In the Mansions

By OutsideTheDistricts

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My friends and I role play a lot in this website called We have this whole world mapped out based... More

The Capitol
District Five
District Seven
District Nine
Childhood Enemies
Start A Family?
Girl Talk
Boy Drama
Anna and Talia
Zoe Loves Sharryl
Soda Sheets
Into the Caves
Oreo Alcohol
Anrick Cave Scene
Better Than Revenge
A Short Chapter
Allison's Peacekeeper Father
Mental Breakdown
Memory Loss
Gracie's Friends
Gracie Takes the Heat
Hair Cut
Another Masquerade?
The Yellow Wood Tracks
Little Dancer
Hot Chocolate
Zoe Ninja Attacks a Peacekeeper
Confiding in People
Gracie Trusts Strangers Too Easily
Andrick Kisses!
We're So Bored
Stop the Fighting

Boys Come Out To Play

29 2 1
By OutsideTheDistricts

Derrick shrugs. "Well, okay. We'll stay if you want. Doesn't really matter to me." 0:54

Cameron laughs and states, "One thing I'm good at is deceit. That being said I know when someone lies, but it doesn't matter. Yes, I get lonely, but I think it is my fate to be forever alone crawling through the shadows." 0:56

Andrea: Okay, good. 0:57

Gracie: Oh, really? Fate tried to tell me the same thing nine years ago. Then I woke up and found out I kicked her ass somehow. I just don't remember how. 0:58

Gracie shrugs a shoulder apathetically. "Oh well. Want to go find Derrick now?" 0:59

Derrick hesitates before asking, "But really, why don't you want to go back? Do you prefer just being away from all the drama for once?" 1:00

Andrea shrugs "I stay out of the drama anyways, most of the time... It is good to be alone sometimes.. with you anyways... Plus I don't want to go to sleep if we go home." 1:02

Cameron: Yes, let's go. 1:03

Cameron packs everything and is ready to follow Gracie. 1:03

Gracie glances at the fire, thinking about saying that he should put it out, but decides against it because she hates being in the dark, especially with someone she doesn't know. She turns away and skips on the rocks until she reaches the waterfall and steps around it, avoiding the water. 1:05

Cameron follows Gracie. 1:06

Derrick smirks slyly like he tended to when he used to hit on all the girls in the mansions. "Oh really? You like being alone with me?" 1:06

Gracie slides on a rock again and curses her boots under her breath. Then she mutters, "He's probably at the old mansion. He shares a room with Matt. They hate each other. It's funny because Matt is a neat freak and Derrick always messes up his things." 1:08

Cameron picks Gracie and puts her on his back and says gently, "Just point me in the right direction." 1:09

Andrea blushes "I- um... Well you don't pull pranks on me, you don't get drunk, you're nice to me... and you wont leave me alone anyways so I guess I'm stuck with you" 1:10

Cameron: (Jeez derrick take a hint, lol she looooves you) 1:11

Gracie gasps, surprised when he lifts her up and clings to him, scared he'll drop her. "Uh, okay. Uh, that way..." She points away from the waterfall, towards the old mansion. 1:11

Derrick: (lmao.) 1:11

Andrea: (ppfffffftttt) 1:11

Derrick grins. "You're right. I don't. And that's because I like you. You know that by now though, right?" 1:12

Andrea looks at the ground and blushes "Um... yeah.. I guess.." 1:14

Derrick: You guess? 1:14

Cameron sprints the entire way without getting out of breath. He stops at the door to the mansion and lets Gracie down, and says, "I'm sorry for what i'm about to do. It's just business Gracie. I hope one day you will forgive me." Cameron takes a dagger and places it against her throat and whispers, "Scream and get your friend to help you." 1:15

Andrea shrugs 1:16

Gracie gasps, a little surprised at first. "I... How..." She gulps and screams, "DERRICK! HELP ME!" 1:17

Derrick blinks and looks around. "Did you hear that...?" 1:17

Andrea: Hear what? 1:18

Derrick: I think I heard someone screaming... 1:18

Andrea: Are you sure? 1:18

Derrick gets to his feet. "Yeah. Hope it's not another peacekeeper..." 1:18

Cameron: Gracie keep screaming or else ill kill you too. 1:19

Andrea gets up and listens 1:19

Gracie starts shaking and her hand twitches by her ax, but she doesn't think she can do anything before Shadow kills her. She holds back a sob and shrieks, "BRENDAN! CHRIS! PLEASE! HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!" 1:19

Derrick goes to the door and opens it, walking out of the place and into the night, hearing the end of Gracie's scream. 1:20

Derrick: Shit! 1:20

Cameron: Ah! Derrick it is good to finally meet you. 1:21

Andrea walks outside and wonders what Gracie got into this time... 1:21

Derrick sees a guy with Gracie not too far away, by the old mansion. 1:21

Gracie can't keep her tears in anymore and feels them rolling down her cold face now. 1:22

