guest bedrooms and go upstairs. I go into my bedroom, look at the time and groan. I have 20 minutes before I have to go to school. I leave a note for Henry, then get ready. I get in my car and go to school.

*Break In Time*

While I'm in the middle of my Biology class, I get a text. I try to ignore it, but my phone keeps vibrating in my pocket. I growl quietly and pull it out, checking to make sure Mr. McCampbell isn't looking. He isn't, so I open the text. It's a text from Henry.

Sum1's knok'n on ur door...dkwtd (dkwtd = don't know what to do) I sigh. I send one back

Ignore it. Be home soon. Got one more class left. I close my phone and put it back in my pocket.

*Break In Time*

I walk into history class. I walk to the back of the class and sit down in my seat. Then I realize that three people are missing from class and we have a new student.

"Okay class, before we start, I would like to point out that we have a new student. Would you like to come up and introduce yourself?" Alaric says, looking at the new student. He gets up and walks to the front of the class. His hair is short, brown, and almost wind-blown. Under his Punisher shirt, he is built like a football player. His pants are black and he wears white sneakers. He looks around at the students and when his eyes catch mine, I freeze. They are a more beautiful blue than Damon's. He smiles and continues to look at me as he speaks.

"Hello. My name is William Hughes, but my friends call me Will. So please, if you don't mind, call me Will" he says, still looking at me. He has a slight accent that I can't place. I swear I see him wink.

"Well Will, you want to tell us where you're from?" Alaric asks. He then follows Will's gaze and looks at me, then looks away. I swear I see a slight flash of fear in his eyes. They must have told him about me, I think. Will speaks again.

"I come from a place far from here. Very far actually. I'm from Romania. My sister and I are glad to be here. I hope you welcome us with open arms, but if you don't, that is fine" Will says. Alaric smiles.

"Well, I hope you like it here Will. You may have a seat" Alaric says. Will nods and sits down.

*Break In Time*

I spend the next hour and a half taking notes for a test that we will take next class. Every so often I will feel eyes on me and I will look up to see the almost hypnotic eyes of Will looking at me. He doesn't try to hide that he's been staring at me and after a few moments of our eyes being locked, he will look away.

*Break In Time*

"Cassie? Can you stay after for a bit, since it is the end of school?" Alaric asks me right as I'm about to walk out the door. I bite my lip and take a deep breath.

"Of course. What's up Mr. Saltzman?" I ask, walking back into the room while trying to pretend I am just a student. It fails...miserably.

"First, don't call me that. You can call me Alaric. Second, Elena told me about you being a...whatever. Third, I will only tell you this once, if you hurt someone I will see to it personally that you are taken care of" Alaric says. I stare at him for a second, then begin laughing. Alaric stares at me, then glares and he throws a fist at my chest and when it is just inches from impact, I grab his wrist and twist slightly, looking at him with ocean blue eyes.

"I would be careful as to how you react to your anger, Alaric" I say, then I pull back his sleeve and pull off the stake shooter attached. I throw it in the trash, still not letting go of his wrist. "I know quite a lot more than you do. Now, what is the real reason you wanted me to stay?" As I keep speaking, I keep twisting his wrist, little by little. I see fear in his eyes.

"Well, if you're really that curious, all you had to do was ask" I spin around, looking at the door, letting go of Alaric's wrist. Damon stands in the door, smirking. My eyes flash, but then I force myself to calm down. When I reopen my eyes, they are their normal green. Damon walks into the room and I see Stefan and Elena. They both walk in as well.

"I'm not curious but I am going to leave if I'm not told why I'm being told to stay after school. It's bad enough to have to go to school. I don't want to have to stay after school when school is finally over" I say, looking at all four of them like I expect one to jump forward and kill me.

"Well, we have a problem and we need your help" says Damon. Elena looks at him like "Yeah right"

"Actually, we have a problem and Damon suggested asking you for help" Stefan corrects. I roll my eyes.

"Tell me the "problem" and I'll tell you yes or no" I say. Alaric is glaring at me still but he speaks.

"We have a couple new visitors in town. We know absolutely nothing about them so Damon suggested we talk to you and see if you could help us find out" he says. He holds his wrist, slight pain in his eyes. I scoff.

"What is this, a vampire meeting? If your having problems, take it up with someone who cares, like maybe your stupid council" I say.

"They are not stupid!" Elena says. I look at her as if she is stupid.

"They are completely pointless because one of their own members is a vampire and another one is a vampire hunter with a vampire as a best friend/drinking buddy" I say then go to walk out the door. Someone grabs my arm and I turn expecting to see Damon but am slightly surprised when I see Stefan.

"Please Cassie. We need your help. I can admit it, even if Alaric or Elena can't. We need your help...so please, help us?" he asks, staring at me with the same color eyes as mine but his are full of a plea I can hardly ignore. I sigh.

