Total Drama World Tour (Alaia...

By KatsukiDarling19980

12.6K 149 89

Now world famous Alaia has it all but she gets a chance to compete again but this time not alone yeah this ti... More

Walk like an Egyptian part. 1
Walk like an Egyptian part. 2
Japan time
Yukon can't do anything better i can
Broadway Baby!
Slap! Slap! Revolution!
Paris Love 💘
Newf Kids of the rock
Jamaica me man
I See London
Greece em
Ex Files
Picnic at the hanging dork
Sweden Sour
Niagara Falls
Chinese Fake-Out
African lying
Rapa Phooey!
Planes train and hot mobile
Almost won

The Ah ah Amazon

418 4 1
By KatsukiDarling19980

Chris: Germany. Here, our competitors encountered the glorious Alps. As fun to go up as they are to come down. They also learned why Germany is world-renowned to the care they put into their sausages. From this day on, however, Germany will only be known for one thing: its traditional dance. Specifically the Slap Heard Around the World. There's an even dozen left, but not for long on Total. Drama.[singing] World Tour!

[ Theme song ]

Owen [muttering]: Going down... [snores] Engine failure...

Katsuki: damn i swear......

Alejandro: Will you pipe down already?

Izzy gasps

Owen: Crash position... [screams]

Alejandro: [grunts]

Katsuki: [laughs]

Owen: Whoa. What a terrible dream. Al, what happened?

Alejandro: Nothing a little ice and revenge won't fix.

Owen: Cool. Wait, did you say revenge?

Alejandro: Of course not. Off topic, do you have any serious allergies?

Owen: Uh, let's see now...

(Confessional: Owen)

Owen: Sometimes I get the feeling Al might slightly not totally like me. Punching him in the face? Probably didn't help. Unless he likes that kind of thing. Heh, fingers crossed.

(Confessional Off)

Alejandro grunts

A rat squeaks and falls into Noah's Open Mouth. Katsuki laughs harder

Noah [snoring before waking up,gaging and spiting out the rat]: Ah! Ugh. Stupid economy class.

Tyler: Being back here has some perks.

Katsuki: [Sarcasm] oh yeah [actual] Dumbass

Alejandro: Next time we get on this plane, we better be back in first class.

Owen: Yeah, cool! Let's be a team! A team that gets along. All of us, with everyone forgiving anything that might've ever happened by accident. Or whatever. Yeah!

DJ: I feel bad for voting off Leshawna. All she did was hurt Heather. I'm hurting innocent animals. How long can a curse last anyway?

Lindsay: Cheer up, DJ. If Tyler can come back, anything can happen. Maybe we'll become the best team ever!

Chris: Here's the best team ever... is exactly what I'll say when I get to the first class compartment.

DJ: [sighs]

[plane buzzes]

[mouse squeaks]

Gwen: Uh... whatcha doin'?

Sierra: I'm on the internet. You can check your email when I'm done writing my blog if you want.

Gwen: Uh, yeah, that'd be...

Sierra: [smacking]

Gwen: No. No, I'm good actually. Yeah, no.

Heather: [sighs]

Courtney: Lookin' good.

Alaia: Never looked better.

Chris: [over PA] Brace for landing! We've arrived at our next destination, the Amazon! But the runway's a little short.

Gwen: Team Amazon in the Amazon? That's gotta be a lucky sign.

Sierra: [gasps] Whenever a team predicts good luck, they always lose!

Gwen: But I didn't... I-I just meant I... [muffled speech]

Chris: [over PA] Gosh, I hope none of the Amazons said this might be lucky for them. That'd be disastrous! [laughs]

Alaia: [Sarcastic] Nice going miss lucky

Gwen: [groans]

[tires screech]

Chris: Welcome to Peru. Birthplace of the mighty Amazon River. This challenge is called the Am-AH-Zon Race. Teams must hike along an ancient Inca trail through the Peruvian jungle all the way to Machu Picchu. Hidden somewhere among the ruins of Machu Picchu, a golden treasure awaits discovery. Find the treasure to win first class passage to our next destination. Last team to arrive in Machu Picchu will have to send someone out the elimination door. And be warned, the jungle contains many vicious insects. Yes, Cody, the legal department made me well aware of your deathly allergies and insisted we supply an EpiPen. Wouldn't make sense to give it to the person who has the allergies. What if you need an injection when you're unconscious?

