Fire and Ice - Jacob x reader...

By fayebailie1864

11.1K 316 118

You've always been alone, year after year. But that changed when you moved to Forks, Washington. A certain pa... More

Chapter 2: Jacob Black
Chapter 3: Phone calls and unexpected visits
Chapter 4: Leaving me behind
Chapter 5: Secrets and lies
Chapter 6: I guess the wolf's outta the bag
Chapter 7: The Cullens
Chapter 8: Wishing this could last forever
Chapter 9: Compromise
Chapter 10: Living in both worlds
Chapter 11: A promise
Chapter 12: Morning glow/ Making a deal
Chapter 13: Normal life huh?
Chapter 14: Family
Chapter 15: Reckoning
Chapter 16: As white as snow
Chapter 17: The smell of fresh firewood

Chapter 1: As the leaves turn golden

2.6K 58 15
By fayebailie1864

Authors note: Before we get into chapter 1, I'd like to say that I hope you like the story line and this chapter. This story already means a lot to me and that's because Twilight is a huge part of my life, it has helped me in so many ways. Anyway I hope you enjoy, please Vote and Comment if you love my story :)


~ Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire. I favour those who favor fire. - Robert Frost ~


Friday. I woke up to the sound of rain on my roof and windows. It was raining once again in Forks, Washington. But it's nothing new, in fact I was quite used to it by now seeing as I've lived here for a few months. Dad had already gone to work so I was left all alone, as usual. I opened the blinds to see the dark clouds above, it wasn't helping my mood improve. I changed into some clothes that looked suitable and quickly had breakfast before driving to school in my car.

As the car screeched to a stop, I looked around to see the leaves on the trees turning golden and brown. It was almost Halloween.

After slamming the car door shut, I prepared myself for another boring day at school. I noticed a particular boy with pale skin and golden hair staring at me from across the parking lot, but I shook it off. For who would ever purposely look at me?

Hours had soon passed and In the blink of an eye, I was already sitting at my table near the window in the cafeteria. I had my nose into my favourite book and I was almost at chapter three when I noticed that the cafeteria was packed out with people.

Trying not to get nervous I continued reading, trying to ignore all the noise around me. My palms soon started to sweat due to my social anxiety. Why does this always have to happen to me..

I hardly noticed when 2 people came up to my table and sat on the empty chairs in front of me.

'Hi' said a cheerful voice. I looked up from my book and almost died of a shock. The Cullens. What do the cullens want with me? Unless they're here to make fun of me or something..

I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled shyly at them.

'Hi my name is Alice, this is Jasper' said Alice cheerfully. 'Nice to meet you both, I'm y/n' I said with a smile. 'It's nice to meet you too, Are you new to town?' asked Alice.

'Yes actually, I moved here a few months ago' I said, going a little shy again.

'How do you like it?' said Alice.

'It's nice.. But very rainy' I said with a laugh.

'You don't like the rain?' asked Jasper.

He was looking at me with interest, his eyes a golden brown.. they were very hypnotising. I blushed at his sudden deep voice, he seemed to notice and smirk a little.

'I do but I'm not very used to it' I said. Jasper nodded, half grinning.

Something changed in that moment and I think they could notice it too, it was like I was an open book and they could read me so easily.

Curiosity got the best of me so I decided to ask them why they came to talk to me.

'This is going to sound so rude.. But no one ever talks to me.. I mean... well..'- 'We just wanted to make friends, we thought you could use some company' said Alice, a warm smile on her face.

I nodded, emmbrassed by my rambling. Suddenly I felt calmness wash through me and I had no idea where it had come from.

'It was nice speaking to you y/n, I'm sure we'll see you soon' said Alice suddenly.

I nodded and smiled. 'It was a pleasure to meet you..' said Jasper, a smirk on his lips. My cheeks flushed.

'And y/n really is a beautiful name..' whispered Jasper before walking away. A huge smile came to my lips.. No one had ever been that nice to me before. I went to turn to the table the Cullens were sitting at and my eyes instantly connected with Jaspers, I looked away embarrassed. But I could still feel his eyes staring at my back.

Lunch was soon over and I went to my next class which was Biology.

