Chapter 14 Tortured

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Chapter 14


Previously on "Falling In Love With A Vampire"

Two Hours Later

"Cassie?" I hear a voice call my name and I start to return to consiousness.

"Cassie?" A different voice calls. "Cassie wake up" I shake my head and open my eyes to find Cara, Caroline, and Bonnie standing over me. As I sit up, pain fills my neck and I gasp and rub at it. When I look around I see Elena trying to talk to Stefan and him ignoring her because he has a phone to his ear. Before I can ask what happened, I remember. I look around for Damon but don't see him there.

"Where's Damon?" I stand up quickly, looking around frantically as if he will suddenly appear.

"Cassie, that's what I was trying to tell you" Cara says. I turn to her.

"Where is he?" I nearly shout at her.

"Niklaus took him" Cara says. '

Damon's POV

I slowly wake up and as I do, pain fills every muscle in my body. I groan and wince, but even that small movement brings pain. I hear a voice speak.

"Ah. You're finally awake. Good. I was starting to get bored" I try to open my eyes to see who the voice belongs to, but I am too weak. I feel something slowly dripping from my forehead and I go to wipe it away with my hand, but find I cannot move my hands. And it's not because I am weak. I manage the strength to open my eyes, but my vision is blurry and all I see are random shapes. Slowly, as my vision clears, the shapes turn into things like a chair, and a few windows. When my vision clears completely, I see someone is sitting in one of the chairs that is pushed against the wall, but I can't tell who it is.

When I muster up enough strength to raise my head and look around, I see that I am in a dungeon...or at least, that is what it looks like. There are chains attached to the walls, and even a chair with spikes in it. There is a table a little ways away from me that hold several jars like the one's Cassie has in her basement. I also see several jagged-bladed knives, a small lamp and a plant I instantly recognize as vervain. When I look up, I see why I can't move my hands and it's because they are chained to the ceiling, which is the only thing keeping me up. But when I look closer, I see that the chains have spikes on them, and they are digging into my wrists, which is why my wrists hurt so much.

"Do you like it? I thought it was...creative" I follow the voice back to the person in the chair, expecting to see Katherine, but who I see surprises me.

"Klaus? What's going on?" My voice is hoarse and that is when I realize that my throat hurts so bad because I am very thirsty. Klaus stands up and walks over to me. When he gets close enough, the lamp on the table illuminates him and I see he is smirking. With effort, I glare at him, but it's more like a pout.

"Don't pout Damon. It's too sexy" Klaus says and when he does, I raise my eyebrows.

"What?" I say, suddenly confused and more than a little creeped-out. Klaus reaches a hand out and starts to trace my lips with his finger, a weird look in his blue eyes. I snap at his finger, catching it and drawing blood. Suddenly, my head snaps to the right, my left cheek stinging. I gasp.

"I would suggest you don't do that again Damon" Klaus says before stepping away from me and walking over to the table. He picks up one of the knifes and opens up one of the jars. As soon as he does, the scent of what's in it fills my nostrils and I cough; liquid vervain. He dips the knife in the jar, all the way to the hilt, then pulls it back out and walks back over to me. He drags the blade down my chest and I cry out in pain. That is when I realize I'm still naked except my boxers. What the hell is wrong with this guy? I think as he does it again, making me almost scream as blood slides down my chest.

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