Neibu Emo (Monkie Kid AU)

By Emperor_Drakkon

18.7K 521 716

(Adopted from Eris345!) Anyone can change. Sun Wukong changed after something terrible happened. But was it r... More

Gold and Silver
Rescue Mission
The Spider Queen
Samahidi Fire
The Six Eared Macaque
Red Rage
Heavenly Rescue
The Monkie Kid


3.3K 52 35
By Emperor_Drakkon


Sun Wukong. The Immortal Trickster. The Great Sage Equal to Heaven. And of course, The Monkey King. The cheeky warrior king once thought he had a life that was better than anything, he was immortal and couldn't ever be killed and had a mystic staff that only he could wield. He could even fly!

But after his master Tang Sanzang passed away? Things changed. Drastically. Everyone he began to feel close too would die with time in what felt like mere minutes to him. Everyone would grow old and sick while he would stay young and healthy forever. And his immortality couldn't be taken away because of how many times he immortalized himself.

He cursed his younger self quite a lot, struggling to find inner peace until one day. One of his greatest enemies broke free. The Demon Bull King, his former brother in arms turned arch nemesis. He was stronger and even more revenge crazed, so he chose a successor.

A young child named MK, or rather a 16 year old teenager. He became his student and his true successor, but he still had a lot to learn in the beginning. Eventually, their relationship evolved from teacher and student to father and son.

For once, Sun Wukong felt like someone wouldn't pass away after minutes and he couldn't have been more proud. In his eyes, MK was better than him. Yes, he was goofy and cheeky, but he wasn't as impulsive as Wukong used to be. He thought before he acted and cared for his friends and family. The Monkey King couldn't help but smile.

The immortal being adopted The Monkie Kid and the two officially became father and son...But that changed.

It was just an ordinary battle. A battle that could decide the fate of the city. DBK had finally risen up after his incident with The White Bone Spirit, Baigujing, and was even more determined to kill MK, along with his wife and child, Princess Iron Fan and Red Son.

Mei, MK's childhood best friend and ally, slashed her sword against the General of The Bull Clones' sword. Mei's weapon was highly superior, but the silent and quick general could definitely take on its power. The blades clashed again and again as an even bigger battle went on between MK and DBK.

MK flew through the air before slashing his staff, creating a burst of golden energy andn sending it at DBK.

Demon Bull King roared as he dodged the burst and then grabbed his energy axe again and slashed at MK over and over, destroying buildings and signs and everything that stood in his way.

"Wow, you really need to get a better aim with that thing." MK said simply as he spun his staff around and then extended it into DBK's face.

DBK roared in pain as the golden staff hit him, but then his eyes glowed yellow and he charged at him like an actual bull, ramming him into the road.

MK flew through the air and the ground at the same time before backflipping and landing, stopping himself from flying any further. He then ripped out a couple strings of hair and blew on them, creating an army of clones. The clones all grinned and then charged at DBK.

The Demon Bull King merely screamed as all the clones performed multiple attacks against him. He slashed his axe with a mighty swing, causing all the clones to explode. But then MK zoomed over and slashed the axe out of the demon's hands and then used his super strength to punch DBK upwards into the sky.

MK chuckled and then forced his staff into a giant boulder of stone and debris to make his staff a hammer before he zoomed up with DBK and then slammed his staff into his stomach, sending him crashing back down into the ground, trapping him in a giant crater.

The Bull Clones, Red Son, Princess Iron Fan, and all of MK's team saw this. Iron Fan growled and shot out a giant gust of wind towards MK.

MK gasped and forced the debris off his staff and started spinning his staff around to deflect the gust back at them.

The Bull Clones cried out as they were all blown away instead. Red Son growled as his body began to burst into flames. "I'LL BURN YOU WITH A MILLION SUNS, NOODLE BOY!!!!" He hopped onto a building and shot out a giant tidal wave of flames.

"Okay, you seriously need a new nickname for me." MK said as he disappeared and was replaced with a clone, who took the giant blast of fire. MK then reappeared behind Red Son, who grabbed a spear and attacked him with it, growling. "Like, I dunno! Just a new nickname! Noodle Boy is getting old." MK said as he blocked another attack.

"SHUT UP!!!!" Red Son roared as he swatted MK away with his spear and then threw his spear at him, the spear suddenly bursting into flames as well.

