My Angel [Hawks X Reader]

By hisokascumdump

815K 18.9K 38.1K

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The Last First Day
The Surprise
The Internship
The Truth
I Am Who I Am
Quick Authors note
An Unexpected Customer
A House Guest
Quick Authors note
The Sleepover
Nice Dancing
New Beginnings
The internship
Personal Assistant
DAY 2 part I
DAY 2 part II
DAY 2 part III
DAY 2 part IV
DAY 3 part I
DAY 3 part II
DAY 3 part III
Day 3 part IV
The Gala
The After-Party part I
The After-Party part II
Lapis Lazuli
Day 4 part I
Day 4 Part II
Day 4 Part III
Day 4 Part IV
Day 4 part V
The Victor
Private Lessons
Private Lesson part II
Quick Authors Note
The Lull Before The Storm
The Last Day
The Disappearance
A Missing Persons Case
Quick Authors Note
Trials and Tribulations
An Emotional Abyss
Stuck In Limbo
A Descent Into Purgatory part I
A Descent Into Purgatory part II
A Descent Into Purgatory part III
Beyond Ones Control
Penance part I
Penance part II
Penance part III
help... pretty please {A/N)
Liberation part I
Liberation part II
A State Of Oblivion part I
A State Of Oblivion part II
A State of Oblivion part III
A State of Oblivion part IV
Realism Part I
Realism part II
Reality part I
Reality part II

Day 3 part V

12.8K 319 548
By hisokascumdump

"I'm sure you did" you grumbled annoyed as you glared at Hawks with your arms crossed. Interrupting the now silent room Best Jeanist spoke "Aoi finished the sketch so we can start now if that's okay with you" he said turning towards you. "Of course let's start".

Hawks went around fixing all of the furniture he had knocked over and straightened up the place. When he was done Aoi asked him to leave so that it doesn't mess with his "Wow factor".

Hawks just scoffed and went into the kitchen. "Y/n could you stand right there with your arms out" Tsunagu requested as he pointed to the middle of the living room. "Sure" you responded doing as he told.

Aoi came over with the fabric and held it out while Best Jeanist held his arm out.
"Ready" he said glancing at Aoi. All of sudden every stitch from the fabric came undone. They turned into individual thread that started wrapping around your body. As you held your arms out you could see the thread restitching and tightening around your body.

It was so cool to see how Best Jeanist quirk worked up close. It only took about 5 minutes before he had completely finished. Aoi held up his sketch and then looked at you.

"Perfect, great job Jeanist" he complimented. "Thanks, I didn't think it would look this good" he continued with his arms crossed looking at you and down at the dress.

"Is that all" he questioned looking at Aoi."Yes I'll just make some alterations to make sure her wings are more comfortable but you're free to go" he stated.

"Okay then see you later, and you too Y/n I hope to see you later tonight" he said before walking out the open doorway. "I can't wait to see it" you eagerly stated looking down as you tried to picture what the whole dress would look like.

"I'm sure you'll love it, I mean I did design it" Aoi smirked making eye contact with you. "I'm going to go to the kitchen so you can take off the dress. Just leave it there and I'll come back for it to make the last alterations, bye" he said waving while walking to the kitchen.

"Thanks" you responded as you quickly started taking off the dress. After taking off the dress you put it gently on the couch and then went to the elevator to get to your room. When you got into your room you jumped onto your bed.

Feeling pretty tired you decided to take a nap. You went up to your dresser and pulled out an oversized shirt that was a among the things Hawks 'people' bought. Once you put it on you snuggled into the covers and quickly fell asleep.

~time skip to later that day~

"Kid, kid hello wake up babybird" you heard as you started to wake up rubbing your eyes. When you finally opened your eyes you were face to face with Hawks who was hovering over you.

"It's time to get ready" Hawks grinned. "How long was I asleep" you said looking back up at him. "Just a couple of hours" Hawks stated as he gently flapped his wings landing on the ground next to your bed. You sat up and looked over at him as you stepped out of bed.

"Okay" you said stretching your arms and wings. "You have two hours before we have to leave" Hawks declared before walking towards your doorway. "I should be telling you that birdbrain, you take longer than me to get ready. Only you wear the same thing every day" you smirked.

"Hey it takes time to look this good every day" he winked back in response. "Whatever" you said walking into your bathroom turning on the shower. "By the way this is for you" Hawks said walking into the bathroom holding a large dress garment.

"Is that-",

"Yup your dress" Hawks said cutting you off as you looked at him through the mirror. "Also I had my people get you some shoes and accessories" Hawks announced walking back over to the bedroom setting the dress on your bed. "Cool" you said walking back over from the bathroom.

Unexpectly Hawks then clapped his hands twice and before you could even say anything a line of people walked into your room holding various boxes as they put them on the bed and walked straight out.

After about 5 minutes of people walking in and out when the last person finally left your whole bed and floor was full of items. You slowly turned your head to look at Hawks who had a large grin on his face, "WHAT THE FAWK" you yelled. "What" he responded looking back at you with a puzzled expression.

"What is all of this" you probed tiptoeing around the items on your floor while simultaneously looking at everything on your bed. "Oh this, it's for you" he said smiling again.

"EVERYTHING" you responded frantically, "Yup surprise" he grinned doing jazz hands. "I can't take all of this, plus everything here looks expensive" you pleaded looking up at Hawks. "You don't have a choice these are yours now and even if I wanted to return them they don't exactly have return policies".

"Ughhhhh" you groaned looking at him as you sat down at the small open corner of your bed. "Babybird you really shouldn't feel bad about people wanting to spend money on you" Hawks claimed.

"Hawks how much did this all cost" you huffed looking up at him. "Only about 5 million all together" he remarked. "Umm sir that is more than everything I've spent my whole life, now I know I can't take these" you speculated.

