
By Sugar_And_Spice125

3.3K 439 869


Cast List and Welcome!
№1|Enter: Medusa Demgorgean
№2|Welcome to the WhiteClad Pack
№5|Eyes Of Prophecy
№9|It's Always A Price With You Isn't It?
№11|Some Things Science Can't Explain
№12|The Full Moon Festival (Part 1)
№13|The Full Moon Festival (Part 2)
№14|The Full Moon Festival (Part 3)
№16|It's Okay To Get Saved
№17|The Night Before Court
№18|His Medusa
№19|Werewolf Court
№20|Patient Zero
№21|International Phone Calls
№24|Here To Stay
№26|Care For A Doughnut?
№30|Lastachka Part 2
№31|No New Friends, Just New Lovers
№32|Tick... Tick... Tock...
№34|Stupid Dragons
№35|Lets Make A Plan!
№36|The 7 Mile Escape From Candyland
№37|Loved You Since The Beginning
№38|What Did You Do?!
№39|Aura Imprints
№40|How Much I Love You
№41|I'm Nothing Like You
№42|Don't Eat The Orange Chicken
№43|Costume Time!
№44|It's Been So Long
№46|The Price Of Knowledge
№47|My Most Precious Thing
№48|I'll Be Back
№49|The Camp Part 1: Help Me Understand
№50|The Camp Part 2: Poppet
№51|The Camp Part 3: Cake Walk
№52|You're Mine. I'm Yours
№53|Change Of Plans
№55|Scars On The Heart
№56|Wings Were Made To Fly
№57|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 1)
№58|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 2)
№59|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 3)
№60|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 4)
№61|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 5)
№62|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 6)
№63|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 7)
№64|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 8)
№65|Tick... Tock... Boom!

№7|Tell Me The Truth, Vanessa!

54 11 13
By Sugar_And_Spice125

№7|Tell Me The Truth, Vanessa!
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

The next morning, Chelia was woken up to the sight of her tawny golden wolf balancing a plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes on his snout.

Chelia laughed loudly, falling back on the bed. “Oh… oh my gods! Montego!” she laughed hard.

Montego placed the plate on the nightstand, morphing back into his human form, “I was trying to be cute…” Montego pouted.

“I know, I know,” Chelia pulled him down onto the bed, “you smell like you just hunted.”

“I just came back from hunting,” Montego smiled widely, “you won't believe how big this deer was, babe!”

“Someone seems happy,” Chelia chuckled, resting her head on his chest, “you always look happy after you hunt, but today… something’s different.”

Chelia gazed into his deep brown eyes. “Oh my gods… don't tell me.” Chelia gave him a deadpanned look. 

“Nope, no, Montego.”

“Come on Chelia,” he pulled her back down when she tried to walk away, “don't you wanna celebrate my victory?”

“Cocky, much,” Chelia chuckled, letting Montego pin her to the bed.

Montego stared into her beautiful black eyes, “I love you, Chelia.”

Chelia blushed, smiling softly, “I know,” Chelia smirked, matching the wolf’s cockyness.

“I assume I’m not going anywhere for a while?” Chelia said, Montego kissed her neck.

“I think you already know that answer, my love.” Montego smirked.


Vanessa looked at her reflection in the hallway mirror. Tonight was her 6 month anniversary date with Malakai.

“Going to see that human again?” Kirkland asked, coming into the reflection.

Vanessa turned around, “Yes. Is that a problem? Don't try to pull rank, Kirkland. We’re the same, actually. Some may think I’m a little bit higher than you since I’m Head Beta.”

“I wasn’t going to. I just think a wolf who dates a human shouldn’t be a wolf at all.” Kirkland scoffed, “Vanessa if your that desprete for sex, you know my room.”

Vanessa laughed mockingly. “Please, as if I would ever have sex with you. I’ll have you know me and Malakai have wonderful sex.”

“Sex with a human,” Kirkland grimaced, “how dare you sink so low.”

“How many times do I have to tell you,” Vanessa growled at him, “talk about my mate and you’ll have to speak to me.”

“Mate?” Kirkland rolled his eyes, “does he even know about your werewolf side?”

Vanessa’s silence gave him his answer.

“So he doesn't?” Kirkland smirked, “interesting… you’re gonna help me.”