MK chuckled and then deflected the spear with a swing of his staff and then zoomed over and jabbed his staff into Red Son's gut and swatted him back to where his father was. But then Iron Fan appeared behind him and MK turned around just in time.

Iron Fan screamed as she swung her fan, but then her arm was suddenly frozen.

Sandy then appeared with his ancestor's Crescent Staff. He grinned and then with a swing of his mighty fist, Iron Fan was sent flying into a building before dropping to the ground.

General Ironclad gasped before having his arm sliced off and then being blasted by Mei's Dragon Blade. She giggled. "Now you're finished!"

Then, Tang hopped out of Pigsy's food truck with a staff with a golden ring on it. It used to belong to the Tang Sanzang before him, but the staff had the same restraining spell that was used on Sun Wukong. He then jabbed it against the ground, freezing everyone and restraining them.

Pigsy cackled a bit as he got out of his truck and then walked over. "Yup. They're finished."

DBK growled at all of them. "THIS....IS NOT....OVER!!!!"

MK flew down with Sandy, landing with his team. "Face it, DBK. You're not gonna conquer the world as long as we're around. And none of the other demons will either."

The Demon Bull King roared at him, but the restraining spell caused him to wince and fall to his knees again.

Mei giggled. "Not so tough now!"

Iron Fan managed to grab her fan and send a tornado that teleported her husband, her son, and her army away back to the Flaming Foundry. They had lost.

MK then took a giant breath. "White Bone Spirit was tougher than that." He then turned around to his team. "Do you think they're getting weaker or we're getting tougher?"

Sandy shrugged.

"I don't really think it matters either way, MK." Tang said before Mei got out her phone and got in front of the group, holding it up in the air.

"Selfie time! Everyone say cheese!" The 1,000x great granddaughter of Bai Longma cried.

Everyone leaned in and smiled as that picture was taken before everyone had to help repair the city again. Thankfully, everyone (except Pigsy) had a mystic weapon that helped a lot with the construction. Once half of it was done, MK said goodbye to everyone before grabbing his Cloud Board and heading off to Flowerfruit Mountain. He may have been able to fly, but that got tiring after a little while.

20 minutes or so passed and then MK arrived back with a smile. He then walked into the temple where The Monkey King was on his cloud.

"Great job, kid." He said, hopping down.

MK smiled before shaking his head. "Wait, how the heck did you see us win?"

"Oh, I was just guessing." He laughed. "You guys win all the time that I'm hardly ever worried if you lose or not."

MK laughed with his father. "We do win all the time and look awesome while doing it!" He said, doing a pose with his staff.

Monkey King seemed very amused as he patted his son's back. "I know ya love doing cool poses for way longer than necessary, but you know what's next."

MK sighed. "Training, right?"

"Yup." Wukong said simply.

MK groaned as he set his staff aside and went to go grab a hammer or whatever was needed. There was the occasional cool lesson or sparring session, but most of them was to test MK's focus and ways of thinking.
"Hey, chin up kid! It's the 72 transformations." He said simply as he laid back on his cloud.

MK gasped and then slowly turned around, trying not to squeal so loud that every single monkey and creature that lived on Flowerfruit Mountain could hear him. "BOOYAH!!!!!" He cried out, jumping into the air.

Monkey King chuckled, amused by his son's excitement. "Alright, MK. Follow me."

MK smiled and followed him before they stopped walking for a second.

"Now remember, you may have gotten more of your powers now, but that doesn't mean you should strain yourself while trying to learn this. Okay?"

MK smiled softly and nodded. "I won't, Dad. Alright?"

Wukong ruffled his hair. "That's my boy."

(Welcome to Neibu Emo! An adopted idea from my friend @Eris345! You can also call this the Evil Monkey King AU, cause a LOT of crap is gonna happen after this chapter. So enjoy the floofiness while you can.

I hope you all enjoy! And remember, me and Eris may have rp'd the idea many times, but I didn't come up with it. Give credit to her for making this idea! I'm just telling my own version!

Oh! And keep in mind! This takes place much later after Season 1 where MK and the others are much more stronger and The Monkie Kid is able to use a lot more of his powers! And Tang has a weapon as well! Just thought I should mention that!

Enjoy the fluffiness of this chapter while you can. MUAHAHA-)

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