Sprout /Jaeyong/

By nightsky645

114K 4.7K 1K

Taeyong just transferred to a new high school with his brother, Haechan, unlike his younger brother, his soci... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
⚠️Not An Update⚠️
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Extra Chapter

Chapter 33

1.9K 91 36
By nightsky645



"Yong.... we finally meet again.... I missed you my love" said a deep voice that Taeyong dreaded, the voice living in his darkest nightmares.

"K-Kai?" Taeyong said in a low whisper.

Kai chuckled deeply into his neck. Taeyong felt a shiver go down his spine, all traces of the alcohol that he consumed vanished due to fear. Taeyong put so much force to remove the others hands and after a few attempts he succeeded.
"K-Kai, w-what do you want?" Taeyong asked voice shaking lightly.
"Kai chuckled yet again and grabbed Taeyong's hands with force, overpowering Taeyong.
"Isn't it obvious? We belong together, last time was different, WinWin got in between us! But not this time! No one, No one will separate us again!" Kai replied forcefully, every word sounding more intense as if he was pending up rage.
"K-Ka-Kai?" Taeyong squeaked
"Yes love" Kai said voice softening after hearing Taeyong call his name.
"Taeyong stop being afraid! Think of Jaehyun! Think of Taeil and Haechan! Think about everyone you care about!" His mind shouted at him.

Taking a deep breath Taeyong finally spoke up his eyes hardening, his demeanor changing completely.
"How did you get those photos?" He asked, voice firming up.
"Love, I was always taking care of you! I saw everything, I saw how Jaehyun carried you, I saw how you hung out with your friends at a Johnny Suh's apartment, I saw your hyung and his wonderfully cheery boyfriend, your younger brother at the park with Johnny's roommate, Don't you see Taeyong, I never left your side!" Kai replied his voice edging at the mention of Jaehyun.

Taeyong's eyes went wide, he couldn't believe what the other had just told him, "All this time! He was always there! He even went as far as to follow my brothers" Taeyong felt more then angry he just wanted to yell. The music from the party pulsing lightly on the walls reminding Taeyong that he wasn't alone, or was he.

"Kai! Don't you get it?! Why do you torment me this way?! I hate you!" Taeyong shouted, lifting his fist he sent a punch to Kai's face, but it never landed. Kai caught Taeyong's wrist and forcefully pulled his hand, his eyes darkened.
"Taeyong I wouldn't do that if I was you." His voice firm, his grip tightening around Taeyong's hand.
"You don't hate me Taeyong! Take it back" he said the last part gritting his teeth.

"And what if I don't?" Taeyong replied challenging not backing down this time.


Jaehyun waited on the dance floor for a while, he didn't want to leave just in case Taeyong came back but decided to look for his friends.
"Maybe Yongie is with them?" Jaehyun thought

He found Jungwoo and Lucas, well more of Jungwoo on Lucas. Both boys seemed to be into a really heated kiss at the moment, which wasn't a surprise to Jaehyun as to both Jungwoo and Lucas being know for being a very affectionate couple.
Clearing his throat he got Lucas's attention who was more than surprised to see a lonely Jaehyun.

"Oh hey Jae! What's up?" Lucas asked raising his eyebrow.
"Umm well have you seen Yong?" He asked looking around.
"Hmmm last I saw he was in line for the restroom." Lucas replied with a thoughtful look.
"But he walked down the hall to the rooms" Lucas shrugged remembering the other walking off.
"Okay" Jaehyun said with a voice of concern
"Let go search for him" Jungwoo said getting off of Lucas, making the him pout.

"Hey!" shouted someone who the trio looked to find Johnny, Ten and a blond haired guy who looked a bit older maybe 26, Jaehyun thought.
"Taemin is here! He doesn't look like a cop but I assure you he is one!" Ten said arm linking with Taemin who smiled softly.
"Hi everyone my name is Taemin! I work for the police force" he said adding a lot of emphasis on police force while looking at Ten who shrugged, "I hope that's just fruit punch in the bowls and nothing more" Taemin added cheerfully while showing his badge.
"Jaehyun where's Taeyong?" Ten asked realizing the other was missing.
"Umm he went to the restroom and hasn't come back, i waited for him, Lucas said he walked down the hall from the restroom" Jaehyun replied looking around in search of Taeyong.