"Fine. What can I do?" Stefan smiles slightly. In his eyes, the plea is still there and so is his relief, but I also see a sadness in his eyes that goes deeper than his eyes, a sadness that seems to go to his very soul and I wonder what all Stefan has done as a vampire. I shake my head as if to clear it of the thoughts. Damon grins at me, Elena smiles in relief, and Alaric just glares less.

*Break In Time*

Three hours and Forty-Six Minutes Later

I am walking through town. We had made a deal that I would help them search, if they believed me when I told them it wasn't Henry. They agreed. Henry was walking beside me. I had promised I wouldn't keep him locked up in the house so I was instead showing him the town. I am now wearing a pink plaid shirt, blue jeans and black boots that make me look like a cowgirl without her hat. We walk into The Grill and I go over to the bar and sit down. Matt brings me a Bourbon and Henry orders a Scotch.

We drink in silence until someone sits on my other side, ordering a Bourbon mixed with Scotch. I look over and see Will sitting beside me. I down my drink and order another one. When I speak, Will slowly looks over to me. Henry nudges me and whispers in my ear "He's staring at you. Do you know him?" I look over at Will, his blue eyes looking back intensely. I look back at Henry.

"Yeah. He's in my history class" I say. Henry nods and whispers "Well he seems to like you." I don't say anything back, just continue to drink from my glass. Henry turns and gasps and almost squeals. He grabs my hand and yanks me away from the bar.

"We have to play!" he nearly shouts. I look to where he is taking me and laugh. Henry has never played pool and has always wanted to so I play a few rounds and find he is better than I thought he would be. We end up playing for three hours and we tie 32-32. Suddenly, a screeching mic makes me turn from the drink in my hand to the stage.

Matt stands on the stage, looking nervous at speaking to the crowd.

"As some of you may know, tonight is Open Mic Night. So, anyone that wants to sing or whatever it is you do, feel free to do so." He sets a guitar down beside the stool "And there is a guitar here for anyone who wants to add their own music to their songs." He puts the mic back on it's stand and gets off the stage. Henry grins at me and I shake my head, taking a drink of me glass. Caroline steps up to the stage. With the dress she is wearing, I hear some wolf whistles and roll my eyes.

"Hello. My name is Caroline Forbes. I will be singing Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson. Hit it!" she says. The music for Kelly Clarkson's Dark Side begins to play. Caroline begins to sing.

Oh oh oh, there's a place that I know

It's not pretty there and few have ever gone

If I show it to you now

Will it make you run away?

Or will you stay

Even if it hurts

Even if I try to push you out

Will you return?

And remind me who I really am

Please remind me who I really am

Everybody's got a dark side

Do you love me?

Can you love mine?

Nobody's a picture perfect

But we're worth it

You know that we're worth it

Will you love me?

Even with my dark side?

Like a diamond

From black dust

It's hard to know

What can become

If you give up

So don't give up on me

Please remind me who I really am

Everybody's got a dark side

Do you love me?

Can you love mine?

Nobody's a picture perfect

But we're worth it

You know that we're worth it

Will you love me?

Even with my dark side?

Don't run away

Don't run away

Just tell me that you will stay

Promise me you will stay

Don't run away

Don't run away

Just promise me you will stay

Promise me you will stay

Will you love me? ohhhhhhhhhh

Everybody's got a dark side

Do you love me?

Can you love mine?

Nobody's a picture perfect

But we're worth it

You know that we're worth it

Will you love me?

Even with my dark side?

Don't run away

Don't run away

Don't run away

Promise you'll stay

My jaw drops when she finishes and I'm the first one to begin clapping. I stand up and so does the whole grill, clapping and whistling. Caroline blushes.

"Thank you" Caroline says, putting the mic back on it's stand and getting off the stage. She runs up to me and squeals.

"I didn't know you could sing!" I say as I hug her tightly.

"Well duh! So, what'd you think?" she says, suddenly nervous.

"What'd I think? You blew the roof of this place!" I say.

"I was that bad?" Caroline asks, frowning.

"Bad? That's a good thing Caroline!" I say and she gets this look on her face like, OH! Duh! I laugh. Henry nudges me and grins. I shake my head. "Henry, no."

"Oh come on Cassie! Get up there! Go sing your songs!" Henry encourages me, pushing me gently towards the stage. I get out of his grasp.

"No way! You know I don't do that. I don't sing my own songs" I say. Henry chuckles and Caroline gapes at me.

"You write your own songs?" she asks me. Henry answers before I can tell her no.

"Of course she does. And she's good at it. Just like she's good at singing them but she doesn't like to" he says.

"That's because I'm not good at singing" I say.

"Show me" Caroline says. Henry pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to her. That little sneak...Caroline reads over the lyrics then gapes at me again. "These are really good Cassie"

"No it's not. And I'm not singing!" I say. Caroline rushes up onto the stage, grabbing the mic. When people begin to whistle again, she tells them to shut up.

"I'm not singing again but I have a friend here who wrote two songs and she refuses to sing them. Why don't you give her some encouragement!" Caroline says and the entire grill cheers as Henry pushes me towards the stage again.

