Just For You {FNAF Frexy Stor...

By agaywriterr

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Freddy has always been a bit crazy and perverted especially over Foxy. Freddy wants Foxy all to himself and w... More

~Can this be good or bad?~
~Hands Off~
~Just Yours~
~Scariest Thing~
~Dirty Talk~
~Walk Part 1~
~Walk Part 2~
~Mall Part 1~
~Mall Part 2~
~Mall Part 2~
~You did Wrong~
~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~
~One Step Closer~
~Birthday 1/2~
~Birthday 2/2~
~Please Wake Up~

~My True Feelings~

624 20 14
By agaywriterr

Fade POV

Today is the day? Yea... Today is the day... It's best to tell him... But in what way? There are many ways I can tell him... But how do I?

"I think you're over thinking this Fade"
"Oh yea? Then how should I tell him Cali?"
"Just tell him... I mean I would tell my crush that I liked them"
"... Do you have a crush Cali?"
"W-what! N-no" she waa blushing. She does have a crush.

"I can see your blush Cali"

"Shut up... Besides! I'm here to help you with Felix! Not the other way around"
"Maybe it's good to tell him in a way that represents your personality!"

"I guess I can do that" but... I... I kinda have a messed up personality... "Um... This is gonna be hard..."
"Yea with a personality like yours... Pervy, yandere bear"
"Crazy chicken"

"At least I'm not a psychopath"
"Ouch... Ok I see what you did there..."

But for real... To tell him in a way that represents my personality... But also isn't too creepy... Or scary? Oh boy... This is gonna take some thinking...

Felix POV

Doodlingggg yay! Drawing is great! Yeye! Now... What to draw next? Maybe I can draw us all together? Yea! I'll draw that!

I first started off with the body shape of all of us. Then I'll move on to adding detail.

I was laying on the floor for who knows all long then I heard the door open. Making me jump a bit.
"Felix? Why you on the floor?"
"Aye just be drawing... That's it cap'n"
"Oh... Well... What are you drawing?"
"Aye be drawing all of is together... Ye want to see how it looks so far?"
"Sure" Fade sat on the bed and I picked up my sketch book and sat down by Fade.
"Here!" I showed him the drawing and he smiles.
"It looks great Felix" my tail started to wag. Fade smiles again. "So... I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me... Or play a game... Whatever you wanna do"

"Ok we can plat Minecraft... But later because I need to get some stuff done first"
"Aye aye cap'n"

Fade got up then he left the room. My tail was still wagging... Now back to drawing!

Some hours later cuz yes

Still Felix POV

I started to set up the game as cap'n was finishing something up... I don't know whay but who cares!!

I sat down on the bed and waited... Or should I get into the world? Yea I started to load up the world then Fade walked in.
"Oh you set it all up"

Fade was putting away his stuff. He got his Joy cons then he sat down besides me. My tail was wagging... As usual... Then Fade spawned in.
"So... What now Felix?"
"We do whatever we want!!"

We played for a while now... I don't know how many hours passed by.

"Um... Hey Felix?"

'Well... Roses are red, blood is too, so love me or else you will be red too"


Fade POV

What the fuck did I just say!!
"Um... Cap'n?"
"Fuck... I didn't mean for it to come out that way..." Shittttt! Um... Um...


"Ye sweating cap'n"

"... I'm nervous..."
"Why?" I put down my joy cons and looked at Felix.

"I want to tell you I like you... But I don't know how to"


"Aye like ye too!" Felix hugs me making me jump a bit. But I hugged back. "As long as ye say it cap'n... It makes me happy"

"Me too"

I kissed Felix's forehead and he blushes with his tail wagging.

End of chapter

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