you should've just left me th...

By arandomfangirl4456

16.3K 511 617

kokichi gets lost in a unfamiliar part of town and breaks his leg, feeling helpless he starts crying but a ce... More

#1 lost and found
#2 a new place to call home
#3 an adorable friendship
#4 squish squish!
#6 finally going to the hospital
#7 and thats the truth
#8 so...about the diary...
#9 you love me?
#10 saihara chan

#5 reading kiibo's diary

1.4K 50 47
By arandomfangirl4456

I sighed with boredom as I sat on the couch. Kiibo left a few minutes ago to see someone named miu, apparently he needs a quick update and even though she didn't particularly like him she did it, so I'm here with nothing to do....."I'm borrrred" I whined as if someone would hear me and magically cure my boredom.....but then I remembered that I can still move I just can't walk..... I looked around and saw a chair that had wheels on it "perfect" I mumbled before rolling off the couch and crawling over to the chair, crawling onto it with as little use of my broken leg as possible "alright now we're getting somewhere! Onwards to victory!" I yelled as I used my non broken leg to push myself towards the hallway. "Hm... Where should I go first" I was presented with three doors in front of me, two on the left side of the hallway and one on the right....i decided to go to the third door first.

Attached to the door was a sign that read "no longer in use" Why would there be a sign here in the first place? To remind kiibo that there is no use to this room? I tried to open the door but it was jammed so I decided to move onto the second door which was kiibo's room....huh....i thought it would be more sci-fi then this....this actually looks like a normal bedroom. I saw a notebook or something on the desk that kiibo was writing in so I did the only logical thing and read the notebook starting from page one

"Hello diary, my name is that how you start a diary? I'm not particularly sure but I am a learning A. I. That was built with no feelings.....this actually did not start as a diary and it was originally a math notebook but I've decided to use it as a diary for now if that's alright"

What a lousy first diary page

"Hello diary, ive met someone new today her name is miu iruma.....i don't think she likes me very much....i asked her if she wanted to be friends with me and she said " I'm not interested in being friends with a machine" made me feel.....something"

"Hello diary, I've decided that maybe if I change my appearance to be less robotic she will like me....i tried it and she said "Wow nice disguise I almost fell for it".....i still do not know if it was a compliment or not"

"Hello diary, I'm sorry I haven't been writing for a while but something bad creator has went on a business trip and has not come back.....i do not think that he will return ever.....a strange liquid has began pouring out of my eyes whenever I think of him...i believe this is....crying? I was not made to feel but lately I cannot control it.....i was not built with emotions so why am I feeling this way? I do not understand"

"It is okay......i am going to be is going to be okay"

His hand writing was extremely shakey while writing that felt as if he was desperately trying to convince himself that everything was going to be okay.....i feel kind of bad for reading this now interested now

"Hello diary, I have been feeling lonely lately ever since my creator left never to return.....i never noticed the fact that I have no friends until he left......the only person I can consider a friend is miu and she hates me.....i no longer enjoy having feelings"

"Hello diary, I know it has been a full year since I wrote in this I heard some strange noises coming from the alleyway close to my house and when I went to investigate I saw a crying boy who I later learned was named kokichi ouma. He is very fun to be around and he agreed to be my friend. I am extremely happy. now that I finally have a friend......maybe I won't be so lonely anymore"

"Hello diary, today I woke up before ouma did and he looked rather adorable.....i wanted to hug him but I settled on touching his cheeks instead, he was surprisingly squishy but then I woke him up.....however he wasn't angry at me he just poked me a bit.....if this is what friendship is strange but I enjoy it"

I was going to read more but I heard the front door opening and so I tried to leave the room as fast as I could.....but it was too fast and the back of the chair hit the other wall of the hallway and then the chair fell over. I took in an annoyed breath before unenthusiastically saying "help I've fallen and I can't get up"

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