The Gladiator and The Girl

By RenPaige96

1K 36 31

I was supposed to be having a girls night with Harper, Chick Flick movies and overly buttered popcorn with mi... More

Welcome to TGTG
Farewell to Harper
Lovely Words
Counting Sheep
Letter for Belva
Honey Bread and Memories
The Horn Sounds

Worries of Belva

108 5 5
By RenPaige96

.. A few weeks later ..

Living with Falco had been surprisingly easy. He was like the dad I had always wanted but never had. He woke in the morning, made a quick breakfast before leaving for the public baths and then work. At first I was too scared to do any sort of wandering outside of the house and I was too nervous to ask any sort of questions in fear of seeming crazy or dim witted. I honestly just wanted Falco to like me half as much as I like him so far.

As the weeks crawled on I decided there was no way I could live inside his home my entire life and seeing as I had lost around 8 years of my life somehow, I had a lot of time to learn about this time and the people around me. I started by asking for small chores first like washing our clothes and cleaning the house. When I felt comfortable with those things I started learning to cook and I was to the point now Falco felt I should finally go to school. I am honestly excited, I miss meeting people. I have to wake before him but it gets me out of the house and that's exactly what I need.

Falco's youngest sister Valeria is coming over today with her daughter Belva to take me to the bathhouse and then school. Belva is 3 years my elder and I've only met her twice now when she would bring Falco something but she is absolutely the sweetest girl I have ever met. After school Belva will head home to learn from her mother's youngest brother on how to be a better house caretaker. Apparently Valeria will be teaching me here, Falco said I should feel blessed to have her take time to teach me when I'm so far behind... I mean I feel like cleaning can't be that hard but maybe I'm wrong?

I hear Valeria enter our home and I rush to join her, I really want her to like me. She's Falco's most trusted sister and he has nothing but wonderful things to say about her. I think he said she was 26? I'm not sure but I know she was very young. It's crazy to think she has a 13 year old!

I smile when I enter the atrium and see Valeria, "Good morning Valeria, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

She sees me and nearly blinds me with her lovely smile and starts waving for me to follow her, "Oh hello Genevieve, you are just as lovely as Falco and Belva have told me! Come, come we must be on our way now."

We walk outside together and I see Belva waiting right outside the door, "Belva! How are you!"

She comes running up and gives me a huge hug," I'm doing just fine, how are you settling in? I know Uncle Falco can be gone a lot..."

Boy, she has no idea. My biological dad was gone 90% of the time. Falco is always trying to come home or spend time together.

"Oh, I'm settling in just fine. Falco treats me wonderfully and I know he has in important job to do. I'm just happy he can be so kind to a lost child like myself."

Valeria pats my shoulder to get us to start walking towards the bath houses while smiling down at me, "Genevieve, you gave him the family he needed, he so misses his wife and baby. Finding you was a gift from Jupiter. Not to mention you are a stunning addition to our family. If you are smart as you are lovely Falco will be beating the suitors off as we had to with my Belva."

"What do you mean had to? Belva are you..." I look at them both somewhat confused and slightly horrified. Belva is only 13 there is no way she's already spoken for...

Valeria giggles answering me while Belva blushes and looks away, "Of course she's engaged silly, she is 13 years old. I was married and pregnant with my first child by then! Belva has a wonderful match, he is a soldier and son to a well to do law man. He just turned 19 a few weeks ago. He gave her the lovely necklace she has on now actually. I'm quite proud."

Belva interjects quickly after seeing my shock, "He's very kind to me Genevieve. We will be married in a years time! I'm so excited!"

Though I want to throw up at the prospect of getting married anytime soon I feel I have to be happy for her. She's so excited and I refuse to ruin that for her. Not to mention, my "normal" isn't theirs. This is common practice here and I will have to get used to it. Though I do need to remind myself to ask Falco if participation is mandatory...

"Well, I'm happy if you're happy Belva. I adore you and only want to support you in any way I can."

"You are truly a gift from Jupiter himself Genevieve. He knew that not only did Falco need you but I was so desperate for a true friend." Belva says as she pulls me into a side hug.

