By imgonnabedramatic

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Chloe and Halle are foster children who long to become famous singers, but their home life holds them back. W... More

Shine The Light
What's In Your Head
If God Spoke
Cry For Me Baby
La Familia
Say Something Part 1
Say Something Part 2
Lucky Leaf, I Caught You
All This Way Too Much For Me
🕊When I Get Home🕊
Death Becomes Her
All Of The Worries
All Of The Worries (2)
Feel Numb In My Bones
Feel Numb In My Bones (2)
Sneak Peek
We Used To Love
It Was Me

Bougie Party

6.3K 140 910
By imgonnabedramatic

A/N: This chapter is gonna move pretty fast 😕

"Ight man drive safe," Shawn reached into his pocket and handed his driver a hundred dollar tip.

"Take care," the older man said as he closed the back door to his company truck and hopped in the driver's seat.

Shawn had just returned from his two day business trip and was honestly dead on his feet after listening to his team go head to head with a smaller company he was trying to buy out. The man unlocked his door and was greeted with a soothing stillness his home rarely had as of late. Soundlessly, he made his way to the elevator and pressed the third floor button, leaning his head on the wall as he watched the doors close shortly after. Shawn slung his duffle bag over his shoulder and slackly made his way down the overlong hall. Upon arrival at his bedroom door, the worn out man could hear the tv blasting some type of screamo song. He opened the door and chuckled at his view. His wife snored lightly while cradling their sleeping daughter. Chloe rested her head on Bey's thigh with her mouth hung open and Halle sat at the foot of the bed nodding off every few seconds. The man finally made his way to his wife and lightly kissed her on the forehead. Moments later, Bey opened her eyes and beamed at her husband's face.

"Hey baby," she sat up carefully, moving Chloe's head so it was now in her lap.

Beyoncé took the remote and turned the tv down to a reasonable level. They had been watching a thriller after Halle's incessant begging and couldn't make it through the first forty minutes of the movie. Halle's head jerked to the side once more causing her to wake up finally.

"Hey Shawn," she said coolly and made herself comfortable on the side of Blue.

"Wassup lil bit," Shawn opened his closet to put away his bag.

He immediately began unpacking. If he didn't do it now he wouldn't later. He emptied the contents into his hamper, dispensed his toiletries, and placed his jewels into his crystal box. When he was putting away his bag, he threw it to the top of his closet but instead the action toppled a box of Versace merch and a smaller box of personal paperwork and accolades he'd received over the years. He sighed, bending down to pick them up, securing everything large before moving to the paperwork. A picture slipped out, it was the same one his mother kept on the coffee table at her house; a shot of him and his siblings being silly and making a face at the camera. He peeled back the rest unveiling the other three shots; a "serious one," a happy one, and one where he and his foster brother Trey almost missed the flash because they were trying to decide what face to make. He stared at the photo longer than he wanted to before carefully placing it back in the box on the shelf.

"How was your trip," Beyoncé asked casually as she ran her hands through Chloe's hair.

Shawn returned to the room ready to crash beside his wife, "Same ole same ole, a bunch of suits goin' on and on about semantics."

"It's about that time lil bit," Shawn announced.

Halle lifted her head from the bed and judging by the look on her face, Shawn already knew what would follow.

"But we're not even going to school tomorrow," she whined.

"Who not going to school," he looked at his wife.

"She has to get her permit and they have practice, remember," Bey smoothed Chloe's eyebrow into place as she slept quietly.

Shawn nodded, "well guess what," he turned to Halle.

"What," she asked as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"You still gotta go in your room."

Halle looked to Bey waiting for her to interject and plastered a pout across her face once she realized the blonde agreed. Slowly, the teen slid from the bed.

"But I wanted to sleep with BB," she said under her breath.

Beyoncé began patting Chloe's back to wake her. She hadn't been asleep for long, so this would be easy. Her eyebrows lifted a little but she stirred awake without other demur. Chloe blinked her red weary eyes and stayed put for a few seconds.

"Time to go to bed, Chlo," Bey patted her back again, receiving a short huff in response.

Halle waited at the foot of the Carters' California King as her sister took her time standing and stretching.

"Oh, hey Shawn," Chloe dragged her socked feet across the fluffy carpet.

"Hey," he lifted a still sleeping Blue into his arms.

"I'll take her," the eldest girl held her arms out for the beanstalk of a five year old and headed to the door once she held Blue in her arms securely.

Halle followed behind her sister, "but I wanted to sleep with BB, she looked over her shoulder back at the Carters.

"Awwe sorry lil bit next time okay? Good night girls. Muah muah," Bey blew kisses their way from where she lay, laughing when Halle refused to shed the sullen look she mastered so eloquently.

"Goodnight," Chloe called over her shoulder.

Shawn moved to his dresser and took out a random shirt and basketball shorts.

"You spoil all of them," he laughed.

"I know you are not talking," Bey pulled the cover around her body and shut her eyes for the night. Shawn headed off to the shower before joining his wife in her slumber.


The Carter's room was quiet and it didn't bring up any memories or ghosts of what was, much like Halle's. The quietness made it easier for Shawn to hear her when she whined in pain just outside his door. Arising from his bed, he got up quickly and padded across the floor, swinging the door open cautiously. Shawn nearly trampled over the small girl sleeping restlessly on the floor. She was hunched over letting out slow guttural groans and whimpers as she gripped her comforter tightly. The man stared at Halle for a moment and glanced back at his sleeping wife. He knew that his foster daughter had been having trouble falling and staying asleep this week. It seemed as if it wasn't Chloe, it was Halle and Shawn hated himself for even thinking it, but he'd actually prefer it being Halle this week rather than Chloe. With Chloe she'd scream, flail and thrash waking the entire first wing, and he couldn't afford to have another sleepless night.

"Hey, hey, hey take it easy," Shawn said bending slowly to the fitful girl.

He lifted the teen with ease ensuring to grab her comforter to bring with him.

"I'm in trouble," Halle's eyes were barely open as Shawn carried her down the hall towards her room.

"Nah never," he assured her.

After putting Halle in her bed, he stood over her watching the odd rise and fall of her chest. She was asleep, but she didn't look peaceful by far. He stared at her awhile, but he didn't chastise himself for it, because there it was; the feeling that now fueled his wacky mornings before he left out for work. The feeling that had gnawed at him since they flew back from Atlanta; he cared for these girls almost like they were his own. He didn't expect it to happen so soon after being introduced to the Bailey's, but here he was awake at nearly three in the morning trying to keep the monstrosities of this girl's nightmares away. It was odd at first for Shawn to see them walking around, hearing them getting ready for school, and listening to music. His home had been such a quiet place aside from his noisy five year old, so it was bizarre to have it filled with more life and laughter. Shawn took one of the pillows that were thrown to the foot of her bed and placed it underneath Halle's head.

"Not tonight daddy I'm tired," she stirred but didn't wake.

Shawn recoiled at her words crunching a piece of candy under his foot. His eyes followed the sound to the shattered mess on the floor; Blue, he thought. The man's mouth was agape again and his eyes had the same heartbreak that Bey's held not too long ago, but this was raw, fresh, and not underneath anything. Shawn kept his hand over his mouth to keep as quiet as humanly possible. He backed up and tiptoed out of the room. After closing the door with a soft click, he exhaled his confusion and frustrations. What the fuck was that? Weeks prior, Shawn would sometimes hear her cry softly when she didn't think anyone was around. Both Bailey's had a habit of telling everyone they were "fine" and aside from Bey and Dr. Davis no one in their life really knew the extent of their woes; just that they had been hurt. In those moments when Shawn heard Halle he would question his decision not to ask Bey the tough questions. He knew that so much of being a parent to teens was detective work and he probably could've put it all together but then his own anger and helplessness would take over and he realized even with the knowledge what could he do with it? The girls were the ones that had to deal with it and they didn't want to talk about it. Shawn opened his eyes after hearing the ding from the elevator. Chloe quickly turned the corner in the hall and stopped in her tracks.

"I was just getting water," she held up the open plastic bottle.

The teen looked from Shawn to her sister's room door and then found her feet more interesting.

"Imma go and get some shuteye," he announced awkwardly and headed down the hall to his room.

Chloe stood in the middle of the hall watching as Shawn walked away. She took a quick sip of water and turned her attention to her sister's door again before heading to her own. Suppressing her worries, and behaving as if everything was fine had become something that Chloe was getting better at by the day. She would have the occasional breakdown but usually when she was alone with her own thoughts or a twinge of pain would come from her chest she'd feel angry and that would eventually lead to tears. But her determination to return normalcy to her life and get her list of freedoms back was motivating her to move forward and push down her emotions.

Shawn sat at the corner of his bed thinking about the last ten minutes wondering if he had done something wrong. He wanted peace, he wanted rest, but eventually the events of the night led him to the inevitable thoughts. The questions were beginning to plague him more than they ever had. Why did she say that? Their last few weeks had been anything but normal, and Bey was always the one to get up at the sound of an outcry, so Shawn hadn't had any experience helping them back to bed.  Some nights he just felt useless, the way Bey would just hop out of bed because she had a "feeling" something was wrong or one of the girls needed her. The way she discarded her own contentment so easily time and time again only to introduce a newfound solace into her life by having the girls close to her. Insecurity began filling Shawn as he wondered if his wife would feel like he had made a mistake when he told her in the morning. Rage was now the lullaby and it cradled him to sleep. It was easier than spending the night in the dumps, so he let it in and it consumed him.


"AaaEeeIiiOouu," Chloe and Halle sang low as Beyoncé counted them in while scaling the piano.

They were practicing for their upcoming meeting with Parkwood's artists and repertoire team which was in less than twenty four hours. Luckily, Bey was working from home today and could help oversee the process.   Halle leaned over the piano haggard and beat as the duo effortlessly ran through their vocal warmups.

"Lil bit stand up straight and sing from your core," the superstar played the note she wanted them to sing.

The youngest Bailey did as she was told, flattening a wrinkle in her shirt in the process. They hadn't been at it for long, but Halle wasn't feeling it at the moment and her energy, or lack thereof, was rubbing off on her sister.

"Mommy made me drop my m and mmmmss," they sang in a higher octave.

"Now That's better. Y'all figured out what y'all singing tomorrow," Bey asked.

Halle scratched her head and looked to her sister for the answer. They had been going back and forth all morning on the topic and couldn't agree on anything.

"Um we're stuck between Fall and Red Lights. I just can't figure out which one they'd like more," Chloe's voice was delicate but hurried.

She began pacing, trying to catch her thoughts as they whirred around her head, her heart like a hummingbird. Fall was better sonically but Red lights had that pop sound labels were looking for these days. She couldn't stop pacing, worrying, and ultimately feeling like she was at a crossroad. Chloe stopped once she heard the keys to the piano as Bey played random chords. Halle's furrowed brow let Chloe know that she was bothered by something. The thirteen year old let out an exhausted sigh and bent over the piano top once more.

The blonde halted her ministrations on the piano and gave the girls her undivided attention, "relax. Let me hear Fall."

By this time, both girls were over their shyness when it came to singing in front of their foster mother. Chloe counted them in and began the first verse.

Blue likes to drop sometimes, one by one
But I don't mind, but I don't mind
Cause luck is on my side
I feel the drip drop, nonstop, pour on tonight

Halle picked with her fingers as she sang the hook.  

So what if the rain falls?
Let's find the gold at the end of the rainbow

The two finished up the song pitch-perfect just as they practiced all while Bey followed them on the keys.

"So y'all nervous for tomorrow," Bey asked although she knew the answer.

