The Last Marauder Standing ||...

By littlewitchbitxh

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"You know what happens when stars collide? They make a black hole. That's us. And we will suck everyone into... More

1-The Boy With the Grey Eyes
2-Black Is His Name
3-To Hate or Not to Hate?
4-"Blind" Date
6-Friend or Doe?
7-TRICK or Treat?
8- Have A Not So Happy Birthday
9-"What if Dumbledore Met Gandalf?"
10-Cats and Dogs Do Not Get Along
11-Not Friends, Not Enemies
12-Under Unfortunate Circumstances
13-A Very Sirius Christmas
14-Sharing Secrets
15-Pranking the Pranksters
16-The New Normal
17-Just a Kiss
18-The Monster
20-Single on Valentine's Day
21-The Full Moon
25-Don't Jump
26-Black Family Tree
27-The Stars
28-Our Last Summer
30-Love at First Potion
31-Black Eye
32-The New Seeker
33-A Wonderful Us
34-The Last Straw
35-Under Pressure
36-The "Truth"
37-Written in the Stars
38-Learning to Say Goodbye

23-The Wedding

507 17 5
By littlewitchbitxh

"Do you know what you'll be wearing to the wedding yet?" Marlene asked me about the wedding for what felt like the thousandth time. "It's going to be the pureblood event of the year. You have to look incredible"

"Nope, haven't given it much thought" I sighed, looking out the window of the Hogwarts express, trying to ignore her constant pestering. We were on our way home for Easter break, where Lily and I would be attending the Lestrange wedding with the other marauders.

"Leave the poor thing alone Marlene, you've been talking about the wedding the entire train ride" Alice shook her head, not even looking up from the daily prophet in her hands.

"This is probably one of the most important events Lily and Estella will ever go to! Besides their own weddings of course. They have to be properly dressed! I trust Lily to make an effort but Estella on the other hand..." Marlene trailed off, giving me a pointed look.

"Hey! That isn't fair, I've certainly learned a thing or two about fashion from all the times you've had to dress me!" I exclaimed, trying to defend myself.

"Don't worry Marls, I'll make sure her outfit lives up to your expectations" Lily giggled. "She can always borrow one of my dresses of course"

"You guys give me no credit. I have gotten much better at dressing myself over the last few months. If you remember correctly, I used to only wear jumpers and t-shirts." I rolled my eyes. "Look at me now" I motioned to my outfit. I was wearing loose high-waisted jeans paired with a form-fitting striped sweater, a black belt, and my usual high-top converse.

"Alright, I'll admit you've improved quite a lot, but you still need help in the dresses department." Marlene shook her head. "I don't think I've ever seen you wear a dress and not complain."

"Maybe because I hate them" I grumbled, sulking in my seat. To be honest I wasn't looking forward to this wedding. I was afraid to be surrounded by Sirius' family because He tried so hard to hide them from me. I was afraid to be around so many purebloods who would hate me if they knew I was a Cullen, the granddaughter of a metamorphmagus. It wouldn't matter to them that I'm also pure-blooded because I have the metamorphmagus trait. Somehow that makes me tainted, no longer pure in their eyes. I couldn't care less about it, but I'd rather not be made the center of attention if I can avoid it.

"Do you think Sirius will ask you to dance?" Marlene grinned at me. I blushed a little, butterflies filling my stomach at the thought.

"Hopefully not" I sighed, looking back out the window.

"What? Why not" Marlene asked.

"Because I just want to be his friend! We've been over this" I shook my head, looking over to her again. "I want to avoid all romantic interaction with him, but if he asks me to dance I'm afraid I won't be able to say no at the moment" I blushed harder, thinking about all the times Sirius and I have wound up in romantic situations and how I wasn't able to resist him.

"You should really stop fighting this feeling and just go with it Estella" Alice piped up again, still only half paying attention as she read the paper.

"Honestly. We know you like him, Estella. Even he knows you like him" Lily added.

"I know I like him, the thing is I don't want to!" I exclaimed, frustrated because they didn't understand.

"Why not?" Marlene asked, confused as to why I didn't want to be with one of the best-looking guys in our year.

"I'm in school! School isn't for daydreaming about boys all day, it's about learning new things; getting good grades so that you have a bright future!"

"If you don't care about the social aspect, you might as well be homeschooled" Alice finally looked up from her paper to fully pay attention to the conversation.

"Really Estella, look at you now! They even started calling you a marauder. They gave you one of their stupid nicknames!" Marlene chuckled, and I found myself blushing again, not knowing how to respond.

"If it makes you feel any better, he doesn't want to like you either" Lily piped up, and we all looked at her curiously.

"What do you mean?" I asked slowly, wondering what she knew.

"Well, he told me so. I was meant to keep this a secret, but I believe his exact words were 'I caught feelings' and 'I don't want to be her stupid boyfriend' blah blah blah" Lily spoke using air quotes.

"But the only reason he doesn't want to be her boyfriend is because he's never had a real girlfriend that he cares about" Alice shook her head.