I always sat near the window at the back of the class and I always sat alone. Entering the familiar classroom I sat down at my seat and got out my book and pencil case. Soft Rain began to hit the window, giving a relaxing and calm ambience.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my anxiety before the class started. I gazed out of the window and held my gaze on the trees that were nearby. A few golden leaves fell onto the ground graciously. I rested my head on the desk and I felt my nerves soon calm down, I smiled faintly.

Alice and Jasper had entered the room without me noticing.

Alice gave Jasper a warm smile before sitting towards the front. Jasper took a deep breath before heading over to my table. I didn't notice that he was there until I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and blushed instantly.

'Sorry Jasper, I didn't see you there' I said, suddenly nervous again.

He smiled a warm smile that warmed my heart.

'Do you mind if I sit by you? All the other seats are full' said Jasper.

I looked around to the room to find plenty of empty seats.. So he wanted to sit with me on purpose.. I swooned at the thought and just nodded in return. He smirked and sat down in the seat next to me.


Jasper's pov

The bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. I had no time to think of anything before Alice spoke. 'You can do it Jaz, you won't hurt her.. She's slowly falling for you' whispered Alice. Alice's words made me feel uneasy but I nodded in her direction. I looked towards Edward, he looked back at me knowing what I wanted to know.

'She wants to get the day over with, she thought your encounter before was strange but she was overly joyed by your compliment' said Edward. I smiled now, knowing that she was somehow falling for me as I was for her.

'Don't get too overexcited, you only just met her now' chimed Emmet.

'Exactly, not another human' said Rosalie in a disgusted voice.

I almost growled at her tone but held back, Edward read my thoughts of anger towards her and he gave me a look as if to say, I know the feeling. We all scattered except for me and Alice that were now heading for Biology. Y/n would be there.

I could sense her worrying as I made it near the classroom door, I immediately sent calm emotions her way and she smiled faintly while looking out the window. I shouldn't feel this way about her.. She's too fragile.. To pure.. She deserves someone that can give her everything.

As I made my way towards her table Alice gave me a smile of encouragement. I took a deep breath, breathing in her sweet sense before walking closer. Her gaze was still glued to the outside so I coughed to let her know of my presence.

She looked up at me almost instantly, her cheeks going to red colour.

'Sorry Jasper, I didn't see you there' she said in an anxious voice. I felt her getting nervous again. I smiled at her lovingly and she smiled in return, I felt her swoon at my smile.

'Do you mind if I sit by you? All the other seats are full' I said with a smile still on my face.

Her eyes wandered around the room around her. I felt her feelings change into butterflies and I held back from trying to go too close to her. She nodded, her eyes gentle. I couldn't help but smirk as I sat down beside her.

The classroom was soon packed out with students and I felt her get a little nervous again. We were silent for a while until I decided to make conversation, after all I wanted to know more about her.

'Do you enjoy Biology?' I asked curiously. She looked at me, her eyes a beautiful e/c I could easily get lost in them.

'Not really' she said while chuckling.

'Me neither' I said, smiling.

'Do you like school?' she asked.

'Not really' copying her previous answer. She almost laughed. 'I've never been that fond of it either' she said, her smile showing her teeth.

'I noticed you like to read during lunch' I said.

'Yes, I love to read. It helps calm the soul' she said, a small smile on her lips.

I felt her mood change to sad. Her eyes suddenly became glossy.

'What's wrong?' I asked, my voice full of worry.

If anyone has hurt her I'll kill them in an instant.

'My nan loved to read too, she was the one that got me to begin reading in my spare time thus gaining my love for books' she said. 'She passed away not long ago..' she whispered, tears now trying to escape her eyes.

'I'm terribly sorry' I said while almost reaching for her hand. She looked into my eyes and slowly rested her hand on top of mine, she never flinched from the sudden coldness.

'Thank you' she whispered. I noticed her looking at my lips and the sudden feeling of the thirst for blood came back to the surface.

I slowly removed my stone cold hand from her warm hard. I felt an instant feeling of emptiness of where her hand had been. My throat burned with thirst and my mouth supplied venom. She turned away embarrassed again. I mentally shouted at the demon inside of me.

I sent a wave of calm her way but despite that she still felt sad. My heart ached to touch her once more but I don't think I could.. The monster would soon kill her and I'd be left with her weak cold body in my arms.. No, I couldn't bare the thought of her dead.. It hurts me more than I can explain..