The mere mention of tomorrow with a question attached made Chloe want to flee, but she sat in the moment, her face hiding the panic. Chloe took a seat on the piano bench so she was thigh to thigh with her caregiver, feeling dubious and hesitant at her own mental state, but also within her was the heavy need to succeed. She was incredibly nervous about their meeting but mostly about Bey's expectations and her own resolve when it came to her anxiety. What if she went in there, opened her mouth to sing and nothing came out?

"Yes," Chloe admitted.

"Not really," Halle answered as she quickly replied to a text.

She knew that they were signing with Parkwood whether they bombed this meeting or not because hello! Beyoncé was her foster mother. Duh.

"Mrs Carter, you have phone call," Frances exited the family room just as quickly as she had arrived.

"Excuse me," Bey stood and made her way into the kitchen.


The superstar forgot that she even owned a landline phone besides the one in her office. She grabbed the receiver from the counter and took a seat on one of the stools.

"Hello," Bey spoke into the phone tentatively.

"Hi, this is Emilia Koester calling from Horizon behavioral health am I speaking with Mrs Carter?"

'Finally, damn', the singer thought. She'd been calling this office since last week trying to set an appointment, even going as far as to have Miranda call and try to set one for herself just to see if they were giving her the run around. 

"Yes this is she," Bey answered.

"Great, I see that you attempted to make two appointments with Dr Miller. The only openings she has are next week Wednesday and Thursday at fourthirty is that okay?"

"I," Bey started while looking over her shoulder, "I have two kids that'll be coming in. Is there any way we can make their appointments on the same day," she asked straightforward.

"Unfortunately Dr Miller is all booked up except for those two spots."

Beyoncé's mouth moved into an exaggerated frown at the statement. She shook her head trying to think of a way she could get both girls to a fourthirty appointment on two separate days with her hectic schedule. Yes she could get someone to take them, but she'd rather be present with something personal like this.

"Alright ummm I'll book'em," the blonde sighed.

Bey spent the next fifteen minutes dishing out her insurance information over the phone. Although the girls receive state funded insurance, the Carters agreed that they wouldn't be seen using it; reputation woes.


Chloe's fingers turned to liquid as they skillfully flowed over the grand piano that sat in the corner of the family room. Halle was still standing; apprehensiveness stunting her movement. She sat, doting a somber expression and pressed random keys on the far end of the piano mimicking her sister's previous actions. Chloe didn't want to look Halle's way and Halle was avoiding Chloe's face as well.

The eldest couldn't go back to sleep after the odd moment with Shawn in the hall last night. She stayed up thinking about all the signs she missed with Halle and her relationship with he-who-shall-not-be-named. For years, Chloe wondered why the Williams were so accepting of Halle but treated her like a red headed stepchild. She didn't think in a million years that Mike would do something so heinous to his prodigal "daughter". She always brushed his threats off as empty and a way to manipulate her into compliance. Before Chloe shut her eyes last night, she made a promise to the heavens that she would never be that naive again. She was going to make good on her promise to her father and ensure that her sister was safe at all times.

"I can't believe this is really happening," The youngest Bailey stated, breaking the silence and finally looking her sister's way.

"I'm not gonna believe it until we walk out of the building with the papers in our hands," Chloe chuckled.

"Ya know, I wonder how it'll work now that Bey's our guardian," Halle stated.

Chloe looked up from her hands hoping to push away the achingly familiar feeling she'd felt weeks prior just before she took the steps onto the Carter jet.

"What do you mean?"

"The logistics, like signing the paperwork and stuff. She'll be signing papers that we technically work for her."

"I'm not sure, but as long as that paper says Chloe Bailey, recording artist for Parkwood entertainment, I'm signing it besides Bey knows what she's doing," Chloe said with a nod.

"True," Halle stood from the bench and plopped down on the all white couch, "You ever think like why is all this stuff happening to us? Like why all of a sudden things are starting to look up?"

Chloe stood and sat beside her sister, "all the time," she sighed. "Sometimes I feel like I'm in a dream and all this is some kind of cruel ha-ha, ya know from the big guy upstairs."

Chloe pointed to the ceiling and clasped her hands over her stomach, "But then I think back to all the nights we prayed and all the times we spent after school staring at the phone screen just waiting for our videos to upload, and I hear mama's voice all the time telling me not to question God."

Halle nodded. It was a while before anybody said anything else.

"You know sometimes I forget how mama's voice sounds," the young teen admitted regretfully.

Chloe took a break from staring at the chandelier to glance at her sister. She couldn't imagine ever forgetting her mother's voice. There wasn't a day that went by that she didn't hear it. Sometimes On her worst days, it was all she could hear.

"Really," Chloe asked, pressing further.

Halle's face was embarrassed but also dejected that Chloe had found out about her piddling secret.

"Yeah, then I'd make up a voice in my head of what I think she might sound like or what she might've said to me. All I can remember is a feeling and it kills me," Halle looked at her fingers with a guilt ridden expression.

Chloe had noticed that too; a sort of light had left her as of late. Periodically she would steal looks at her younger sister. She'd witnessed a sort of quiet death; it had taken over her, placing a look in her eyes that wasn't even rivaled to her own rejection from the Williams. Chloe wondered if something was going on, but she usually talked herself out of the reality; that Halle's heart, although semi patched up by the Carters, was still very much broken. Chloe couldn't deal with it or ask her sister about it, so the eldest Bailey chalked it up to stress and went on believing what she always believed. Everything was fine.

"I know what she would've said to you today."

"What," Halle asked.

"She'd say you deserve all of this and so much more. That you were destined for greatness because you're her child and a child of God and don't you let anyone forget it. She'd also tell you not to be so nervous for tomorrow because it makes your sister all jittery and if she's nervous then she can't focus on the keys that all look the same," Chloe mocked her sister and playfully poked her side earning a light chuckle.

"Mom is with you today, tomorrow and always because you carry her right here," Chloe placed her hand over her sister's heart.

"Thank you," Halle leaned over to hug her sister and Chloe only hesitated a bit before giving in.


Bey entered the front room with a Tupperware container and a bottle of water.

"Chlo lunch is ready in the kitchen. Halle go get your shoes on Julius is in the truck. Chloe honey you sure you don't wanna come with," Bey asked for good measure.

Earlier she denied the invitation claiming she didn't feel like dealing with paparazzi since she'll most likely run into them tomorrow on the way to their meeting. Chloe nodded and made herself comfortable on the couch.

"Alright Shawn should be home in an hour. If you need anything Frances is here or give me a call."

"Alright see y'all later," Chloe flicked the tv on and browsed through the channels.


Julius parked in front of the public school after forty minutes of sitting in LA traffic. Unfortunately, work permits could only be issued by certain schools and Lexington didn't have the proper certifications since it was private. Bey and Halle hopped out of the truck hand and hand as Julius closed the door behind them in full men in Black mode. The high school was packed. It seemed like there were kids on every square inch of the property. Bey placed her glasses on her face and kept her head down until they were securely in the building. Halle peered at the almost empty award case and the crepe decorations on the walls and a flicker of nostalgia enveloped her like a cold sweet tea on a scorching day. This felt more like the school Halle attended back home. They didn't get very far before a scream could be heard from down the hall.

"Oh my God it's Beyoncé!"

Julius rolled his eyes and stepped in front of the smiling blonde. Bey removed her glasses since she was spotted already and didn't want to come off as a pre-Madonna to her fans. A hive of bustling teens
swarmed Beyoncé in two seconds flat.

"Can I get a picture!"
"Move, I want one!"
"Let me get through let me get through!"

Kids every which way yelled out different things like Bey was on a red carpet. Julius attempted to push Halle and his boss along, but Yoncé opted to stay and take some pictures. They were early for their appointment anyway and Bey loved the kids. Teens snapped pics left and right and Bey posed for each one. Halle attempted to pry her hand away from Bey's during the impromptu photo sets, but Bey didn't want her to get lost in the sea of kids, so she held onto her foster daughter's hand. Eventually the superstar let Halle's hand go to take a picture with two girls who wanted to be in one together. Julius kept a watchful eye on his boss just in case someone tried anything.

Halle turned around when someone tapped her shoulder repeatedly. She was met with a girl much older than her, probably a senior or an aged junior.

"Can I get a picture," she asked.

Halle looked over her shoulder to see if Bey was behind her, "of me," she asked once she realized the girl was actually looking at her.

"Yeah, your Halle from ChloxHalle right," the girl smiled.

"Ye-Yeah I am."

The girl tossed her arm over Halle's shoulder and snapped a picture. Halle squinted at the flash as she took another one.

The fan viewed the photos, "ughh the lighting is bad in here we should take another one."

"Yeah that is pretty bad," Halle agreed with a nod of her head.

"The lighting in the locker room is much better. We should go there."

Halle looked back to Bey noticing she wasn't finished with her photo sets and figured it'll only take a moment. The girl took Halle's hand excitedly and pulled her down the hall and around the corner.

"I-I can't," Halle muttered, but was ignored by the overzealous fan.

"Alright, alright guys she has to go," Julius announced.

Bey said her goodbyes to her fans as the crowd slowly dissipated. She turned to say something to Halle, but was met with a vacancy. The blonde turned in circles and searched every which way for the small girl she came into the building with.         

"Where's Halle," she asked Julius, with a pang in her throat.

Julius palmed his head. He was so used to strictly looking out for Bey that he didn't remember to keep an eye on the new member of her family. The hulking man trudged down the hall with Bey at his side attempting to keep up with his elongated strides. Both of the adults foraged the halls in search of a petite child with locs.


The older teen took one last photo with Halle who sat there smiling nervously.

Halle's phone rang loudly in the empty locker room. She pulled it out and saw Bey's contact name flash across her screen.

"I- I really have to-" Halle started but was cut off.

"Just one more, I'm trynna get the right one for Instagram."

"Just one," Halle stated and once again smiled for the camera.

There was a bell off in the distance and the strange girl put her phone away.

"I gotta run. You remember how to get back, right?"

Halle nodded, she'll just have to maneuver the halls like she was a student there and find her way back. The young girl dialed Bey's number and heard her distressed voice a second later.

"Halle, thank God where are you?"

"I'm on my way to the office now," she rushed out.

She could sense that she was in a heap of trouble and wished to stay in the locker room for a little while longer. Halle rounded the corner and Bey rushed her and pulled her in for a hug.

"What's going on," Halle whispered breathlessly.

Bey pulled back from the hug and placed her hands on Halle's shoulder.

"You can't walk off like that while we're out in public!"

"I- this girl, she-she wanted a-a picture, and I-"

"It doesn't matter who wanted a picture. You should make sure someone knows where you're going before you walk off. Anything could've happened," Bey pressed on but the seriousness had flooded her words, the playful tone she usually used with Halle was gone.

Halle was absorbing the seriousness in Bey's eyes and she couldn't take it, so she found her shoes more interesting.

"I'm sorry," she said softly.

"It's okay," Bey sighed, "You just have to get used to the spotlight."

The woman gently grabbed Halle's hand and led her back to the main office with Julius hot on their trail.


When my eyes are swollen when I cry
Yeah I like it yeah
When I cut this scar up on my thigh
Yeah I like it yeah
When I cannot tell each day apart
Yeah I like it yeah
Freckles on my face connect like stars
Yeah I like it

I paced around my room in small steps gathering my thoughts and senses and allowing all the strings and pieces to pull and put themselves together. This is what it looked like when I wrote my songs. Sometimes the melody and lyrics would flow so beautifully and with so much ease. Other times, it was like pulling teeth, but I had to get some of these thoughts out of my head, so here I was. I slumped back down in my chair. The air was thick but cold between me and myself. Which was not a rare occurrence, but a state I could do without. I sighed in frustration looking down and away from my journal again. Thoughts of my sister suffering in silence just as I had plagued my mind and I went to write in my book again.

