
By AspiringAlina

18.2K 899 67

Helena Walker can't believe Prince, Flynn Evans, asked her to be his fake girlfriend. After being hounded by... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 6

691 31 0
By AspiringAlina

     Marisa and I were placing freshly roasted chicken onto the plates of the princesses in the dining room. Flynn and his parents were seated along with the princesses at the long rectangular dining table, and I fought off the urge to look at Flynn. Whenever I was around Flynn, my stomach would twist. My heart would pound and I hated that feeling. I hated how Flynn had my system falling apart by simply looking at him.

     Straightening myself up, I walked to where Marisa stood off to the side. Her eyes were scanning the crowd, a grim line on her face. I exhaled, feeling exhausted from serving the ten princesses in the room.

     "Do you know all their names?" Marisa asked. "There's so many of them. Are we expected to know all of them?"

     "Um," I said. "I know a few of them." I pointed to Natasha. "That's Natasha. The princess from the South is Amara, the princess with curly hair is Ciara, and the princess from the East is Sakura and..."

     I drifted off. There were so many different princesses. From all over the world, it was hard to keep up with them.

     "I remember princess Saoirse from before," Marisa said. "Guess we know half of them."

     "Guess so," I said.

     I let out a sigh as my eyes went to the table. Everyone was digging into their meal and unable to help it, my eyes went to Flynn. He was eating. But it was clear he was bored as he twirled around a fork in one hand, and his eyes remained on a portrait of his grandpa nearby.

      "Who do you think he'll pick?" Marisa asked. "I think Princess Amara is the prettiest. Those big, dark eyes of hers are to die for and Flynn comes off as shallow, so I wouldn't be surprised if he picked her."

     I grew quiet at her words. My stomach twisted and I lowered my eyes, feeling uneasy.

     "Maybe," I said. "I don't know. I don't really know what Flynn's type is."

    "I'll tell you what it is," Marisa said. "Any beautiful girl who'll do whatever he says. He wants a trophy wife. I can tell."

     My mouth remained shut. Marisa didn't like Flynn and I understood why. All Marisa ever saw of him was his tantrums and rude attitude, but I knew Flynn before his change. And the old Flynn was someone you couldn't help but love.

     "How long do you think he has?" I asked. "Until he has to pick one?"

     "I'll give it three months max," Marisa said. "His parents are desperate to get him married before he's twenty-one."

     My eyes went to Flynn then. Gulping, I imagined him married. I thought about him with a princess, maybe Amara, and they would be happy and so in love. And staring at Flynn and remembering the boy I danced with, of how he was the only man I ever loved, I gulped. Despite everything that happened, I couldn't get over Flynn.

     And as if sensing me, Flynn's eyes flew to me. I froze as our eyes locked and for a moment, Flynn stared at me. His eyes were warm, full of emotions and he opened his mouth to say something, but he froze when Natasha shoved his shoulder playfully.

     "What are you looking at, Flynn?" Natasha asked, snickering. "What's so mesmerizing?"

     Flynn shut his mouth and looked to Natasha. His face was expressionless and I took a deep breath in.

     "Nothing," Flynn said. "Nothing important."

     "You were looking at Helena," Marisa muttered next to me. "I swear this guy has issues. Didn't he cut you off? Why is he ogling you?"

     I blushed and looked to Marisa. She was grumbling next to me, insulting Flynn and his player ways.

     "He wasn't ogling me," I said. "Flynn is surrounded by strangers and I'm the only familiar face. He's just looking for some reassurance."

     Marisa rolled her eyes. "You're way too nice to Flynn. He doesn't deserve you."

     My cheeked reddened and I grew quiet. Despite what Marisa kept insisting, I couldn't walk away. I couldn't stop caring for Flynn and I hated myself for it. It made me feel weak.

     "You know, Flynn and I are talking again," I said. "It's strange... We spent a year barely acknowledging each other. And now Flynn keeps calling me over to confide in me. It makes me feel like we're friends again. He even told me he misses me."

     "Really?" Marisa said. "Why all of the sudden?"

     "I have no idea."

     I glanced at Flynn who was listening to Saoirse tell him a story. He looked bored, his eyes falling shut, as if he was on the verge of knocking out and I exhaled. Flynn was something special.

     "Are you happy that you guys are talking again?" Marisa asked.

     Caught off guard, I flushed. It was a strange question. One I didn't think about. But yet, I knew the answer immediately.

     "I am," I said. "I know I shouldn't be happy, but I am."

     Marisa's eyes softened and I looked away. Lowering my gaze, I thought about how cruel love was. It left you trapped, caged as you made your happiness dependent on someone else. Love wasn't what I needed. But yet, it was what I craved.

     "I'm really sorry, but I have to be honest with all of you," Flynn said.

     His voice was rising and I lifted my head. Flynn was standing now, his eyes wandering around the table, looking at each of the princesses. They all stared up at him in awe and the King and Queen exchanged a worried look.

     "I'm not looking to get married," Flynn said. "You all are wasting your time by coming here."

     "But why!" Sakura exclaimed.

     "I'm only twenty. I'm too young to be getting married. I'm sorry, but I wont be picking any of you. Despite what my parents want."

     "Don't be foolish Flynn!" King Orion exclaimed.

     Flynn looked to his father and his eyes narrowed. He stood straight, proud and I gulped. Flynn was always honest with his feelings. But with the way his parents glared at him, I worried for his safety.

     "I can't force myself to love someone!" Flynn said. His eyes looked to the princesses again. "None of you are my type! I'll be miserable settling with any of you."

     The princesses gasped and the Queen put her head in her hands, looking like she was done with Flynn. King Orion sprung up, looking ready to murder Flynn and my eyes widened.

     "You didn't even give us a chance!" Saoirse exclaimed. "How could you say we're not your type?"

     "Because I know," Flynn said. "Because..."

     Flynn's eyes went to me. I froze when our eyes met and I stared back, locked in his gaze. Marisa stiffened next to me and for a moment, we did nothing but stare at each other.

     "Are you already in love?" Amara asked.

     "What?" Flynn said, yanking his eyes away. "No. Who could I possibly be in love with?"

     "Then why were you staring at the servant?" Natasha asked.

     Her eyes shot to me and she gave me a look that made me shudder. My eyes went to Flynn who was blushing now. There was a pained look in his eyes momentarily before he concealed it.

     "It was an accident," Flynn said. "I like being free. Love is a trap and I can't ruin my life by falling in love. There's no one I love. And no one I'll ever fall in love with."

     Natasha smirked and she leaned forward to get a better look at Flynn. I watched Flynn, feeling my heart break. Despite knowing Flynn could never love me, hearing how much he hated the concept of love made me sick. It was silly of me to be upset, but I was.

     "You can do better," Marisa whispered. "Forget about Flynn. Don't get yourself tangled up with a guy like him."

     I didn't reply. Lowering my eyes, I thought about how Marisa was right. I shouldn't be invested in Flynn, especially after everything, but yet, it was easier said than done. Flynn had a special hold on me. He had me trapped, loving him despite everything, and he was right, I realized. Love was a trap. And once you were trapped, it was a mission to be set free.

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