"Which is another problem with liking him" I pointed out to them. Neither Sirius nor I know how to have a proper relationship.

"I'm ok with you liking Kace instead" Marlene joked, giving a small shrug. I playfully slapped her arm, secretly wondering if Kace will ever tell her the truth.

"Guys, the whole point of this conversation is that I don't want to like anyone AT ALL" I pointed out to them, shaking my head.

"Alright, alright, you do whatever you think is best" Lily put her hands up in defense.

"Don't give up so easily! Estella and Sirius would be so cute together!" Marlene whined.

"Oh, so I'm not cute by myself?" I defended, half-joking. Alice snorted and Lily giggled at my response.

"Estella!" She giggled, shoving me playfully. "You know what I mean!"

"I know, I know" I rolled my eyes, smiling at her. "I know you think Sirius and I would make a good couple, but I honestly don't think we would. We're just... different. We're fine as friends but I think a relationship would ruin everything. Especially because I don't think he's mature enough for one and I'm not ready for one" I shrugged. "It may be hard to believe but I quite enjoy being single" I huffed.

"Yea, alright. We'll see what you say after the wedding" Marlene chuckled, rolling her eyes slightly at my stubbornness. None of the other girls argued with this statement, but I decided I was done discussing it. I turned my head back towards the window and watched as we made our way back to King's Cross.


The girls and I immediately grabbed our bags the minute the train stopped. I walked right behind Lily as we made our way off the train and onto the platform, seeing as I would be staying with her for the next few days. As lily looked around the busy station for her family, I noticed Sadie jump off the train a few doors down and run over to our grandmother Griselda. Sadie looked delighted to see her, and I could tell she was talking non-stop, most likely about her newfound metamorphmagus abilities.

Griselda looked grim. She put a hand in Sadie's shoulder, spoke for a few seconds, and I watched as Sadie's face fell. Sadie had sent a letter to our grandmother telling her all about her abilities. She was so excited to be just like her. However, my grandmother replied with a short and simple letter stating that Sadie was to tell no one about these abilities and that they would talk about it more when she got home. Sadie didn't seem to understand why Griselda wasn't as excited, but I knew she was afraid. She was outcasted for her abilities. Our family name was shamed. We were once a respectable pure-blood family, and while we're still pure-blooded, many believe my grandmother is lying about her heritage and is actually a half-breed. She doesn't want the same fate for Sadie.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by someone joining me at my side. I turned to see Sirius, and that's when I noticed Lily was gone. I quickly scanned the platform and finally saw her hugging her parents about ten feet away. I hung back with Sirius for a moment, giving them a chance to catch up on their own.

"So, are you looking forward to spending some time at home?" I asked awkwardly, already knowing his answer but not knowing what else to say. He laughed dryly.

"That's a stretch" he replied sarcastically, eyes scanning the crowd, most likely looking for his family. "And you?"

"I'm not going home, so I couldn't be happier" I huffed, glancing back over at Sadie and Griselda. Griselda looked up and made eye contact with me, giving me a hateful look before turning away with Sadie by her side. I looked back to Sirius who was watching me curiously. I looked back up into the crowd, avoiding his stare, and saw a woman with a similar stature as Sirius. "Is that your mum?" I asked with interest and purpose.

"Where?" He asked almost miserably.

"At the other end of the platform", I pointed in her direction.

"Does her gaze draw the last vestiges of happiness from your soul like a dementor?" He asked seriously and I looked at him with confused eyes. "Does her mouth pull ever so slightly into a grimace, as though she has smelled the foulest stench to plague mankind but will not dare to admit defeat? Do her claw-like hands look as though they're ready to rip the beating heart out of a young child to continue her putrid existence?" He spoke so casually and I had to pause for a moment.

"Er - she looks like she's glaring at you" I tried and he nodded.

"Yea, that's probably her" he sighed, looking up as he watched her embrace his younger brother Regulus. She looked up at us again, the smile falling off her face when she saw Sirius again.

"Maybe I'll meet her at the wedding?" I asked hopefully, already knowing he wouldn't be happy about that. "You did tell me that I could meet them eventually"

"Yea, eventually. Not this trip though. We're just going to hope she's too busy to pay either one of us any mind" He shook his head. I rolled my eyes at him, slightly annoyed that he said I could meet his parents, and yet he still won't let me. I can understand that they're horrible to him and he hates them, but they're still his parents and I don't want them to think I have something to hide.

"Well, I guess I'll see you at the wedding then" I sighed, offering him one last smile. He returned it and nodded.

"Yeah, see you then" He responded. He took a deep breath before walking over to his family, and I turned and made my way over to introduce myself to the Evans family. Mr. and Mrs. Evans were so sweet, just like Lily. They seemed so interested in the wizarding world and were obviously very proud of Lily. Her sister Petunia on the other hand was very rude. She hid behind her mother and glared at the two of us, but it was clear that she was too afraid to talk bad about two witches. I'm sure she's one of those muggles.

After the introductions were over Lily and I grabbed our bags and followed her parents to their car. This will certainly be an interesting trip.