Sierra: Oh, oh, me! I can take it!

Chris: Who can we get to carry this?

Sierra: Oh, Chris, Chris!

Gwen: [sighs] I'll take it.

Sierra: What?! No! I'm the only one who knows what sends Cody into anaphylactic shock! Black ants, brown ants, red ants, poggio beans, wolf spiders, Katydid crickets, the clear-winged cithaerias pireta butterfly, and goat saliva!

Chris: Goat saliva? Must make dating a little tough, eh, Cody? Here you are, Gwen.

Gwen: [gasps]

Chris: Also in the jungle are the Zing-Zings, a native tribe who have never encountered modern man, and they're not about to, so if you spot a Zing-Zing, do not make contact. They--

[snare playing]

Chris: Will you stop that?

Owen: How far is it to Mucky Pitchet?

Chris: Machu Picchu is a hop, skip, and a jump from here. Plus eighteen hours.

[all groan]

Chris: The jungle is too dangerous to travel at night, so teams will have to break at dusk and camp along the trail until sunrise.

Alejandro: And I assume there are no tents?

Chris: Correctamundo. Now, because the playing area is so vast and dangerous, each team will have a walkie-talkie in case of emergency. Teams, I wish you good luck. Or at the very least, a lack of death.

Lindsay: Eenie, meenie, miney... left?

Tyler: Whatcha think? Left? Yeah, eh, left. Left is definitely good.

Gwen: Maybe we should go right.

Sierra: No, left. Even if it's wrong, at least everyone will be wrong.

Cody: Yeah. Safety in numbers. Just thinking of you ladies. Ha ha.

Sierra: [gasps] [confessional] When Cody agreed with me in front of everyone, I swear I heard wedding bells. [squeals]

Alaia: Let's let Gwen decide. She's the one who's feeling "lucky".

Gwen: I said I was sorry!

Heather: If you're right, you're a hero. If you're wrong, we know who to eliminate.

Gwen: Your parents must love this show, gets you out of the house.

Alaia rolls her eyes as Heather Blows a raspberry

(Meanwhile, Team Victory's in the lead.)

Chris: Welcome, Tiny Victory. I'd say team, but you're more of a duo. But hey, first is first, so... you get to cross this water hazard using the T-bar. Everyone else will have to take the line hand over hand.

Lindsay: [clapping]

DJ: Sweet!

(DJ grabs on to the T-Bar as Lindsay was on his shoulders and they zipline across the water.)

Lindsay: First place!

(Meanwhile, Team Amazon are walking while swatting flies.)

Cody: Hey, thanks for taking my EpiPen. You know how to use it, right?

Gwen: Not a clue.

Cody: I get bit, you jam the needle into my naked butt cheek.

Gwen: Yah. good luck with that.

Cody: Ugh, bug off. Uh...

[bug screeches]

Cody: Ah, ah!

Sierra: I'm the only one who will always be there for you, Cody! Always!

Cody: [grunts] I'm doomed.

(Meanwhile, with Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot.)

Tyler: Huh, where's the... hanging-on-thingy part?

Chris: "Hanging-on-thingy"?

Tyler: Ugh, you know, the riding stick. The grabby whatchamacallit. Ugh. The zipper buckle handle!

Chris: Getting colder.

Alejandro: We need no T-Bar! We are Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot! (Uses his belt as a t-bar) Arriba!


Katsuki: ehh whatever [he flips up and rope walks his way to the other side]

Alejandro: Nice!

Owen: Whatever you say, Al! Arriba... ah-ha-ha, ow! Ah! Ow ow ow ow ow ow!

Chris: Oh yeah. There may or may not be piranhas in this water.

Katsuki: [Laughs]

[tribal music]

Cody: Zing-Zings. Shh. We can't make contact. Stay still and... [screams]


Heather and Alaia: Well, well. Lucky us.

Gwen: Chris? We need help. Chris? Chris?! No batteries.

