His Obsession (COMPLETED)

By WrittenByKalifa

254K 8.9K 2.2K

***WARNING: THIS STORY INCLUDES MATURE CONTENT AND VIOLENCE**** "They call it obsession, I prefer the word lo... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
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Chaper 1

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By WrittenByKalifa

AGE: 24

It was Saturday morning and Amiyah was currently out for a jog in the neighborhood. As she jogged she passed the house right across the street from her and the people were moving out. She talked to them every now and then but it was mostly just a "hey" and "bye".

Amiyah stopped jogging and took her airpods out. She was kind of out of breath but she could still talk. "Good morning", Amiyah said.

"Good morning", Hailey said.

Hailey was white and she had blonde hair and blue eyes. Her, her husband and son were living there..well up until today.

"I see you guys are moving", Amiyah said.

"Yea. Paul got a job offer in Arizona and he decided to take it", Hailey said.

"That's good. Congrats", Amiyah said.

"So, you'll be getting a new neighbor in a couple of days", Hailey said.

"You guys sold the house already?", Amiyah asked.

"Yea. We sold it about three weeks ago but we've procrastinated and are finally moving things out", Hailey said.

"Oh. Okay. Well I hope you have a smooth move and that you all stay safe", Amiyah said.

"Thank you", Hailey replied.

Amiyah put her airpods back into her ears and started jogging again. She looked at her Apple Watch to see the time and realized that she was supposed to be dressed by now to meet her friend. She jogged to her house and got in the shower. Once she was done showering, she got a call from her friend.

They had been friends since high school and throughout college. They work together at a law firm and have been working as a lawyer for about 5 months now.

Amiyah answered the phone.

"I am literally on the way, Bianca", Amiyah said.

"And we all know that your on the way means that your still at the house", Bianca said. "Right along with every other black person"

Amiyah chuckled. "I'm getting dressed alright. I lost track of time while I was jogging", Amiyah said.

"Girl, I need to start exercising", Bianca said.

Amiyah put the phone on speaker and placed it on the bed as she picked out her clothes

"But just hurry up", Bianca said. "I don't want them to give our table away"

"Yea. I'm coming", Amiyah said as she put her pants on. "See you there"

"See you there", Bianca said before hanging up.

Amiyah put the rest of her clothes and grabbed her her purse, phone and keys. She had on a pink blouse, some black skinny jeans and black heels. The restaurant requests you to wear business casual clothes, so that's what she wore.


Amiyah got to the restaurant and Bianca was sitting at their table.

Bianca was a light brown skinned woman. She was the same age as Amiyah, which was 24. Bianca always kept herself up so she was always dolled up in as Amiyah liked to say it. She was a perfectionist no matter what. She liked to be on time for everything. It was nothing wrong with that and thats one of the things that Amiyah liked about her the most.

AGE 24

"It's about time", Bianca said.

Amiyah sat down. "What? I was only like 5 minutes late", Amiyah said.

"I ordered you water", Bianca said.

"Thanks", Amiyah said. "I hope this place is as good as everybody says and from how booked this place is"

"And the price", Bianca added as she looked through the menu.

Amiyah picked up the menu and looked at it too.

"These people crazy as hell", Amiyah mumbled. "50 dollars for something I can make for 20?"

Bianca laughed.

Amiyah put the menu down.

Bianca stopped laughing and started smiling. "You not going to order?", she asked.

"Yea, I know what I want", Amiyah said.

"What you getting?", Bianca asked. "Because I don't know what I want"

"Whatever's the cheapest", Amiyah said as the waitress put their drinks down.

"What? Bread?", Bianca asked.

"No, baby. This water", Amiyah said as she picked up the glass of water and sipping it afterward.

Bianca started laughing. "Girl, you are a trip", she said.

The waitress smiled. "Are the both of you ready to order?", she asked.

"Just a moment", Bianca said. "I'm still looking"

"Take your time. I'll be back in a few minutes", she replied with a smile before walking away.

"So, how was your date last night", Amiyah said.

"Girl. The worst. I mean I don't get it. What's wrong with the black men not wanting a higher education or just making more of themselves. And I mean actions and not just talking about it", Bianca said.

"That's true but Bianca sometimes it's just about what's within", Amiyah said.

"When I have ambitions as big as mine and I cost as much as I do, I'm going to need somebody who makes the same as me or higher. And then when kids come into the picture, they are no cheap", Bianca said.

Amiyah nods in agreement.

"I mean I do get what you're saying because it isn't all about the money, but girl I don't know", Bianca said.

"Yea. I see what you're saying too though", Amiyah said. "And it's nothing wrong with that, I was just saying. I don't want you to accidentally miss out on your future soulmate"

"And I thank you for that", Bianca said with smiled. "This is why I love you. You're always looking out for me"

Amiyah smiled.

The waitress walked back over. "No rush but are you guys ready?", she asked with a smile.