Lily lived in Cokeworth, England, and it was definitely not a cheerful place. I'm surprised someone as bright as Lily came from a place like this. Petunia, I can believe it, but not Lily. It felt as if my magic were being drained from my body. I don't think I have ever been surrounded by so many muggles before.

The thin streets were crowded with identical brick houses, and the entire place felt very gloomy as we drove by. We finally pulled into their driveway and I couldn't help but wonder how they knew which house was theirs. We got out of the car and Lily and I collected our bags from the trunk. I turned to Lily before we went to follow her parents into the house.

"No offense Lily but... how did you grow up in such a dreary city? This place even lacks color somehow" I shook my head, looking around at the grey cobblestone streets and dark brown brick houses. Lily chuckled a little, and I was glad she didn't take offense to this statement.

"I know it's not much, but it's home. I suppose when you live somewhere all your life you don't really question those things. It definitely isn't as magnificent as Hogwarts, but it has my family" He smiled as we watched her parents unlock the door and gesture for us to follow them inside. I smiled as well as we made our way into the house. I remember that feeling; how it felt in my childhood home. I haven't felt it since I lived there so many years ago; that feeling of safety, like nothing, could hurt you there.

The inside of the Evan's house was much more cheerful. I felt my mood lighten immediately after stepping foot inside. The walls had light blue wallpaper with family photos decorating them, and deep hardwood floors were beneath our feet. It creaked slightly as we walked, and Lily immediately grabbed me and pulled me up the stairs, insisting that she and I hang out in her bedroom until supper was ready.

"We have to plan your outfits for the wedding!" She exclaimed as we made it to the top of the stairs. She brought me to the first door on the right, and when I walked inside I was blinded by the brightness of the room. Lily's walls were plain white, but plants, books, pictures, and random objects coated every surface. Some even hung from the ceiling, like a leafy green plant with vines spilling over the edges of the pot and reaching all the way to the floor. She had a large bookshelf in one corner and a dresser in the other which was next to her bed.

"Your room is brilliant!" I exclaimed as I looked around. Sure beats my room. I didn't even have any decorations up at home. It's more like a cell than a room, to be honest.

"Thanks" Lily shrugged as she closed the door behind me. She brushed the comment off and immediately walked over to a door on the opposite side of the room which turned out to be a closet. "Now let's see here..."

"I have one dress with me that I think I could wear," I told her as I put my bag on her bed and began opening it to get my dress.

"Don't bother. Marlene said she saw you packing it and told me to just find you something myself" Lily chuckled as she rummaged through the dresses in her closet. "She said the dress was beige and that it was most certainly not your color"

"Wow, leave it to Marlene to insult my wardrobe without even being here" I huffed, closing up my bag again and putting it back on the floor. I took a seat on Lily's bed as I waited for her.

"Ah, I think this will do well" She nodded. She came over to me with a floor-length red dress in her hands.

"Woah, red? That's a bit of a statement, isn't it?" I asked, shaking my head a bit.

"You want to make a statement! Sirius won't know what hit him when he sees you in this" She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"I don't want Sirius to like me any more than he already does!" I rolled my eyes at her. These girls can't get that idea through their heads...

"Honestly I don't think it's possible for him to like you any more than he already does" Luly chuckled. "Doesn't mean you can't have some fun with it. You have to admit getting attention from a cute boy is at least a little fun" Lily chuckled. I sighed, shrugging. I suppose she was right, I do enjoy it when Sirius gives me attention...

"That dress is still a lot though. I could never pull it off" I shook my head.

"That is so not true! You wore a red dress to the first Slug Club party and you looked incredible!" She exclaimed.

"Well that was long sleeves and dark red, it didn't stand out so much!" I exclaimed, looking at the dress in her hands. It was a red floor-length dress with a high neck and a very exposing top. I have never worn something so sexy in my entire life.

"Estella, trust me. I would never let you leave this house in something you didn't look incredible in" Lily put the dress down on the bed beside me and placed her hands on my shoulders. I sighed but nodded, knowing she was right yet again.

"What will you wear?" I asked.

"Oh, I've got that covered. I have a dress that I've been dying to wear for a while now. I bought it for one of my cousin's weddings and then she asked me to be a bridesmaid. That's where I got your dress from. All the bridesmaids wore red" She nodded. Suddenly there was a voice yelling from downstairs. It was Lily's mum calling us for dinner. "Coming mum!" Lily yelled to her before grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door again.

We made our way downstairs, and as we headed to the kitchen we passed Petunia in the hallway. She gave me a dirty look before walking away towards the bathroom. I stopped in my tracks and went to go after her and ask what her problem was, but Lily stopped me.

"Don't mind Petunia. She's just a little cautious of magic is all. She'll warm up to you eventually" Lily shrugged, not sounding very convincing. I decided to let it go for Lily's sake, but I made a mental note to stand up to Petunia before Lily and I went back to Hogwarts.

