Snape's Daughter • Draco Malf...

By bxdlovin

2.3M 62.8K 41K

"Anyone you excited to finally meet?" she asked. "Harry Potter obviously! Then again, my dad does talk about... More

Hogwarts Letter • Chapter 1
Reunited • Chapter 2
Welcome Welcome! • Chapter 3
Introductions One • Chapter 4
Introductions Two • Chapter 5
Slytherin • Chapter 6
Potions & Dress Robes • Chapter 7
Dances • Chapter 8
Longbottom • Chapter 9
Ball Proposals • Chapter 10
Parkinson • Chapter 11
The Yule Ball • Chapter 12
New Friends • Chapter 13
Really Dad! • Chapter 14
Detention • Chapter 15
Apologies • Chapter 16
Second Task • Chapter 17
Rescued • Chapter 18
Cedric Diggory • Chapter 19
Year 5 • Chapter 20
New Professor • Chapter 21
I must not tell lies • Chapter 22
Medevial Methods • Chapter 23
Professor Potter • Chapter 24
Betrayed • Chapter 25
Caught • Chapter 26
We're in this together • Chapter 27
Just the begining • Chapter 28
He's back • Chapter 29
Glad your safe• Chapter 30
Year Six • Chapter 31
Amortentia • Chapter 32
Hexed • Chapter 33
Secrets & whispers • Chapter 34
Chosen • Chapter 35
Sectumsepra • Chapter 36
Proof? • Chapter 37
Malfoy's Mission • Chapter 39
Letters • Chapter 40
The Dinner {1} • Chapter 41
The Dinner {2} • Chapter 42
Silver Locket • Chapter 43
O Children • Chapter 44
Murmers • Chapter 45
Held Captive • Chapter 46
Lovegood • Chapter 47
Teasing • Chapter 48
Is it him? • Chapter 49
Girl-to-Girl • Chapter 50
Escape • Chapter 51
Battle of Hogwarts I • Chapter 52
Battle of Hogwarts II • Chapter 53
Battle of Hogwarts III • Chapter 54
Battle of Hogwarts IV • Chapter 55
Stay with me • Chapter 56
All is said, all is done • Chapter 57
• Nineteen years later •

Three Words • Chapter 38

29.5K 768 397
By bxdlovin

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Y/n's P.O.V

"You're insane." I yelled, running a hand through my hair. I felt my body shake at the words Draco just told me.

"Trust me I don't want this either." he sighed. "How are you so calm right now?" I asked him pacing in the common room.

"I'm not. I'm just trying not to be suspicious un-like some people." he hissed.

"Oh you're one to talk." I rolled my eyes.

He looked at his watch. "Y/'s time." Draco gulped. "No it can't be." I looked at him, fear in my eyes.

"I gotta go." he stood up quickly. "Okay okay...I'll go with you." I told him. "No you can't! Hide somewhere, be safe." he argued.

"Draco.." I started softly.

"Y/n please. I have to do this alone." he walked over to me, taking my face in his hands. "Promise me you won't get hurt." I whispered. "Only if you do the same." he gave me a weak smile. "I promise." we both said simultaneously.

He leaned in connecting my lips with his.

That kiss seemed different than the ones, we've had before and I couldn't figure out why.

"I love you Y/n." My eyes widened but soon looked at him with awe. "And I love you Draco." I smiled, trying not to cry. One hell of a moment to confess our feelings to each other.

He gave me one last peck before running off.

I ran to find my dad. Where he is ugh? I searched everywhere. It wasn't long before I heard a familiar laugh. I ran inside a closet hiding.

"Do you think the boy will actually finish the job?" A man's voice said loudly as I pressed my ear to the door. "Let's hope so." Bellatrix answered before laughing as they walked along.

I slowly crept out of the closet following behind them.

I need to help Draco. He can't do this alone. I won't let him.

I saw that they were headed towards the astronomy tower so I headed the other way.

After a few minutes I grabbed my wand, apparting myself to the steps of the astronomy tower. I turned to see Harry making me jump back. I glared at him before looking up to see Draco pointing a wand at Dumbledore.

I shut my eyes tightly.

I turned back to Harry and he gave me an "I told you so" look. I rolled my eyes.

He put his finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet. "These actions are so weak that your heart can't be in them." Dumbledore told Draco softly. "He trusts me. I was chosen." Draco yelled back, lifting his sleeve. And there lied the dark mark.

I gasped quietly putting my hand to my mouth.

I knew he was chosen to do this but...I never knew he had the dark mark.

He never told me. This is not going to end well, I can feel it. A door opened behind us making Harry and I turn around toward the sound.

"I don't want your help. Don't you understand? I have to do this! I have to kill you. Or he's gonna kill me." Draco's voice cracked. I felt my heart break. I couldn't take this anymore. I shook my head and started to run up to go with him.

I felt my wrist being pulled back and I hit someone's chest.

I looked up to see my dad. "Don't make a sound." he whispered in my ear.

He did a gesture to Harry. The death eaters then appeared at the top of the tower. "Do it." they told the blonde haired boy. He was scared.

"Let me help him." I whispered on the verge of breaking. "Don't you dare Y/n." my dad hissed, holding me tightly.

"Stay here." my dad added letting me go and walking up the stairs.

Harry looked to me confused, but I shrugged. "Do it Draco, now!" Bellatrix yelled. "No." my dad answered meeting the group at the top.

"Severus...please." Dumbledore begged.

"No no no." I started running up the stairs. "Y/n." Harry warned but I didn't listen.

Right as I got to the top I heard my dad call out, "Avada Kedavra."

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