"Jaehyun where is yongie?" WinWin chimed in arriving with a flustered Yuta trailing behind him.
"He went to the restroom, He drank some punch earlier" Jaehyun replied.
"The punch?! Jaehyun, Taeyong can't hold his drinks!" WinWin said face palming himself and after looking concerned.
"We have to find him!" Yuta said sounding alarmed.
"Let's all look together, tell Xiaojun and YangYang to stay back we don't want them to get hurt" Jaehyun said but looking back to see both of them there.
"Too late" replied YangYang.
"We need to be careful, if the person you mentioned is dangerous we don't know what he's capable of" Taemin said, "No one will get hurt got it!" He added
Everyone nodded.


Taeyong was trying his hardest to push off Kai but he couldn't, he punched, kicked, and even screamed but he wouldn't budge.
"Don't give up Taeyong!!" His mind yelled at him.
"Taeyong don't make this difficult" Kai said taking off his jacket in a quick motion.
"Kai don't do this!" Taeyong pleaded, his eyes glossing over. "I won't forgive you!"
"Love, we are fated to be together. Don't you get it!" Kai said voice straining every word.
Kai pushed all his weight on Taeyong, biting him, leaving bruises all over his neck, Taeyong shuffled around but he couldn't get Kai off of him.
"What do I do?!" His mind yelled.
Screaming out loud Taeyong hoped someone would hear but he knew it was a long shot due to the music.
Taeyong could only think of one thing to do, he let Kai get better access to his neck, which made the other smile, and after Taeyong mustered up courage and bit Kai's ear.

Kai screamed in pain and got off Taeyong stumbling back, Taeyong took this opportunity to grab a picture off Yuta's drawer and smashed it over Kai's head glass shattering around the other.
It wasn't enough to stop Kai but it was something.

"Kai! You hurt me, I was afraid of you, I still am but my fear of you can't control me forever! I'm strong! Jaehyun made me strong! My family made me strong! My friends made me strong! I won't let you get the best of me, I won't let you hurt anyone I care about! I won't let you ruin my life again!!" Taeyong screamed at Kai, his rage taking over, everything rushing in a stream of tears, blood dripping from his lip.

Kai grunted in pain he felt something drip and raised his hand to touch his forehead and realize he was bleeding.
"Wow Tae, who would've thought you were the same person from Sophomore year! The same little innocent, naive, pink haired boy" Kai said chuckling.
and soon after lunged for Taeyong, knocking him down. All of Kai's weight on him, knocked the wind out of him, Taeyong couldn't move, his back hurt from the slam, he knew it would bruise. Catching his breath one more time he screamed, his voice straining in pain as Kai held his hand tightly.

The door to the room flew open, and not a second after he felt Kai get pulled away and Taeyong looked to see Jungwoo and Johnny holding Kai.
Kai punched Jungwoo and managed to hit Johnny knocking him against a clothing drawer knocking him unconscious, Ten immediately ran towards him.
Xiaojun and Lucas both ran to Jungwoo who was knocked out, cheek starting to bruise.

Jaehyun ran to Taeyong, seeing all the bruises and bite marks on Taeyong's neck, he felt his anger rush.
"Yong! Are you okay?" Jaehyun asked to which Taeyong nodded.
"Yes I'm fine" Taeyong said sniffling, he was so glad to see Jaehyun.

"Well, Well, Well we finally meet Jaehyun" Kai stated sounding cold and emotionless.
"You!" Jaehyun shouted, pulling Taeyong up he stood in between Kai and Taeyong.
"Don't come any closer!" Jaehyun shouted as a warning.
"Or what?" Kai replied smiling
"Take one more step and I will end you" Jaehyun said holding onto Taeyong tightly.
"Taeyong he doesn't love you" Kai said looking directly at Taeyong.

Jaehyun couldn't take it anymore he ran forward knocking Kai over and punching him. Kai took many punches but Jaehyun took some as well.
Taemin was checking up on the others, he had already called for back up.
Yuta was ordered to clear the premises for everyone's safety, while WinWin helped escort people out.

