Free Spirit // Narry AU

De Dianarry_

11.5K 552 404

"Sometimes you just have to dream about being free until you're actually free!" "Harry, get down from the ta... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bates Lane: Styles Reborn
Teenage Dirtbags!

Chapter 14

336 17 8
De Dianarry_

Chapter 14

It was long before we all arrived to my new place in Dublin courtesy to the Styles. My old condo was upgraded to a penthouse with enough rooms to accommodate every one. It was very modern and even had a piano in the dining area. It was beautiful to say the least.

I couldn't help wandering the house while everyone went and settled in.

Safaa wasn't a happy camper but she's lived in worse conditions. Besides she was being watched 24/7 by Liam and handcuffed to her bed when she wasn't using the bathroom. Well until we could trust her not to run.

"Ugh, why is there no centerpiece on the piano? This is very plain. Amanda!" Harry yells as he walks into the same room as me.

Well Harry was taking every thing in well as always. Never showing a bit of weakness to change. 

"The piano is fine." I say looking over to the door that shit behind us before leaning against the kitchen counter. I was taking a look at all the furniture and cooking devices the Styles installed. It's a completely furnished kitchen. That pretty insane for a guy who eats bread and coffee.

"I'm a stickler for interior design." He says sighing loudly.

"Where's your bud?" He asks standing next to me crossing his arms before he turns to look at me.

"He's handcuffing your prisoner to her bed." I tell him and he nods.

"Well how is he? Did you like him?" He asks eagerly. I pause before answering to see Harry looking at me genuinely concerned. I'm not sure if he was concerned because he didn't know Liam or because he thinks I like like him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean is he a cool guy? Do you fancy him?" He smiles before poking my side making me flinch and scoot away swatting his fingers away.

"Ugh, god no!" I groan out as he laughs at me.

"Why not? I'd fuck him." He says turning to look at the door to check if he maybe was listening in. "Although he looks like he could top me." He smiles before turning back to look at me.

"Harry I wonder if you realize just because I like men that doesn't mean every guy I meet is attractive." I scoff before crossing my legs.

"I mean you met me like maybe a week ago and you said I was attractive." He smirks easing an eyebrow.

Fuck you got me there.

"I said maybe." I state and he shakes his head before standing straight facing me with his elbow leaning onto the counter.

"Maybe is just you wanting to say yes." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Or it's a nice no." I tell him and I seen his eyes kind of dim a bit. But his smile never wavered. My heart kind of dropped at the sight of me actually hurting Harrys feelings.

"Well I hope Liam is." He smiles before pivoting on the balls of his feet before strutting out. I watch him walk away and out the door before I groan out and face palm myself.

Why couldn't I say anything but that? Now he thinks I really dislike him. I mean I like him as a friend. He's just a friend. Besides he's my boss. I'm getting paid to protect him and not be his boyfriend. So I guess I'm not paid to care about his feelings either but why do I?

"Don't fall for him." I hear someone come from behind me. Amanda appeared from the hallway behind the kitchen in the opposite door holding a massive centerpiece.

Wait how the hell did she get a centerpiece that fast?

"Huh?" I say completely distracted by the flowers and her ability to act in such quickness.

"I said don't fall for him. But it appears I'm too late." She says and I roll my eyes.

"Amanda for the last time I don't like Harry." I tell her and she just stares at me like she normally does but I know she looking at me as if I'm stupid.

"Okay I like him as a friend." I tell her and she cocks her head to the side still staring at me.

That's when I finally cracked under pressure for her stare and blurt it out. "Okay! Okay, I like Harry but I think it's just some stupid grade school crush thing. I mean why else would I be attracted to what is a serial killing, sociopath who pretty much has no conscience? I don't know! Maybe because I've killed others before." I start to ramble before I placed a hand over my mouth and turning around the room to look for anyone listening in.

"Men are so dumb." Amanda says rolling her eyes.

"You can't fall for him. He's not okay in the head. He orders me around to do the most impossible shit everyday and he acts as if he has no soul." She starts her face flushed red as she looked down. I frown.

Wait Amanda was angry? How could she even say Harry doesn't care about her? After she was shot at, he made sure she was okay the entire ride there and the morning after. He didn't ask anything of her until he knew she was okay, where was this sudden rage coming from.

"Is this coming from the girl he had to console in the back seat because she couldn't believe what happened to her?" I ask pushing myself of the counter.

She consoles herself and pulls herself together before turning to me.