Dinner was amazing. Mrs. Evans made bangers and mash, one of my favorite dishes. They asked a lot about my family, what my life in France was like, and what I was studying at Hogwarts. Things got a little awkward when they asked about my parents, but I somehow managed to avoid bringing up their deaths.

"What do your parents do, exactly? Do they work in the wizarding world?" Mr. Evans asked me. I cleared my throat a little, thinking about my response. I haven't even told Lily about what happened to my parents yet.

"Um... yes. My parents were both aurors. They hunted down dark wizards" I nodded, avoiding eye contact with everyone by looking down at my food.

"How interesting!" Mrs. Evans exclaimed, not even realizing I was speaking in the past tense. "We need people like your parents to keep everyone safe these days" She nodded. I gave them a weak smile,

"Yeah, suppose we do" I sighed. Lily gave me a strange look but I shrugged her off. I had to tell her eventually...

Later that night Lily and I returned to her bedroom in silence. Petunia gave me more dirty looks as we left but still didn't say a word to me. We got to Lily's room and once I walked in and she closed the door behind her. She turned to me with the same troubled look on her face from dinner.

"Are you alright? You were acting a bit strange towards the end of dinner..." She trailed off. I took a seat on her bed and she sat next to me. I sighed, shrugging.

"I'm okay... It's just my parents..." I trailed off, not knowing how to tell her. We were quiet for a moment and then she spoke up.

"You don't talk about them much. You actually don't talk about them ever..." She pointed out, and I simply nodded my head.

"Well, I don't particularly like talking about what happened" I tried telling her, my throat tightening with each word. "My parents, well... They're dead" I finally spit it out. Lily's jaw dropped, and she immediately covered it with her hand. "Please don't feel bad though. It happened when I was eleven. It's been six years, and it'll be seven this summer!" I rambled a bit, embarrassed. I don't want anyone's pity. "Honestly, it's okay" I lied.

"Estella I... I had no idea... I never even imagined..." Lily trailed off, not being able to find the words. We sat in silence for a moment before Lily quickly pulled me into a tight hug. It took me a moment, but I eventually hugged her back. "Why did you never tell us?" She asked before pulling away.

"I don't want people to treat me differently. People hear the word orphan and their heart immediately breaks for them. I just didn't want you guys to think something was wrong with me..." I trailed off.

"Estella, we would never-"

"You can't tell me you don't feel pity for me right now. If you did I'd know you were lying. Either that or you don't have emotions" I sighed, cutting her off sharply. "It's a normal thing for people to feel, but I don't want the pity. It's not your fault, I just choose not to tell anyone to avoid that unavoidable reaction" I finished.

"I understand. Not about your parents of course, but why you didn't want to tell us" Lily nodded. "Does anyone else know?"

"Well... Sirius got it out of me a few months ago over Christmas break. I also just recently told Remus, but he shared a really big secret with me so I felt as if I should prove to him that he isn't the only one who has kept secrets, you know?" I sighed, feeling a little guilty that I waited this long to tell Lily.

"Remus... He told you a, uh... secret, did he?" Lily stuttered suddenly. I gave her a curious look.

"Yeah... He did, why?" I asked. We looked at each other for a moment, both of us wanting to say something but too afraid to say it.

"He's, uh... told me a secret of his as well... back in third year" Lily cleared her throat. She gave me a knowing look and I felt myself growing even more curious, wondering if we were talking about the same thing here.

"About his... " I trailed off, trying to think of something that Lily would understand only if she knew about Remus being Moony. "About his grandmother? His, uh... monthly... visits?" I slowly spoke, and Lily's eyes lit up with recognition.

"Yes... his monthly visits" She nodded her head, amazed. I was too. I had no idea Lily knew about him this entire time. "When did he tell you?"

"Back in February. That's why they made me a Marauder... because I kinda found out" I sighed. "I followed Remus on the night of the full moon" I twisted the truth a little bit, unsure if Lily knew about the other boys being animagi. I didn't want to tell her about myself just yet either. Not unless the other boys were okay with it.

"Were you okay?" Lily looked concerned. I would be too if I found out my friend followed a werewolf on the full moon.

"Yeah, uh... Sirius James and Peter were there to get me away from him" I nodded. "They all explained everything to me the next day" I finished.

"Wow..." Lily nodded. "I knew the boys must have known. I was the first to find out, you see. I calmed Remus down and convinced him that it was nothing to be ashamed of. I suppose that helped him tell the other boys as well" Lily shrugged.

"He's still pretty ashamed of it" I sighed. "He was pretty upset when I found out"

"Of course. Remus always blamed himself for this even though it's out of his control" Lily shook her head. We sat in silence for a moment before she looked over at the clock on her nightstand. "Blimey! It's getting late, and while I certainly would love to stay up all night talking, my parents will not allow us to sleep in tomorrow, especially because the wedding is later in the day." Lily huffed. I nodded, getting off the bed to go to the bathroom across the hall.

"I'll be right back, just have to brush my teeth" I informed her before grabbing my toothbrush and walking into the hall.