(Cut to Chef on the Hot-Tub, using all the bateries on his PSP.)

[video game music]

Chef: Yah! Eat that, ghost! Eat it!

Cut Back to Machu Pitchu

Alaia: [Sarcasm] Oh great

Chris: This should be interesting.

(Tyler was using his pants to get across.)

Tyler: Yeah, hoo! Zipli-- uh-oh. Ah, ooh. Piranhas!

Noah: He's got good vertical.

Chris: For a guy leaping out of water, yeah.

Tyler: [gasps] [grunts]

Katsuki: [laughs]

Chris: All right, who's next?

Izzy: Izzy has a plan! Ha! Yah, ha-ha, come on!

Owen: Oh!

(Meanwhile, with Team Amazon.)

Cody: The batteries from my flashlight should fit into the walkie-talkie, but I can't reach my back right pocket.

Sierra: I can do it! I can reach!

Heather: Quit it. Gwen, you're closest.

Gwen: You are not allowed to enjoy this. Killer Casanova kissing mints? Hair gel, Saw body spray, x-ray glasses?

Heather: What color are Cody's undies?

(When Gwen looked at the x-ray glasses, she finds out that Cody wasn't wearing any underpants.)

Gwen: D'ah! [panting]

Cody: Who wears undies in the Amazon?

Alaia: [disgusted] Ewww Cody!

Sierra: Uh, could I borrow those glasses?

(Confessionals On)

Gwen: Everyone! That's who wears undies in the Amazon! Everyone!

Cody: Gwen touched my butt. I had pants on, but it was pretty much my butt.

Sierra: When I win the money, I'm going to get my arms extended. Next time, I will reach Cody's pocket.

(Confessionals Off)

Gwen: Uh, I think I got it! Ow!

Alaia: [worried] Oh that can't be good.

Cody: You'll be okay, I swear. It's just like a big shot of adrenaline.

Gwen: How big?

(Courtney looks in the pocket and gets out the flashlight.)

Cody: Oh. Back left. My bad.

Alaia: Really Cody!

[birds calling]

Alejandro: Dusk. We can make camp here.

Owen: Need rest. [panting] And water. Oh, nachos would be killer right now, eh?

Noah: Sure. All we're missing is chips, beef, tomatoes, cheese, salsa...

Izzy: Hey, slow down! Guys, I'm making a list.

Katsuki: Morons [climbs up a tree an lays down]

(Meanwhile, with Team Victory.)

DJ: Chris! Tell me you have food! 'Cause we're starving!

Chris: Victory twins! You're still in first, and this is your reward.



DJ: Whoa!

Chris: All the bananas you can eat!


Gwen: [through walkie-talkie] [quickly] Chris, Chris, Chris, it's Gwen! The Zingies caught us by the tree and tied us up with my hands in--

Chris: Wow, she sounds like she's really in trouble. I should pick this up.

Gwen: [through walkie-talkie] --Cody's pants. This trouble is big!

Chris: After the break.

Gwen: [through walkie-talkie] Chris, Chris, Chris, it's Gwen!

Chris: Walkie-talkie are for emergencies only.

Gwen: The Zingies caught by the tree tied us up with my hand in Cody's pants. This trouble is big!

Tyler: Way to go, Cody!

Cody: Thank you!

Gwen: Scared, rope, Zoogles, help us!

Katsuki: What is Alaia alright?

Alaia: I'm fine.

Courtney: Gwen EpiPenned herself. We need help.

Chris: E-mer-gen...

Heather and Alaia: We are being held at spear point by the Zing-Zings. Help. Us. Now!

Lindsay: We're in first place! Hi, Tyler!

Chris: Okay. Team Amazon, remain calm. And...

[musical ding]

Heather: You must be joking.

Owen: Do we have to sing backup?

Chris: Nope. This one is all Amazons. But let's make it end with a little solos from Heather and Alaia. And... begin.


We should've just gone left


We wouldn't be in this mess


I said so too, but then Gwen used Cody's EpiPen


Now if he gets bitten


My obituary's written


Oh, what would I do then?


