By KatieMC94

187K 10.8K 8.4K

WINNER OF THE READER'S CHOICE AWARDS 2020♡ || Book 1 || ( WILL BE TAKEN DOWN SOON! Due to publishing. Will be... More

♠ One - Him ♠
♠Two. Deadly Smoke ♠
♠ Three. Warmth♠
♠Four. Shadows ♠
♠ Five. Date pt.1♠
♠ Six. Date pt.2♠
♠ Seven. His Arm's ♠
♠ Eight. Some Truth ♠
♠ Nine. Magical ♠
♠ Ten. Deadly shadow♠
♠ Eleven. Roses have thorns ♠
♠ Twelve. King of shadows ♠
♠ Thirteen. Amazing Feeling ♠
♠ Fourteen. Flames Of Death♠
♠ Fifteen. Delicate Rose ♠
♠ Sixteen. Death & Breakfast ♠
♠Seventeen. Sweet midday fun♠
♠ Eighteen. Festival fun ♠
♠ Nineteen. Festival Fun/Chaos ♠
♠ Twenty. Death's Revenge ♠
♠ Twenty-one. Romantic Fun ♠
♠ Twenty-two. Her Reaper ♠
♠ Twenty-three. His little rose ♠
♠ Twenty-four. Cold & Warmth ♠
♠ Twenty-five. Sweet an Fierce ♠
♠ Twenty-six. Soulmates ♠
♠ Twenty-seven. Quality time ♠
♠ Twenty-eight. Personal time ♠
♠ Twenty-nine. Sparks will fly ♠
♠ Thirty. Dark Flames ♠
♠Thirty-One. Rose queen & Uncle♠
♠ Thirty-Two. King Grim ♠
♠ Thirty-Three. First-hand View♠
♠ Thirty-Four. Truth revealed ♠
♠ Thirty-five. I Love You ♠
♠ Thirty-six. Soulmate mark ♠
♠Thirty-Eight. Lunch and Chill♠
♠ Thirty-Nine. Movie and Chill♠
♠Forty. Dark & Deadly♠
♠ Forty-one. Hidden Power ♠
♠ Forty-Two. Darkness♠
♠ Forty-Three. My Spark ♠
♠ Forty-Four.Whiskey&Death ♠
♠ Forty-Five. Love is Power♠
♠ Forty-Six. Plan&Breakfast♠
♠ Forty-Seven. Time to shine♠
♠ Forty-Eight. Deadly&Reunion♠
♠Forty-Nine. Spark of Angel-blood♠
♠ Fifty. Reaper's Family♠
♠Fifty-One. Rose's Family ♠
♠ Fifty-Two. Deadly pieces♠
♠ Fifty-Three.Angered Rose ♠
♠ Fifty-Four. Smoke From Hell♠
♠ Fifty-Five. Rose To A Flame♠
♠ Fifty-Six. Deadly Calm♠
♠ Fifty-Seven. Storm is brewing ♠
♠ Fifty-Eight. Breaking Point♠
♠ Fifty-Nine. Fiery Start ♠
♠ Sixty. Darkness.Deadly.Death♠
♠ Sixty-One. Birthday -Day-pt.1♠
♠ Sixty-Two. Birthday-Night pt2.♠
♠ Epilogue. Grim&Anya♠
♠ Bonus chapter. Surprise/Sneak-peek♠
Grim Reaper II Cover Reveal

♠Thirty- Seven. More truth♠

1.3K 143 51
By KatieMC94


Waking up in his arms was absolutely amazing but it was short-lived due to our dog's needing to go outside so I've been up for almost an hour now while he's still in the bed sleeping peacefully thank goodness for coffee because I'd seriously be a wreck without it like no joke hey don't judge everyone has that one thing coffee just so happens to be mine sue me, I take a sip of my coffee while watching the dogs run around in the yard without a care in the world well at least it's entertaining at the given moment just saying.