I noticed the door to the bathroom across the hall was open and Petunia was in there washing her hands. She looked up at me with that same disgusted look on her face like she smelt something bad. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom anyway, standing beside her as I put the toothpaste on my toothbrush. Petunia was about to leave but I stopped her before I put the toothbrush in my mouth.

"You have a problem with me, Petunia? Just say it" I shook my head at her. She looked slightly frightened that I addressed her but the disgusted expression soon returned to her horse-like face.

"Your kind is what I have a problem with. You're freaks. You don't belong here" She pursed her lips. I smirked a little, somewhat amused.

"Oh Petunia, I was so hoping you were different from all those other muggles. Your parents are different. I had such high hopes for you" I tisked. Leaning over towards her, I looked her dead in the eyes. "We're the daughters of witches people like you couldn't burn" I shook my head. Petunia no longer looked disgusted, but somewhat horrified. I turned away from her and towards the mirror as I began brushing my teeth. I saw her hesitate out of the corner of my eye, but eventually, she left. This has turned out to be an interesting trip so far...


The next day Lily and I got up early, as per her parent's request, and helped them run some errands before we had to get ready. The good news was Petunia avoided me all morning and decided to go to a friend's house in the afternoon. It's nice seeing that my talk with her actually showed her I mean business. I know how much she has hurt Lily as well, so it felt good to scare her a little.

Later that day around three o-clock Lily and I began getting ready. Lily and I weren't going to the ceremony because it felt strange going to a stranger's wedding, especially when Lily and I weren't even plus ones. Lily was the plus one of a plus one and I'm not even sure what I am, a plus four?

Lily started getting dressed as I attempted to do my hair and makeup. Lily taught me some of her hair and makeup spells that she uses daily, but I'm just not sure what looks right with the dress Lily picked out. I put my hair in a braid first, and before I could even get started on the makeup Lily came over shaking her head.

"A braid? Really? We're going to a wedding, not primary school" Lily rolled her eyes, a smile on her face as she came over to fix my hair. I turned around and looked at her dress. It was dark blue and floor-length like mine. The top was held up by thin straps and had intricate designs and beading all over it. The bottom was plain silky fabric that flowed like water as she walked.

"Oh Lily, you look incredible!" I exclaimed as I admired her outfit. The color really made her red hair and green eyes pop.

"Thank you" She smiled, blushing a little at the compliment. "I've been waiting for an occasion to wear this dress for ages" She shrugged, a nervous look coming over her face suddenly. "Do you think James will like it?"

"If he doesn't he's mad" I giggled. "Why are you two not together yet?" I asked as I turned back around towards the mirror. She pulled out her wand and started fixing my hair.

"I don't know... I think we're both a little afraid to admit our feelings because of all those years I hated him. I'm sure he doesn't want to overstep her boundaries again and, well, I..."

"You don't want to admit you were wrong all those years?" I smirked at her.

"Hey, I'm stubborn, alright?" She joked back.

Lily finally fixed my hair and makeup and I got up from my seat in front of the mirror for her to do herself. I walked over to the bed where my dress was. I picked it up and started getting dressed. The dress perfectly reached the floor once I had my matching red heels on. It wasn't difficult to get on myself because the zipper only went up to my hips. The entire back was open and all I had to do was secure the halter top around my neck. I sighed and looked in the full-length mirror at myself, shocked by my reflection. Lily had my hair down in long, loose curls. My makeup was subtle but really made my eyes pop. The beautiful red dress truly spoke for itself. I felt extremely exposed with the open back and revealing front, but at the same time I felt beautiful, something I don't feel often.

"Wow, and I thought I looked good. I wouldn't be surprised if you stole the show away from the bride herself" Lily chuckled.

"Let's hope not. I'm afraid I don't want to be the one to upset the new Mrs. Lestrange" I joked back, only half-joking.

Lily and I were finally ready to go. We walked down the stairs and her parents both gushed over how beautiful we both looked. I felt as if I were being sent off to a school dance or something by my parents. Is this what muggles really do? I also noticed Petunia was gone, and when I asked Mrs. Evans told me that she was spending the rest of the day at a friend's house. I sighed somewhat in relief. I was already nervous about seeing Sirius at the wedding. I didn't need to deal with Petunia as well.

With that, Mr. Evans offered to drive me and Lily to the reception venue. We walked out the door and got into the car with him, unknowingly throwing ourselves to the sharks.


When Lily and I arrived at the venue our jaws dropped. It was a large, castle-like building, and once we got inside I felt as if I had entered a fairytale. The entranceway was marvelous with high ceilings, golden walls, and a red velvet rug, but what truly took my breath away was the main ballroom where almost all the guests were. Everyone was dancing, eating, and talking in this huge room. The ceilings were so high I could hardly make out the mural that was painted on it. A large chandelier hung from the center and it probably cost ten times more than everything I owned. The floors were now a beautiful, deep-colored hardwood, fine drapery lined the walls, and every man and woman were dressed to impress. I suddenly didn't feel so overdressed as I saw everyone wearing floor-length evening gowns.

