Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King...

By TheLittle_Naga_Girl

8.7M 237K 50K

|HIGHEST RANKING| #4 in Werewolf. #1 in Mate. * "He's dangerous. He's invincible." "He can take on hundreds o... More

| Twenty four |
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|Twenty Nine|
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|Thirty- Eight|
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|Fourty - Four|
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|Fourty- Seven|
Let's discuss.
|Fourty- Nine|
|Fifty- One|
|Fifty- Two|
|Fifty- Seven|
|Sixty- One|


19.9K 853 114
By TheLittle_Naga_Girl

Read the note at the end, thanks ××


They came like flash of black dots, too fast for my eyes to follow them but Cyrus and Violet were able to keep up with them. They had already shifted in their wolf form and were fighting off against five wolves, excluding one who Cyrus took out when it attacked me.

As soon as Cyrus had finished what he had to say to Violet, a wolf came out of nowhere and lunged towards me but Cyrus was quick to stop him. His bared teeth were up close on my face ready to bite me but were stopped by Cyrus who got hold of his tail and swung him across the unruly surfaced, knocking him out instantly. The wolf was so fast that he managed to get pass from the gap between them to attack me.

I hugged my stomach as I took a step back. I was shaken up to the core after a near death experience if Cyrus didn't stop the attacking wolf, I would have been killed and so will my baby. I wanted my baby at any cost.

Cyrus wolf was a beautiful brown with a strip of white fur running along his chest. Violet's wolf was also brown but lighter. Cyrus was obviously the largest amongst them while Violet was the second. The enemy wolves didn't seem stronger than them but it was their agility and quick attacks that were making them hold on.

A wolf went for the Violet's neck but Cyrus easily got hold of him by his neck. As he bit down on his neck making it whine another one lunged towards him from the back and jumped on him as threw the wolf in between his teeth away before turning his head and biting the ear of the wolf that was trying to bite him. The wolf remained on his back making it hard for him to move. Cyrus growled as he rushed to the side of unruly wall with the wolf still on him and he was the one who faced the hard impact on the wall.

At the same time, Violet was also fighting off with the two wolves. The two wolves attacked her at the same time but she was quick to attack one first before throwing it away and attacking the other. Violet turned and with her hind she kicked the other one that got up to attack her again who went and hit on the wall. Violet grabbed the other one by his neck and bit it, killing it easily. She placed her paw over the one laying on the ground before going for his neck too but was distracted when the fifth wolf lunged for me who stayed behind and was waiting for his opportunity to attack which he did when he got one. Before I could do anything, Violet pushed him away before he could reach me. Cyrus growled as he attacked the wolf and finished him off before he could get up.

I thought it was over and they got to take out all the five wolves but I was wrong, there was still one left which tried to attack me again. It was too quick for to eyes to catch his movement but fortunately, Cyrus' senses were second to none and he pushed the wolf away from mid air that went flying pass me and on the ground. Before I could even blink the wolf was back on his feet and ready to attack me yet again.

Cyrus and Violet were behind me, a couple of steps away and before they could reach to stop the wolf from attacking me, I saw the wolf in the mid air and it was as if the time stopped for a second as I could see or sense what his motive was that is, to go for my neck. It was at that moment when Helen's words echoed in my head as she trained me, to never waver when the enemy is near and fight with everything I have got.

I realized one thing as I read their attacks, that is, they were sent after me with an order to kill. Roman no longer wanted me alive probably because I already mated with Xerxes and is pregnant with his child or he had other plans. No matter, what they had up in their sleeves, I couldn't die here, I couldn't let them get me and my child and for that I will do anything.

With his jaw wide open bearing his sharp canines at me, I could read his attack and instinctively, I got to my fighting stance as I successfully dodged the attack with quick movement of my head and grabbed the wolf by his neck easily. My nails dug deep into its flesh making it whimper and struggle in my hold. My whole body felt electrified as my heart thumped wildly. I felt different, I was in my right senses and I knew what was happening but it felt like my actions were not my own.