I glance down at the mark that he put on me it looks exactly like a tattoo not going to lie I thought it might hurt but nope if anything it was more fiery and pleasurable all at the same time it's an experience I'll never forget yet I know with him there's going to be more like that which hey I'm all for because that moment between us was pure magical in a hot away, he's good I've got to do something just to even us out to make it equal he can't always control the reins it's settled I'm kicking it up a notch maybe.

I sit my cup down on the table as I see the dogs running toward me yeah I'm not having coffee spill all over me not happening "Easy boys"saying causing them to slow down before they reach me I shake my head giggling a bit as I see they've got sticks in their mouths ready to play a game of fetch well hey at least they don't have dog drool over like the last time, I love them both but just not their drool I toss the sticks at the same time literally within a blink of an eye they're gone well at least I'll be entertained until he decides to get the hell up out of the bed yeesh.

"Who needs to get out of the bed Liebe-love?" I hear him ask from behind me I shake my head slowly while turning around to see him standing there with no shirt on revealing all of his tattoos and muscles okay I think he's trying to get me to melt right on the spot which is a bit working but I'm holding it together as I possibly can hey look it's not easy trust me, he presses his lips onto mine causing that fiery sensation to appear instantly I feel weak to my knees well hey not getting any complaints out of me I like it a lot just saying.

We slowly pull our lips away just to let that firing sensation linger on our lips "Your the best" saying as I gently place my hand on his cheek causing him to smile with that handsome smile of his "No you are" he says while leaning his head gently onto mine I can't help but to smile knowing that we truly have a bond even before he put this mark on me, he softly kisses the top of my head causing that warmth within my chest to slowly spread my body feel's tingly as if something was waking up inside of me yeah I'm aware that's strange yet that's how it feels.

"We need to get ready your uncle will be here soon for lunch" he says before quickly kissing me on my lips first off that wasn't even a kiss that was more like a peck I demand a damn real kiss which I'm going to damn well get but on the other hand he's right we've got to get ready before my uncle gets here okay yes I'll admit it's nice just having my uncle around, plus it's always fun to watch him slap Luca around just a bit as we walk back inside to get ready the dogs rush past us he slowly shakes his head at them but yet to me I find it funny yes I know bad girl.

Suddenly we hear a loud knock at the door "Anya, Grim" we hear my uncle's voice echoing through the door I look over to him with my eyes wide as ever because neither of us are ready like at all and yet here I thought we had time to get ready but nope clearly not at all "Coming sir" he yells literally causing my jaw to drop okay he's done lost his mind or something, he instantly snaps his fingers "Ready now" he says before walking to the door I turn to glance in the mirror okay I'm speechless I can't believe he used his power like that to get us ready I've got the best man ever hands down.

"You look lovely today Anya" my uncle says causing me to smile even though on the inside they startled me to death because I didn't even notice they were in front of me"Thank you both" saying before flashing them a smile my uncle raises his eyebrow a little bit confused which I don't blame him but he really doesn't know what Grim had done too save our asses, yeah I've got an idea on how to thank him later once we're alone again as my uncle goes to open his mouth to say something his phone rings causing him to step away which I don't mind it's his business not none of mine I'm not nosey maybe ha.

"Your welcome" he whispers in my ear softly while wrapping his arm around my waist I turn my head towards him without any hesitation I press my lips onto his instantly that fiery sensation to appear on our lips once again now see this is a kiss earlier what he did to me was a peck there's a big difference between the two but hey at least I got my kiss that's all that matters to me at the moment, my uncle clear his throat causing us to slowly pull our lips away from each others I feel like a little kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar yeah I don't like to piss my uncle off I leave that all to Luca I'm such a loving cousin ha.

"Luca and Scarlett will meet us there I don't need another headach" my uncle says as he shakes his head I look over to only see Grim trying his best not to say anything but I know he is thinking the same thing as me that this lunch is going to be interesting to say the least I nod my head agreeing with my uncle because Luca and Scarlett can be real pains in the ass hey I can say that because technically their family oddly enough, I feel a wave of emotions just rolling off of my uncle but I'm not the only one that noticed Grim has picked up on it to well now I'm just glad I'm not the only one who feels it.