“Help you?” Vanessa glared at him in disgust, “I will never help you, not after what you did to Yvette.”

“Oh, I think you will. I want you to convince Medusa to go out with me on a date.” Kirkland stated.

Vanessa put on her jacket, “I don't take orders from you, now goodbye. If you know what’s best for you, stay away from my brother and Medusa.”

Kirkland glared at Vanessa as she walked away. “Alright, let’s see how you like this.” He snapped, pulling out his phone.

“Hey siri,” he said into his phone, “call Cakewalk.”

Back at the bakery, Malakai picked up the phone, mixing cake batter. “Hello, this is Cake Walk, where every cake is a walk away!”

Kirkland rolled his eyes. “Right, anyways, I’m not here to order a cake. This is Malakai, yes?”

“Speaking,” Malakai’s stirring became slower.

“My name is Kirkland. I’m calling to sadly inform you that your girlfriend, Vanessa, has been keeping secrets from you.”

“What kind of secrets?”

Kirkland smirked, “you might want to sit down for this.”


Vanessa knocked on the door to the bakery, a very mad Malakai opened the door. “Oh, it’s you.”

“No, hello my beautiful goddess?” Vanessa chuckled.

“That’s reserved for girls who are actually interested in me.” Malakai shot back.

“Malakai, what are you talking about?” Vanessa questioned, taking off her jacket and placing it on the coat rack.

“You know what I’m talking about, you’re little secret-”

“Look, I know I should have told you about my werewolf-”

“That I’m just some side hoe while you run around with this Kirkland guy! And apparently this isn't the first time you’ve done this!” Malakai scolded.

“Wh-what?” Vanessa’s eyes almost bugged out of her head, “what does Kirkland have to do with this?!”

“Your boyfriend.” Malakai hissed, he really loved Vanessa and wanted her to be all his, “I hope he makes you happy, Vanessa, I really do.”

Vanessa whimpered, she touched Malakai’s arm, he shifted away, “you know, Vanessa, I put my time into you… I made you my everything… I thought you felt the same, but I guess not…”

“Malakai, I do! I love you! You know I do.” Vanessa frowned, “I love you more than anything in the world. I’m not dating Kirkland. I would never date him, trust me. You’re the only one for me.”

“Then if you're not dating Kirkland, then what’s the secret?” Malakai questioned.

Vanessa took off her shirt.

“H-hey! Look, I know you’re hot but your body is not gonna get you out of trouble!” Malakai blushed hard, Vanessa threw her shirt at him.

“Shut up and watch.” Vanessa sighed, morphing into her wolf form, the beautiful scarlet red wolf slowly walked towards Malakai.

“Oh,” Malakai crouched down, “this is what you were hiding? You’re a werewolf? That’s so…”

Weird… I know..

“...cool!” Malakai cheered.

Vanessa’s eyes widened. “Did he just say cool?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you’re a werewolf!” Malakai scratched behind the wolf’s ear, “you’re so adorable!”

Vanessa wagged her tail, licking his cheek. Malakai laughed. “Someone’s excited,” he sighed softly, “I’m sorry for getting mad at you.”

Vanessa rubbed her muzzle against his face, as if she was telling him ‘it’s okay’. Malakai stared into her eyes. “I see you back there.”

Vanessa purred, licking his hands, the taste of chocolate frosting exciting her.

Vanessa morphed back into her human form, “Malakai, I should be saying sorry. We’ve been together for a while now and I should have told you.”

“It’s alright,” Malakai kissed her cheek, “so, this ‘job’ was the pack I’m suspecting?”

Vanessa nodded, “I know the alpha, my brother, would love you.”

“I can't wait to meet him,” Malakai was about to lean in for a kiss but a knock on the door stopped him.

“Open the door!” the voice on the other side yelled. 

Malkai furrowed his eyebrows, he opened the door to see the local police, “Malakai Santos, you’re under arrest for conspiring with a werewolf.”

“Wait, what?!” Malakai scolded as the police handcuffed him.

“Woah, woah, woah! Hey,” Vanessa tried to stop the police but they elbowed her in the side, knocking her to the floor.

“Don't interfere, mutt.” the cop hissed as they dragged Malakai into the cop car. Vanessa quickly morphed, running back to the compound.