"Kid I told you I can't return them so looks like your going to have to take them" he remarked. "Hold on" you said while he walked out of your room not stopping. "What am I supposed to do with all of this" you queried as you stood up and looked around at all of the stuff Hawks bought.

You didn't have a lot of time so you decided you would go take your shower. The water was already on so you just took off your clothes and walked into the clear glass shower. It took you about half an hour to take your shower before you decided to get out.

You grabbed a towel and dried your hair wrapping the towel around you. Walking back over to your bed you pulled out your phone. You started playing your favorite playlist on blast, singing every song word for word while you did your hair and makeup.

After about an hour you went back over to your room and browsing over at everything Hawks had gotten you.

"Stupid bird brain, no return policy" you said to yourself in a mocking tone. You looked over at all of the jewelry on your bed and picked out a silver necklace that looked like it had diamonds on it. Then chose a matching bracelet and diamond earings. Walking over to the other side of the bed you peered over your dress that was hidden in a Louis Vuitton garment cover.

Because you hadn't seen the full dress except for when you had it on you were excited to see what it would look like. You zipped down the bag and saw a beautiful ball gown.

Aoi had literally outdone himself and given you a dress people dream of. You held it up and admired how well it was made and couldn't imagine that this was for you. I mean all of this was surreal to you. For someone who didn't even want to be a pro hero and would rather take a path like Aizawa sensei had you were sure living like one.

But you couldn't help but think back to your past and remember that this was the exact reason you didn't want to become that type of hero. All of the gloating and partying, getting recognition when there are so many others who still need saving.

You sighed and took the dress off of it's velvet hanger. You took off the robe you had put on earlier and slipped into the dress. Walking over to the large mirror placed in your room you saw that it fit perfectly and accentuated the best parts of your body.

[I wanted to give you guys options on the dress, but if you don't like any of these just try and imagine a dress you would like]

You walked back over to the bed side and leaned down to grab the sparkly silver heels you had decided to wear because it matched your jewelry. After you put them on you looked into the mirror one more time before you walked out of your room.

You went to the elevator but when the doors opened you got in. When they opened again you were face to face with Todoroki. He took a step back and nervously said "My bad". "It's alright" you smiled. "You look really good" Tokoyami said peeping from behind Todoroki. "You do" Todoroki said chiming in.

"Thanks" you said scratching the back of your head slighty blushing. "Have you seen Hawks it's almost time to leave" you questioned looking at them as you stepped out of the elevator while they stepped in. "I think he's sitting in the living room" Tokoyami said.

"Okay thanks guys" you said waving goodbye to them while Todoroki pressed the button. "Have fun but not to much" he said before the doors closed. You started walking down the hall with the sound of your heels clicking echoing.

"Hawks" you said peeking into the living room. "Oh hey you're ready" he said standing up as you stepped out from behind the wall. "Woah" he said staring at you.

"Hellooo" you said staring back at Hawks who had been staring at you for a good minute. "I'm sorry you just look really gorgeous" he stated still looking at you.

"Thanks you don't look too bad yourself" you replied, "We should um get going the car is waiting outside" Hawks continued as he took a couple steps closer to you. "Sure" you responded turning around and making your way to the front door where the doorway had already been fixed.

Hawks suddenly came up in front of you and opened the front door, "Oh my God" you said as you took a step out of the house and stared at Vermillion red limo with golden rims and a licence plate that said 'hot wheelz'.

"Nice car" you commented walking up to the limo. "Thank you" he responded as he went  in front of you and opened the door. You scooted into the car and Hawks followed sitting right next to you despite how much space was in the limo.

With your eyes you scanned the cars white and gold interior in awe. You looked out the window as the sun was setting.

"We're ready" Hawks said as he leaned forward towards the partition where a man was on the other side. "Yes sir" the man responded as he pulled up the divider closing off the partition while starting to drive.

"So are you excited" Hawks questioned staring at you. "Yeah, just a little nervous about the other heroes being there. But I mean at least the other interns will be there" you speculated giving him a slight smile.

"Actually there won't be any other interns there" Hawks said casually smiling at you. "WAIT WHAT, what do you mean there arent any other interns" you said dropping your smile.

"Its a heroes party meaning only proffesional heroes, I just wanted to bring you because I needed a date" he asserted still smiling. "So you're telling me I'm the only intern going, GrEaT" you said sarcastically as you leaned back into the seat.

"Don't be nervous hot wings" Hawks said leaning close to you. "I'm not" you blurted turning your head away from him hiding your embarrassment."Your face says otherwise" he teased leaning closer to you as he put his hand on your thigh making you blush even more.

"Where exactly are we going" you asked turning to Hawks who was only a couple of inches away from your face. "It's at a friends house, every year a different hero has to host the ball and since I hosted last year it's her turn to host this year". "Oh who is she" you asked now curious, "Rumi" he responded leaning back.

"Rumi whos that" you asked furrowing your eyebrows. "Oh yeah her hero name, shes rabbit hero Mirko" he said nonchalantly. "Cut the cameras deadass" you snapped back sitting up.

"Hold on, hold on you are trying to tell me that a badass like her is friends with a chicken man like you" you said erupting into laughter. "Well yes she is and we are friends" he remarked. "Sure you are" you jeered sarcastically.

"You'll see" he said in serious tone, "Look I think we're here" you commented looking out the window as you pulled up to what looked like a vast mansion with lights from the ground lighting up the house that had colored lights coming out of the windows.

"Looks more like a party than a professional hero ball" you remarked looking at Hawks. "That's Rumi alright" he said smiling. The car then stopped and Hawks turned to you "You ready" he questioned while holding out his hand.

"Ready as I'll ever be" you responded grabbing his hand as he opened the door.

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