stuck on you

By https-yoongiverse

95.5K 1.4K 1.7K

you and dabi were best friends! or at least that's what you thought.. (nsfw and swearing warning) More

back story (skip if youd like!)
chapter 1. (y/n pov)
chptr 1 continued (y/n pov)
chptr 1 continued (y/n pov)
chptr 2 (y/n pov)
chpter 2 (y/n pov)
chapter 3 (dabi pov)
chapter 3 (dabi pov)
chapter 3 (dabi pov)
chapter 4 (y/n pov)
chapter 4 (y/n pov)
chapter 4 (y/n pov)
chapter 5 (dabi pov)
chapter 5 (dabi pov)
authors note!
chaper 6 (y/n pov)

chapter 2 (y/n pov)

6.6K 108 180
By https-yoongiverse

as dabi walked away, i could hear him giggling a bit under his breath. honestly, i didn't expect him at all to do something like that

but.. i'm not complaining. 

my face was probably as red as red could could get, and i felt a grin on my face. "again" i thought to myself. 

"wait! no i can't. he is my bestfriend, and nothing more just don't think of it like that" i said quietly to myself.

of course i was going to think about that all day. now i was stuck in my room, doing nothing. it had only been about 10 minutes since they left but it felt like 2 hours. it does get pretty boring around here when dabi isn't home because he is my serotonin. 

i got up from my vanity, and walked over and sat on my bed. i layed there and started to think about that kiss again. his lips were really soft, softer than i expected since you know his bottom lip is burnt.

i brush my finger tips on my lips and just imagine him doing it again.

then all the lewd thoughts started piling in my thoughts. 

like what he would look like with his shirt off, or how it felt to touch his abs or his chest. or even how big it-

"rumor!!!" i heard twice yell. i sprung up and covered my mouth. my face was bright red and then i heard twice walking to my room. 

i stood up and walked over and opened my door, "hey twice" i say

"hello! : ugh her again?" he says 

"is everything okay?" i asked him

"oh yeah everything is fine, i was just wondering what you would like for lunch? i can cook something for you" he says 

(author note: its just cannon he can cook LMAO) 

 "oh! can you cook ramen? i've been wanting some recently" i told him 

"okay ill make some : of course i can cook ramen dumbass" he tells me, and walks out of the room.

me and twice don't talk much, its just awkward sometimes.

i grabbed my phone and walked into the bathroom going to take a shower before the ramen got done. i walk in the bathroom and turn the light on putting my phone on the counter. i look at myself in the mirror and take a deep breath. i turned the shower on and start to undress. 

then my phone started ringing..

i grabbed it and saw the contact "dabi" was calling. i couldn't talk to him after what just happened!

i hesitate to answer the phone 


there was silence for a few seconds.

"y/n!!" dabi yells into the phone 

i moved the phone a bit away from my ear because he was yelling.

"ow! quiet your voice down" i snap at him

"sorry.." he says in a kid-ish voice

"its been like an hour why are you calling me?" i asked him

"i don't know its boring here. anyways! is that the shower running? should i call back later?" 

"oh no your fine i was just about to get in i'm not in yet" i replied

"oh.. perfect" he says.

"what??" i asked him 

"let me see you turn on your camera" he says 

my face turned bright red, for the millionth time today.

"uhhhm, why?" i say 

"because i want to see you"

"dabi i don't have a shirt on, plus you just saw me like an hour ago why do you want to see me now?" i asked him 

"because i want to see your body" he says quietly.

my heart dropped.

"uhhh-" i say but got stopped mid sentence.

he starts laughing "just kidding!!!! i got bored so i wanted to prank you" he says laughing

"your so dead when you get home you stupid mother fuc-"i started saying but he hung up the phone because i know he didn't want to get cussed out. 

i put my phone down on the counter and continue getting undressed to take my shower. then i received a text message.

"sorry about that, it was togas ideas... i love you stupid" it says in the text message 

"whatever" i reply back, and turn my phone off and get into the shower. 

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