Beste freunde für immer (best...

By kakyoins_hair_noodle

2.1K 170 47

Some times I be like this is shit other times I'm like damn I'm the god of writing it effects the updates of... More

Chapter 1: time to annoy
Chapter 2: I will protect you
Chapter 3: The room too awsome you will perish
Chapter 4: horrible bosses
Chapter 5: I don't want this
Chapter 6: *sniff sniff* was that a lie i smell
Chapter 7: family huh i like it
Chapter 8: if it werent for me...
Chapter 9: nightmare
chapter 10: revenge tastes real different here
chapter 12: thats gonna leave a mark
chapter 13: for the best
time skip
chapter 14: strangers
chapter 15: the man of the hour, ludwig
chapter 16: new uniform
chapter 17: joined forces
chapter 18: side quest
chapter 19: farewell
chapter 20: a second chance?
chapter 21: reunited
chapter 22: time together finally
chapter 23: not angry just dissapointed
Chapter 24: heartbreak for a good reason

chapter 11: do i know you

73 8 3
By kakyoins_hair_noodle

{Your POV}
"Gyah! Why didn't you dodge?" I shout as Gilbert falls to his knees one of his hands reach up to touch his wound he takes one look at the blood then up at me. Tears form in his eyes. "I thought...that maybe if you hurt me it would balance everything out guess I was wrong"  his words were strangled. I ripped of my cloak and ripped it into pieces to wrap around Gilbert's chest. In the middle of a forest Francis' was closest I tried helping Gil up before realising he's unconscious. I see tears drip onto his cheeks my own tears they were streaming down my cheeks as I pull Gil over my shoulder and stumble home. I bust open then door and lie Gilbert down on a long chair. "FRANCIS I NEED YOUR HELP ITS REALLY BAD!" I shout around the house and less than a minute Francis was checking me for wounds "no not me in the main room" my voice is shaking and I find medical resources. "Uhm (y/n) what zhe fuck is zhis?" Francis held up one of Gil's arms it just flopped down as if he was dead gyah he's not dead not now anyway shut up brain. I take off the cloak pieces and then Gil's clothes leaving the bottom half. I clean his chest with a rag and warm water that Francis brought in as tears still stream down and then I dress his wound with clean cloth. "I really messed up he wanted to be friends again and I was still hurt and attacked him i thought it would make me feel better so did he" I managed to speak in between sniffing and hiccups. I lay Gil down to rest and see if he will wake later. Francis puts an arm around me and pulls me close. "Anyone would have done zhe same it's okay I bet Prussia will forgive jou" Francis kissed my hair and I held Gil's hand gently. "Zhis reminds me of something quite a few years was just zhe opposite zhough." Francis reminisced. I definitely can't trust Gilbert again straight away and maybe he will be wary of me but maybe with some time we will be okay we will be Beste freunde (best friends) again like we used to. I wish I could go back to then.

{weeks later} 

I had been taking care of Gilbert every day cleaning and redressing his wounds making sure he didn't get an infection but what more was that he still hadn't awoken but he's breathing so he's alive at least.

I sit beside him like I have done for many nights. I open one of my diary's and read it to him even the embarrassing bits. Francis stood leaning in the doorway with a soft smile watching me read something so private I wouldn't let him even go near the box they're kept in. Gilbird was stressed as we all were but he's just a bird he can't hide it or help it. He's been shedding feathers and gently pecking Gilbert to try and wake him. 

{another week}

"You are being silly now just wake up Austria has come to see you and even Hungary so just please wake up" I was shouting at his unconscious body i was shouting other words too a string of insults spewing from my mouth till i just broke down beside Prussia's bed I fell too my knees and am now crying on his legs it's been so long I just wish to make things up with him I want to be friends like we used to I miss him and his stupidness so much i miss what we were like before.
Francis he must've heard my sobbing and he's come into the room. His arm reaches across my back to my shoulder and he pulls me into his chest where I cry some more. "He's going to be okay I didn't get him that deep he's just faking he will be up soon right?" I ask Francis he pulls me away and looks straight into my eyes "oh Ma petite sœur (my little sister) how my heart aches seeing you like this... I'm sure he will awake next time you read to him" Francis whispers tears in his eyes at the state I'm in. i stay by Gil's side all the crying wore me out as i'm passed out holding his hand and a open diary in the other. The sun starts to rise and a rooster a few houses over calls out signifying the morning. "hey hey vake up frau. vhy are jou holding mein hand. zhis is a funny looking hospital." a voice i had been praying to hear for so long spoke "GILBERT YOU'RE AWAKE" i shouted and hugged him tight. Gil let out a small grunt of pain "um i'm sorry who are jou? more importantly vhere am i? und even more important zhan zhat jou vill address me as zhe awesome prussia or his awesomeness or somezhing along zhose lines." he instructed why is he acting like this? "hey Gil this isn't funny stop you cant joke like this after you have scared me for the past few weeks." tears were forming in my eyes as i grabbed his hands again. "d...don't cry bitte. i didn't mean to do anyzhing wrong tell me vhat i did i vill apologise... oh gott i need to get out of zhis hospital she's going to be so vorried or even vorse." Gilbert said the last thing to himself. he's acting like he doesn't even know me. who is he talking about that will be worried does he have a secret girlfriend no Austria or someone would've said if so. Gilbird came flying in at full speed and crash landed in Gil's hair chirping with joy. "come on ve have got to go find her. Dankeschön (thank you) for taking care of me but i must go." and just like that he took off running out the house. Does he not remember oh god. i let the tears fall as i ran upstairs. "Francis where are you Gilbert woke up but...but i think hes lost his memory he didn't recognise me. I don't know what's happening. he ran out the door to find someone." i shouted down the hall trying not to give up hope on getting my friend back. "he fucking what!" Francis shouted i heard some slipping and then the bathroom door was kicked open Francis had a towel wrapped around him and was dripping with water. "we have to get the others form a group and look for him." he said and quickly walked to his room to change.

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