"Harry Styles is a monster. You said it yourself he's a pain in your ass. If you fall for him you'd just be playing into his sick game of survival." She says and grabbing the centerpiece before storming out of the kitchen. I watch her completely shocked at what just happened.

Amanda had actual feelings of anger towards Harry. Why?

I know for sure Harry is a bad guy. He's a criminal. But he didn't choose this life for himself. He's very annoying and asshole-ish sometimes but he's a great guy. He helps his family out and he tries to protect what he can.

God I've known him a week there's not much I can say to take up for him but damnit I just know.

I walk out the kitchen to see Liam on the couch. He had a apple in hand craving it out in slices with a pocket knife. He pokes the slice and then eats it straight off the knife.

"So much for him being a pain in the ass huh?" He asks smirking before turning to me.

I blush madly. There's no way he heard everything that just happened.

"Oh. You heard that?" I say rubbing my hand behind my neck embarrassed.

"Just the part where you tell Amanda you're practically in love with him and she tells you he's a piece of shit and you defend your man only for her to storm out with a big ass plant to put on that piano and leave the apartment." He says and I I frown looking towards the front door.

"Wait? She left?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah. Didn't grab anything either." He says before glancing at me again.

That's when I hear foot steps and in walks Harry holding a laptop. He looks between Liam and I before smirking at me as I slide my thumb against my neck at the childish manner telling him I'd kill him if he said anything.

"You guys look so cute." He mouths before drawing an imaginary heart.

I roll my eyes before Liam looks up to see Harry.

"Hello." He says before Harry quickly straightened up before walking over to him on the couch.

"I actually came to talk with you guys about the Mansa family. I just found out that the three daughters don't even live in the family home." He says opening his laptop before I rush over to him. Him sitting next to Liam I sat on the other side squeezing Liam in between us.

"No! No more of the mansa family bullshit. You promised your parents to stay low and let them take care of it." I say and Harry rolls his eyes.

"Why in the hell would I listen to my parents?" He chuckles before bringing up a gps map. "Anyway the three daughters live in three different countries so if anyone wanted to hurt them they'd have to find each individual one and that would take a long time and they'd know by time you reached the second." He says and I sit back and groan as he explains this to an interested Liam.

"I have a source that says there's one here on the isles. In Dublin! And Niall it makes perfect sense because the Mansa family doesn't even know you live here. So they don't know you know the end and the outs. You could help me find her." He says showing me a glowing blue dot.

"Okay one, I'm a bodyguard, not a hitman. Two, you already have Safaa upstairs chained to her bed frame." I say reminding him.

"We could actually kill her honestly. She show no use to me." He says and I face palm myself before Liam butts in.

"Wait! That's it." Liam says making us both look to him.

"I doubt the family knows Zayn is dead. So if anything they know Safaa is his sister and they would trust her. So what if we used her to find one of the girls and lure her to us. To prove her loyalty of course." He says and Harry's eyes beam.

"Yes! Oh good yes. Genius brain you." Harry says oddly hugging Liam's head making his gasp for air as I pried him off.

"One flaw. You're not doing it. And neither are you." I say pointing at Liam and Harry both.

"What a buzz kill."

"I don't get how you help me kill Zayn but you won't help me kidnap the Mansa daughter?" He stands to his feet towering over us.

"That was different. Zayn had someone shooting at you. You had been compromised. You are completely safe now!" I yell at him and stand to his feet as well.

"Let's get one thing straight! I am NEVER safe. Everyday is a new battle for me and you would never understand that. Plus I don't need your permission." He crosses his arms.

"You sure as hell need my help considering I have to guard your ass and would have to show you where shit is in the city." I answer and he fumes.

"I don't need you to guard me. I can guard myself. I will find this girl on my own. With or without my stupid body guards. God I wish my parents weren't so incompetent!" He storms off up the stairs. "I can protect myself."

"Harry if you could I wouldn't be here." I tell him and I watch him stare at me angry.

"Niall if I didn't like you, you wouldn't be here." He says and storms off leaving me shocked.

Wait, Harry liked me? Did he like like me or was he just saying I was his friend? What even happened here? I was just trying to protect him and he wouldn't listen like normal but even in all that anger to admit he likes me?

"Well. Lovers quarrel." Liam says slicing another slice.


A good narry chapter.

This is really a filler for me not updating in so long but I promise more drama is coming.

Love and kisses;)@

Continue lendo

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