I scanned the room desperately searching for any of the boys, and I could tell Lily was doing the same. It appeared that the bride and groom hadn't arrived yet, so the reception must have only just started. I finally locked eyes with those familiar grey ones across the room, and a smile spread across my face before I tapped Lily's shoulder and gestured towards all the boys in the corner of the room. We walked over to them and I could tell Sirius' jaw had dropped slightly. James stood beside him and had a huge smile on his face as he looked at Lily. Remus just looked glad to see some familiar faces, and Peter blushed furiously as he tried to avoid eye contact with me.

"Hello boys, fancy seeing you here" I chuckled once we finally reached them. Lily walked over to James and they smiled at each other before he wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her close at his side and whispering something in her ear that made her blush. I looked over at Sirius who was still staring at me in amazement.

His eyes roamed my body and then came back up to my face. He closed his mouth and gulped. I looked him up and down as well, not being able to help myself. He was wearing a suit and tie that just so happened to fit him perfectly. When my eyes landed back on his he was smiling at me. I gave a shy smile back and walked closer to him. He placed his hands on my shoulders and traced them down to my hands, picking up one so that he could spin me around and see the dress in all its glory. I giggled when he did, and when he finished I faced him again.

"Wow," he said quietly and I blushed.

"Wow to you too" I laughed. He looked at me again and his smile grew. A few seconds later he spoke up again.

"" He whispered and James had to interrupt the moment.

"Alright pads, is that all you know how to say now?" He chuckled. Sirius turned to him and pointed at me.

"Wow!" He exclaimed just for the heck of it and I laughed again, as did Lily. Remus and Peter rolled their eyes as they ignored us and formed their own conversation on the side.

"Oh please, it's just a silly dress. Anyone can put on a dress and some makeup" I shrugged, trying to pull the attention away from myself.

"But it's you though. You could walk through that door in a sack and I would still be delighted" Sirius brushed off my comment but I blushed madly at what he said.

"So, um... Did we miss anything good at the ceremony?" I asked, changing the subject. James and Lily picked up their own conversation as well.

"All these weddings are the same. I feel as if I'm invited to one every year. Another cousin being married off to another pureblood family" He sighed, shaking his head. "I never really favored this cousin though. She was always... well, let's just say she's not on our side of the war if you know what I mean" He gave me a knowing look.

"Wow, war is a big word" I shook my head slightly, once again uncomfortable with the topic of conversation.

"You know it'll happen though. It's right under our noses" Sirius shook his head, looking around at the room with curiosity. "To think almost all these people could be... bad" He sighed, shaking his head.

"I choose to not think about these things too much. You know, for my own sanity" I sighed.

"Sorry, I've been at home for one day and it seems to be the only thing on my mind after that" He bit his lip before looking back at me and smirking. "I'm glad you're here. Gives me something new to think about" He added on. I blushed again, butterflies filling my stomach. Before I could respond the music in the room stopped suddenly and everyone's attention turned to the grand entranceway on the other side of the room. A man stood in front of the door and placed the tip of his wand to the side of his neck.

"Ladies and Gentlemen" His voice echoed throughout the hall. "I present, Mr. and Mrs. Lestrange" He announced before stepping out of the way. The doors opened on their own and in walked the bride and groom as the music started to play again.

Bellatrix looked incredible, however, her expression was everything a bride's shouldn't be. She was smiling of course, but her smile wasn't happy or full of love, it was filled with power and triumph as if she had just conquered the world. She hardly gave her new husband a second glance as they entered the room, flashing this smile at all the guests. It was clear she wanted them all to know this was her day, and she was in charge here.

She and her new husband began dancing together in the middle of the dance floor and everyone happily watched. Her dress was white with black lace on top. Her hair was dark and extremely curly, but it was half up half down and the curls draped over her shoulders and down her back.

I watched them dance, as did everyone else, even Sirius when I started looking around the room at all the guests curiously. All of these people were pure-blooded except Lily, Remus, and Peter. Lily most of all were in danger here, seeing as she's muggle-born. If any of these people found that out she would be thrown out immediately, or maybe worse.

I shook my head, choosing to not think about such things. This was meant to be a fun time. Something we could help Sirius get through without wanting to off himself. Nothing bad was going to happen. That was what I thought before I saw him across the room. My heart stopped, and thankfully he didn't notice me. I grabbed Sirius' arm and he gave me a curious look.

"Kurt is here. Kurt Avery" I whispered to him, my eyes never leaving Kurt from across the room. He clung to the opposite wall, far away from all other people to avoid socialization. Even from all the way over here I could see how sunken his face had become and how dark the circles under his eyes had become. He looked as if he had aged several years. The light caught something on his hand and I immediately recognized the snake ring that wrapped around his finger.

"Of course it is... He's a pure-blood after all" Sirius shook his head. "Only the best of the best. That's what they say" He said this sarcastically. "Just a bunch of old Hogwarts bullies if you ask me. They're all the same"

I looked away from Kurt, terrified that if I stared too long he would notice me too. I saw James and Lily messing around with a camera James must have brought. James was taking pictures of her as she laughed at him. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sirius asked, giving me a worried expression.