I looked the wolf right in the eye who was trying to kill me and my child a few seconds. I could sense the tremor he was feeling as he struggled in my death grip but without a second thought, I tighten my grip and killed it. The snap sound that reached my ears felt weirdly satisfying as I killed the one trying to kill my child.

The lifeless body of the wolf dropped to the ground with a thud and everything was deadly silent. Without wasting a second, Violet was beside me, she shifted to her human form and her warm yet soiled hand reached for my arm. 'Luna Queen, Are yo-' She gasped stopping mid sentence as I turned to face her. 'Your eyes...' She trailed off before continuing. '...is beautiful.' She finished as Cyrus stood beside her, they were both stark naked which I didn't pay any heed too.

'Are you hurt anywhere, Luna Queen?' Cyrus asked trying to appear neutral but I noticed him averting my eyes and the curiosity that sparked in his eyes.

'I am okay.'

'I hope this wouldn't put any strain on our future Alpha.' Violet voiced out her concern and at the mention of the baby, I shuddered before my legs gave away but Cyrus was quick to hold me and held me steady. I felt the strength that I felt before leave my body and my head cleared making me feel like I was back to my normal self when I knew that it was my own self a few seconds ago.

'Your eyes are back to normal again.' Violet stated with a hint of curiosity in her tone. 'Was that perhaps your wolf before, Luna Queen?'

Her question seems to answer the doubt I had in my mind. Perhaps, the moment when I felt I was being myself but at the same time I was not, it was Vivi who took charge.

'I don't know.' I answered honestly. I wasn't sure what had actually happened and I had no time to think deeply about it. We have to get out of here.

'We should keep moving.' I said collecting myself and straightening my back.

Without wasting another second, we started walking ahead. Though I was not uncomfortable by their nudity, I was conscious of it.

Cyrus walked ahead as he led the way with Violet behind me. As if sensing my thoughts, Cyrus spoke up. 'This path will lead to the forest around our pack borders. We have clothes hidden in different areas within the forest that's around our borders for emergency situations, we'll get dressed as soon as we are out.' I nodded in response not sure what to respond to that.

'We're sorry if we are an inconvenience to you at the moment, Luna Queen.' Cyrus spoke in a curt yet polite tone. He had his back turned my way as we continued walking ahead so I couldn't see his face but I was sure he will be looking as stoic as ever.

'No, no, I understand this sort of situation can't be avoided.' I responded quickly not to make them feel like they are bothering me. 'It's just that I am not yet used to it but I will try my best to get accustomed to it.' I promised in all seriousness. Violet let out a light snicker from behind before trying to cover it up with a cough.

'Did I say something wrong?' I asked curiously and Violet was quick to answer.

'No, I just found it cute when you said you will try your best to get accustomed to it. I've never heard anyone say that before.' Violet explained returning back to her normal cold self.

'Violet, know your place.' Cyrus scolded her before apologizing to me. 'I apologize for her impudence, Luna Queen.'

'Oh no, don't be. I don't mind when you guys talk with me friendly. I like it, in fact.' I dismissed his apology.

'I appreciate your kind thoughts, Luna Queen but we can't do that. I hope you understand that.' Cyrus didn't beat around the bush and was clear what he wanted to say.

'I understand.'

'Though we can't get friendly with you, I will try my best to approach you in a less cold way, Luna Queen.' Violet assured me, her tone softer than she was using before.

I actually wanted them to address me as Meryl and not Luna Queen as it was mouthful but I knew better than anyone that they will never call me by my name so I let the thought slide.'

'Cyrus, how long until we reach the exit?' Violet asked.

'Until we see the door.' His response was short.

It hadn't been long since we fought off the five wolves but it felt like hours had passed. I wasn't sure if they were the only ones after us or there are more who will attack us at any given time. The thought left a distress feeling in me and I grew wary. If we were attacked again and this time with a larger number, I don't know if we can fight them off. Though I have faith in Cyrus and Violet's skills, I also knew they can only hold out for so long if the enemies attacked in larger number and the fact that they have to fight while protecting me will prove to be in their disadvantage as they have to constantly make sure I am safe which will hold them back from going all out against the enemies. Or I can also fight alongside with them but I am not sure how much of a help I can be in my current state as I can't put my baby in any danger.