I was thankful the teacher began asking students questions, the silence between us comfortable again. The hour had almost come to an end and I'd be going home.. away from her. The thought made me feel so empty that I could hardly breathe. Not that I needed to breathe of course.. Since I'm a vampire.

'Jasper'. Her sweet voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked at her face instantly.

'I'll see you on Monday?' asked y/n. 'Of course' I said back with a smile. She nodded her head and smiled. She felt relieved and at her relief I felt mine too. I just needed her to be happy.. Even if it wasn't with me.

I tried not to feel sad as the bell rang, signalling the end of the school day. She picked up her bag and said goodbye before leaving the class quickly. I was too in my thoughts to give her a response so I just smiled. As soon as she left the classroom I missed her presence urgently but I tried to calm my emotions and by doing so I left the class with Alice following behind me.

We made it to the car faster than usual, it was probably my feet trying to follow after her even though I wasn't following her. I leaned my back across the car and watched as she got into her black car and drove away.

'So how'd it go with the human?' asked Emmet while smirking.

I didn't answer at once, so Edward decided to read my mind.

'It went rather well, although..' said Edward but his voice turned into a whisper while I threatened him.

Edward you owe me, can't we just keep my love life private.

Edward nodded but only briefly, so he didn't make it obvious.

'Come on I wanna know!' cried Emmet.

'Emmet maybe it's best if you leave it' chimed Alice. Emmet nodded his head realising.

'Your totally in love with her' said Emmet. I gave him a hard look and he raised his hands in surrender while laughing. We all got in the car and went home, while the wet tires splashed on the concrete road.


Normal pov

Y/n got into her car quickly, she felt Jasper's eyes on her the whole time. She started up the car and drove away as fast as she could. She couldn't fall in love again. She'd just get hurt like always. But her heart ached for love. For someone to be there for her. She was always alone but for once in her life, she felt somewhat happy and less lonely.

Jasper was special, anyone could see that. He was beautiful in every way.

His wavy golden hair rested almost on his shoulders, his eyes were a light golden brown, his white pale skin, although cold to touch.. Is so soft.

And although they had only properly met today, y/n knew things are going to be different.

The rain turned into a misty drizzle. She arrived at her house and parked her car in the driveway. Her father was at work and it was no surprise that he wouldn't be back till late hours at night.

She never knew her mother, only small hazy memories. Her father said that she died in a tragic fire when she was only 4 years old. Ever since then year after year he had become more distant with her, getting up to the point of where he barely speaks to her.

The death of her mother haunts him still, So that everytime he looks at her he just thinks of his lost love.

Y/n tucked her hair behind her ear and closed the car door before walking up to the front door and getting out her keys.

Suddenly she heard a russell in the bushes behind her, she turned around and almost saw two pairs of eyes looking at her. She rubbed her eyes and when she looked again, they had disappeared. Still slightly confused, she opened the door and entered her warm cozy house.

Throwing her bag onto the floor, she ran up to her room and laid down on her bed, going over what happened today. She had many thoughts like;

Am I starting to have feelings for Jasper?

Why would the Cullens be interested in me? And most importantly;

What's going to happen tomorrow?

She closed her eyes and eventually fell asleep, letting her dreams consume her.


Jacobs pov

As I slowly opened my eyes, the sunlight blinded my eyes for a second. Groaning, I picked myself up and got dressed in something plain.

A white top and denim shorts, just the usual.

I opened my curtains to see the green forest near my house, it calmed me for a moment until the thought of Bella came back into my head. It had been a few months since Bella had chosen Edward over me and after a long time of being in my wolf form and crying it all out.. I was finally normal again. Well as normal as I can be considering I'm a werewolf.

Today was a new day, a new beginning. Who knows maybe I'll find my imprint today? Man, who am I kidding.. 'Jacob' shouted Billy.

I opened my door instantly. 'Yeah dad' I replied.

'I heard from Charlie that there's someone knew in town, she's been here for a while now but I thought it would be nice if you stopped by her house to welcome her here' said Billy.

I huffed deeply, I wasn't in the mood to socialise today. 'Maybe later dad' I replied coldly.