Taeyong looked around to see everyone around him hurt or crying. His friends hurt, Jungwoo still unconscious, Lucas crying and hugging him, Xiaojun holding onto Lucas. Johnny bleeding from his left temple, Ten crying while Taemin checked his vitals, this isn't what he wanted he wanted to protect everyone but failed.

"This is my fault" Taeyong thought, "everyone is hurt because of me"

"Jaehyun I think you can stop now" Taeyong said grabbing hold of Jaehyun's arm. Trying to pull Jaehyun off Kai.

"Jaehyun please" Taeyong said his voice cracking and his hands shaking in fear.
Jaehyun looked over to see Taeyong crying, he couldn't believe what was happening, Taeyong was hurt. Taeyong needed him.

Taeyong hugged Jaehyun his mind clearing, he felt light, Jaehyun always bought clarity and warmth to Taeyong and that's exactly what he needed right now. Jaehyun happily returned the hug, comforting the other.

"It's okay Taeyong" Jaehyun chanted.
"I won't let anyone hurt you guys anymore" Taeyong said through sniffles. "This is all my fault!"

Jaehyun's back was facing Kai, he didn't realize Kai had grabbed a piece of sharp shattered glass, he didn't realize Kai had gotten up, and he didn't see when Kai charged towards him, until he felt Taeyong turn him around and when he realized what was happening it was too late.

A gunshot flew threw the air, Taemin shot Kai's leg and Lucas sprung up and punched Kai till Taemin dragged him off.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Lucas yelled out of rage towards Kai.

Kai never replied, Lucas put so much force into his punches, he left Kai unconscious, his face turning a dark and swollen purple. Taemin then  proceeded to put handcuffs on Kai.

Jaehyun couldn't believe what just happened the room suddenly going quiet, his knees felt weak as he held onto Taeyong, trying to stop the bleeding, blood seeping the lilac fabric, pulling his hand back it came back a dark red color. Taeyong's eyes fluttering closed, Jaehyun added pressure to stop the bleeding.
"Taeyong! L-Look at me!" Jaehyun said through loud sobs, tears streaming down his eyes. Using one of his hands to caress Taeyong's face, he left a few bloody prints on the other.
"H-Hyunnie" Taeyong said in a soft whisper, taking a couple huffs of air.
"I-I'm sorry" he added his hand going to touch Jaehyun's cheek and wipe his tears.
"N-No Taeyong! Y-You are gonna be okay!" Jaehyun managed to say his words jumbling together, his hands trembling will stroking Taeyong's midnight hair.
"J-Jaehyun, Haechannie isn't here right?" Taeyong said and coughed up blood making Jaehyun sob harder.
"N-No" replied trying to hold himself together.

After hearing this, Taeyong smiled showing his once pearly teeth now red after being bloodstained, his eyes crinkling around the edges.
"G-Good" he strained, his breath shortening.
"J-Jaehyun I-I'm sorry...... I-I didnt want anyone to be hurt" Taeyong said placing his hand on Jaehyun's cheek wiping his tears again leaving red streaks.
"Shhhh l-love, y-you will be fine, E-Everyone will be okay" Jaehyun quietly said making Taeyong smile again.
"Love?" Taeyong repeated after Jaehyun his eyes closing lightly and his hand feeling heavy.
"I-I love you Jaehyunnie" Taeyong softly said and soon after his hand dropped.
"T-Taeyong! T-Taeyong" Jaehyun shouted but getting no response.

"HYUNG!" Haechan yelled followed by police officers behind him and paramedics.


~ Now wasn't that a roller coaster!

I legit wrote this on Wednesday and it has been ready since then! 👏🏻

Also, once again I love Kai! His and Luca's dynamic in SuperM is my favorite they are so cute together!!

Also here is this cute picture of Taeyong and Kai, because yeah! ✨👏🏻

Another also, I loved Taeyong in the "Misfit" Track MV!! I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT I LOVED THE GLASSES!! 🥰

Seeing this NCT U Unit makes my heart so happy!! ✨🌸🌱✨🌸✨🌱

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