When you tell me that I'm too naive
Yeah I like it yeah

"Chloe, look at my tutu," Blue burst into my room and ran up to me excitedly.

I quickly shut my book and placed it on my vanity table. Before I could say anything, I could hear Shawn's voice just outside my door.

"Uh uh Lefty, we gone try that again. What did we say about knocking on people's doors before you rush in? Come try it again," he said.

Blue looked at me with a pout and I shrugged. The five year old slumped out of my room and closed the door in her wake. Moments later, I heard small raps on my door.

"Who is it," I played along.

"It's Blue and daddy," she called out but her voice was muffled by the thick door.

I stood and placed my journal underneath my bed and placed the key under my lampshade.

"Come in," I called and hopped on my bed.

Blue entered with less energy than before and laid next to me.

"Why you in here all bored when there's a million things to get into around here," Shawn asked me.

That was a good question. I hadn't even explored the third wing and I've only been over to the second a couple of times. I shrugged my shoulders and tickled Blue's sides.

"Bey told me you wanted to produce one day," Shawn stated.

I didn't know what else to do or say so I relied on cordiality and manners. I nodded in the familiar way I was used to and waited on what he had to say next.

"Have you ever produced a song," he asked.

"I used to produce in the school's studio but nothing too serious."

"Come on, let me show you something," he said.

Hesitantly I stood. Blue lifted her arms for me to pick her up and I hoisted her on my hip. After taking the elevator to the first floor we walked to the backyard and hopped on a golf cart. Where were we going? Shawn expertly maneuvered the cart until we stopped in front of what looked to be a separate house in the back of the fortress. My heart stopped, and the blood turned to ice in my veins. I froze on the step, afraid to move any closer to the door that was looming in front of me, threatening me, yet daring me to take another step.

"Come on Chloe," Blue called from the doorway.

No! What does he want? Why are we here? Blue stepped outside once again and grabbed my hand pulling me with her this time. Once we were all inside, Shawn flicked on the lights and entered a room immediately to our left. I entered shortly after the father daughter duo and was greeted with a million dollar recording studio. I gaped at the upscale equipment and artwork hung on the walls.

"This is where daddy does his rap stuff," Blue said.

Shawn laughed and sat in a chair next to all the buttons and switches.

"Show me whatcha got," he looked at me.

My heart sank. He wanted me to produce in front of him?

"You want me to make a beat," I finally asked.

Shawn appeared as though he was thinking something over.

"Tell you what, you from the A right? Imma give you a beat and I want you to chop and screw it for me."

Chop and screw? That's what they do out in Houston or Tennessee somewhere.

"That's Texas, in Atlanta we listen to Crunk music," I told him.

Shawn went to the sound board and pulled up which beat he wanted. He sat in a seat and told me to do me.


I sat in the front office filling out paperwork as quickly as possible so they could get this over with. Child's DOB, that's easy March 27th 2000. Height? Five feet. Weight? Dang they needed to know all of this just to say she could have a job? Eighty five pounds. After all of the info was finished that I needed to fill out, I handed the clipboard over to Halle so she could sign. She read over the paperwork slowly and looked up at me.

"You know all of this about me without looking at papers?"

My cheeks burned so I knew they were red. Yes it's true I went and got their files from the safe after we came from Atlanta. I read them back to front and then front to back to make sure I didn't miss anything the first time Shawn read them to me.

"I have a pretty good memory,'' I smiled.

"Okay Mrs Carter and miss Bailey," a bald dark skinned man with a porn stache wearing a black polo called us over to the main office desk.

"I hear someone's trying to get a j-o-b," he smiled at Halle who returned the gesture.

"I gotta say, it's not everyday we see a superstar around here. Maybe A D-list celebrity comes to talk to the kid's every once in a while, but not a random drop by. I'm Mr Calloway," he smiled.

"Nice to meet you," I nodded and slid The clipboard his way.

Mr Calloway briefly read over the application. I looked down at Halle who held onto my hand tightly as she watched the man with a raised brow.

"Alright, I just need a couple of things from you and I could get you goin. Uhh let's see, birth certificate, a signed principle statement, this young lady's most recent physical, a parental statement, and a letter of intent to hire," the man listed.

Halle smacked her lips and folded her arms across her chest as I quickly handed the man a Manila envelope with everything he asked for. Mr Calloway sifted through the papers barely reading any of it before looking at Halle with a huge grin on his face.

"Looks like somebody is about to be a working lady. Give me a second to make copies and then she has to take her picture and you're all done," he walked to the back with haste.

"You thought I didn't have my ducks in a row huh lil bit," I poked her shoulder.

"How'd you get all of that so fast," she smiled.

"Most of it was in your file and I spoke with your principle two days ago for his letter and the rest was all Parkwood's doing. Now how you gone smile on your picture girl?"

"Like this," Halle pushed her hair to one side of her face, batted her lashes and smiled so that her dimples were on full display.

"Hold on," I reached into my purse pulling out a clear lip gloss.

"Hm," I handed it over but Halle just stared at it blankly.

"Y-you want me to put that on," she smiled sheepishly.

"Only if you want to."

Halle slowly reached for the gloss and squeezed a tad on her finger before handing me the tube.

"You can keep it,"

She didn't say anything but I could tell she was excited by the way she bounced on her toes as she rubbed the gloss in.

"Here you are Mrs Carter," Mr Calloway handed me the documents back.

"As for you young lady, look straight ahead at this red dot and say money money monaaaay"
He joked and took the picture in the middle of Halle's laughter.


"Boom Shaka lacka boom Shaka lacka."

Chloe stood in the booth with Blue on her hip as the five year old free styled to the newly chopped and screwed beat.

"Ayyye," Chloe hyped her up so she'd keep going.

"Never seen a ceiling in my whole life! Everything I feed, everything I read
Boom shakalaka, boom shakalaka"

Shawn pressed the button so they'd hear him in the booth.

"You went crazy lefty! You got it honestly though,'' he smiled widely and popped his collar.

Blue removed the oversized headphones from her ears and handed them to Chloe. The teen walked out to hear the verse over the beat she helped make.

"You really did your thing with this beat tho youngin'," he complimented his foster daughter.

"Thanks, did you make the original,"  Chloe asked.

"Yeah, I might use this version tho. All the added base, high hats and snares, just made it hotter. You have true talent."

Chloe was taken aback did Jay-z just say he may use something she worked on?

"Daddy play my song " Blue attempted to touch one of the many buttons on the sound board.

"Aht aht," Jay held one finger up and proceeded to press play.

Blue danced and hopped around to the sound of her own voice like she had just created a chart topping single.

Everything in shaka, everything in faka

Bey and Halle came home to find Shawn, Blue, and Chloe in the backyard. Shawn was on his phone lounging in one of the deck chairs while Blue and Chloe sat in the grass crossed legged talking like old pals. Bey kissed her husband and Shawn asked Halle was she official.

"Like a whistle," she pulled her permit from her pocket making it move every which way in Shawn's face.

"Let me see,'' he reached for it.

"Nooo the picture is hideous," she whined.

"It's cute," the blonde chuckled.

Blue ran over to her mother who matched the child's level of excitement.

"Me and Chloe made a song," she rushed out.

"You made a song," Bey smiled.

"Mmhmm and daddy helped," the child gushed.

Bey looked to her husband as Halle ran off to show her sister her new I.d card.

"Yeah I had Chlo show me her skills at producing. She chopped and screwed one of my beats for me. That girl going places for real, man. Imma play it for you later," Shawn said.

Bey looked to Chloe who now laid flat on her back in the grass with her sister staring up at the sky and smiled.



Chloe and Halle found themselves sitting in front of Parkwood's finest all before eight in the morning. Bey made sure to schedule the meeting so they'd have enough time to get to school. Bey stepped out of the room to discuss other matters with her assistant Camilla, so the duo sat quietly as a handful of men and women in suits quietly read through paperwork.

"Morning girls," Miranda handed both girls bottles of water.

Miranda has stopped by casa Carter a few times over the weeks they've been there, so they were very much familiar with the woman. She sat next to them sporting a Colgate smile.

"Don't worry they're just looking for your sound. They already have the contracts drawn up and everything, so really this is just a formality," she whispered.

Halle nodded. She kind of figured, but one could never be too sure in this business. They were being represented by Shawn's lawyer today because Bey wanted to outsource. She explained to the girls that having a lawyer separate from any label was always best because the legal team would solely focus on their best interest rather than the interest of the label. Chloe could feel her heartbeat in her throat. She twisted the cap of the water off, spilling a little on her pants before she took a gulp. Halle played a game on her phone to pass the time.

"Where's BB," Halle asked after a while.

Before Miranda could answer, Beyoncé strutted into the room with Shawn's lawyer Kenny and Camilla behind her carrying a tray of coffees.

"Good morning," Bey said to the room and took a seat at the round table.

"Morning," everyone said in unison.

Chloe's heart plummeted to her stomach as she memorized the many faces before her. They all looked so blah and bland. Would they even understand her music?

"So today's a day to celebrate because we are sitting in our first  A&R meeting. Let's clap it up for that," a balding white man started.

Everyone at the table clapped and some even patted the table like a drum roll sending another pang of uneasiness to Chloe's stomach. She chanced a look at her sister who wore a cavalier expression like she had no worries in the world.

"Here with us today is a sister duo who goes by the name ChloexHalle. You might've seen them all over the Internet for the past I wanna say a month and a half? We've all reviewed their covers and loved them might I add," he turned to the duo and smiled sweetly.

"But today we're going to hear their original sound. Everyone give it up for Chloe and Halle Bailey," he clapped and sat down.


Get up Chloe that's your cue I said to myself. My body seemed like it was on autopilot as I somehow found myself rising from my seat. I could see Halle's wide smile from the corner of my eye as the both of us walked to where Bey had her assistant set up my keyboard. Once I stood behind my keyboard I realized there was no way I could play it. Halle side eyed me to get me to begin playing.

"This some weather we're having huh," Halle said to the board of people earning chuckles from everyone.

I peered to Bey who gave me a curt nod.

This is it

Let go


"You just flew out of your nest," I started.

"You just flew out of your nest," Halle backed me.

"Starting a brand new quest, but the world is trying to test," I began playing my keys and looked over to Bey who looked shocked.

This wasn't the song we practiced yesterday, but Halle and I decided last minute to change it.

"And you feel alone and try to mold into the rest," I continued.

"And you feel alone tryin' to mold into the rest," Halle repeated.

Babybird, grow some feathers
Babybird, you can do better

By this time, I could see that they were actually feeling the song. One woman tapped her pen on the table while an aged man nodded his head trying to stay on beat as best as he could. I decided to go harder on the next verse because if we didn't deliver then Bey would have a bad rep.

"Mommy's not here no more!"
"Mommy's not here no more," Halle looked over at me as I added base to my beat with ease.

"You're the only mouth you gotta feed for! So sharpen up those claws! You gotta find your own voice! You gotta find your own," I hit a high note and everyone hooped and hollered.

I stopped playing on the keyboard and walked around getting into a random guy's face.

"Why fly with the chickens when you can fly with the eagles soaring?And the eagles big but now why fly with the ground when you can fly with clouds," I walked back to the keys and began playing.

Halle took the forefront getting low to the ground as she repeated the verse I just did.

Baby bird you can do better!


The suits stood and gave a long winded round of applause. Halle took a bow.

"Thank you," Chloe smiled.

Both girls looked over to Bey to gauge her reaction because to them that's the only one that mattered. Bey wiped a tear before it fell, but the girls still caught it. The blonde was the last to stand, but she didn't lose any time scurrying over to them and hugging them closely.

