The Return Of Rebel

Von freakypizza18

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Meet Tina Mehta an Indian girl studied in USA returns back to home town after 4 years and after 2.5 years fat... Mehr

Chapter:15 (Part 1)
Chapter:15 (Part 2)
Chapter: 37
Chapter: 44
Author's Note


28 2 0
Von freakypizza18

Currently, we all and by we I meant Me, Tyler, Maddison and Michelle were at the JFK airport waiting for our flight to get started so that we go to India. It was few days after the New Year’s Day and the pictures were posted life was back to his pavilion and we were back to work.

Our schedule was pretty much same- home, office, home we even went to Amy and Christin’s place once to meet them and talked to Tyson and Tressa about our moving out decision and they were cool and happy about it and so did Maddison and Michelle. Yes, we did talk about the decision to them and they insisted on getting a house for us but we told them a no because it would be our space so we would pay for it even if we have to take a home loan.

“Kindly pay attention the flight from JFK New York to Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja is on time kindly get to the boarding area and get your luggage checked in. Please take care of your belongings. Have a safe journey”. The announcer announced.

“That’s our call”. I said.

I had worn a black hoodie and dark blue jeans with black shoes and had my hair in a ponytail while Tyler had similar ensemble as me but he had worn a sweatshirt and the cap I had gifted him and Maddison and Michelle were in their casuals too. We walked through the boarding area to get our luggage checked in.

It took us around 10 to 15 minutes to be completed formalities and found ourselves in the business class section of our plane.

Yes, we were taking a normal flight after a lot of debate and which I finally won. Because my fiancé’s mum wouldn’t let us travel in a normal passenger plane she says and I quote ‘It is better to travel in private rather than the normal one because of the safety issues’ but I made sure that we were safe and everything and it is one of the best decision because I would’ve sounded like a digger or at least I would’ve felt that.

We were seated on our seats now, the sister’s seats were on the opposite aisle from us and ours were behind them in the opposite aisle and these arrangements were done to give each other their needed privacy according to Michelle.

The plane had taken off and we were now sitting in a comfortable silence while me and Tyler were watching a movie. After few minutes an air hostess comes by calls us.

“Good morning ma’am, sir. I hope you are having a good flight and I’m Mary Ann and please call me whenever you need anything but do you need now?” She asked with a polite smile.

“Can I have some water?” I asked.

“Sure, bottled or in a cup?” She asked.

“Bottled”. I said.

“Okay”. She said.

“Thank you!” I told her.

“You’re welcome, ma’am”. She replied and left.

We continued watching movie and she returned with our bottle of water and left. We could say the journey was pleasant and after almost 20 hour long flight we reached our destination.

It was decided that all we all were going to stay at my parents' house for safety reasons plus it would be better for everyone if they there because of the crazy media.

Maddison motioned us towards the paparazzi and I tensed up because they are wild and after getting to know about mine and Tyler’s engagement they are even more crazier to know the details. Tyler must have sensed it he quickly grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

I looked at him with a smile and he returned it.

Maddison’s phone started to ring and she picked up quickly.

“Hello?” She said to the person on the phone.

“Okay, we will be there in a second and make sure to keep the doors open until we all enter there”. She ordered but said politely.

He must be the chauffeur or a bodyguard or something or at least that is what I am thinking. She hung up and looked towards us.

“The car’s ready so we might now leave this place”. She said.

We all nodded and Tyler held my hand and we all walked towards the exit pushing our luggage with us.

The paparazzi was totally crazy and Tyler quickly put on my hood over my face so no one can capture my face and he did the same for him too.

“So, are we soon going to hear wedding bells?” One asked.

There were constant yelling of ma’am’s and sir’s too for our pictures or to grab our attention but just politely said excuse me and made our way towards the car.

“When is the wedding?” Another asked.

“So do you have any plans for the wedding?” The questions were flooding but we ignored.

We saw a man in white shirt and pants and had a white cap on him he had kept the door of the car open and was standing near it so he can quickly close it once we are in the car.

He quickly walked and Michelle sat in the backseat followed by me and Tyler, that is I was seating in between my fiancé and Michelle and Maddison was seating in the passenger seat.