- - - -

As we exit the bathhouse I feel raw, literally. I didn't mind bathing with all the other woman but the massage and scrub down felt somewhat intrusive and rough. I mean I feel cleaner than a bar of soap.

We start walking toward school and I get that giddy feeling in my stomach all over again. I was never bad at school before but I never really tried either. I just went because I had to, now it's either school or marriage and let me tell you what isn't happening...

As Belva and I enter the school I see some of the classes are co-ed which is surprising to me. I guess I figured the boys would be somewhere else. But none of the boys are very old, I would say the oldest is around 14 or 15. When I ask Belva she looks at me like I must still be suffering from my "head injury" before politely reminding me that at 15 you are considered an adult and most quit school to become a soldier, follow their parents into the family business or start having a family if you are a girl. It's all very dizzying and I definitely should have taken the opportunity to read that packet my teacher handed out to me on all of this before my crash. At least then I wouldn't feel so lost.

Class is interesting enough... I guess, girls are made to learn how to be the perfect "domestic goddess"... Oh gag me. Luckily we also learn more interesting things like how to properly speak Latin and about our Roman history. I think there are some historians in modern day that would literally kill to be where I am right now but the idea of cleaning and homemaking forever make me a little nauseous if I'm being honest.

Recess is definitely my favorite and I enjoy playing handball with the boys and girls. it's a nice outlet after a long day in class. The boys don't care that we're girls and vice versa. It's just good old fashioned rough housing.

- - - -

After school ended Valeria walked me home and made us both a small snack of grapes and bread before starting our lessons. We worked on proper etiquette for ladies and by the time Falco got home she had started to show me around the loom. My first big to do was to make Falco a new robe, which I was oddly excited about but I still refuse to buy into the whole domestic goddess thing. No way.

As I sat down with Valeria at the dinner table to wait for Falco to get home I heard the front door open.

"Genevieve, I'm home sweetie. How was your first day of school?"

"Papa!" I ran up to him and gave him a big hug around the waist. I realized shortly after I had just called Falco dad. I looked up to see him staring at me with a shocked expression on his face. Great, I probably offended him... way to go G. Some things you keep to yourself.

"I'm so sorry Falco, it just slip-"

"No, don't apologize Genevieve. I would be honored for you to call me your papa." He returns my hug with the biggest, most suffocating hug I have ever received.

He turns and walks toward the table where we see Valeria crying.

"Oh don't mind me. I just love to see you both so happy."

Falco looks at me and smiles, "Thank you dear sister. I must ask, how was her first day?"

Valeria starts to ramble on and on about the potential I had. She said my teachers found me very bright and willing to learn. She said I had immediately taken to her lessons and she could see me mastering the loom very quickly. I had never had anyone but Harper praise me so openly before. I miss Harper so much, Valeria reminds me a lot of her.

Falco turns to me, "Well it seems like I made the right choice in bringing you home."

I just smiled brightly at him before sitting down to eat.

Once Valeria left I decide there's no time like the present to figure out where Falco stands on this whole marrying young thing.

"Umm, may I ask you something?"

"Of course Genevieve, what's on your mind?"

"Marriage." He looks shocked. Great. "-Well, in my case the lack of marriage. Papa, I don't want to get married young. Belva is already engaged and she is only 13... I want to wait."

He seems to be thinking things over for a few minutes which causes me to panic a little not gonna lie. I don't want to upset him but I also know on the outside I'm just a young girl. My brain may be 18 but my body is only around 10 and I won't be bullied into marrying some pimple faced soldier boy wannabe.

"Alright Genevieve, I won't ask that you marry young as long as you know what that means for you. Most men marry by 19, 20 at the very latest. if you wait you may end up with the windowed or less attractive options."

I stare at him, at first I think he's joking. If my biggest issue is not marrying a model than I think I'll live.

"I'll take the risk."

He laughs and shakes his head, "Alright then, well school will be your number one priority for the next few years then. I also expect you to learn any and everything Valeria has to teach you about home making. If you can do that I promise to not bring up marriage."

"Sounds like a deal."

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