"That was so good," she sniffed.

"I'm proud," she kissed their foreheads, quickly forgetting where she was.

The next hour flew by. Bey signed on the dotted line after a long conversation with both lawyers explaining that yes she was indeed their guardian even pulling out paperwork as proof. Everyone was highly confused but didn't dare question the tigress any further. Before they knew it, they were leaving the office doors and heading toward the truck.

"Beyoncé, Beyoncé over here!"
"On your left Beyoncé!"

Paparazzi watched as Chloe, Halle and their newfound boss descended the steps with Bey's boulder of a bodyguard behind them. Bey was prepared this time, she handed both girls a pair of custom Lorraine Schwartz shades. She held Halle's hand and wrapped her arm around Chloe's side fully. Halle smiled and waved at the cameras like she wasn't a rookie to this type of lifestyle. While Chloe kept her head down and focused on making it to the truck this time. The trio safely made it into the car with the help of Julius and all let out a sigh of relief.

"I would take y'all out for a little signing treat but yall gotta get to school. I gotchu after school though," she promised.

Chloe couldn't contain herself anymore. She pulled Bey in for one of the longest hugs she's ever dished out in her life. She did it! She was officially a recording artist and for none other than the best in the game!

"Thank you, Thank you so much," she sobbed.

Halle was taken aback. No one ever saw Chloe cry. Like ever. Halle rarely saw it and she's witnessed Chloe in some of the most insane situations. Halle began to cry because of the heart wrenching sobs her sister continuously let out. The younger Bailey got in on the hug taking in every moment. It was a while before they all pulled away. Bey wiped the remainder of Chloe's tears with her thumb.

"You deserve every bit of it. You hear me," she eyed Halle as well.

Both girls nodded their understanding and sat back in their seats. The truck took off down the packed street toward Lexington high. Bey received a FaceTime from Solange.

"How'd it go" Solo asked.

Bey smiled into the camera, "they did amazing! We signed them like fifteen minutes ago."

A room full of 'ayyes' and 'that's what I'm talking abouts' could be heard in the background.

"Put them on the phone," Solo said.

Bey handed her phone to Chloe and Halle stuck her head in frame.

"Let me borrow 10k real quick. I know y'all go it," she said earning laughs from the girls.

"Congrats Parwood's first" she added.

"Thank you," They said in unison.

"Y'all know we gotta throw a party or something right? A lil get together to celebrate, nothing too big just the family," Solange said.

"Let me speak to'em,"Julez said in the back.

The twelve year old's face popped up on the screen.

"So y'all gone put me on a track?"

"Boy," Halle deadpanned.

"I'm serious I can rap for real. Come on the track like duh duh da-da With a throwback jersey and a fitted
Might blow a bag of hershey in the sidd-ix," Julez rapped loudly.

"Those not even your lyrics," Chloe laughed.

"So, when I said I had bars I ain't say they were mine," he handed his mother back the phone.

"Imma let y'all go, see y'all after school okay? Congrats again," Solo said before ending the call.


It's a typical Friday at Lexington high as all the teens buzzed about the latest gossip and put together last minute kickback plans for the weekend. Every other Friday was dress down day and Lovie felt good enough to wear her new Frame le color ripped skinny jeans. She paired it with some all black knee high heeled boots and a purple lace top; simplicity is key. All of the girls and Beans were discussing a new plan to get Yara noticed by a basketball player named Devon.

"I'm telling you Yara if you really wanna impress Devon have on five inch heels and nothing else when he walks in his cabin," Yasmine beamed while fixing her lipstick in Lovie's locker mirror.

"Yas I'm not about to break into a cabin and sit there naked praying he doesn't bring his posse of idiots with him," Yara half whispered.

"Of course not who prays naked? Now that's just creepy. Get a grip girl," Lovie joked, earning chuckles from Beans and Yasmine.

Halle sat in her hip and folded her arms, "why don't you just ask him for his number?"

The youngster hadn't been in the situation before, but it seemed they were making this a bigger deal than it should be.

"See that's the difference between men and women. Us men don't go through all this. We see a girl we like and just go for it," he glanced at Chloe suggestively who was busy reading her lesson plan for the tenth time that morning.

The Bailey sisters had been enrolled at Lexington for almost two weeks now and Chloe still wasn't particularly fond of being on campus. All of the connections she had made were superficial and pragmatic; usually just to fulfill assignments and tasks solely for school, she could hardly call any of them her friends. Yara was the only person she had some level of friendship with. She wouldn't say they were close but they talked about their frustrations with the rigors of the curriculum and they exchanged a bit of general knowledge of their own lives.

"Oh Please Beans, as if you weren't just begging us to devise a plan to get you into the good graces of our dearest Chloe here," Yara patted Chloe's shoulder sarcastically.

Chloe tried her best to hide her mortification, but Halle and Lovie caught it. Beans had actually asked Chloe to study on two different occasions, but she could always sense that his intentions were to ask her on a date rather than to really get any work done. He was nice, handsome if she squinted, but very immature and full of hot air. Plus Chloe was just getting used to being allowed to actually speak at school, so hitting the books with anyone was notably inconceivable.

Lovie quickly checked the time on her phone, "ugh assuming the role of sublime scholar in five four three two,"

'one' Yara mouthed before plastering a faux smile across her face. Beans shut Lovie's locker with a loud clang coupled with a sigh.

"I'm so glad it's Friday. I'm tired of looking at all these ugly ass kids I swear."

Yasmine shook her head and proceeded down the hall pulling Lovie along by her backpack.

"Wait What about Devon," Yara called after them.

"We'll figure it out," Yasmine said.

"Halle you can't be my prodigy if you're late," Lovie reached her hand out playfully but she was already too far down the hall.

Prodigy? Please, Halle thought. The younger sister chanced a look at Chloe who seemed as equally put off by the word.

"See you Chlo," Halle waved just before taking off in the opposite direction.

Yara and Beans were now at the end of the hall waiting for Chloe. The teen doubled her steps to catch up with the duo.

"Dang," Chloe smacked her lips once she reached her friendly acquaintances.

"What," Yara asked.

"I left my homework in my locker. I'll meet y'all in class," Chloe took off running not waiting on a reply.

Her locker was in another wing of the school and she had to hurry or it was a definite demerit under her belt.


Chloe speedily turned the dial, entering her locker combo expertly. She grabbed the essay she slaved over last night and headed to class like greased lightning. The teen rounded the corner post haste and was knocked flat on her bottom, sending her books flying before landing on the waxed tiles with a thud. Chloe winced at the throbbing feeling coming from her forehead.

A girl with lengthy bone straight hair and red lips to match gaped down at her now soiled shirt. She was covered in coffee including the Louis V booties on her feet.

"What the hell," the angry brunette screamed at the shaking teen who was now attempting to wipe the excess liquid off of the girl's boots with her sleeve.

"I'm so sorry," Chloe began to wipe harder.

The angered girl was tired of the pathetic display. She noticed her friends waiting for her reaction, "don't touch me!"

"It was an accident," The frightened girl said while standing.

"Is that what your dad told his wife when news got out," the brunette skillfully retorted.

"What," Chloe asked confused.

"Alana relax," a blonde girl tried but was cut off by her friend's piercing glare.

"I've heard the stories about you, little miss Carter is it" the girl tilted her head to the side in mock empathy and stepped closer to Chloe.

By this time both girls standing behind the brunette appeared uncomfortable. They hated when Alana acted like this. The entire school labeled them as bitches because little Miss Queen Bee didn't know how to hold her slick tongue, but as always they stood in compliance.

Chloe began to pick up her bookbag and the displaced items.

The blonde girl waiting behind Alana took note of the look of pure hurt and disgust written all over the unversed teen's face. To her Chloe seemed like a pretty nice kid. She'd seen her around campus minding her business or with Yara whom she adored.

"I'm sure you're used to it. You people always have baby daddy issues. Nothing new right," Alana smirked.

What is she talking about, Chloe thought as she failed to meet the brunette's eyes.

The bell sounded signifying the start of class and thus everyone's tardiness.

"Come on girls" Alana called over her shoulder as she proceeded down the hall wiping at her blouse in a sad attempt at restoration.

Chloe noted how late she was and cursed herself thinking about the look of disappointment that would be written on her teacher's face. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and hoofed it to class.

Chloe rushed into class two minutes after the tardy bell sounded. She fumbled with her books, one hand filled with folders and the other held her laptop which she knew she needed for this class. Yara looked to Chloe, her eyes narrowing a bit, but she had the same encouraging smile she always wore on her face. Chloe sat beside Yara and Beans and opened her computer.

"What happened to your face," Yara asked, breaking the silence.

Chloe chewed on her lip, as Beans zeroed in on her face as well.

"Nothing," she had entered into a passive aggressive tone that she had no control over.

"That doesn't look like nothing," Yara said with the same passive aggressive tone but she finished the sentence with a look of regret.

"I'm good," Chloe quipped back.

"Yeah you're really good," Yara said just as fast.

The remark sent a stab to Chloe's chest that wounded the numbness. The feeling crept into her eyes and tears threatened to form until she took a deep breath swallowing her grief and channeling the numbness. The curly haired girl saw it in her face, her eyes letting her know she'd gone too far but it also let her know there was actually something wrong.

"Who's up for trivia," The teacher called from the front of the classroom.

Everyone agreed to a game.

In her continuing effort at building up the friendship between herself and Chloe, Yara suggested they be on a team and Beans and a random student named Connor would be the opposition. The game started oddly enough with Chloe and Yara still trying to find a place of comfort among all the words and emotions they couldn't say or express but as the questions and laughter about the answers came, it had melted the tension at the table.

"So what really happened to your face that quick," Beans said after a while.

Chloe sighed and decided there was no use keeping this a secret.

"I bumped into someone trying to make it here on time."

"Who," Yara asked.

Chloe tried to remember the name she heard someone say, "Alana?"

Yara's eyes bulged from her head, "oh she's not gonna forget this."

"Fuck her," Beans said a little too loud earning stares from a few students surrounding them.

Chloe used the rest of the class to reflect on everything that had transpired. She prayed Alana would let bygones be bygones. She really didn't have the time for a beef. The trio walked the halls meeting up with Lovie, Yasmine, and Halle discussing Chloe's situation.

"Whatever happens I can't be involved. I do business with her older brother," Lovie announced.

Halle remained quiet at an attempt to hide her anger. She always felt as though her sister was too nice of a person to be treated badly by anyone. She looked over at Chloe ogling the red bruise on her forehead and shook her head in anger. They all went to the only class they had together which was a free period and discussed the upcoming party. Which Lovie and Beans decided to turn into a bash complete with a fifty dollar entrance fee. All of the teens pushed their desks together so no one else would hear their conversation.

"Okay so I got one of the bouncers from my father's clubs to work the front door. I'll be at the door as well making sure everybody pays," Lovie said.

Beans opened his mouth to speak but was cut off.

"Beans you already got your cut we ain't trynna here it," Yasmine laughed.

"That was before we turned it into a bash," he scrunched up his face.

"Oh well," Lovie smirked.

"Ight when the cops receive an anonymous call about under age drinking and drug use don't be surprised," he said loudly.

"Shhh," Yara interjected.

She had an image to uphold to keep her job and drug use was not a part of it. Not anymore at least.

Yasmine leaned her head on her palm, "Halle you're coming right?"

The thirteen year old looked to her sister for the answer.

She's never been to a party and this one sounded like a rager. Chloe shook her head no.

"When is it again," Halle asked.

"Girl tonight," Yasmine said.

"Can't, previous engagement."

