What I fight for

Door xenophon40k

45 0 0

My Warhammer 40k novel without invincible space marines and allmighty psykers. There is a space marine, prett... Meer

I Halt!
II Test
III Return to war
IV Recuperator
V The blade
VI Black day
VIII Friends and foes
IX The past
X Theurgus
XI Parley
XII They are coming
XII The Emperor's Knives

VII Miracles

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Door xenophon40k

It has been three or four days - Titus didn't know for sure, since the healing after the battle against the xenos affected his sleeping routine, which wasn't improved by being a punchbag of the possessed, and he had no clock. To ask the machine that brought him ration was both degrading and useless - it was the simplest serf. The robed servitor was absent. Titus understood that another period of waiting begun and could last for long. That servitor patched him up well and his body's function didn't fail this time either. News tiny scars would mix up with others, which origin the Astartes could tell not every time. Malleus. That did sound impressive, and he thought he understood the meaning. Sebastian was one of those who chase spirits out of this reality. If that was true, the inquisitor better to find him a more appropriate weapon, otherwise he would not be that useful after all. However fast and strong you were, some enemies just demanded specific weapons. But he be damned, if Tapio didn't used an ordinary las-pistol. The Astartes didn't have enough information and couldn't get more without attracting the lethal wrath of his capturer. So, Titus cut off all unpractical thoughts and guesses and kept himself busy with physical exercises for the next fight.

The gates opened and familiar servo-skull flew in.
- Come out to the deck, the crew is being assembled, - the techno-priest's order filled the compartment, - the master will speak to you in four point seventy six Terran minutes.
- Titus! - the Jacob screamed to him as soon as he stepped out of his mooring box, following the flying skull, - looking sharp, - the man added after couple silent moments, - and talkative as always!
- Jacob, - he looked at the smiling acolyte: the lack of the power armour only emphasize his massive body structure; all his jewels and finery were at the place, may be the different color or detail here and there, but the same fashion; one pistol of his was at the belt along with a broad sword, which appeared to be a plain steel, no power field generator was to be seen; left knee turned into a sophisticated artificial leg resembling a prefect muscular human limb made of bronze.
- You can skip Obrecht part, but only until I return you a favor, - Jacob acted confident, almost impudent, - in the hospital, held by idleness, I remembered whom you did remind me, Titus. Once I saw a space marine, what a splendid image. His best warriors, there, at the council, my father was part of. The Astartes looked bigger of course, but we all look less without appropriate outfit.
- ... - Titus gave the man a heavy glance demonstrating how insignificant his chat was for him.
- You are not the man I would like to defend the sieged citadel with. You are big fellow, and comparing to a space marine could flatter you, - the Astartes saw that behind the bold face this human was stressed and uncertain, feeling a failure probably. - I was a big boy, and my sister teased me, calling a space marine candidate, - Jacob added with a sigh and brushed his mustache habitually. Titus saw him in battle, maybe he had a slight chance to become the Astartes material. But he silently noted, that in his current state the man would die in the next battle. The techno-priest joined them. The thumping of his stuff was the only sound.
- Finally, a normal person! - Jacob cheerfully greeted Tapio, who quietly descended the ladder.
- Praise the Emperor, you came back, - calmly said the sniper, then he nodded to Titus, who moved his head in response.
- He has protected me this time, - the dressed-up man kissed one of the trinkets on his chain, - the mentor said you banished the warp spirit. Well done, Tapio! I wish I've been there with you. Next time I will cover your back.
- I am thankful for this, - hunchback bowed seriously. Titus turned his head to the quiet steps of bare feet.
- You are here?! - Jacob murmured amused, - how did you leave the hospital? The mentor, - he answered himself.
- The master granted me a chance to serve Him, - Luisa looked bad. Titus didn't care for the appearance, he estimated her physical condition even though she was clad in grey robe, covering her body.
- Let me see, - Jacob stepped to her and opened the cloak - naked rigid flesh was sore and red around bare metal. It must have been a painful experience to be up in such state, let alone to fight.
- I see crude and ugly mechanisms, - creaked the servo-skull, the priest himself didn't even turn.
- I don't deserve better ones, - humbly answered the woman. Her artificial limbs were as simple as possible. It was crutches, not replacements. Titus didn't see her old skin, but the new synthetic one was grey and misplaced. He didn't feel oblige to tell something to the woman. The red lens of her new eye hasn't risen to him asking for no words either.
- If the master said you are up to the battle, then you are, Luisa, welcome back, - Tapio closed the robe back.
- For the Emperor's sake, shorten this cloak, you will stumble over your own cloth with that thing for your leg! - Jacob yelled with fervor and pulled his hand into a small bag at his belt, - here, it's for you. I don't like how you use them, but at least I will hear you and try to save what is left out of you.
- Thank you, master Obrecht, - Luisa clenched a small golden bell in her hands and started to pray. Familiar lonely ring was overwhelmed with stronger one. Alert siren came alive throughout all deck.
- Ataraxis is greeting her master, - declared the Martian. The gates to the one mooring box opened and the couple of psykers entered the deck. Everybody bowed to the inquisitor, Titus did too, he was a legionary, a proud warrior, not some hot-blooded punk from under-hive trying to look tough. He was.
- Let the Emperor be with you, - Sebastian greeted them, Pison bowed slightly behind his back. Both looked tired and exhausted. The robed servitor came out the mooring box. - I will be short. We might have found a trace of the enemy, - Jacob hit his palm with a fist, - Pison, explain.
- Abderra Prime has been living in peace and has surveillance data for over two hundred years. We have checked the populace for any unusual activity of its citizens, - the acolyte said swiftly, - frequent movement besides the living or working areas, contacts with strangers, this kind of behavior. The search brought several groups of people looking suspicion. The chosen enforcers checked them.
- There are few gatherings of suspects, - Sebastian spoke again, - may be some illegal activity is taking place, but there is a chance that cursed witchcraft is taking place in that city, - now Luisa couldn't listen patiently, - so we shall smith them with one hit. Tonight, you will strike those nests of vice simultaneously. Enforcers and other allies will help. I will speak with each of you later. Prepare yourselves for His will must be done.
- For the Emperor! - humans made the Aquilla gesture. Titus struck his chest with the fist. This battle cry he could share.