Vanessa bursted through the door, shifting back, “WHERE IS HE?!” she roared.

Medusa and Barron peaked their heads out of Barron’s office, “Vanessa?”

“Kirkland!!!” Vanessa stomped throughout the base, looking for the man. Her fellow wolves moved out of the way of the angry beta on her warpath.

Her eyes landed on Kirkland, who was pinning Yvette to the wall.

“Sooo,” he twirled her pink hair in his fingers, “some of my betas told me you were seen with that Hunter last night.”

“Y-Yes, we-well, me and him we’re hun-hunting last night-” before she could finish, Kirkland pulled the hair that was wrapped around his fingers.

“I don't care why you were with him, I told you to stay away from him!” Kirkland tugged on the hair hardened.

“I-I’m sorry!”

“Oh you will be-” and before he knew it, Kirkland was tackled to the ground by a velvet red flash.

“Arrested?! You got him arrested!” Vanessa growled, “how dare you arrest Malakai! You wanna know the one criminal act he’s done in his entire life? Pay late for a parking ticket! That’s it! Now, he might be subject to the death penalty!”

“Oh no, a mortal dying,” Kirkland gave her a fake pout, “whatever shall we do!”

Vaness placed her hand over his face, pushing him deeper into the ground, “I told you to leave my mate out of this! You made him think me and you were dating! As if I would ever date you!”

“And yet, you choose that mortal over a wolf?” Kirkland scoffed, “please, that mortal can rot in jail for all I care.”

Vanessa growled, her eyes flashing a scarlet read, “I know… I want to kill him too…” her fangs began to grow.

“Vanessa! Down!” Barron yelled, letting his presence be heard.

Vanessa whipped his head towards him, “Barron… please…” it sounded like two voices were coming from Vanesssa’s mouth.

“Not now, Vanessa,” Barron helped her off of Kirkland, he glared at him, “run. Now.”

Kirkland scurried to his feet, he locked eyes with Yvette but Alistair growled at him, standing in front of Yvette. “Don't you even look at her,” Alistair snarled, his eyes flashing green.

“I should kill you for all you did to Yvette,” Alistair grabbed his collar, “for all the pain you caused my Shona (darling), I should tear you head off.”

Every part of him wanted to tear Kirkland apart.

“But I can't defy my alpha’s orders,” he leaned in and whispered, “but even look, hell, even breath the same air, as my Shona and I’ll tear you limb from limb. I’ll make sure you’d regret ever being born.”

“Alistair,” Barron's deep voice made the hunter let Kirkland go.

He wrapped his arm around Yvette’s waist. “You’re staying with me tonight.” he whispered, “I don't want you near, Kirkland, alright, Shona?”

Yvette smiled softly. “Thank you… but you don't have to do this…”

Alistair kissed her cheek, whispering, “Shona, I’m not leaving you tonight.”

The omega blushed, “I-I-I-I u-um…”

“You’re so cute when you stammer,” Alistair smiled, holding her closer as they passed by Kirkland’s buddies.

They whispered words of hate, Alistair growled and snapped at them. “If you got something to say then say it!”

They immediately stopped talking, Alistair nodded slightly. “That’s what I thought. Tell your little ring leader to stay away from Yvette and the other omegas. I know a lot of wolves who have omegas as mates and they’d hate it if one of you raped them.”

They clearly got the message by how scared they ran off. “Good choice.” Alistair smiled cheekly.


Vanessa paced back and forth in rage. “Ooooh, brother, when I get my hands on that damn beta, I’ll kill him!”

Barron sighed. “We all want to kill him.” He looked up at his sister. “Why didn’t you tell me you had a human, or warlock, as a mate?”

“This is why!” Vanessa threw her hands in the air, “we both would’ve gotten in huge trouble for being together!”

Barron furrowed his eyebrows in deep thought, “Vanessa, are you sure he’s your mate?”

Vanessa nodded desperately, “I’m 100% sure, Barron, I need him.”

Barron got up, smiling at his younger sister. “You look just like mom, you know that?”

“Yeah,” she nodded, “you think they would’ve liked Malakai?”