Beans smacked his lips and turned his lip up as if he didn't believe her, "and what you gonna be doing after midnight? Watching throwback cartoons cuz I know you not going out."

"Boy don't worry about it," Halle said.

"Ooooh," Lovie and Yasmine instigated on the side while Yara laughed.

Chloe was starting to get antsy. No she wasn't gonna go to a party and neither was her little sister.

"Well they are officially recording artists now so..." Yara announced to the makeshift table.

"What," Chloe asked confused.

Their deal was just signed this morning and to her knowledge neither her or her sister had told a soul.

"You two are signed to Parkwood, right," Yara continued.

Both Bailey's nodded hesitantly as Beans pulled out his phone.

"It's all over the Internet. BBC news just posted it while we were in second period. Don't you have social media?"

Chloe squinted trying to see the article from across the table. Dang that was quick.


Halle found herself dozing off in nearly every class. There wasn't one night this week that she slept soundly, too riddled with horrors that preyed upon her dog-tired stupor. She stared blankly at the space between the smartboard and the door where her teacher stood five spun out minutes ago, contemplating tomorrow's dinner and the total mortality of the human race. So when the music of Lovie's irritation finally registered in her brain, Halle waved her hand vaguely toward her classmate, dismissing her statement. She didn't want to get a demerit for talking in class.

"Hey," the older girl whispered just loud enough for Halle to hear.

They were currently in their world history class which the young girl had already deemed as her least favorite, so there was an extra bite when she spoke.

"What," Halle whispered.

Lovie bucked her eyes and motioned toward a folded piece of paper that was discreetly hidden halfway underneath her planner.

Cautiously, the older teen slid the book to the edge of her desk causing the paper to topple to the floor. Halle's brows furrowed as she eyed the note and then ogled Lovie who seemed bothered and pestered by the fact that Halle hadn't retrieved it from the floor. During her full public school stint, no one had ever passed her a note, so curiosity won over everything else. With reservations, Halle waited until the teacher's back was turned and hurriedly placed her foot on top of the note, dragging it until she was able to easily bend and reach it. Casually, Halle unfolded the paper, swiftly reading the flawlessly penned cursive.

Ask to go to the restroom

Lovie smirked at the youngster next to her who stared  at the note, clearly confused.

'Why' Halle mouthed making sure to keep an eye on her teacher who babbled on and on in a monotonous voice.

Lovie rolled her eyes 'just do it' she mouthed back.

Halle sighed and turned her attention to the front of the class. What is this girl up to? Before she knew it, her hand was in the air attempting to get the teacher's attention.

"Yes, miss Bailey," the aging White haired man peered at the girl over glasses that rested at the tip of his nose.

Everyone gaped in her direction. Halle glanced at Lovie who urged her to speak with her eyes.

"Um, may I use the restroom," she asked sweetly, earning an eye roll from some blonde girl at the front of the class.

For the short amount of time she's spent in Mr Kauffman's class he'd shown her favoritism. Often using a lighter voice whenever he spoke to her and even smiling and taking the time to reiterate a lesson if Halle wasn't following.

"By all means," he smiled and motioned towards the door.

Halle closed her book and stood, "thank you," she smiled sweetly and batted her lashes at the blonde girl from earlier as she made her exit. The thirteen year old quickly turned the corner in the hall and headed into the bathroom waiting for whatever Lovie called her in there for. After feeling the vibrations from her book bag, Halle unlocked her phone seeing a message from Lovie telling her to stay there. Irritated, she hopped on the sink and played a game mindlessly. A few minutes passed before Lovie pushed the door in making her grand entrance.

"Why'd you tell me to come in here," Halle asked barely looking up from her phone.

"That man's voice was giving me a headache. I mean how much do we have to talk about history? It happened already. Let it go," Lovie leaned against the wall and pulled a vape pen from her bra.

Halle rolled her eyes in disappointment and regret as she watched Lovie take a hit from the vape. Another long sigh left her mouth when the overwhelming feeling of shame caused her to look away. She didn't want to wait in the bathroom while her friend or whatever they were now took huffs from a pen. She'd never skipped class before, and was too worried that the Carter's may have her student notifications on.

"What," Lovie asked, looking a little perplexed and irritated.

"I don't skip class," Halle hopped down from the sink.

Lovie frowned and checked the time on her phone, "it's hardly skipping. We have what, twelve minutes left of class? Live a little; short stack."

Halle's cheeks burned as she adjusted her bag straps on her shoulders. The sweet smell of blueberries wafted through the bathroom as the older girl took another drag before offering her a turn. Lovie lifted a sly smirk to one side of her face as Halle stared at the small device weighing her options before shaking her head.

"No thanks," Halle turned her nose up at the mere thought of putting one of those things anywhere near her mouth.

She was a singer first, and would hate to ruin her voice for a few seconds of bliss or however they made people feel.

"Kids," Lovie shook her head in disappointment and faced the stalls.

"Alright Chance, you can come out of hiding now Lord knows you're no good at it. I could hear you breathing from down the hall," the teen said nonchalantly.

"What are you t-" Halle started but was cut off by a tall racially ambiguous boy with a tapered haircut and a hipster vest to go with his fossil watch and skinny black jeans as he emerged from the stall that Lovie stood in front of.

The boy's presence immediately made Halle tense. Her eyes darted to the door and she clinched her bag straps once again.

"Damn it Lovie you're late! I caught a cramp standing on that fucking toilet," Chance folded his arms.

"Yeah well," Lovie shrugged her shoulders and reached for her bag which was high up on the window sill.

"I-I should get going. I don't know what's going on here and the whole skipping class thing. You know what they say about people who skip class? Well actually I don't know, is the-"

"Halle," Lovie screeched.

'Chill out,' she mouthed.

Chance's eyes flashed an annoyance as he surveyed the young teen's lack of pleasantries and ultimately interrogative stare.

"Who's this? I thought we were supposed to be alone," he probed.

Lovie smiled but couldn't keep her contempt for this kid from her eyes. Halle had long been sitting there with anxious eyes watching this passive aggressive exchange. She couldn't care less about what the two had going on. All she was confused about was her role in this. Why was she even in the bathroom?

"Listen Chance, do you want the stuff or not," Lovie shifted her weight to her right leg.

"I'm here, aren't I," he wised off.

The bothered girl rolled her eyes and opened her backpack, taking out a bag of colorful pills and a small tube of something that reminded Halle of earwax. She shoved the items in Chance's hand and advised him not to take a lot at once.

"Cool," he handed Lovie a wad of cash.

She took her time counting the money, making a show of licking her pointer finger to thumb through the bills easier.

"Ahem," the teen held her hand out and looked pointedly at the much taller student.

Chance smacked his lips and pulled an additional fifty dollars from his pocket and handed it over to his dealer.

"So I hear you and beans are throwing a party," Chance started.

Lovie took another hit from her vape.

"Yeah and?"

"I was wondering if I could get an invite. The last one was amazing," Chance smiled at the recollection of his wild night from a few weeks back.

"Can't," she said blasé.

"Why not?"

"Reached capacity."

Halle knew Lovie was lying because she had been sending RSVP messages to students all day and not once did she mention even having a cap. Still Halle's juvenile brain couldn't get over a guy being inside the girl's bathroom, so she remained silent.

"Come on Lovie I'm one of your best customers and I can't even get invited," Chance probed.

"Fine," Lovie sighed, as she pulled her phone out and sent the invite and code word for the security.

The fifteen year old fixed her hair in the mirror, "don't invite none of those lame ass friends of yours either. They're just gonna get kicked out."

"Invite the whole football team, got it," the dude turned on his heels and rushed out of the bathroom.

Halle stood behind the taller girl in the full body mirror as she watched her apply a thin layer of ruby red lipstick to her plump round lips. The younger girl followed the fluid motion of her dainty wrist in admiration.

"What now," Lovie asked the onlooker as she smoothed the scarlet pigment until it was flawless.

"You're actually a drug dealer," Halle's voice was gentle yet unsure.

Lovie turned so that she was face to face with her classmate, "amongst other things," she shrugged and turned back around making sure her shirt was wrinkle-free.  

"I'm a cheerleader, a straight A student, I volunteer at my church, I also make the best crème brûlée if you're up for it."

Lovie picked up her back pack and placed it on her shoulder.

"Why, are you wearing a wire or something," she laughed as she pretended to search the girl's torso.

Halle nervously chuckled. She's not foreign to attending school with kids who sold drugs, but it was honestly the last thing she'd think to run into at a school like Lexington. Most people took that route to live how these kids were living now. The thirteen year old nodded, taking the information in slowly. Lovie tilted her head side to side, eyeing Halle's face far longer than the girl was comfortable with and removed the cap to her lipstick. Casually, she leaned towards Halle attempting to put the reddener to the adolescent's lips.

"What are you doing," Halle panicked and took a step back toward the stalls.

Lovie rolled her eyes, "just hold still newbie," she lightly took hold of Halle's chin.

Against the smaller girl's protesting and wiggling, Lovie briskly applied the rosy shade and stepped back to admire her work.


She turned Halle towards the mirror.

"What do you think," she asked as she pushed all of Halle's hair to one side.

Halle studied her bleak reflection and suddenly felt a cold emptiness inside of her chest. Her heart sank as she ogled the russet lipstick that invaded her usually bare face. She felt uneasy as though a warm familiar part of her life were just ripped away and could never be given back.


"Baby girl," Tasha yelled from the living room.

"Ma'am," Halle called back from the kitchen.

The ten year old sat at the table trying to figure out her homework. Her teacher had instructed the class to create a family tree in lieu of writing book reports this week. It was fall in the south and Thanksgiving was just around the corner, so naturally they had to show gratitude to their kith and kin.

"Hand me my charger outta my purse," Tasha's disembodied voice boomed.

Halle lazily searched the kitchen from where she sat until her eyes landed on Tasha's new Saint Laurent bag haphazardly splayed out on the counter. The pint-sized preteen sashayed to the carryall and rummaged through the bag until her hand landed on Tasha's charger. After grabbing the chord, she was just about to walk away when her eye caught a glimpse of a puny golden tube just underneath a compact mirror.

Halle quickly peered over her shoulder towards the living room and back at the expensive looking lipstick. Her fingers lightly grazed the cold metal that encased the forbidden luxury.

So pretty.

She took her index finger and caressed the MAC insignia on the top of the casing; studying it as if it was whispering her name.

Between the fear of getting caught and the overwhelming desire to use it, Halle convinced herself that it was absolutely okay to use her foster mother's things although she'd been told on multiple occasions not to.

She pulled the tube and compact from the bag.

The girl smiled after uncapping it and twisted the bottom until she could see the tip of the waxy cosmetic.  Her mother used to wear a color much similar to the one she held gingerly between her fingers. Halle had never applied lipstick and wanted to take her time, but talent doesn't understand such a process. The ten year old hurriedly covered her lips in the russet paint, ensuring she didn't go awry with it. She hummed loudly in a sad attempt to drown out Mike's far-off yelling coming from one of the upper rooms. The child did a little twirl as she pursed her lips in her reflection.

"What are you doing," Tasha asked from the entryway.

Halle cut her twirls short, stopping hard with a stomp of her left foot. She turned and looked at the source of the voice that had drawn her out of her utopian dream like state.

"Oh my G- girl do you have my lipstick on?"

The child could feel her pulse drumming as if she were a frightened rabbit, and the ache in her chest afflicted with her foster mom's maniacal laughter. Tasha sluggishly crept up to the child with her arms folded. As each second passed, slowly, Halle's panic multiplied. The ache in her chest grew as she writhed underneath the pressure from the woman's unfaltering glower.