"Yea", Bianca said.

"So am I", Amiyah said.

The waitress pulled out her notepad. "Alright. So what can I get the both of you?", she asked.

Amiyah and Bianca ordered their food and when when they food came out they ate their lunch and continued talking. Every Saturday, her and Bianca would go out for lunch. It was like a tradition for them.

After they were done eating, they walked out the building.

"I parked somewhere over there", Amiyah said pointing toward her car.

"Yea I parked over there", Bianca said motioning her head on the opposite side of the parking lot. "So, if I don't see you tomorrow, I will see you at work Monday"

"Alright. Bye", Amiyah said.

"Bye", Bianca replied.


Monday came and Amiyah was running a little late for work. She was going to make it on time but not as    early as she wanted to be. As she walked quickly to her car as she looked across the street as saw a brown skinned guy getting out of his car. Amiyah had sunglasses on so she tilted them down to get a better look at him. To her he was perfect, the kind of guy she would see in a movie or something. He looked over at her and she put her sunglasses all the way and waved.

"Good morning", Amiyah said loud enough for him to hear.

He smiled and waved back.

Amiyah got into the car. She knew he saw her starring and felt a little embarrassed but she didn't care. He was worth starring at.

Amiyah started her car and backed out the driveway. As she did that he watched her car drive off. He locked his car door and went into the house.


Amiyah got to work and went straight to Bianca's desk.

"Girl, let me tell you something there is a fine ass man across the street from me and Stella is about to get her groove back", Amiyah whispered so nobody else would hear.

Bianca smiled and shook her head. "Go for it", she said.

"As I will", Amiyah said as she sat at her desk that was right next to her.

"You are crazy", Bianca said.

Amiyah chuckled.

"But of course, I'll have to meet this guy if anything starts to get serious", Bianca said.

"Of course. But I don't even know if he's single, girl or if he'd even be interested. I'm just talking. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to talk to him in that kind of anyway because he's literally right across the street", Amiyah said.

"Y'all that may be something", Bianca said.

Amiyah got out the case that she was working on and sighed.

"What's wrong?", Bianca asked.

"Nothing. It's just case. The guy was accused of murder and I honestly believe him but the evidence aren't looking good", Amiyah said.

"Well, I guess that's why they put you on the case. So, you can be the one to prove him not guilty", Bianca said as she got up and walked away to get something from the printer.


Amiyah finally got home from around 6p.m. When walked down to her mailbox to check to see if she had any mail. She looked over across the street and saw a U-Haul truck that was open. She could tell that he was still moving in. As she opened the mailbox, he came outside. He didn't have a shirt on and well Amiyah couldn't blame him because it was hot. She heard him close the truck up, so she looked back.

"Hey", he said.

Amiyah turned her body all the way around to face him. "Hey, welcome to the neighborhood ", she said.

He began walking over to her. "Sorry, for not having a shirt on. It's hot as hell out here. I just wanted to introduce myself", she said. "I'm Lamar"

AGE: 25

"I'm Amiyah", she replied.

"Amiyah? I like that. But um, how is the neighborhood? Is it good?", he asked.

"It's good. Quiet and peaceful.", she replied.

Lamar nods. "Well, Amiyah it was nice to meet you. I  am having a house warming once I get settled in and you are welcome to come", Lamar said.

"Thank you. Just pop a little note or something in my mailbox on the day and time and I will see if I can come", Amiyah replied. "I know that sounds weird but I'm not always home"

"I get it. You're a busy woman", Lamar said. "If you don't mind me asking, what do you do?"

"I am a lawyer. A new one at that", Amiyah said. "And you?"

"Forensic scientist. I work at the Los Angeles Police Department", Lamar said.

"I wanted to do that. That was actually my major at first but it was stressful, so I just did my plan b and became a lawyer", Amiyah replied.

Lamar chuckled. "Yea, I did have my stressed out moments", Lamar said.

"But lucky you made it through", Amiyah said with a smile.

Lamar smiled and nodded. "But I'll let you go", he said.

"Hopefully, you made a good investment", Amiyah said.

"Yea", he said as he looked at the house. "I think I did" he said.

"But I will see you around", she said.

"Same to you. Oh and if you need any favors or something for your cases I got you", he said jokingly but he was surprise.

Amiyah chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind", she replied. "Have a good night, well evening, well both I guess"

Lamar chuckled. "Same to you", he said.

Amiyah got her mail out of the mailbox and walked to her house.

Lamar watched her as he walked backwards, checking her out then walked forward to his house.

Amiyah looked back at him as she unlocked the door but he was already walking into his house. She looked forward and walked into her house.

She dropped her keys in a little dish and took off her heels and proceeded to cook dinner.

***so this chapter was just a little introduction of the main characters so it wasn't all that, but it will get better. But let me know what you guys think so far by commenting and don't forget to vote💛***


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