As Maddison didn't knew the address to my place I quickly gave him the direction and he started the car. Once the car started we all sighed in relief and car was in a comfortable silence Andi was looking out of the window enjoying the beautiful scenery of my beloved Mumbai.

“Damn I missed this place so much”. I thought to myself.

The car was in a comfortable silence and only the radio was playing in the background.

We reached my parents' house within 45 minutes because we weren’t caught in the heavy traffic and I saw my parents waiting for us on the porch for us.

We got out of the car and got our luggage with us and Maddison said the driver to go back to his work. I figured he might be the company’s emergency driver who was meant to be there for emergency or whenever an employee of the office is late to leave the office he takes them places.
We all pushed our luggage towards the porch and my parents quickly hugged me and than to my surprise they even hugged Maddison and Michelle. When Tyler went to touch their feet they pulled him into a hug.

(A/N: In India touching the elders' feet is one of the significance as a sign of respecting elders.)

“It is so nice to meet you both”. My mom said, once they broke the hug.

“Nice to meet you too”. They said.

We all went inside the house and sat down on the couch in the family room and my sister Krishika brought us the glasses of water.

Now it was the introduction part so I introduced my family to Tyler’s mum and aunt.

“Maddison, Michelle. She is mum Jaya, my dad Nishikant and my younger sister Krishika”. I said.

They just nodded their heads and smiled with a meek hello.

“Mum, dad. She is Maddison she is Tyler’s mum and She is Michelle his aunt and her sister and Christin’s mum”. I introduced.

“Christin as in your boss Christin?” My dad asked.

“Yes, she is Christin’s mum”. I said.

“Oh okay”. He said and nodded in understanding.

“Why don’t you all get freshened up and rest for a bit. It must be tiring after a long flight”. My mum said.

“Oh yes, yes”. My dad said.

“Krish, show them the guest room”. My mum said.

“Yes, mom”. She said.

“Umm—not to make you guys uncomfortable or something but Tyler and Tia you guys can share the room you know that, right?” My mum said awkwardly.

“Mom!” I exclaimed.

I could feel my cheeks burning up. No matter how old I get it would be uncomfortable though my parents are very open minded and all but sure talking about sharing a room even if it is your fiancé sure you may get uncomfortable unless you are very free and speak your mind with your parents.

And I am prude.

They all laughed and I walked towards my childhood room with my fiancé and Krish showed the twin sisters their rooms.

When I pushed open the door towards my room I noticed that there wasn’t even a single speck of dust in it everything w as in it’s place like the last time I visited.

“Home sweet home”. I said and kept my luggage in a corner while Tyler closed the door behind and I plopped down on my bed and Tyler followed my suit.

“I can see you missed India”. He commented.

“A lot!” I exclaimed and turned towards him.

He pushed my hair that were covering my face and smiled. We just looked at each other not saying a word in a comfortable silence.

I blinked once getting out of daze and got up from the bed.

We both sighed.

“Shortie?” Tyler called.

“Mh hmm”. I hummed in response.

“I am tired”. He said.

“Me too but go get a shower it will help you”. I said.

“Okay”. He said and he quickly opened his bag and removed his sweat shirt and a pair of jeans from it and made his way towards the bathroom.

I got into my closet to get a pair of pajama I have kept here and placed them on my bed and opened my windows so that I can let the breeze come in my room.

Thank God it was January air though it is not cool like we have it in the mountains or something but cool enough for us not to get sweaty.

I sighed and made my way towards the book shelf I had in room and plucked out a book and flipped the few pages and smiled remembering my old times in this room and kept the book back in it’s place.

Tyler came out of the bathroom within 15 minutes with a towel hung around his waist.

“Go get a shower you are tired”. He said and put on his shirt which was lying on my bed.

“Yup”. I said and hopped into the bathroom.

I turned on the hot water tap of the shower and let the water me on my back and I could practically feel the knots in my body unknotting them and tiredness leaving my body. I practically sighed feeling good and I quickly took some body wash and scrubbed it on my body with a loofah.

After scrubbing my tiredness for 20 minutes or at least that is what I am thinking I get out of the shower and wrap a robe that was present in my bathroom around myself.