"I got your charger," Halle plastered a full smile on her face.

The girl's eyes widened in surprise as Tasha's hand slid past her face to grab a paper towel. Halle looked on as her foster mother silently moved about the kitchen and turned the faucet on. After the paper towel was damp, she turned to Halle once more. The high reaching woman bent ground-level to the child's height. Halle's lips started to quiver and Tasha could see that her upper body kept jerking forward. With the delicacy of a mother's hand, the woman took the soiled napkin and began lightly wiping away at the ruddy wreckage that defaced her spirited child's features.

"Watchu crying for," Tasha asked with a chuckle.

The woman's words drifted through Halle's head like a song you hear when you're half asleep. Tasha wiped at the corners of her mouth until deeming it clean.

"Let me see," the woman held her hand out for the compact Halle held onto like a vice.

With caution, the shaken girl placed the mirror in her guardian's awaiting palm and waited meekly until Tasha turned the mirror around so that Halle could see herself.

"See, there you go, pretty as ever," Tasha stood, closing the mirror quickly before sitting at the table.

The woman glanced over Halle's homework and expelled a long sigh.

"Come here," she dead panned.

Halle could feel her heart pounding a mile a minute. She swallowed hard as she took slow and steady steps towards the ill-tempered matron, stopping once she was right under the woman's nose. Without speaking, the guardian lifted the child into her lap. Halle couldn't resist the urge to lay her head on the woman's chest.

"Lipstick is for grown ups okay," Tasha's voice was soft.

Halle nodded, her eyes closed as she took in the woman's scent that reminded the girl so much of summer time in Paris, well how she'd imagine Paris to smell.

"You don't want me to tell your daddy that you had that on now do you," The woman rubbed Halle's back and rested her chin on the child's head.

Halle shook her head 'no' and snuggled closer into Tasha's chest if that were humanly possible.

"What's this," Tasha asked after a while.

"It's supposed to be a family tree," Halle answered.

"Ahhh I see, not coming along too hot huh?"

Again, Halle shook her head and closed her eyes.

Tasha took another look at the nearly blank worksheet, noticing the only name penciled in on the pseudo tree was 'Chloe'. It actually broke the woman's heart to see a child so unsure of who her own family was.

"Can I put you on there," Halle asked a bit abashed.

Tasha adjusted herself in the seat, "Where would you put me?"

Halle lifted her head from the woman's chest and eyed the paper incredulously before pointing to the first branch.

"Awe Babygirl, that's sweet" Tasha kissed the girl's forehead.

"But I'm not your mama. Remember we had that conversation," Tasha pulled Halle back just a tad so the child could get a good look at her face.

"Yes but daddy's my dad, and all the other kids are gonna have their mom's names right there," Halle said, confusion and anguish written deep into the crevices of her face.

Tasha wasn't sure how to answer. The situation they all found themselves in with her husband sometimes tortured her mental. The woman understood fully why he insisted on the girls calling him dad, but she couldn't bring herself to allow another child to call her 'mom' for that same reason.

"Daddy's different. How about you draw your own branch right about here and write my name. Your mom is still your mom and I know if she were here she'd love to see her name right at the top."

"Okay," Halle whispered.


Halle rushed to the paper towel dispenser pulling out a ton. She stormed back to the sink, wetting the napkins until they were a soiled clump in her hand. The teen scrubbed at her lips going every which way with a barrel of pent up manic energy. She tilted her head at an angle, sickened by the ghostly red stains that remained.

"Not your color," Lovie folded her arms across her chest and sat in her hip.

The bell rang signaling their dismissal for the day. Like clockwork, Halle received a group text from Bey letting her know that she was outside. She promptly reacted to the message with a thumbs up.

"I gotta go," Halle dashed out of the bathroom leaving Lovie there to question what she just witnessed.


The small teen rushed the halls ducking and dodging the sea of students who were taking leisurely steps towards their lockers. She didn't bother putting any of her books away; she just really needed to get out of the building like now. Halle squinted searching for the black SUV that usually picked her up. Once she spotted the oversized vehicle, she took flight gripping her backpack tight until she stood in front of the already open door.

"Thank you," she said to the driver and hopped in.

Blue sat in her booster seat playing a game on her IPad not bothering to look Halle's way.

"What's this," Bey attempted to wipe away the remaining lipstick from Halle's chin, but it wouldn't budge. The blonde took out a wet wipe and again wiped at the girl's face this time removing the smeared color.

"Where's your sister," she asked.

"She should be on her way," Halle peered out the window.

Moments later, Chloe hopped in the car and quickly turned her face away from Beyoncé, but her motherly eyes were too good.

"Let me see your face Chlo," she called  over Blue's head.

Immediately Chloe's cheeks flushed a shade of strawberry as she fixed her posture and turned to face her foster mother.

"Now how that happen," Bey asked.

  "I fell," Chloe told a half truth and sat back in her seat.
Bey made a mental note to ask her about it when they were alone.


Beyoncé was buzzing around working with her home staff to get the backyard ready for the small gathering to celebrate the girl's record deal. Chloe sat at the kitchen table finishing up some homework.

"Can you peel this," Blue held an orange close to Chloe's face.

The teen had a problem with dealing with food around her homework. She needed everything to be perfect and that didn't include spilling droplets of orange juice on her math worksheet.

"I can after I finish this," Chloe said.

"I'll do it," Halle volunteered and hopped down from the counter.

The teen grabbed a knife and placed the orange on a cutting board.

"I gotta orange, I gotta orange, I gotta orange, hey hey hey hey," Blue sang mimicking the old school movie she recently watched with her dad.

Halle tuned her out focusing solely on cutting the orange into four even slices. Chloe flinched and broke the lead tip to her pencil after hearing a piercing scream come from Blue. She pushed her chair back with a screech and rushed over to the scene only to find her sister's hand covered in blood. Beyoncé waltzed in the kitchen talking on the phone when her eyes too  landed on the gory scene.

"Imma call you back," she hung up and rushed to grab a few towels from the counter, holding Halle's hand tightly.

"Ahhh," the teen screamed and Bey loosened her grip.

"Halle's gonna die! Halle's gonna die," Blue ran around the island counter in pure panic mode.

"Frances, go get a first aid kit," Bey said once the housekeeper came into the kitchen.

Just then, the doorbell sounded. Chloe focused on the ringing of the bell, surprisingly calm. She inched her way to the door, pulled it open, and was met with a blonde white woman with popping red lips. Chloe didn't say anything instead she looked the woman up and down.

"Hi my name is Vivian Ward I'm with the department of children and family services. May I come in?"

"Halle's gonna die Halle's gonna die," Blue's voice could be heard from the kitchen.

"Excuse me," the woman stepped inside without so much as an invitation.

Chloe closed the door behind her and stood looking at the woman like she had lost her mind.

"Could you go get an adult," she smiled.

The teen scurried off to the kitchen. Bey was pouring peroxide on Halle's deep cut as she complained, and Blue was still freaking out at all the blood.

"There's a lady in the," she started but was over drawn by Bey calming Halle down and the smaller girl's rambling.

"There's a lady," she tried again.

"What do we have here," the social worker appeared behind Chloe and asked loud enough for everyone to hear.

Bey and Halle turned in confusion. Who the hell?

"Vivian Ward, social worker," the woman stated.

Bey went to shake the lady's hand but the social worker cringed at the bloodied towel. Beyoncé changed her mind and went to wash her hands quickly, and Vivian zeroed in on Halle's now bandaged hand.


Bey, Chloe, and Halle sat on one couch while Vivian sat on another. Blue played with a toy car going around the couch making muffler noises with her mouth. Chloe compartmentalized her emotions; taking care not to look the strange woman directly in the eyes. She was already twisting the paper napkin on the table, fidgeting her leg trying to rid the energy she felt.

"Would you like anything to drink," Bey offered.

"No thanks," the woman looked to Halle's hand and then to the bruise on Chloe's head.

Bey looked to Vivian's eyes and followed her gaze. She caught the tail end of the woman grazing at Chloe's face and already knew the question she had. The social worker pulled out her file from her bag and briefly read over it.

"So, I see you just moved from the land of the peaches?"

Chloe nodded her head trying to see where the lady was going with this. She knew things looked bad right now from the outside looking in, so she couldn't blame the judgmental glares the woman gave her caretaker. A notification went off from both girl's phones. It was a group chat Yara added them into a few days ago. Chloe silenced hers, but in true Halle fashion the young girl read the messages.

"I wasn't expecting you so soon. Sorry for the chaos we're in the middle of setting up for a gathering," Bey felt the need to say.

"So soon? I'm behind schedule, but that'll change. Will Mr Carter be joining us today," she placed her pen on her bottom lip and tilted her head to the side.

"Uh no actually he's working right now," Bey looked at Blue who was still making the noise telling her to stop with just one glance.

Vivian nodded her head and proceeded to read over the notes she was given for this case.

"Says here that they were recommended for therapy. Have they started?"

Halle fidgeted with her bandage and waited for Bey's answer.

"Not just yet. With my schedule and their school hours. It's been pretty difficult securing an appointment with the therapist I would like for them to see, but they're scheduled to start next week," Bey explained.

"Haven't started therapy," Vivian said aloud as she wrote something on her paper.

"You do know that schools are required to work around things like mandated therapy right," the woman squinted.

"Yes, I know that," Bey didn't bother taking the attitude from her tone.

"I see they missed school yesterday for, let's see uh, business reasons," The woman quoted the air.

"Lexington encourages all of their students to pursue their careers early on," Bey shifted in her seat and bit the inside of her jaw.

All three girls sat watching the two women go back and forth.

"Is a career more important than mental health Mrs Carter?"

"Of course not," Bey quipped.

"Oh really? Because you didn't waste any time signing them to your label did you?"

Chloe looked towards the door as two men carrying a huge 'congrats' balloon display walked past them and headed to the backyard.

"Is the house usually this crowded," Vivian probed.

"Like I said we're having a gathering today," Bey folded her arms.

Halle's phone sounded again and the teen replied hastily before tucking it underneath her thigh.

"What happened to your hand sweetheart," Vivian turned to the younger teen.

Halle looked to Bey and started talking a mile a minute.

"Well, Blue here wanted Chloe to peel her orange but Chloe couldn't because she was doing homework, so I offered to do it. I didn't wanna dig my fingers in it, so I decided to cut it up for her. I didn't even feel it."

Vivian squinted once more, "hmmm," she nodded writing something down.

Beyoncé tried to peer over at the paper, but her handwriting was too small.

"That's a pretty nice bruise you have there. How'd that happen," Vivian waited for Chloe's answer.

"I bumped into another kid pretty hard at school," Chloe's voice was low.

Vivian eyed Beyoncé, "kids, they can be pretty clumsy can't they?"

Bey gave the woman a dead stare and didn't offer up anything after the statement.

"Well it was nice meeting you. I'll be in touch soon," Vivian collected her papers and stood to leave.

"Likewise," Bey smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.

Beyoncé showed the woman to the door, but just as she was walking out, Bey's family was entering. The social worker looked them up and down before heading down the rest of the steps. Solange scoffed and entered the house after watching the woman get into her car and drive away.

"Who was that white woman looking at me like she crazy?"

"The girl's new social worker," Angie said as she watched the car get smaller in the distance.


Everyone lounged in the back by the pool as Solange created a vibe with the music. Chui the cook was on the grill preparing the meat while Richard stood over his shoulder micromanaging the entire time. Kelly and Tim were cuddled up in one of Bey's pool chairs while watching Titan and Blue play with bubbles. Bey, Tina, and Angie watched from the table as Julez, Halle and Chloe raced from one end of the yard to the next which was no easy feat.