'Do you think the wolves that we fought against were the last after us?' I decided to put my worries out in the open and face it.

Both of them remain silent as if contemplating how to respond to my question. Cyrus was the one who decided to answer me. 'I believe there are more so we have to get out of here quickly.'

As soon as Cyrus said that, a chill ran down my spine that shook me to the very core. Goosebumps spread all over my body and a dreadful feeling set in me. Cyrus and Violet felt it too as they cursed out simultaneously.

'They are near.' I whispered through the darkness and I knew this time, it was not a small number. It was as if my fears were turning into a reality and though I couldn't say the exact number, I knew it wasn't anything less than twenty. Their presences were conspicuous because of their large number.

'Change of plans.' Cyrus spoke as he continued walking ahead. 'Violet, listen carefully, shift and carry Luna Queen on your back until you see the door as I've mentioned before. No matter what, don't stop. Don't look back. Get Luna Queen to safety.'

'But that's not safe for the baby.' Violet retorted.

'The exit wouldn't be far if you run in your wolf form. But take turns between running and walking if you feel the need to.' Cyrus advised.

'What about you, Cyrus?' I asked halfheartedly not wanting to hear his obvious response. I knew what he was planning to do but I didn't want to acknowledge it.

Cyrus stopped walking and turned around to walk beside Violet. 'Don't worry about me, Luna Queen. I have sworn to protect you at all cost and that is what I will do.'

'We can all get out of here quickly if we hurry.' I rushed the words out which didn't sound convincing even to my own ears.

'One of us has to stay back to delay them and I am suitable to do that because Violet is the best with direction. She will lead you to safety.' Cyrus spoke with determination. There was no room for discussion as his mind was already made. 'Go now, don't waste anymore time.'

'It was an honour fighting alongside with you, Cyrus.' Violet gave him a nod of acknowledgement.

'The same goes for me, Violet.'

'Come on, let's get going.' Violet held my arm.

'Catch up to us soon, okay.' I said not wanting to give up. 'Please.' I added at last as Violet urged me to move ahead.

'I am happy our Alpha King got you as his mate.' His lips curled up in a small smile. 'It was my utmost honour serving under you, Luna Queen.'

His words felt like goodbye and though his intentions were clear, I wasn't able to accept it easily. Violet shifted and nudged my arm with her snout to get on her back. I did as I was instructed and soon Violet was sprinting away leaving behind Cyrus. We heard multiple growls and howls of the wolves as Violet ran forward with me on her back, her pace slower than her actual speed for my sake without looking back.

The voices soon faded out as we moved forward and the door came in our view. We got out of the door unharmed with no enemies at our back all because of Cyrus.


So I am pretty sure, some of you are wondering, "Omg, she (me) said there are only a couple of chapters left but this seem to be going on and on. She's such a liar, hmph, humph..."

If you're amongst that "some of them" then please let me explain.

Okay, so as I was writing the final (which is no longer the final chapter) chapters, I wrote about a particular scene which had me like "fuck, this is awesome, I need to use this, I NEED to, my life depends on it." Okay the last words were an exaggeration but you get my point. And I realised it will be abrubt to just end the story like that- reveal the antagonist, fight, baby in the picture, boom over. I wanted to have a sprinkle of mystery in it so I decided to write on the last scene in order to make you'll understand later on with what I have in my mind.
I won't say what I am planning because that's how evil I am, huhuhuhuh... You guys have to stick with me and this story till the end to know just what I have planned in this evil brain of mind (or I might just enjoy torturing you guys, jk)
Anyway, so there are still more or less ten chapters left and I am trying my best to stay motivated and determined to write everyday.

That's all for my rant. See you in the next update.

Stay gold xx

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