When I came out I saw Tyler texting on his phone and he plopped on my bed.

“Hey, did you text Tess and Tyson that we reached here?” I asked.

He looked me and said, “Yeah, I was talking to them on T-Squad and I noticed your phone almost dead so I have plugged it into the charger”.

“Okay, thank you”. I said.

I heard a knock on the door and went to open the door.

“Sorry to disturb or not but mum has called everyone downstairs for the snacks”. She said.

“Okay, we will be down in 5 minutes”. I said ignoring her 'or not' comment.

“Yup”. She and left and I closed the door behind me.

It is one of the common things between my and Tyler’s family is the family values that is having a meal or snack together or spending time with family in general.

“Mum has called everyone in the dining room for snacks I will just get dressed and than we’ll go downstairs”.

I quickly go to my walk-in closet in my room and get dressed and we go downstairs towards the dining room.

I saw my mom, dad, were laughing at something Maddison and Michelle just said to them while my sister was getting cups from the kitchen.

“Hello everyone!” I said grabbing everyone’s attention.

Such an attention seeker.

“Hey, c’mere your tea would get cold”. My dad said.

“Ah! Mum’s special tea!” I exclaimed and sat down in a chair and Tyler beside me.

“Jaya, you too just sit down we will help ourselves and have your tea too we are a family”. Michelle said.

“Yes, exactly”. Maddison agreed.

“But—”  My mom started but she was cut off my Michelle.

“Jaya, it is fine we are a family no formalities required”. She said.

“Okay”. My mum said and sat beside my dad and besides Maddison.

My sister grabbed her cup of coffee and sat besides me in the empty chair.

“So where was I?” Maddison asked.

“You were saying something about the school”. Michelle said.

“Mom, no you are embarrassing me not that story please” . Tyler practically pleaded.

I arched my eyebrow and looked at him amusement and he gave me look but I was having too much as I didn’t knew what story they were talking about.

“Oh don’t be a spoil sport cheer up you were just a kid”. I teased him with a cheeky smile.

He slit his eyes towards me which made me laugh even more.

“The story is about the first day of the school of all these kids”. Michelle said.

And by these kids she meant Tressa, Tyler, Tyson, and Christin.

“Oh that would be interesting”. I said.

“Oh it is! He didn’t wanted to go school and he was crying the whole school hour and when I left he literally clinged onto to me and threw a fit how he didn’t wanted to go and he even said he would only go if I sit with him for the next 3 hours of his school with him. When I told him I cannot he literally sat on the ground pouting and crossing his arm”. She said with a laugh.

“In my defense I was five”. He said defending him.

I laughed at him and said, “Sure”.
He just let out a low grunt under his breath and took a sip of his coffee.

“Oh I remember when Tia was 2—” My mom started but I cut her off.

“Noooooo!” I exclaimed.

“Oh don’t be a spoil sport cheer up you were just a kid”. Tyler said in a mocking tone with the exact same words I used for him earlier.

I just gave him a side eye and sunk into my seat even more because this story is way more embarrassing than Tyler’s.

Oh how the tables have turned now!

“So as I was saying she was two and had started walking and talking a bit and she was developing her baby teeth she used to put the footwear in her mouth—” She said and I cut her once again.

“Mom, you are embarrassing me”. I said and put my head on my arm which sat on the table.

“You were kid”. Tyler whispered when everyone was busy laughing.

I gave him a side eye and muttered a whatever and crossed my arms around my chest.

“She was a quite child though she had her moments but she you used to always sleep most of the times peacefully, sometimes she would sleep while playing so I never had a problem but when she got her mischievous side I would literally get tired running behind her”. She said with a laugh.

I looked at my mom and saw a twinkle in her eyes which made me smile automatically and my insides warm. Only at that moment I realized how much they miss me and made a mental note to call them more often when I go back.

I saw around the table and everyone was having their good time and laughing which automatically made me smile even more.

Maddison sobered up and said, “Jaya, Nishikant. I know, I am probably rushing things but I really need to discuss about their wedding”.

“But first we shall ask them what they want”. Michelle said.

“Yeah that too, tell us what do you think about the wedding like what all you both want”. Maddison chimed.

