Chapter 16 The Choice's We Make While Protecting The One's We Love

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Chapter 16

The Choice's We Make While

Protecting The One's We Love

Previously on "Falling In Love With A Vampire"

I slowly walk into Damon's bedroom, seeing his eyes closed. When I walk in however, they snap open and he looks at me, a smile lighting up his slightly pale face.

"Hey" he whispers.

"Hey" I whisper back. Damon chuckles.

"Well are you just going to stand there or are you going to come over here and give me a kiss?" Damon says. I run over to him and kiss him deeply. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me as close to him as he can as he kisses me back. We spend hours just sharing soft kisses and telling each other 'I love you' until we both fall asleep. "

Four Hours Later

Cassie's POV

"Cassie? Cassie wake up, please?" I hear a voice whisper to me. I groan softly. "Cassie wake up!"

"Noooo" I mutter softly. I hear someone sigh and then I hit something hard.

"Oof!" I open my eyes and see that I am laying on the floor. I hear someone laughing. I push myself off the floor and see Damon beside the bed laughing his ass off, except the bed isn't like it was when I fell asleep. Now, the mattress is turned onto it's side. That's when I realize that Damon had flipped the mattress to get me up. I glare at him as he continues to laugh.

"You're dead" I say and he smirks at me before taking off out of the room. I take off after him while I shout "When I get my hands on you I swear to god I will kill you!"

"I'm already dead babe!" Damon calls over his shoulder before he disappears from my line of sight. I growl and speed down the stairs, and into the living room, tackling Damon to the floor. He laughs under me. I jump off him when I hear "SURPRISE!"

I look up and see Stefan, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Meredith, Alaric, Matt, Jeremy, and Tyler standing in the living room. Damon stands up and brushes himself off, smirking. I look around at the black and red streamers, black and red balloons, and bottles of alcohol that are everywhere. There is a cake on the bar, a banner that reads Happy Birthday Cassie!, presents are sitting on the coffee table and there are tons of other decorations hanging.

"W-what is this?" I ask. Caroline steps forward, smiling widely.

"It's a surprise party for your birthday!" Caroline says, gesturing around. I stare at her.

"H-how did you know it was my birthday? The only person I told was-" I cut off as I look over at Matt, my astonished expression turning into an angry one. "MATTHEW ALEXANDER DONOVAN YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T TELL!" I start to go towards him before Caroline is standing in front of me.

"Hey! I made him tell me. I knew he was hiding something. I just couldn't believe it was something as big as your birthday! Why didn't you tell me!?" Caroline says, looking slightly hurt. I sigh, calming down instantly.

"I didn't tell anyone except Matt and that just slipped out...Otherwise I wouldn't have told anyone at all" I say. Stefan stares at me.

"But, why?" Stefan asks.

"Because. It's just my birthday. It's nothing special" I say. Caroline scoffs.

"Nothing special?! It's your birthday! How is that nothing special?!" She nearly shouts, throwing her hands into the air.

Falling In Love With A VampireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz