Sexualities // Muke {Complete...

By suburbanmuke

211K 11.6K 4.6K

In which an asexual and pansexual fall in love. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Cool new fic now
Fics n stuff

Chapter 21

4.5K 309 58
By suburbanmuke

Luke woke up, back in Ashton's room. He sat up quickly, too quickly, and instantly a wave of dizziness washed over him, nausea quickly following, and Luke leant over, clutching his stomach,"Fuck me," he muttered under his breath.

As if on queue, Ashton walked in with water and painkiller, placing them on the drawers beside Luke, and he instantly snatched them up, chugging down a few of the pills with gulps of the ice cold water.

"How you feeling?" Ash asked softly once Luke had placed the glass back on the table.

Luke shook his head, running a hand through his hair and drawing his knees to his chest, leaning over them in a fetal position,"I feel like death," he replied after a few seconds of thought,"I can't remember shit, apart from feeling sad or something, fuck," he groaned, clutching his head in his hands.

"Yeah, about that, you might want to check your phone," Ashton replied awkwardly, nudging Luke's phone over to him, which Luke instantly snatched up, unlocking it to see multiple texts from the one person he'd wanted to forget about in the first place. Michael.

Luke threw the phone down without looking at any of the texts that had been sent his way, instead turning back to Ashton,"What did I send him?" he said quietly.

Ashton just shrugged,"I dunno man, something about him being the only thing on your mind or some dumb shit, there were a lot of typos, it was practically illegible."

Shaking his head, Luke picked up with phone, staring down at the black screen, until throwing it hard against a wall, where it landed with a sickening thud against the floor,"Fuck me," Luke whispered again.

Ashton turned away from the phone, worry in his eyes when he saw it was now lying face down on the floor, back to Luke,"What are you going to do?" he asked gently.

That's the things with Ashton, he always had Luke face responsibilities. He didn't push him, or force him to do things, but instead always made him think about it, think his options through. Luke could never let Ashton make the decision for him, because he'd always push it back to Luke. It made Luke grow up fast, but into a better person than he could've been.

Luke just shook his head,"I gotta go back," he whispered,"I love him so much, I gotta let him explain, give him a second chance, something,"Luke speculated to himself, gripping his hair tightly in his hands while speaking.

Sighing lowly, Ashton stood up from where he'd been leaning against the white wall, sitting on the edge of the bed Luke had been sleeping on,"Stay here for a bit longer Luke, please?" he pleaded,"I've been missing you a lot too."

"But what if I've been gone to long, and Michael forgets about me and-" but Ashton cut him off before Luke could rant again, Luke tended to rant when he was in complete hysterics like he was right then.

"No one could ever forget about you or your name, Luke Hemmings," he replied softly, and Luke looked up over to Ashton, sadness in his eyes.

Shuffling around, Luke slowly moved over, wincing slightly due to the sickness he was feeling and the headache, which was now just a dull pulse, he slid down so he was sitting beside Ash,"Do my parents know I'm here?" Luke asked softly, staring down at his feet which were hanging over the bed frame, but planted firmly on the ground.

Ashton just shook his head. No. "Do you want them to know," he then asked. Luke, of course, shook his head sadly.

"They'll suck me into their dumbass business anyway," Luke sighed. His parents always wanted him to take over the business when they retired or died or whatever. He was brought up with the belief that's all he was going to do, all he was allowed to do. His two brothers went on and got their own business, they'd succumbed to their parents ways.

Not Luke though, he'd always been the black sheep, he'd always refused and argued and fought with his parents, until finally he moved away, away from them and their great business which meant Luke had too much money while people were starving.

He knew he was lucky to have it at all, but that didn't mean he liked it. No, he still hated the pressure he got from his parents to do something great. Luke just wanted to do what he wanted, not what someone had planned out for him.

"Luke, just stay another week please, you can go back, but another week. For me," Ashton muttered. And it was only then that Luke realised how selfish he'd been. He hadn't seen Ashton in person for 3 years now, and he'd just been talking about his problems and arguing with him.

Luke nodded, the guilty feeling not leaving him, but he agreed to Ashton's plead, because it was the least he could do now.

Hello there people

I'm super tired but my mum won't let me nap wow mum fuck u too t(-.-t)

Also there's only 5 chapters left of this oops lmao

I have like 1000000 homeworks to do so l8r sk8rs

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