“I don’t know whatever Shortie wants but I need two weddings I mean a Hindu ceremony and a Christian ceremony because of course Jaya and Nishikant might be having their own dreams too about marrying their daughter”. He said.

“You guys sure?” My mum asked.

“Yes”. I said.

“Okay”. All the parents agreed.

Everything got interrupted when my father’s phone started to ring.

“Hello”. He said and went to the family room to answer it.

I sighed and shook my head because he is almost reaching his mid 50’s and he is still working and that makes me worry a lot about his health.

I sighed once more and took a sip when my dad came into the kitchen.

“If you guys don’t mind at all can we discuss everything about wedding during dinner I really have to leave for office due to some emergency. I am so sorry”. He said and apologized.

“Oh no problem, we will discuss about it later during the dinner”. Michelle said.

“Thank you and I really am sorry”. He said and kissed me and my sister while side hugging us.

“No problem”. Maddison and Michelle said at the same time.

My father just nodded his head and left.

We all finished our teas and coffees while laughing and sharing the embarrassing last memories.

After agreeing to discuss our wedding during dinner Maddison and Michelle suggested to call our other family members too that is my uncles and aunts and their kids so everyone can get introduced along with the discussion.


It was now dinner time and everyone had arrived and helped my mum in the kitchen like usual and we kids were in my room sharing the childhood memories.

Everything in my family got settled even Heer’s and my sister’s fight so it was one of the things I am not tensed about but the main tension was the wedding I mean really hope the thoughts doesn’t clash between both the families which I am sure it won’t but you know we shouldn’t underestimate anything.

“Kids, the dinner’s ready!” My aunt yelled from the downstairs.

“Okay!” I yelled back.

“You could’ve just walked out and have replied her there was no need to yell”. My brother said.

“See that is what I was talking about the other day”. Tyler commented.

“Oh please I am in a mood for this debate”. I said.

Everyone laughed when my brother Raj asked, “What happened and why did you ask her to not to yell?”

“Oh my sister and Tia both yell whenever they need something for each other from their rooms which reverberates in the whole house. So once I just said to not to yell when they could’ve just walked into each other’s room or called”. He explained.

“Figured. This is Tina we are talking about”. Raj said with an eye roll.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked and narrowed my eyes at him.

“That you are lazy and laziness is your middle name”. He said.

“Whatever. Now get your asses up before mum calls us second time”. I said.

Everyone grunted in response and got up to go towards the living room as we wouldn’t fit in the dining room since the number of people increased.

During everyone was having their laughs and jokes when my dad cleared his throat to grab everyone’s attention.

We all stopped what we were doing and looked at him to do that we can concentrate on what he was going to say.

“So as everyone knows that Tia got engaged on this Christmas and we are here to discuss their wedding so I would request Maddison Tyler’s mother to give her opinion”. He said politely.

You might be thinking why my father didn’t say any congratulations or something when he said about my engagement is because my father hardly ever shows his emotions he always has a poker face but we all know deep inside he is so happy, excited but he couldn’t express his emotions very well.

“Thank you, Nishikant. I am Maddison Tyler’s mother as he just said and we discussed what sort of wedding Tia and Tyler wants and they said they need two different ceremonies that is a Hindu and Christian ceremony and the dates are mostly in June, September or October it totally depends upon their wish but I would make a request that we can make this as a low-key intimate wedding rather than calling thousands of people if you all agree to it”. She said.

“Oh totally we can have a small intimate wedding it would be great and it would only be those people who actually care about them rather showing it off or you know talking or judging us behind our backs”. My mom agreed.

“Okay, so it is decided June, September or October can be the wedding month and a small intimate wedding”. Michelle said.

“I know this is not my place to say and all but there would only be 200-250 people I mean come to think of it we both have large families and a huge friend circle so you know what I mean. We don’t want to miss a family member at the same time we want a small wedding how come it would be possible?” My sister said.

“It is fine everyone can keep their opinions that is why we have called everyone here and let Tia and Tyler decide this we just came here for the introduction, some announcements and of course one of the reasons to just celebrate”. Maddison said.

“Agreed, you should never say no to a gathering or celebration”. Michelle said and laughed.

