Snape's Daughter • Draco Malf...

By bxdlovin

2.3M 62.8K 41K

"Anyone you excited to finally meet?" she asked. "Harry Potter obviously! Then again, my dad does talk about... More

Hogwarts Letter • Chapter 1
Reunited • Chapter 2
Welcome Welcome! • Chapter 3
Introductions One • Chapter 4
Introductions Two • Chapter 5
Slytherin • Chapter 6
Potions & Dress Robes • Chapter 7
Dances • Chapter 8
Longbottom • Chapter 9
Ball Proposals • Chapter 10
Parkinson • Chapter 11
The Yule Ball • Chapter 12
New Friends • Chapter 13
Really Dad! • Chapter 14
Detention • Chapter 15
Apologies • Chapter 16
Second Task • Chapter 17
Rescued • Chapter 18
Cedric Diggory • Chapter 19
Year 5 • Chapter 20
New Professor • Chapter 21
I must not tell lies • Chapter 22
Medevial Methods • Chapter 23
Professor Potter • Chapter 24
Betrayed • Chapter 25
Caught • Chapter 26
We're in this together • Chapter 27
Just the begining • Chapter 28
He's back • Chapter 29
Glad your safe• Chapter 30
Year Six • Chapter 31
Amortentia • Chapter 32
Hexed • Chapter 33
Secrets & whispers • Chapter 34
Chosen • Chapter 35
Sectumsepra • Chapter 36
Proof? • Chapter 37
Three Words • Chapter 38
Malfoy's Mission • Chapter 39
The Dinner {1} • Chapter 41
The Dinner {2} • Chapter 42
Silver Locket • Chapter 43
O Children • Chapter 44
Murmers • Chapter 45
Held Captive • Chapter 46
Lovegood • Chapter 47
Teasing • Chapter 48
Is it him? • Chapter 49
Girl-to-Girl • Chapter 50
Escape • Chapter 51
Battle of Hogwarts I • Chapter 52
Battle of Hogwarts II • Chapter 53
Battle of Hogwarts III • Chapter 54
Battle of Hogwarts IV • Chapter 55
Stay with me • Chapter 56
All is said, all is done • Chapter 57
• Nineteen years later •

Letters • Chapter 40

26.9K 753 99
By bxdlovin

Chapter Forty

Y/n's P.O.V

"To Emaline Daggers and Blaise Zabini". He shrugged motioning for her to open it. .

Dear Emaline and Blaise,

I hope you guys are doing well. I truly am sorry for all the events that recently took place. I just wanted to thank you both for sticking by my/our side throughout this hectic years at Hogwarts. I still remember my first train ride to the school and Emaline could not stop talking about you Blaise. All the happy memories will forever stay with me. Like the time I wore my uniform backwards and you guys didn't tell me purposely just for a laugh. Or when Blaise would always come to me for advice on what to get you for a special day. You both mean so much to me and I never want you to forget that. I will be okay, I promise. Draco and I are not evil and we never will be. Please just keep that in mind. Draco and I miss you both so so much. I don't know when we will get to see you, but I know it probably won't be for a long time. Please don't forget us. Em I love you, please take care of yourself. Blaise, if you hurt her I will still crucio your ass. I love you both and would do anything to be with you right now but I know it's for the best that we stay apart. If you decide to write back please owl it Tuesday to (random address that is not the Malfoy Manor) and only at that time and date. If you do not want to write back we completely understand.

With love, Y/n Snape (and Draco Malfoy)

The two were in tears by the end of the letter.
"Oh Y/n." Emaline ran her hands down the note. "Please stay safe you two." Blaise whispered as he hugged the crying girl tightly in his arms. 


"May we be excused?" Draco asked as we both finished dinner.

Narcissa nodded and we basically ran to his room. He locked the door, quickly grabbing his wand. "Let's hope this isn't all for nothing." he said before waving his wand and apparating us to a small shack in town.

We both hid our faces in our sweaters and sat down at a nearby table.

It was Tuesday.

This meaning that we were either going to find out if Emaline and Blaise decided to write us back. We talked for a little bit waiting patiently.

5 minutes passed by. Then 10. 20 minutes. 45 minutes. 2 hours.

"Let's go Y/n. They didn't write back. My parents will think something is up." he told me reaching out for my hand. He was trying to be bland but I could see the hurt in his eyes. I mean why wouldn't he be hurt he missed his best friend.

I nodded taking his hand as we both stood up about to walk away.

We heard flapping of wings as a letter was dropped onto the table we were sitting in not to long ago.

A smile fell onto both our faces as we ran over to the table grabbing the note and quickly opening it.

Dear Y/n and Draco,

We miss you guys too...more then you can imagine. We know you guys aren't evil don't worry. Stay safe. We can't wait to see you when everything blows over. Draco please take care of Y/n, and Y/n do the same. We love you guys tons. Don't forget us please. See you soon!
Stay safe Y/n. Don't do anything stupid please. I love you endlessly. - Emaline to Y/n
Take care of her Draco. I miss you and your dumb sarcastic comebacks more than anything right now. - Blaise to Draco

With all the love in the world, Blaise and Emaline

The two turned to each other not being able to hold their smiles back.

"I miss them." I told Draco. "I know me too." he replied before putting the letter back on the table. "You ready?" he asked me. I nodded with a sniff.

He said a spell making the letter burn into crisps and soon getting blown away with the wind.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Love you guys! Leave a comment and or vote! 🤍

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