"No! No! I am not singing!" I say, but Caroline pulls me up onto the stage.

"You'll be great...just sing from the heart" she says. I groan as she hops off the stage.

"Hello" I say into the mic. "My name is Cassie Madison and this is a song I wrote called My World Is Over. It's kind of depressing so beware...you probably won't like it" I pick up the guitar and slip it over my head. I sit down on the stool and strum a few cords before I begin singing. (A/N: This is actually my song. I wrote it after my mother died in a car accident...RIP Christine M. Wilkinson The other one is a poem I wrote so please no hating on them. You can say you don't like them but that's it...please? No going out of your way to tell me they are dreadful or anything like that...)

My world is over, despite what everyone says,

And everyone else has gone their separate ways.

My life has changed so much,

I wish I could change it back,

Because I miss your touch.

I need to get my life on track.

My world is over and it's not coming back

That is why I need to get my life on track.

Everyone says "It's going to be okay"

How do they know? It's all they can say.

It felt like my heart was paralyzed,

As soon as I looked into your dead eyes.

They were closed but I knew you could see,

How your death was destroying me.

My world is over, over

My world is over, I said it's over

They're telling me and telling me but I won't listen

They're telling me and telling me but she don't glisten, anymore

I said anymore

I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say

I never thought it would turn out this way

They say I'll get over you

But I'm not sure I want to

I wish I could back track

To the days when you were here

Because it's a proven fact

That all I can do is shed tears.

My world is over, and it's not coming back

That is why I need to get my life on track

Everyone says "It's going to be okay?"

How do they know? It's all they can say

It felt like my heart was paralyzed,

As soon as I looked into your dead eyes.

They were closed but I knew you could see,

How your death was destroying me.

My world is over, over

My world is over, I said it's over

They're telling me and telling me but I won't listen

They're telling me and telling me but she don't glisten, anymore

I said anymore

You are gone and I can't change that

No matter how much I wish I could.

You left your daughter, son, and cat

But deep down I know your still good.

Just like I know, Just like I know

My world is over, and it's not coming back

That is why I need to get my life on track

Everyone says "It's going to be okay?"

How do they know? It's all they can say

It felt like my heart was paralyzed,

As soon as I looked into your dead eyes.

They were closed but I knew you could see,

How your death was destroying me.

My world is over, over

My world is over, I said it's over

They're telling me and telling me but I won't listen

They're telling me and telling me but she don't glisten, anymore

I said anymore

Ooooooh! My world is over, over, over.

My world is over...

After I finish, I close my eyes. I open them when everyone starts cheering. Everyone in the grill is standing, clapping and cheering. Every guy is wolf whistling at me and I blush and smile.

"Do another one!" someone shouts from the crowd.

"You really want me too?" I ask into the mic. I swear it's the entire grill when I hear 'Yes' I grin. "Okay. This one is called Mystery Mind I just recently wrote this and it's about a girl who met this guy. He's really mysterious and she finds she's in love with him but she's not sure if he feels the same. Here it is" I didn't realize that Damon had come in because of the noise and he is now hiding in the crowd, curious. I clear my throat, strum a few cords and then I sing.

You've moved through time,

And left behind the masses in your wake.

You love me then, You love me now

You're always there to take.

A diamond is an easy find

Compared to what I'm calling mine.

The Ages leave the smallest clue,

To roads untouched but never true.

Where to find this Mystery Mind, The Gods confide in you.

I need your answer. Call my name. Abandon guilt; Abandon shame.

And when you take my outstretched hand, by simple nod or love's command,

I'll wrap you in eternal flame, our hearts to fuse, one and the same.

I tire of my shattered pace.

I reach to feel love's one true face.

I fear I failed to take heed of your first and final signs.

Walk with me at least pretend

To hell's back door around the bend

We'll crush the darkness as it sleeps

And leave the waking world to mend.

Where to find this Mystery Mind, The Gods confide in you.

I need your answer. Call my name. Abandon guilt; Abandon shame.

And when you take my outstretched hand, by simple nod or love's command,

I'll wrap you in eternal flame, our hearts to fuse, one and the same...

The crowd irrupts into applause again. Even the bartenders are clapping. I look out over the crowd and see the one person I would wish hadn't heard that song. Damon is standing, smiling at me, and clapping. He stops long enough to bring his fingers to his mouth and whistle. My smile grows for some reason.

"You're not that good? You're amazing Cassie!" Caroline squeals. I look over to her and grin.

"Thanks" I say. She keeps squealing and I look away from her back to the crowd, but Damon isn't there. I look towards the door and I see it beginning to close.

"Hey Caroline, I'm sorry but, I'll be right back" I say, setting the guitar down and hopping off the stage. I walk out of the grill and round the corner, seeing Damon stand there. I walk up to him and he turns around, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me close and kissing me deeply. The kiss is short but passionate and when he pulls back, he says the one thing that matters most to me.

"I love you Cassie...I really do" Damon says, starring into my forest green eyes with passion and love. "Do you love me?" I stare at him and open my mouth to answer him.

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