We all laughed agreeing her.

For the whole dinner we both were quite and we only talked when we were told to because I knew I have bomb to be dropped on my family.

Oh no! I’m not pregnant! I just have to tell them I am transferred back here in Mumbai, India for six months to one year max with Tyler for work purpose.

I looked at my fiancé who was seated beside me and he knew what I was going to say so he just nodded his head as a go ahead and I cleared my throat.

“Guys, I may or may not be transferring back temporarily with him—” I said pointing at Tyler. “for work  purpose”. I finished with a smile.

For a good second the table was quite like pin drop silence and than I heard a squeal which I knew was my sister and she got up from her place and snaked her arms around my neck and hugged me.

Everyone followed her suit and started to ask me questions at the same time.

“Oh wow! When?” someone asked.

“I hope you aren’t kidding”. My mum asked.

“Good”. Someone else said.

Everyone was asking all at the same time and I couldn’t comprehend a thing.

“STOP!” I almost yelled okay I yelled at them.

“Can you’ll speak one at a time, I mean I couldn’t comprehend a thing and no wonder where we got this habit from”. I rambled.

“Oops”. My sister commented.

I slit my eyes at her and she squirmed in her chair.

Everyone than started asking me everything one by one and I told them everything about it and even Michelle, Maddison and Tyler explained everything after dinner we kids helped each other in the kitchen with everything and adults were in the family room watching and discussing ‘life’.


It was finally the day of my best friend’s Seema’s wedding I hadn’t told her about my arrival and to the bonus she didn’t have had time to check any of the sites so didn’t knew I was here and oy her parents and her to-be husband knew that I was going to give her a surprise at her wedding. It was a huge big-fat Indian wedding with almost one thousand people’s attendance and it was like crazy.

Kids were running high in sugar rush, while the uncles and aunts were pouring themselves the free alcohol served in the wedding and the bride and groom in their own rooms getting ready and the parents of bride and groom making sure everything’s perfect while their siblings are busy with some other last minute things.
This is nothing it would have been even more crazier if they didn’t plan a wedding planner.

Most Indian wedding aren’t given in the hands of wedding planners but the relatives and others divide the work and manage everything on their own.

I was waiting for my friend’s entry so that I can make her surprise by doing a little dance I had choreographed with my fiancé as a surprise. I don’t know how will I manage in this heavy lehenga (a set of skirt and top) which was in blue grey color and it had golden coloured embroidery on it while Tyler went all Indian and he had worn a blue coloured kurta (a sort of shirt but long for men) and pajama (pants) and had a red coloured pocket square.

“Kaniya ko mandap me bulaye”. The pundit said.

(“Call the bride here”. The priest said.)

I saw Seema’s sister holding her arm and helping her through the aisle to the place where she had to sit for her wedding so the music I had selected for my dance started to play and I quick ran at the opposite end of the aisle from where she was standing and started doing my steps.

The Bollywood song ‘Bole Chudiya' started to play and I started to dance along with my fiancé and some others who were included in my plan and I could see a shocked and emotional expression when she saw me dancing at the end of the aisle.

When the dance got over she ran towards me and almost tripping over heavy bridal skirt but she managed and hugged me tightly I could feel her tears damping my shoulder. We pulled away and she had a huge smile on her face.

“You came!” She exclaimed.

“Of course, I had too it’s my best friend’s wedding”! I said and laughed.

We all shared a moment for a few moments and than she went to the place where all the rituals for the wedding were going to take place.

The wedding passed by and during reception everything was changed into a bit different setting than it had in the wedding. Seema and her husband slow danced on the dance floor and than we were told to join them and she even played piano for her husband.

It was great and everything was magical and in that moment it struck in my head that I would there in Seema’s place after sometime but I knew I was ready and I really wanted this to be my life. Not that I wasn’t sure before I was, I had always being but that was the lighting strike moment for me.

It was now time for the Bidaai (farewell) for Seema and it was a very emotional moment for the bride’s parents and the bride as she would be leaving their house and would visit them or stay for few days or something and nothing would be same, but it would be good and it would be a good different.


Hey guys,

I hope you like this chapter keep reading, voting and commenting on my work. Thank you!



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