Tied up, rope is no joke

Spears in our face, get us out of this place

Ain't havin' the luck that I anticipated

Probably means I'm eliminated

Yeah, I'm out

[Heather and Alaia]

Out, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah

(Song ends.)

Zing-Zing gasps and speaks in his native language

Heather: [gasps] Is my missing tooth that hideous?

Zing-Zing: [native language]

Cody: I think they think you're a god of some kind. Which means the rest of us... are expendable!

Lindsay [snoring]: Uh, DJ, what are you doing?

DJ: I'm covered in bugs!


Lindsay: Wow The bugs look exactly like teeny tiny adorable monkeys.

DJ: What? Oh no! They must've been attracted to the bananas! Ah!


Owen: Is that coming from the fire?

Noah: Fires rarely growl.

Owen: Al built it. Maybe Spanish fires growl.


Alejandro: What is that?

Owen: [blows]

Alejandro, Noah, and Owen: [gasp]



Owen screams

Heather [screams] : No! No! That's right, back off!


Gwen: [quickly] The gold tooth? Crazy or what? I mean, it's crazy right? It can't just be me thinking it's crazy. It's crazy, crazy, crazy.

(Confessional: Heather)

Heather: Even as a child, I knew that some day, a large group of people would worship me. I knew.

(Confessional Off)


DJ: I think they're gonna be okay. Shh, let's get moving.

[twig snaps]

[monkeys screech]

DJ: [screams]

(Meanwhile, Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot survived the night from that giant caterpillars attack. Owen was missing. Everyone else was all spotted from the attack.)

Alejandro: Daybreak. No time for head counts. We've got to get to Machu Picchu and find that treasure. Hurry!

(Meanwhile, Team Victory arrived at Machu Picchu. DJ was scratched from the monkey attack.)

Chris: The Victorious Twosome! Somehow, you two are still in first place. Find the treasure before anyone else, and you'll leave Peru in first class.

Lindsay: Yes, yes, yes!

Chris: What happened to him?

Lindsay: Same old story. Attacked by miniature monkeys.

DJ: I deserved it. I always deserve it!

Lindsay: But this time, the animals hurt you. And we're still in first place. Maybe for once, the person going home won't be from our team!

(The you ran off. At the same time, Team Chris is really, really, really, really hot arrived without Owen.)

Chris: Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh. You can't start searching until the whole team is here.

Tyler: Owen!

Alejandro: You never said that. You're making up the rules as we go.

Chris: And this surprises you because...?

Alejandro: Fine. Allow me to search for our beloved teammate.

Katsuki: Be right back damn it Owen

Gwen: [snoring]

Cody: When epinephrine wears off, it knocks you out good.

Sierra: Hey snoring is making me crazy!

Alaia: [Annoyed] Ya think

Courtney: I think you mean crazier. Heather, make them untie us.

Heather: What if I ask and it makes them angry? Angry enough to sacrifice one of you? You don't want that.

Cody: She's got a point.

Owen muffled grunts

Alejandro and Katsuki: Owen!

Owen: Al! Suki!

Alejandro: What happened to you?

Owen: You saw! You watched the caterpillars drag me away!

Alejandro: I don't know what you mean.

Owen: The others were asleep, but you... you had your eye open, I saw you!

Katsuki: Obviously, you're wrong. The others went ahead without you. Me and Alejandro refused to move on until we found you.

Owen: So... you're my only real friends?

Alejandro: It would seem so, Owen.

Owen: Wow, I've never been so scared of a friend before. Ow! Thanks.

Alejandro: That's what friends are for.

Chris: Tick tock, tick tock.

Alejandro Katsuki and Owen: [panting]

Alejandro: Let's find that treasure!

Chris: [whistling]

Tyler: I found it!

Chris: This is weird.

Owen and Tyler: [grunting]

Chris: Hey guys? Whatcha doin'?

Owen: We got it. The olden treasure.

Chris: Great. Except we're looking for golden treasure.

Lindsay: I found it!

Chris: Like that! Finally, Victory for Team Victory!

DJ: Woohoo, yeah!

Lindsay: Best team ever!

Owen: Did he say "golden"? [grunts] [gasps]

[relic shines]


Chris: Run!