"Them girls got some speed on'em Bey you should put them on a team or something," Tina took a sip of her champagne.

"I know, Imma ask them about it," Beyoncé took a bite of  her potato salad.

Angie turned to face her cousin, "You know I'm nosy girl. What the social worker say when she was here"

"It went horrible, first of all she walked in on Blue screaming at the top of her lungs that Halle was gonna die," Bey rolled her eyes.

Angie couldn't hold her laughter, " I'm sorry but why she say that?"

"Girl cuz Halle done cut her hand open trynna cut a orange. Then it didn't make it no better that Chloe got that big ass bruise on her face, sorry mama," Bey sighed.

Tina waved her off. She knew her child was stressing because Bey rarely cursed.

"What she say about it," Angie asked.

"That kids could be clumsy, but it's not what she said, it's how she said it. I just know she about to stir the pot. I feel it," Bey shook her head as she stared at the laughing teens.

"Don't worry about her we ain't got nothing to hide over here," Tina assured.

Some time later, Halle found herself snuggled into Bey's side as they shared a pool chair.

"I'm cold," Halle complained.

Bey rubbed the girl's arm noticing the goose bumps that appeared, "go put a jacket on and bring Blue one too."

Halle got up and ran towards the sliding patio doors and disappeared into the house. Chloe stretched her legs out on the outdoor furniture as she rested her arms behind her head. She watched as the stars slowly but surely made their presence known to man.

"I did it mama," she whispered to the moon.

"We did it. Me and Halle, your kids are gonna be alright, ma," her voice broke a bit.

"Who are you talking to," Blue popped her head up from behind the couch.

Chloe sat up and sat crossed legged on the sofa, "my mom."

"In heaven," Blue asked, a little confused.

"Mmhmm," Chloe answered.

The five year old came around and sat beside her foster sibling. She looked to the sky and said.

"They're alright," as loud as she could.

Halle returned later and reclaimed her seat next to Bey. Shawn stepped out onto the patio carrying two oversized bouquets of flowers.

"Look at you trynna win daddy of the year," Solange said.

The rapper ignored her and greeted everyone. Kelly looked on with her hand clasped over her heart as Shawn went to each Bailey and handed them the flowers.

"Awwweee," they all cooed when Halle went to hug him.

After everyone finished their meals, Solange changed the music to some classical jazz and let her playlists take them down a time warp. Shawn clinked his glass with his spoon and stood.

"Speech speech speech," Tim said sarcastically.

All the attention was on Jay as he prepared his thoughts.

"I would just like to say congratulations to two of the most talented girls in the game," he started.

"Period," Solange called out, earning chuckles from everyone except for her son who rolled his eyes.

"It's a privilege having you ladies here and I know y'all are gonna kill it when you hit the studio. Congrats again," Shawn lifted his glass in the air and took a seat.

"Thank you," they both smiled and raised their glasses which only contained water.

After ten o'clock the family retreated to their cars and headed home. Everyone was pretty beat from the long days they had, so it wasn't long before they all called it a night.


Chloe laid in her bed awake, her eyes glistening ready to cry as she thought about possibly being taken away after the awful home visit. She tried to keep it together until she broke down sobbing. Eventually her voice and throat became raw and her head was spinning from the tears, so she went downstairs to get a glass of water. As she passed the front door she saw headlights shining through the window and peeped to see who it was. She vaguely caught a glimpse of her sister getting into a truck just as it peeled off. Chloe grabbed her phone from her pajama pockets to look at the time. It was nearing midnight.

"Oh my God, oh my God," Chloe was starting to freak out.

Her sister had never done anything like this in her life, so she didn't know what to do. Should I wake Bey and Shawn, she thought. No it's too late she decided. Chloe sprinted to the elevator and pressed the call button repeatedly. She dialed her sister's number, listening as it rang continuously.

"Come on Halle pick up, pick up pick up!"

You have reached the voicemail box of...

"Huuuhh," Chloe stomped onto the elevator and dialed Halle's number again.

She smacked her lips once she received the same automated message. Once she reached the third floor, Chloe ran silently to her room and shut the door behind her. A small pit formed in her stomach as the realization hit her. She went to that party. Chloe clicked on Yara's contact info and pressed the call button. She paced back and forth as the phone rang and rang.

"Hello," Yara said finally.

Chloe let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you at Lovie's party," Chloe asked, throwing her pleasantries out the window.

"I'm about to head there now," Yara answered.

"Could you give me a ride," Chloe was already googling the nearest place Yara could pick her up from.

There was no way she was going to be responsible for giving out the Carters' address.

"Sure, send me the location," Yara said excitedly.


Chloe snuck past the security guard that manned the gates with ease, slipping through the side door that only opened from inside the gates. She proceeded to walk the winding road until she was in an actual neighborhood. A chill coursed through her, but she resisted the urge to turn back. The teen waited in front of some random house she found on google and looked every which way making sure no one snuck up on her. I can't  believe I'm doing this, she thought. A dark car with even darker tints approached her sluggishly. Chloe backed away and walked in the opposite direction. She glanced back toward the car as it pulled up on the side of her now.

"Get in loser we got a party to crash," Yara said jokingly.

Chloe exhaled, and scuttered toward Yara's car.

"Thank you," she sat in the passenger seat and fastened her safety belt.

Yara drove to the low tones of Sade Adu glancing over to the passenger seat every once in a while.

"Where's Beans," Chloe asked.

"He wanted to get over there early to make sure Lovie wasn't short changing him on tonight's profit. He does the most," the teen chuckled.

"Why didn't Halle come," Yara asked.

"She's already there, I think," Chloe was busy blowing up her sister's phone with messages and calls.



I was feeling kinda down, and I wanted to go out
Put on my new dress and I got fly
So I took a little trip in my rented two-door whip
Doors reach up to the sky, yeah that's the type

"Are you sure your parents said this was okay," Halle's driver looked out the window at all of the rowdy teens hanging outside of the Calabasas cabin.

He's been the Bailey's designated driver for a few weeks now and knew all too well how strict the Carter's were when it came to knowing the location of the girls, so it came as a surprise when Halle called him up earlier in the evening requesting his presence a little before midnight.

"Yeah it's fine," Halle lied and opened her own door to get out.

"Call me when you're ready to be picked up," the driver called after the girl.

He was old enough to be her grandfather, and had a terrible feeling about this. The man wasn't sure how old the girl was, but he was damn sure that these people weren't anywhere near her age group.

Halle's throat went dry as she inched closer to the noisy cabin. The air was cold, frigid, and crisp against her face, but the anticipation acted as a blanket; draping her. She looked to her right witnessing a shirtless boy empty his guts out into the bushes while his friends laugh and Hi-Fived one another.

"Brittany you're high as hell look at your face," a red haired girl pulled out her phone to show her incapacitated friend as they passed Halle going in the opposite direction.

Halle looked back to where she last saw the truck only to find the spot empty. She continued the long trek to the front door, easily spotting Lovie sending people away.

"Heyyy! I can't believe you actually made it! You just might be my prodigy after all. I'm proud," Lovie pulled the shorter girl in for a chaste hug.

The two had been texting all day about any and everything. Somewhere in the midst of their conversation, Lovie convinced Halle that she should sneak out. Claiming no harm would be done if she didn't get caught.

"She doesn't have to pay. Don't let anyone in until I get back," the giddy teen instructed the security guard.

Lovie threw her arm over Halle's shoulder and escorted her into the cabin. The smell of sweat, weed, and strong liquor hung in the air and nearly made Halle gag. Lovie searched the crowd until her eyes landed on her bestie holding a red solo cup dancing like no one was watching.

"Yasmin," she called,"Yas," she raised her voice so she'd be heard over the blasting music.

The carefree teen turned in a circle holding her cup high in the air with a blunt in between her fingers, "what is up beautiful peopleeee!"

The thirteen year old noticed Yasmin's red glossed over eyes and knew that she was blasted. She stood awkwardly, still under Lovie's wing and offered up a toothless smile.

"Keep an eye on her for me," Lovie said.

"Oh for sure," Yasmin smiled from ear to ear.

The drunken teen took hold of Halle's hand as Lovie stared at her friend with her arms folded across her chest.

"I'm serious Yas."

"Girl I gotchu damn go make your money," she laughed loudly.

Halle watched as Lovie made her way back to the entrance and turned back to Yasmin unsure of what she was supposed to be doing. The room was a little too crowded for her liking and people kept bumping into her and not apologizing.

"Here's the refreshments, the jacuzzi and pool are in the back, and if you have to use the bathroom please go upstairs cuz the other one is done for," Yas fanned her nose like she smelled something horrid.

A boy over six feet and skin that resembled the night sky placed one arm around Yasmin's waist from behind. He took the blunt from her hand and took a long drag. Halle rolled her eyes at the sight. The boy blew out the smoke making perfect o's in the air and whispered something to the wasted teen before they walked away together.

See me up in the club with fifty-eleven girls
Posted in the back, diamond fangs in my grill

Halle's chest tightened as the song switched to one very familiar to her. Instinctively, she pulled her phone from her pocket and checked her notifications. The girl's eyes almost fell from her skull. She had over thirty missed calls from her sister from the past forty five minutes. Halle took her phone off silent and pressed Chloe's contact name only to realize she didn't have any service.

"Where's your sister," Beans strolled up to Halle nonchalantly.

Honestly the girl didn't know what to say. She was caught, obviously her sister had found out that she had left the house. The real question was did Bey know?

"She didn't wanna come," Halle talked over the music.

Can they change this song, she thought. It was making her paranoid. Halle jumped back as someone passed her wearing a bear head mount from the wall.

"What the-aye aye," Beans followed the heady person into the kitchen.

Yara had been parked near the cabin for five minutes. She wanted Chloe to get her bearings before they went in. They hadn't known each other for long, but Yara could already tell that Chloe suffered from extreme anxiety. She had watched her for a full week keeping tabs on how many times Chloe second guessed herself or re-read something a million times before she decided that the words had in fact not changed. In reality, Yara was actually a fan and Chloé's off personality peaked her interest for some odd reason.

"You're acting like this is your first party," Yara fixed her mascara in the pull down mirror.

Chloe didn't say anything, her eyes focused on the plethora of people spilling in and out of the enormous cabin.

"You're kidding," Yara halted her strokes on her lashes and turned to meet Chloe's doe eyes.

Chloe picked with her fingers, remaining quiet.

"You want me to go get Halle and bring her to you?"

"No, she's not gonna listen to just anyone," Chloe replied, her tone soft, but her eyes angry.

At this moment she couldn't stand her sister. Why did she have to bring herself all the way out here? They were almost an hour away from home.

"Don't be too worried, it's just a bunch of juveniles drunk or high, probably both if I'm being honest. I'm just here as Bean's chauffeur myself so..." Yara's voice trailed off.

She realized Chloe wasn't going to say anything, so she opened her own door and got out.

"Let's do this," Yara said.

Hesitantly, Chloe reached for her door with shaky hands. Yara pressed the lock button on her car all the way until the two reached the front of the line. If she got that car stolen her parents wouldn't let her hear the end of it.

"Yara, nobody want your car," Lovie cackled.

The thorough girl pressed the lock button one more time for good measure.

"For all you thieves out here," Yara announced to the still growing line.

"Chloe, your sister is inside with Yasmin," Lovie said.

The confirmation that her sister was here made her blood boil, but at the same time a feeling of relief engulfed her. Chloe smiled and nodded trying to keep her contempt for the girl at bay. She wasn't stupid. She knew that her sister wouldn't do anything like this unless there was a heavy hand encouraging more like pressuring her to do so. Yara attempted to walk past the security only to be stopped by Lovie tapping her on the shoulder.