"Yea, I'm okay. It's just that Kurt... I don't know what it is about him but he makes me so uncomfortable" I admitted.

"Well... He did try to kill you... and your sister... and me" Sirius pointed out. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Wow, thanks, Sherlock. Nothing gets past you" I replied sarcastically. I watched the dance floor as more people began joining the bride and groom. I saw Sirius smirk at me out of the corner of my eye and I gave him a curious look. "What?"

"May I have this dance m'lady?" He asked, offering me his hand as he bowed slightly. I squinted my eyes at him, expecting this to be some type of joke.

"You can't be serious" I chuckled a little. Sirius stood up straight and smirked again.

"Actually, I am Sirius" He winked, and I groaned a bit, hating myself for walking into that one. "And I do in fact want to dance with you" He offered me his hand again.

"I... I've never danced with anyone before" I sighed, looking at his outstretched hand apprehensively.

"I can show you a thing or two" He winked. I rolled my eyes before smiling and taking his hand. He led me onto the dance floor, but not before all of our friends noticed and went "oooooh" together.

"Get it, Sirius!" James called out to him. I sighed at their childishness.

Sirius led me onto the dance floor, stopping me about fifteen feet from where we stood before. People were dancing all around us, but I still felt as if Sirius and I were the only two there. He placed a hand on my waist and pulled me close. So close I could smell the mint on him, and that made me smile. It was nice knowing he was genuinely trying to quit smoking for me. He grabbed my other hand in his and took his one hand off my waist for a moment to guide my free arm around his shoulder. Once he returned his hand to my waist and we were in position, he began moving his feet. I tried following his lead, but I quickly discovered that I was a horrible dancer.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed as I stepped on his foot for what felt like the hundredth time.

"It's alright" Sirius chuckled, watching me panic with slight amusement on his face.

"This isn't funny, alright? I genuinely don't know what I'm doing" I tried being serious with him but ended up laughing along with him by the time I reached the end of my sentence. "How do you know how to do this anyway?"

"Years of practice. Do you think my parents would let me come to these events without knowing how to properly act at them? I may seem like a no-manners bad-boy, but underneath all of that is a perfectly polished young man" He gave me a tight smile. I could tell he must have hated being put through all of that.

"If you hate it so much then why did you ask me to dance?" I asked him curiously.

"You needed a distraction" He shrugged, wincing slightly as I stepped on his foot again.

"Sorry..." I trailed off for the hundredth time. "Well, thank you for that. It's definitely helping" I blushed a little, enjoying the feeling of his arm wrapped around me. Suddenly the music changed again to a slower song, and just as I was about to pull away from Sirius and return to our friends, he pulled me in even closer.

"This dance is easier. You just rock back and forth, see? Anyone would do it" He smirked as he pressed our chests together. I blushed before responding, my mouth now just below his ear.

"I thought you didn't want to draw attention to yourself?" I asked him quietly. "With your mother and everything?"

"I enjoy making my mother angry. If she sees me dancing with a girl she's never met, I'm sure she'll be thrilled" Sirius replied sarcastically. "Besides, I like dancing with you. I never liked dancing before, but I'm actually enjoying it for the first time. Just enjoy it with me" He sighed, and I relaxed a bit, leaning my head onto his shoulder. I saw a flash and heard a snap behind us and I quickly pulled away from Sirius a bit to see what happened. Sirius and I were still in each other's arms, and behind us stood Remus with James' camera in his hand, a large smirk on his face. He pulled out the polaroid and summoned a quill to write what I presume was the date on it. He shook it a bit before handing it to us, and the second I read it I rolled my eyes.

"Nice one mate" Sirius chuckled, handing the picture back to Remus and turning back to me. "That one is a keeper" He nodded. I slapped him playfully, smiling in return.

"You two are adorable, it's almost sickening" Remus joked before walking away and returning to Peter. I returned to Sirius' arms as we rocked back and forth again to the music.

"You know, the next time you see me this dressed up again will most likely be at James and Lily's wedding or something" I joked and Sirius scoffed a bit, pulling away to look at me.

"James and Lily? Yeah okay, I'll probably be long dead before I see Lily agree to marry James" Sirius scoffed, but my jaw dropped slightly as I saw the two of them across the room together.

"I wouldn't be so sure, look" I pointed and Sirius looked as well. James and Lily were on the other side of the dance floor dancing together, except they weren't just dancing. They were in the middle of a heated kiss, and it seemed as if they didn't plan on coming up for air any time soon. I laughed a bit in shock, and Sirius turned back to me with his jaw slightly dropped.

"You know, we could also..." He trailed off but I shook my head.

"Don't ruin the moment Sirius" I shook my head, wrapping my arms around him once again and continuing our dance. I heard him sigh in disappointment, but he didn't say another word about it.


The night passed by smoothly. Kurt seemed to disappear while Sirius and I were dancing, and I just hoped he didn't see us. He looked really off though as if the life were being drained out of him...