(They all run for their lives.)

Gwen snores

Sierra, Cody, Alaia and Courtney: Chef!

Heather: No, it's okay! If you wanna get on their good side, you should kneel before me. I'm a bit of a god to the Zing-Zings.

Chef: Those aren't Zing-Zings. They look like local Peruvian teenagers.

Gwen: [snorts]

Cody: But the outfits.

Sierra: The spears.

Heather: You're... actors? In this year's Shakespeare in the Jungle production of Macbeth?!

Peruvian Boy: We play the porters.

Alaia: [covering her mouth with her hand trying not to laugh] you had off-bit actors put a gold tooth in your mouth. [Laughs]

Heather: Ew!

Sierra: Guess you aren't a god after all.

Chef: And you lost the challenge. Y'all gotta vote someone off.


Cody: D'ow! Oh no. I just got bit by a red ant.

Sierra: No! W-We don't have another EpiPen. Oh, I'll try to suck the poison out! Yeah, oh. [sucking and spitting]

Alaia: If only there were someone we could blame for all this. Morning, Gwen.

Gwen [yawns] : Did we win?

DJ: More freshly baked cookies? Don't mind if I do.

Lindsay: Would it be okay with you if I-

DJ: Asked Tyler to come join us up here? Sure.

Lindsay: [kiss] Tyler? Tyler!

Owen eats

Sierra: Well, you did lead us to disaster, but uh, I'll join you guys in the vote for Heather too. On one condition. You have to stop being so nice to Cody.

Gwen: If it means Heather is finally gone, you've got a deal. [Alaia walks by] Alaia we need you to vote off Heather

Alaia: I'm going to stop you right their why would i vote of Heather if you cost us the challenge you deserved to go home ugh

Gwen: okay what's with you?

Alaia: Playing the game duh [walks away flipping her hair]

Heather: Oh great. It's Pirate Pablo.

Alejandro: Ah, Heather. Cheer up. Your departure will make the game a whole lot easier for me.

Heather: I know you messed with Leshawna. And Bridgette too, probably. You are just lucky you didn't try anything on me.

Alejandro: Ah. But with the temptation of a kiss, even you couldn't resist me forever.

Heather: I... would... have... crushed you!

Alaia: Oh make out already [Heather glared at her she smirked]

Chris: All right, Amazons. Are you ready to find out who you chose to eliminate? Whatcha think, Cody? You give that a big, fat thumbs up? Let's take a look at who you all voted for. Just for fun.

(Confessionals On)

Gwen: I vote for Heather. And Chris, there's ten dollars in it if you forget to give her a parachute.

Courtney: Goodbye, Heather. Wow. Feels too good to be true.

Heather: I vote Gwen.

Alaia: Sorry Gwen you cost us the challenge and Chris there's 50$ bucks in if you let me push her out the plane without a parachute.

Sierra: I vote for Heather. [giggles] I used to say that in my bathroom mirror all the time. And now, here I am doing it. Ah! This is so awesome!

Cody: I... vote for Sierra. She's like the stalker girlfriend I always thought I wanted... until I got one.

(Confessionals Off)

Chris: There. All done.

Sierra cries

(confessional: Sierra)

Sierra: He voted... for me? President of his fan club? After all I've done for him? Foot rubs, secret hair collection, I mean, it's just so... Cody! [cries]

(Confessional Off)

Heather: Let's just get this over with.

Chris: I guess this would be a good time to watch Heather fall out of the plane, you know, if this had actually been an elimination round. But it's not.

[party blower]

Chris: Surprise!

Gwody gasps Alaia laughed

(Confessional Heather)

Heather: Now they fear me. And so they should. I will make them all pay for what they tried to do to me, and then... I'll crush Alejandro for dessert!

(Confessional Alaia)

Alaia: Oh man the look on their faces priceless [laughs] but soon they all fall down 👇 and so will my team leaving me and my boo to wins this thing.

(Confessional Off)

Chris: Ooh. Heather's mad. and Alaia is getting meaner [chuckles] Tune in for the fallout next time on Total. Drama.[singing] World Tour!


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