"Ahem," she held her hand out.

Yara slapped five, grabbed Chloe's hand and pulled her along.

"Y'all owe me fifty dollars," Lovie called after them with a slight smirk on her face.

She would never charge Yara for anything. They had a strange relationship. Sometimes they were the best of friends along with Yas and Beans and other times they were sworn enemies, but the love and admiration never left.



I stared at all the refreshments on the table trying to figure out if anything was non alcoholic. They don't label these things? The DJ scratched the record as The Migos rapped with a fast cadence.

"If they can't call you broke make some mother fucking noiiiisee," he yelled into the mic.

I watched as the crowd went wild screaming, jumping up and down and acting belligerent all around.

"Hey," some guy yelled in my ear a little too loud.

I feasted my eyes on his well-formed smile and tucked a loc behind my ear.

"You go to Lexington right," he bent down slightly to talk closely in my ear.


"I'm Jason," he handed me a cup.

"Thank you, I'm Halle," I smiled.

"Beautiful name Halle."



My name was on the list, he went to stamp my wrist
Now I'm walking past the velvet rope
Now I'm headed up the stair through the roof then I was there
I was greeted by the stares that let me go

This party's Bougie

Everyone spoke to Yara as we entered. I stretched my neck trying to see over the people that crowded that family room turned dance floor.

"Oh my God finally," Beans ran up to Yara.

"These mother fuckers are trashing my dad's cabin. I promise you this is the last time I'm throwing one of these."

Yara rolled her eyes, "if I had a dollar for every time I heard you say those words I'd be Mark Zuckerberg rich."

"Have you seen Halle," she added.

"Yeah she around here somewhere. Hey Chloe you wan-"

It was like I was floating through the crowd, my toes just barely grazing the wooden floor. I couldn't take my eyes off of the display before my eyes.


"You wanna go play pool in the game room," the boy said beaming and tapping Halle's arm.

"Um," the girl started but was interrupted by a voice from behind.

"Jason, you do know she's thirteen right," Yara folded her arms standing side by side with Chloe.

The sweets and copious amounts of food Halle consumed earlier at her celebration advanced to the top of her throat. She placed her hand over her stomach using the other hand to hold the cup she still hadn't taken a sip from. The boy didn't appear shocked at the admittance of Halle's age. After all, it wasn't like she presented herself as older.

"My offer still stands," he waited for an answer.

Chloe scoffed and practically snatched Halle's arm speed walking her over to an empty spot in the room.

"Wh-what are you doing here," Halle asked.

Chloe let out a cold hard laugh, "What am I doing here," she yelled.

"How about what are you doing here? Have you lost your mind?"

Halle opened her mouth to speak, but Chloe raised a finger to her face.

"You know what? Don't answer that, because you had to, to be sneaking off at all hours of the night like you're grown," Chloe couldn't calm herself down.

Halle's eyes pleaded her apology.

"What if something happened to you," Chloe seethed.

Yara noticed people starting to stare, "guys let's just all calm down."

"Calm down," Chloe got louder.

"What is even in this cup," she snatched it.

"I don't know," Halle admitted with regret.

"You don't know," Chloe laughed once more looking at her sister as if she was the biggest idiot she'd ever laid eyes on.

"I didn't drink any of that, I was just holding it!"

"Holding it for what? To look cute? To look cute for the older guy you were talking to? Halle you are a child! Hear me clearly when I say this. You. Are. A. Child!"

She had never spoken to her sister like this, but then again she'd never done something so extreme. Yara put her hands up in mock surrender and let the sisters have their moment. She had a younger brother Halle's age and if she spotted him at one of these parties she couldn't promise she'd be able to keep her composure.

"Are you gonna tell," tears welled in Halle's eyes.

Chloe pulled out her phone and Halle grabbed it from her hands.

"Please don't tell," Halle begged.

Just then, Lovie, Yas, and Beans strolled towards the heated sisters and Yara who stood idly by.

Chloe snatched her phone back from her sister, checking to see if she had any bars.


"Looks like someone needs a shot," Lovie held out a small shot glass for Chloe to grab.

"No thanks," Chloe looked the girl up and down with her arms folded.

The party host shrugged and knocked the shot back herself and then another right after.

"What's the problem ladies," Yasmin appeared more sober than when Halle saw her earlier.

"The problem is we're leaving," Chloe grabbed her sister's hand ready to head for the door.

"But you just got here," Beans said sadly.

"True," Yara agreed.

She didn't want to be at the party herself, but she'll be damned if she drove all the way out here not to have a good time.

"Just enjoy while you're out here," Yasmin touched Chloe's elbow.

"No harm done," Lovie smiled.

"Plus I saw you roll in here with Yara and she's my ride home and I can't leave until everyone else is gone," Beans took a sip from his cup.

Chloe looked at her sister, "where's the driver?"

"He left. He said he'll be back when I called him but I don't have any signal out here," Halle couldn't look at her sister.

The eldest Bailey closed her eyes still feeling the anger completely tearing at her inside.

"1, 2, 3....4, 5, 6,7,8," she counted through each breath trying to hold herself together.

It wouldn't be possible; she needed to get out of there.

"Look, no one is leaving, okay? The night is still young, now, everyone, let's have some fun," Lovie twirled in a circle and joined the many people dancing around.



I stirred awake around one in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling trying to figure out the issue. After ten minutes of forcing my eyes shut only for them to reopen seconds later, I got up from bed and put my robe on. Leisurely, I  padded to the elevator and went to the kitchen to make me some tea that Solange swore helped with insomnia, but every time I drank it nothing happened. I sat on the counter allowing the hot steam from my mug to caress my cheeks as I took small sips until it was all gone. Once again, I took the elevator to the third floor. I ambled passed Halle's room, and slowly took a few steps back. Something told me to check on her, so I did. I opened the door to find that her bed hadn't been slept in. Sometimes she chose to sleep on the floor in between her bed and the wall, so that's where I looked next. Empty. I left her room and checked Blue's room to make sure she wasn't in there before I made the long walk to Chloe's. Blue slept soundly but there was no sign of Halle. I released a sigh because I truly didn't feel like going down that way. Three minutes later, I was opening Chloe's door. My heart sunk. She wasn't in bed. I rushed to check her bathroom and then the closet which was a far stretch. Nothing.

"Shawn," I said once I got back to my room.

He didn't budge.

"Shawn," I called again only to be met with his loud snoring.

I hit the back of his head hard enough for him to wake but light enough that it didn't hurt too bad.

"What's going on," he asked with an attitude.

"The girls aren't in their rooms," the words spilled out of my mouth like fire.

Shawn's head was still on his pillow which was starting to piss me off, "You checked the side of Halle's bed and Chloe's bathroom?"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, "yes they ain't there."

"It's a big house they probably in another wing or something," Shawn finally sat up and reached for the tablet on the nightstand.

He went through the live camera footage, swiping from angle to angle but there was nothing. I could feel my breathing go from drumming to down right sporadic. Shawn went to the closet to put on some joggers and a t-shirt.

"Where you going," I asked.

"To check the bedrooms in the other wings, there's no cameras," he said.

I nodded and pulled my phone out, pressing Chloe's contact name.

You have reached the voicemail box of...

I got the same from Halle when I dialed. What the hell is going on! I waited on my bed feeling defeated and a thought crossed my mind to run the cameras back. I hoofed it to the elevator attacking the call button. My office computer was able to hold hours of footage. I sat at my desk rewinding the cameras until I saw Chloe leaving out of the front door alone. What is she doing? I changed the camera angle when I could no longer see her and saw her slip past the security out of the gate on foot. Anything that surrounded the house required a car, so where was she going on foot? I had no idea. I rolled the cameras back to about thirty minutes before Chloe left and saw Halle creep off the elevator and leave out the front door. She got into one of our company trucks and it peeled off. My phone began to ring and it was Shawn.

"Hello," I said.

"They not over here."

"They left," I deadpanned.


"What the fuck," Shawn wiped at his face after Bey showed him the videos.

"And they not answering their phones," he asked.

"It's going straight to voicemail," Bey was trying her damndest not to burst out in tears.

Did they run away? If so, why?

"What do we do? Call the police," she rose up from her seat.

Shawn paced the floor. He hated cops to the death of him. There was no way he was calling them.

"Nah that'll bring too much outside attention to us," he told his wife.

"So we supposed to sit back and pray they come back home in one piece," Bey found herself raising her voice.

She knows how her husband felt about the police , but this was a serious matter. They had not one but two missing kids.

"This shit crazy," he breathed loudly.

Bey sat with her thoughts for a moment, "their phones!"

"What about'em," Shawn asked.

"I started sharing their location with me after Halle wandered off the other day," Bey sat back down at her computer chair.

She pulled out her phone and was elated that neither girl turned off their location. Amateurs. The Carters stared at Bey's screen like it held the answers to all problems waiting for the location to ping  (Hopefully it did)

"Got it," Bey says.

She quickly typed the address into her computer to see a street view of it. What the hell are they doing in a cabin?

"I'll go get my keys," Shawn announced quickly before exiting.

Bey followed on his heels, "wait I'm coming too."

She headed toward the elevator to get Blue.

"Stay here with Blue, I'll go get them."

Bey huffed knowing he was right. She didn't want to wake her child in the middle of the night and drive around to some unknown cabin. Shawn left the house in a flash, and Bey closed the door behind him.


Chloe stood by the wall watching as everyone partied and became increasingly topsy turvy. Just because she had to stay there didn't mean she had to participate. She made sure her sister didn't leave her side not for a second, so the both of them held up a wall. More people sauntered through the door dancing to the music, Chloe had to admit the DJ was going crazy, but still she stood unmoved. The oldest Bailey spotted a familiar face enter through the door and turned the opposite way attempting to hide her face.

"What's wrong," Halle asked.

"Nothing," Chloe answered just as Alana and her crew stepped her way.

"I can see you. You know that right," Alana laughed with a cup in her hand.

Halle looked the girl up and down as Chloe turned to face Alana, but thought better of it and looked away.

"Can I help you," Halle sassed.

"I see you brought your mini me with you," Alana scrunched her face up at the smaller girl.

"Let's go Alana," the blonde friend from earlier today urged.

The brunette glanced at her friend and turned back to Chloe, "don't worry I just came to return the favor."

Chloe looked to Halle, confusion written all over her face.

"What fav-" Halle started but before she could get her last word out Alana tipped her cup over spilling liquor all over Chloe's shirt.

"What the hell," Halle screamed and knocked the cup from Alana's hand.

Chloe stood there in shock with her mouth open. Her entire body began to heat up and she made her hands into fists.

"Oops," the brunette smiled.

Yara ran over to the commotion, "What's going on?"

Chloe was too busy holding tears back to answer.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa looks like we have an og in the building, a living legend, Jay-z y'all jiggaaa What's his mother fucking nameeee," the DJ hollered into his mic.

Chloe and Halle nearly broke their necks whipping their head towards the door so fast. Shawn locked eyes with the girls immediately. Chloe felt like she would pee her pants anytime soon.

"Looks like daddy didn't want his girls out this late, huh," Alana laughed and walked away.

Yara dipped off and hid behind a crowd of people still going hard with the partying. Shawn knew her parents and she was supposedly enjoying a quiet night at Bean's house. Halle already had tears in her eyes as Shawn approached them with his hands in his pockets.

"Let's go," he said simply and turned on his heels heading back towards the main entrance.

The Bailey sisters exchanged looks and like a shot, they were trailing behind their foster father nearly stepping on his heels.


Thanks for reading as always.
Again what would you like to see in the upcoming chapters?
What wast your fav/least fav part?

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