“Of course they would, Vanessa,” Medusa piped in, rubbing Vanessa’s shoulder, “now,” she pulled out her notebook, “are wolves who aren’t mated with other wolves different? Is the sex different? How about hunting? How do you-”

“Medusa,” Vanessa stopped her, “I will answer all your questions later, okay? Right now we need to get Malakai out of jail.”

They raced to the car, Vanessa hopping in the driver’s seat. She drove way faster then she should, breaking the speed limit.

“Um, Vanessa, remember, we’re in Fleshie Town. There’s a speed limit!” Barron warned.

“Fleshie Town?” Medusa questioned, pulling out her notebook.

“Fleshies is what we call humans.” Barron replied.

“Am I a fleshie?” Medusa asked.

Barron looked away, avoiding her question. “No, you’re my Luna.”

Medusa tilted her head slightly, “I’m your what?”

Barron whipped his head at her. “Nothing, nothing Medusa.”

Medsa slowly looked away from him. “Okay…”

Barron picked up his phone, dialing a number, he held the phone to his ear, “Kwame? Hello?”

Meanwhile, at the local police station, fawn freckled skin picked up the phone, “Kwame Keita speaking.”

“Did someone just arrest a man named Malakai?”

Kwame turned towards the holding cell to see Malakai sulking in the corner. “You Malakai?” Kwame whispered. 

Malakai looked at her unsurly. “Yes…”

“Yeah, he’s here. Why are you asking?” Kwame asked, piping some bubblegum off her red lips.

“I need you to bail him out,” Barron answered.

“No way,” Kwame played with her pen in her fingers, “I’ve gotten in trouble too many times because of you.”

“Kwame, don't make me pull rank.”

Kwame sighed, she hated being a wolf sometimes, “I’ll get it done, alpha.” Kwame groaned. “By the way, is that lovely doctor with you?”

“You mean Lycia? No.” Barron chuckled, “you know she hates you.”

Kwame smirked. “She’ll come around.” She hung up the phone.

“Hey! There’s free donuts in the break room!” Kwame announced, watching as the cops scurried like ants to the lunch room.

“Hey,” Kwame whispered, unlocking the holding cell, “come with me if you want to live.”


“No you idiot!” Kwame slapped him upside the head. “I’m busting you out.”

Kwame grabbed his hand, rushing down the stairs and into the alley. A black van pulled up, when the doors opened Vanessa jumped out, tacking Malakai.

“Malakai!” Vanessa checked his face for bruises, “are you okay? They didn’t hurt you right? Cause I’ll sue the police-”

Malakai stopped her when he kissed her lips, he chuckled, resting his forehead against hers. “I’m fine, I was sitting in the holding cell when the cop busted me out.”

“I have a name!” Kwame scolded.

“Malakai, this is Kwame.” Vanessa introduced.

“Thank you for busting me out,” Malakai thanked, slinging his arm over Vanessa’s shoulder.

“You’re welcome,” her eyes shifted towards Barron and Medusa, “Alpha, Luna,” Kwame nodded slightly, “Barron, can you give these to my beautiful doctor?” she handed Barron flowers.

“You’re never gonna stop, will ya, Kwame?” Barron chuckled.

“I know that doctor is my mate, Barron, she just hasn't come to realize it yet.” Kwame winked, going back inside.


Malakai walked through the compound, his hand tightly wound with Vanessa’s.

“Vanessa,” Malakai chuckled, watching as she growled at females who gave lingering looks to her mate, “I’m all yours, you don't need to growl at every female walks pass.”

“Sorry, it’s just I’ve never had my mate in the compound before,” Vanessa chuckled nervously, “it’s just the wolf in me being all overprotective and excited.”

Malakai kissed her cheek. “Does your wolf like me?”

“More than like,” Vanessa laughed softly, “she’s in love with you,” Vannessa gazed lovingly into his eyes, “and so am I.”

Malakai and Vanessa sat down in the mess hall, Vanessa tapped her hands on the bar counter, getting Alistair’s attention. “Got any human sweets?”

Alistair shook his head. “Not since the cook left with his mate to a different pack,” Alistair looked up at Malakai, “what’s with the fleshie?”

“Malakai this is Alistair. He’s a hunter as well as our part time bartender. Alistair, this is Malakai, my mate.” Vanessa smiled brightly, chuckling at Alistair’s semi-shocked expression.

