your name on my wrist || drar...

By lupinsfight

14K 638 922

one of those predetermined soulmates au, except I found out we're supposed to be soulmates and no??????? how... More

1 || ouch my wrist hurts must be my soulmate
3 || father stop with the marriage plans we're both gay
4 || it's almost as if the world is against me
5 || breaking news, Veritaserum is my worst enemy
6 || hey conversations, stop being awkward
7 || it could theoretically be going well
8 || i swear it's not a date
9 || confrontation tingz
10 || I had hoped she wasn't paying attention
11 || ginny weasley
12 || predicaments

2 || why does everyone want to know who my soulmate is

1.7K 79 77
By lupinsfight

// Fred is not dead in this fic (and neither is Hedwig. Or Remus. Or Sirius. Idk if they'll end up in the story but juST FOR THE RECORD THEY ARE A L I V E :D also, idk how to write Fred so tell me if I'm doing it wrong haha //

Harry's POV - August 1, 1998

Harry tried to pretend he had fallen back asleep since early that morning, when really he had been silently panicking for the past three hours. He managed to convince the rest of the Weasley household (plus Hermione) that he was in fact still asleep until Fred casually walked into the room and jabbed him hard on the shoulder.

"Shit, ow," Harry said.

"So you are awake! Fantastic, everyone wants to know who your soulmate is," Fred said mischievously. But to be fair, everything he did was done mischievously.

"Herm told us you got one but wouldn't tell us who it is. She really can't bait us like that, it's quite unfair. I should give her some of that face cream we developed that magically turns your face into your least favorite color, but only temporarily, don't worry... Too bad it's still in development... Anyway, Harry, we're all waiting and the bacon's gonna be gone by the time you get downstairs, so hurry!! Toodle-oo!!" And he promptly left.

Harry silently cursed Hermione for telling people he had a soulmate. He imagined she thought it didn't matter since no one knew who this particular soulmate was but in reality, everyone would hate him for lying if they ever found out who his soulmate really was.

But it was okay, because Harry had decided that he was going to ignore his true soulmate and pretend he didn't exist until he got happily married to some nice witch who also didn't have or want her soulmate and he could forget about the whole thing.

He could say his soulmate... Died... And he didn't get a new one. Or something.

Harry decided he'd cross that bridge when he came to it.

He reluctantly slid out of bed, pulled on the slightly wrinkled shirt and jeans he had worn yesterday, and proceeded to walk down the stairs to the kitchen. Very slowly.

As he approached the kitchen table, full of his family - who apparently all deemed it necessary to have five million conversations going on at once - and he strategically yawned. He decided to play the too-tired-to-talk card.

All conversation ceased as he pulled his chair out and sat down. He awkwardly said, "Mmm. This smells great," and started piling eggs onto his plate.

Mrs. Weasley's face broke into a wide grin. "Harry, dear, you got your soulmate!! Tell us all about them. What's their name, do you know them, do you want to find them? How are you feeling? Oh, and thank you, dear. I made this breakfast just for you!"

Harry shoveled some breakfast potatoes into his mouth and hmmed in response. The tired card hadn't worked. He took his time swallowing and sipped some orange juice.

"Yeah, I got my soulmate," he said.

Silence. He smiled awkwardly.

"And who is it, dear?"

"Oh. It's, er, someone named Linda Lichen. I don't know her."

"Well, that's wonderful, Harry! I'm sure that we'll love her when you end up finding her!"

He noticed that Ginny did not look all that happy with that thought.

"Er- yeah," Harry said. He quickly took another bite.

He suddenly was very grateful to Hermione, even if he had been annoyed with her before. She looked at him curiously, and then immediately launched into an explanation of a theory she was reading about in her extra studies. Harry exhaled in relief. The rest of the family politely listened to Herm, and by the end of dinner, they had forgotten about him and the supposed "Linda Lichen."

George's purple face had also become decidedly lighter.

But the quiet didn't last long. Ginny pulled Harry aside after everyone had dispersed to do their own thing.

"Harry. So, I know you just got your soulmate. And... I know you don't know who she is. But I'm just going to be blunt here. I still like you, so would you like to date me again? At least until you find her?"

Harry, at first, was speechless. He had no idea what to say, but Ginny's pretty, freckled face beckoned to him and was awaiting an answer. Of course, it was the face of a sister, not a love interest...

Then he realized. Ginny could be the one to distract everyone from his "soulmate". They would figure that he wouldn't want to find "Linda Lichen" and leave him alone, and in the meantime, he could figure out what to do about Draco Malfoy being his real soulmate.

So, he said, "Oh! Er- yes. I'd love to actually."

"Great! Thanks, Harry. Really." Ginny smiled and kissed him on the cheek, then sauntered outside to beat her brothers at quidditch yet again.

He stared after her for awhile, even after the door had stopped swinging behind her. He wondered if he was doing the right thing.

After all, Ginny could kick his ass if she wanted. He just would make sure she never had a reason to.

// Oooh look I updated hehe also I actually have a plan for this story now so hopefullyyyy there will be more regular + frequent updates (I said that as if I'm not the one writing those updates XD)... We'll see!! Also, there will be Draco next chapter but then it would end up being disproportionately long oof...

As always, if you enjoyed this then please vote, I really appreciate it and it helps me know if you're liking it!! And I read all your comments whether I respond or not :) ily!! xx james //

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