Cameron pulls Gracie aside and tells her to run to them and hide herself. 1:22

Cameron walks menacingly towards Derrick and the other unknown girl. Dec 8

Andrea freezes where she is and watches 1:23

Andrea starts to back up 1:23

Derrick places his arm out in front of Andrea, stepping in front of her quickly. 1:23

Cameron turns invisible mid-stride and appears behind the other girl after a few seconds and puts a knife to her neck. 1:24

Gracie puts her hand to her own throat, staring in shock. 1:24

Andrea freezes and her eyes widen 1:24

Cameron: All i want is you Derrick. 1:24

Cameron: They can go free. But you have to die. 1:25

Derrick: Why? What did I do? I don't even know you! 1:25

Cameron: No your right, and i don't know you. However my employer does and apparently he wants you dead. 1:25

Gracie pulls out her ax and hopes Shadow won't see her as she tries to slip away from his line of view. 1:26

Derrick: Why? Leave Andrea out of this. She's done nothing wrong either. 1:26

Andrea bites her lip and stares at Derrick 1:26

Cameron senses an ambush. 1:26

Cameron: Gracie, stop and go away. Before anyone can get near me, I will kill this girl and Derrick. Then I will hunt you down, Gracie, and finish you off as well. 1:27

Gracie grits her teeth and stays still. "Better to be dead then watch you kill my friends..." 1:27

Derrick turns invisible while the guy is distracted with Gracie. 1:28

Cameron throws an ornate pair of handcuffs to the ground in front of where Derrick was. Cameron says, "Put those on and come with me. Oh and just to let you know they will prevent any form of invisibility." 1:29

Derrick reluctantly appears again and puts the cuffs on, figuring there's no way he'll be able to sneak up on this guy without him killing Andrea first. 1:30

Cameron: Good decision. They can't come off unless it hears my voice tell it to. 1:31

Cameron lets the girl go and gets Derrick. 1:31

Cameron walks away with Derrick. 1:32

Gracie twists her hands around her ax and gets a flash again of when she decapitated that peacekeeper. She blinks the memory away and glares towards Shadow, wishing she were brave enough to do the same to him. 1:32

Andrea pulls a knife from her back pocket when the boy lets her go and stares at Derrick 1:33

Cameron takes Derrick to a secluded part ofthe woods not far away. Cameron pulls out his knife and starts talking to Derrick. 1:35

Andrea watches Cameron walk off 1:36

Derrick: No. 1:36

Andrea walks in the opposite direction and then climbs up a tree 1:36

Gracie runs over to Andrea. "Wait. What are you doing?" 1:36

Gracie runs over to Andrea. "Wait. What are you doing?" 1:36

Andrea: Shh. I'm gunna go save the idiot. 1:37

Gracie: Oh. Okay. 1:37

Gracie follows her up quickly. 1:37

Cameron: My name is Cameron. Im the assassin sent to kill you. I dont care why, only that i have to. 1:38

Andrea climbs to the edge of a branch and jumps to the tree next to her, being as quiet as possible, barely rustling the leaves 1:38

Cameron: And no I dont work for the Capitol by the way. Im actually a traitor to them. 1:39

Derrick: And that's supposed to make you better than them somehow? Dec 8

Gracie follows Andrea. 1:39

Andrea climbs through the trees a bit faster. 1:40

Cameron: No. Im worse than them by far, but what President Snow took from me will never come back so that is the only reason why i work against him. Anyways I want this to be a fair fight for once. So i will uncuff you. 1:41

Andrea stops not far from Derrick and Cameron and waits for Gracie to catch up 1:41

Gracie holds the tree branches with deathgrips as she climbs because of her shitty and slippery shoes. 1:41

Cameron uncuffs Derrick and throws him a sword. 1:42

Cameron: En gaurde Derrick. 1:42

Derrick holds back a smirk as he picks up the sword and says, "Well, you're in for a big surprise..." 1:42

Cameron throws a smokebomb down and vanishes. 1:42

Derrick: What?! 1:43

Andrea sits in her tree and watches, ready to jump in if anything happens 1:43

Cameron appears behind derrick and cuts his right leg. 1:43

Cameron follows up with an attempted strike to his spine. 1:44

Derrick quickly ducks and makes himself invisible. 1:44

Cameron vanishes again and moves away. 1:44

Gracie whispers, "I want to get down there and end it myself..." 1:45

Cameron laughs and yells, "Come out and play little boy!" 1:45

Derrick grins. "Boys come out and play. Men wait patiently until it's the perfect time to strike." 1:46

Derrick runs to where he heard Cameron's voice and swings his sword. 1:46

Cameron senses Derrick near and slashes out and cuts derrick's cheek. 1:46

Andrea clenches her knife and has half a mind to tackle Cameron from her tree right now and kill him 1:46