Though my mind begins to race with questions on what possibly he's got to tell me. Could be how he turns into an actual wolf? I mean it's extremely cool but that is a lot of bone cracking to do I just got to say. How he knew that my boyfriend is Supernatural? I mean yes he's a werewolf but I didn't think they could sniff out different supernatural creatures. Maybe it has something to do with my parents? I always wanted to ask about them but that's a touchy subject. Okay I've got to chill out he'll open his mouth believe me my uncle is well-known for speaking his damn mind and that's who I get it from.

"Anya.. you know I'm a rare werewolf I've been putting something off to tell you, you have some medium ability it comes from your mother's side. That drunk that killed your parents is dead the pack killed him for what he did. I'm sorry for not telling you, please forgive me" my uncle says as his voice cracks I don't think twice I just wrap my arms around him as tears blurs my vision a bit I've always wanted to know if they ever put him in jail but now the truth is out, I feel like I've gotten the closure that I've been needing for awhile now and me having some medium abilities because of my mother's side yeah I'm trying to process all of that shocked is an understatement just saying.

"I promise you sir I'll keep her safe no matter what" he says which causes my heart to flutter because he's promised me the same exact thing and he's been keeping his promise to keep me safe it proves he's a man of his word that's a big deal "Thank you" my uncle says as we pull away from our hug but I can't help but smile watching them as they shake hands, which to me shows that they respect one another even though they're completely opposite from each other literally hey it's okay we're all a bit different and that's what makes us very unique ha.

My uncle's phone begins ringing again "Excuse me" my uncle says shaking his head while pulling out his phone from his pocket as he walks out of the room leaving us alone again even if it's for a short amount of time he doesn't waste anytime to scoop me up into his arms before kissing my cheek causing me to giggle Grim Reaper or not he's perfect in my eyes yes I said it because it's the truth,"Luca shut it!" we hear my uncle yell at the moment I'm trying my very best not to laugh because Luca has to push my uncle's buttons it seems I'm not the only one trying their best not to laugh well yes I'm aware that we're being bad oops sorry ha.

"Let's get ready to leave the sooner we get there the quicker I hit Luca across his fucking head, get the dogs and let's roll he's done pissed me off. I'm hungry and Anya I can tell that you're hungry as well" my uncle says while walking back into the room I quickly grab my bag off of the coffee table as he starts putting the leashes on the dogs all the sudden I feel a wave of anger flowing off of my uncle yikes I'd really hate to be Luca at the moment because damn he's beyond pissed, as we get ready to open the door to leave I get a brilliant idea but I would need my man whom I love to agree to it although I've got a strong feeling he will.

"Uncle I know you lock your doors to your car all the time,and since we're in a hurry to get there plus it would scare Luca a bit if we do. How about we take the shadows?" asking as I watch them both exchanged a look until they look back at me "Alright" both of them say at the same time while their eyes start glowing a remarkable sight to see well at least to me if others saw this they'd freak the hell out screaming he gently takes my hand into his as I grab ahold of my uncles before we start walking into the shadows, it's so wild walking through here because we can see the outside but they can't see us which it might not be a bad thing hey I'm glad nobody can see us just saying.

As we walk through the shadows a bit further I slowly look between him and my uncle both of them have some sort of energy flowing off of them it's quite extraordinary yet a bit overwhelming then again I'm directly in between my soulmate who's the Grim Reaper and my uncle who's a rare werewolf yeah possibly my medium abilities are now kicking in a bit so I've got a feel just of their strengths, well I'll say this I'd feel sorry for the person who has to go up against them but at the end of the day I've got the best in the entire world to have them apart of my life yeah even my pain in the ass cousin Luca who I can't wait to see his face once we step out of the shadows once we get there until then I'm going to enjoy this.

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