James and Lily disappeared somewhere as well to do Merlin knows what together. I just hope Lily comes back soon seeing as it was getting late and it's almost time for us to go. Remus and Peter stuck together seeing as Sirius was glued to my side the entire night. Sirius tried convincing me to pull some pranks while we were there but I talked him out of it, seeing as I didn't want his family to know me as the wedding crasher who ruined the entire event.

"You know, I wasn't lying when I said you look incredible. You truly do. You should wear outfits like this more often" Sirius smirked at me, taking a sip from his drink. I shoved him playfully.

"Oh? You mean something this revealing?" I chuckled. "You'd just love that, wouldn't you?"

"Actually, I change my mind. I don't want you drawing attention from all the other boys at school. Too much competition" He shook his head, and I blushed slightly.

"Oh please, your the only boy who has ever paid me any attention" I shrugged him off.

"Take it from someone who lives in the Gryffindor boys dorm, almost every boy thinks you're beautiful" He sighed. "I always tell them to back off though. 'That one's mine' I tell them. They all take it as a joke though" He chuckled a bit, shaking his head.

"Well... is it? A joke, I mean." I asked curiously. Sirius averted his eyes, blushing slightly.

Sirius opened his mouth to reply when someone suddenly tapped his shoulder. An older woman wearing a long, emerald green dress with her dark hair pinned up in a bun stood behind him, and I recognized her as the same woman from Kings Cross yesterday; Sirius' mum. Sirius' face paled at the sight of her, but her eyes trailed away from him and landed on me.

"Sirius, care to introduce me to your... friend?" She asked, emphasizing the word "friend". Sirius cleared his throat and looked at me with... fear in his eyes?

"Um... Mum this is Estella. Estella this is my mum." Sirius nodded, gesturing to both of us. I offered her a warm smile but she hardly returned it.

"I'm sorry, Estella...?" She trailed off, and Sirius grimaced.

"Mum, it doesn't matter-"

"Cullen. Estella Cullen" I nodded, interrupting Sirius. He shook his head at me and looked away. His mother scrunched up her face for a moment before relaxing it again.

"Sorry, your name is a bit lost on me..." She trailed off, and I gave Sirius a confused look because I didn't exactly know what she meant by that.

"Alright, I think that's enough for tonight mum. Estella has to get going anyways" Sirius cut off the conversation and pulled me away from his mum before I even got a chance to say goodbye. I didn't fight him because he was obviously upset that his mother came to talk to me, so I let him grab my arm and pull me towards the exit of the ballroom.

"Sirius, where are you taking me?" I asked once we left the room filled with people.

"We have to find Lily and James" He sighed. "I suppose enough people have left the party that my mum is running out of guests to talk to. I don't want to draw too much attention to you guys" He bit his lip anxiously.

We walked around the grounds outside for a bit before finding James and Lily in one of the greenhouses in the gardens. Thankfully they were just talking, but they both had huge smiles on their faces. As we walked back to the building where Lily's dad was meant to pick us up, Lily and I dragged behind Sirius and James as we let them go ahead.

"So, seems like you had a fun night, eh?" I giggled a bit.

"James asked me to be his girlfriend" Lily blurted out, blushing madly. My jaw dropped and I smiled instantly, wrapping my arms around her in a hug.

"Lily that's amazing!" I exclaimed before pulling away. We continued walking, far enough away from Sirius and James so they wouldn't hear us.

"I know! I can't wait to tell the other girls when we get back" She told me. She seemed so giddy and it was so nice to see. "So, did you and Sirius do anything... interesting?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes before shaking my head.

"We danced and talked. That's it. Although I did briefly meet his mum... and it was a bit awkward" I sighed.

"From what James has told me she can be a very intense woman" Lily nodded, looking over at James and immediately smiling. I looked over at him and Sirius as well and it was obvious James was telling him all about how he asked out Lily. Sirius glanced back at me and offered me a smile. I blushed slightly and smiled back.

We reached the main building again and found Lily's dad right away. Lily just gave James a hug seeing as her dad was watching them, but James managed to sneak a kiss on her cheek before she got into the car. I turned to Sirius and wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a tight hug.

"Thank you for inviting me... this was a lot of fun" I smiled, pulling away slightly so I could face him while still in his arms.

"Thank you for deciding to come, you made the night bearable" He chuckled. I smiled in return before staring into his eyes for a moment.

"I'll see you on the train back to Hogwarts then, yeah?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course, see you soon" He nodded, gulping a bit, probably at the idea of going back home after tonight was over. I nodded before pulling away and turning towards the car, however, I hesitated before getting in. I turned back to Sirius and reached up to leave a kiss on the corner of his mouth. I giggled a bit when I pulled away because he had a goofy smile on his face, and I finally joined Lily in the car.

I watched Sirius and James disappear as we drove away, and I felt the familiar butterflies in my stomach at just the thought of Sirius. These feelings were getting harder and harder to fight. Maybe the girls were right... Maybe I just had to go with it, let myself feel them, and see where they lead me.

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