Derrick grits his teeth when his cheek gets cut and lashes out again. 1:48

Cameron dodges the attack and yells, " I can't die! Come and get me!" 1:48

Gracie closes her eyes, getting another memory of a peacekeeper falling dead and Allison crying out. 1:49

Cameron comes out of stealth to taunt derrick, but unknowingly is beneath Andrea and Gracie. 1:49

Andrea looks at Gracie and nods 1:50

Gracie nods back and leaps out of the tree, ax raised and ready to strike. 1:50

Andrea drops onto the other side of Cameron pulls her knife on him 1:51

Cameron laughs. "So this is how it ends?" 1:52

Gracie goes up to Cameron and puts her ax against his throat. 1:52

Cameron looks at Derrick and says, "Good duel, bro." 1:53

Andrea keeps a tight grip on her knife 1:53

Derrick steps closer with the sword still in his hands. "Not really. You fought like a ten year old." 1:53

Cameron: Really Derrick? I guess you don't feel those gashes i gave you whereas i never got hit. Yeah who's the ten year old. 1:54

Cameron: Gracie do you even remember me? Im Snow's nephew. We were engaged. 1:56

Gracie gasps and almost drops her ax. "Then I will definitely kill you, you son of a bitch!" 1:56

Andrea jawdrops 1:56

Cameron: Why? I didn't want to be forced either. But because of your "suicide" Snow had my parents killed. He felt that i was a disgrace. 1:57

Gracie presses the ax closer to his throat. "Do you know the years my mother starved me? She told me that I was worthless and I believed her because she kept me away from the only friends that could tell me otherwise! And all that, everything I did, was all because of you! I was supposed to be perfect for you! That's why I don't give a shit about you! What about me?! At least you lived in the fucking Capitol! I had no choice but to leave my home! You could have stayed where you belonged!" 1:58

Gracie feels the tears rolling down her face and quickly wipes them away with her arm. 2:00

Cameron: Im truly sorry. But you are wrong. I could not stay in the capitol. Snow labeled me as a traitor and sent keeper after keeper to kill me. So i escaped and became an assassin for hire. 2:00

Andrea doesn't trust this guy at all and stares at him 2:01

Gracie locks her jaw and steps back, but keeps her ax held out. "Derrick, Andrea, do whatever the fuck you want with him. I just ... I can't do this." 2:01

Cameron looks at Andrea and says i won't kill Derrick or any of you but i have a condition. 2:03

Andrea: What? 2:03

Cameron: That i get to stay with yall. I just want a place tocall home and people to call family. 2:04

Gracie starts remembering things. Scene after scene of her mother starving her, making her vomit, shoving her into her dark room. She sees herself clawing at the door, screaming that she's hungry and fainting and sleeping all the time. She sees the Donvan brothers and Chris trying to help her every now and then. Then her mother is before her, telling her that she's just a tool for the Capitol and that is what she was bred for. 2:04

Derrick: Yeah.... So we're going to let a guy that just tried to kill us... stay with us? 2:04

Andrea: Agreed. 2:05

Andrea: There's no way we can trust you. 2:05

Cameron: ok so take my weapons away and watch me closely. Dont trust me 2:05

Cameron: I just dont want to be alone. 2:05

Gracie she blinks fast as she begins to remember climbing the fence. Her special suit helped keep the electricity from killing her, but not enough to prevent it from hurting her somewhat. Everything after that is a blur. 2:06

Derrick glances at Andrea. "I think we might be able to do that at least...." 2:07

Andrea glances at Derrick "You're gunna give into him?? He's just as bad as the peacekeepers! He was gunna kill you!!" 2:08

Gracie drops her ax and puts her hands on her face. She can't stop crying. 2:08

Derrick shrugs. "So did Chris, but he's still around." 2:08

Cameron: So it's settled then! I guess bygones be bygones 2:09

Andrea: No way. Then I'm not going back to the mansion 2:09

Cameron laughs 2:09

Cameron: I dont have to live with yall. I could live in the cave I found. 2:10

Derrick shakes his head at Cameron. "Bygones? No. I'll get you back for this. Might not be murder, but you can count on it. And sure. Have the cave." 2:11

Cameron winks at Derrick. "Come at me bro." 2:12

Derrick grimaces at Cameron. "Again, boys come out to play. Men don't. I lie in wait." 2:12

Cameron: Lie in wait all you want. Skilled men lay ambushes at where the dumb men wait. 2:12

Cameron: Gracie, if you need to talk you know where to find me. 2:12

Gracie flinches when he says her name and wipes her tears with the sleeve of her coat just before she growls, "I don't need to talk to you." 2:13

Cameron: You will Gracie. You will. 2:14

Cameron leaves. 2:14

Gracie gives Derrick and Andrea a look, picks up her ax, and shoots up into the sky, flying off. 2:15

Andrea watches Gracie and bites her lip 2:16

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