'I thought it would do you some good' said Billy. I didn't reply to his comment and he called my name again. I could feel myself getting angrier by the minute. 'Jacob' called Billy for the third time.

'Not now dad' I shouted back, my anger slowly reaching it's breaking point.

'Jacob Black, get in here now' said Billy, his voice getting tired and angry.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before going out of my room to face him. He looked at me with sympathy in his eyes, he knew I was still in constant emotional pain. The thought of not loving someone or having an imprint has become unbearable and I knew he could sense how I was feeling.

'I promise you'll find the right one soon' said Billy.

I could feel the tears begging to escape my eyes but I stayed still, not letting them fall. I nodded towards his direction, pain overwhelming me.

'I have a good feeling about today' said Billy, trying to change the subject. He knew if he carried on that subject I'd either breakdown or smash up half of the furniture. I tried to smile but failed miserably, instead I decided to head out for some fresh air.

'I'm going out' I said.

'When are you coming back?' asked Billy.

'Later on, maybe dinner' I said before heading out the door.

'I love you son' cried Billy. I stopped in my tracks, surprised by his soft words. I turned around and kneeled down to hug him. 'I love you too dad' I said. He patted my back and I smiled at him before letting go and heading off on my motorbike.

The cold wind hit me hard this morning, making me more aware of my senses around me. The air smelled fresh and of pine trees. I began to relax while riding down the concrete roads. This was one of the only times I ever felt at peace or at least at ease, any other time I just feel this sharp pain in my chest. The sun was almost up, giving the clouds a pink effect.

I thought back to what my dad said about today being a good day and although I said nothing at the time. I could safely say today would be a good day. I could just feel it..


A few hours later I made my way to Emily's place, where the pack would usually hang out.

I drove there instead of running in my wolf form, I didn't want everyone to read my thoughts like they usually do.

I felt a lot better after driving around for hours, it always calmed me down. As I approached the house, I could sense everyone inside.

I walked in seeing as the door was open and I was a regular visitor.

'Hey' I said, greeting them. 'Hey Jake' said Seth, while smiling.

'Hey Jake, come check this out. There is this new girl in town whose name is Y/n L/n. We were just saying if one of us is going to imprint on her or not' chirped Embry. I made a face of confusion.

'Why?' I asked, clearly annoyed.

'Because why not?' replied Quil. I rolled my eyes at their immaturity.

'Leave her be' I said. All of the boys stopped talking and looked up, smirking.

'What?' I asked. Suddenly everyone burst out laughing.

'Jacob have you met her already?' asked Sam.

'No, why?' I asked.

He shook his head. I raised my eyebrows, while wondering what the hell was going on.

'Okay, what the hell is going on?' I asked.

'We thought you imprinted on her' said Jared. I stood awestruck for a moment but soon recovered. 'Well that's absurd' I said, starting to get angry.

'You sound protective over her.. That's all' said Paul while smirking. He was really starting to piss me off. 'Leave it alone Paul' I growled. Paul stood up facing me.

'Hey that's enough' cried Sam. I turned to look at all of them before leaving. I kicked my motorbike before phasing and running away angrily in my wolf form. I heard Seth shout my name behind me but I was already too far away. I needed to be alone.

I had been running for what seemed like hours when I got hold of a sweet scent, it smelt of roses and firewood. I barely had any control while I ran towards the scent, nearing closer and closer to the stranger. I had reached the end of the forest walls so I stayed hidden between the bushes while I looked out and searched for the stranger. My eyes laid upon a girl who had long h/c hair, she was getting out of her car and heading towards her front door. I was so hypnotised that I took a step closer towards her, my eyes visible for anyone to see.

She stopped in her tracks and turned around, our eyes met for one moment. Then I took a step back, fading away. Who is she?

She went inside her house now, leaving my gaze.

I felt a strange feeling inside me but shook it off as I ran back into the forest, alone with my thoughts once more.


Authors note: Yayy!! You made it to the end of the first chapter!! I hope you like it, I've worked really hard on this one and I will continue to work hard throughout the story. If you liked this chapter/ story please Vote and Comment, It would mean the world to me!

I should finish chapter 2 soon, until then stay safe my readers :)

(Updated note: the story does get better as you read along, I promise 🫶🏻)

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