“Nice to meet you, Malakai,” Alistair shook his hand, “I’m sure you’re going to make Vanessa really happy.”

Vanessa tapped his shoulder. “Ooh, Malakai, show Alistair the trick!”

“What trick?” Alistair tilted his head.

Malakai went into his satchel bag, pulling out a tupperware with cupcakes inside. “Can I see your hand?”

Alistair extended his hand, Malakai cut it with his keys, causing Alistair to jerk back his hand

“Dude! What’s your problem-” Malakai stuffed one of the cupcakes into Alistair’s mouth, the hunter’s eyes grew wide as he watched the cut heal instantly, “woah…”

“Malakai has a whole bakery that specializes in pastries that heal people's physical wounds and mental wounds, because who doesn’t love a good pastry.” Vanessa explained. Alistair wiped the pink icing off his lips.

“This is amazing! We gotta tell Barron and Medusa!” Alistair snatched Malakai’s hand, running up to Barron’s office to see Medusa playing with the white wolf alpha.

“Come on, Barron!” Medusa laughed hard as the alpha licked her face, “I got work to do! HAHAH!!”

“Ahem,” Vanessa coughed, getting the pair’s attention, “we got something to show you, I’m sure Medusa’s gonna enjoy this.”

“First things first, Malakai,” Barron shifted back into human, he gripped Malakai’s shoulder tightly, leaning in to whisper, “if you hurt my little sister, I will rip you apart and feed you to the other wolves.”

Malakai laughed nervously and loudly. “Hehehe! Go-Got it! She’s safe with me!”

“Good,” Barron smiled, letting go of his shoulder, “what did you want to show me?”

“Hold out your hand,” Malakai instructed, Barron held out his hand, Malakai cut the alpha’s palm with his keys.

“Ow,” Barron groaned softly, Malakai stuffed a cupcake into the alpha’s mouth, he watched as the wound healed.

Medusa pushed Malakai out of the way. “Amazing! Somehow your pastries' healing properties work on werewolves quicker than their own hyper healing!” Medusa pulled out her notebook, “what did you use? Was it GillyWarp Cherries? That does speed up the healing process.”

“Nope,” Malakai smiled, holding his finger to his lips, “fleshie secret.”

Medusa shook her head, “I can't believe you and Vanessa are mates! It’s so cute!” she flipped to a new page marked Human and Werewolf relationships, “can you explain what it’s like to be with a werewolf? Is the sex different?” Malakai and Vanessa sweatdropped. 

“Um, Barron…”

Barron patted Medusa’s shoulder. “Come on, Medusa, let them be.”

Medusa pouted. “You never let me ask questions…”

Barron chuckled, wrapping his arms around Medusa, resting his head on her shoulder, “it was a pleasure to meet you, Malakai.”

“You as well, Alpha.” Malakai smiled.

“Just call me Barron.”

“Okay, Barron.” Malakai chuckled as him, Vanessa, and Alistair walked out.

Medusa went back to Barron's desk, continuing to write up her notes on her computer. She glanced up and noticed Barron watching her from the couch.

“What are you doing?” Medusa chuckled softly, “don't you have something to do around the compound?”

“The pack will be fine, I want to stay with you.”  Barron smiled softly.

Medusa stopped typing, blushing hard, “how can I hear him…?”

Barron walked over to his desk, morphed into his wolf form, curled up on the rug, “Good night, my luna.”

When Medusa noticed he was fast asleep, she typed in the word ’luna’ into the search bar.


Proper Noun

Name given to the alpha female of a wolf pack.

Medusa quickly shut the computer. “Alpha… female?!”


It's Monday and also Indigenous People day! And it's also update day! There's no school today so I'm happy!!

Anyways! What did you think of this chapter? This is actually one of my favorites but I kinda say that about all my chapters so... Hehehe!

I personally love Malakai and Vanessa relationship because it's so beautiful!! All of these relationships are cute in their own ways!

Anyways! Who hates Kirkland cause I know I do and I wrote the damn character! LMAO!

I think you're gonna like this week's updates! The chapters that will be posted on Wednesday and Friday are honestly so cool!

Till Wednesday! Stay safe and I'll see you Wednesday!

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