He sat alone in a corner till the public place got empty.
- The place is closing, citizen, - declared servitor, half waiter-half bouncer. It was made out of a heavy man, probably one of the former visitors.
- I'm closing, buddy, - the stout barman stood behind the bar definitely gripping some gun. Abderra Prime was a peaceful and prosperous city, but a joint for the guardsmen needed extra precautions.
- Sorry, I am leaving, - Tapio stood up and slowly took his long case, - thanks for the beer, veteran.
- You chose my best, - the man nodded his head looking after him going out. The joint served one and only sort of drink. Former guardsmen went there not for delights, but for the company of those who shared the same horror of wars mankind lead. Or for quiet solitude the joint could provide. So Tapio spent several hours without any attention to his lonely figure. The mark on his hand was still active and has been successfully checked by the arbiters several times. It was dark and empty outside. The dim lamps gave him enough light. His destination was in two hours walk. Rare vehicles raced him by, no pedestrians.
- Identify yourself, citizen, - a white spot lighted his hand, a servo-skull scanned his code and flew away, - the time is late, go home, citizen.
He was home. For the last decade he had no other but the front of the hidden war he joined. It was unexpected call from the PDF to the Holy Inquisition. Though not so sudden as the death of his family. Tapio checked the data-device on his wrist - he needed to speed up, so he cut the road coming into narrow alleys. After couple blocks, he knew, the he had someone behind. Was it some peaceful citizen coming home late and keeping his distance fearing Tapio? Or was it the second option?
- A nice glowing thing you have there, old man, - the second then. A figure came out of shadow, thinking he was a big surprise. A slender man with a knife or a sharpened piece of metal. Not even a fire arm. The second robber joined his companion. He was a bigger man with artificial legs. The quality of the protheses was closer to ones Luisa had, rather than Jacob's. He held a crude club.
- His eyes are also good, too much expensive for that wanderer, - a woman's voice emerged behind. It was full of pride, like she was a hunter who ambushed an animal.
- Tell me, buddy, do you see color with those things? - both men approached, - give it away along with all other stuff and they make you a new pair. It's better than see some red for goodbye.
- Sure, - Tapio put his case to the ground and tossed it back darting forward. Those three were fools, any guardsman worth his rank, however drunk, would deal with these scums with bare hands. He caught the armed hand of the talkative robber and shut his mouth with an uppercut. Tapio twisted the hand bending the man down and pushed his to the iron legged enemy, who couldn't hit him properly because of his comrade in the way. He turned to the woman, who froze half knelt before his case. She was surprised to face resistance; they didn't do it for the first time. Tapio didn't talk to her about her wrong doings, he just broke her neck spinning the head.
- No! - the heavy man tossed away his accomplice still dizzy after the head punch and leapt on him. Tapio stepped back with every ferocious swing of the club. Being angry is the same as being defenseless. As soon as the man swung too wide, Tapio kicked him below the knee. The iron leg was rigid, but he needn't to break it, just to push. The robber lost his balance roundly, and Tapio gave him a solid uppercut too. And pushed both his thumbs into the open neck, crushing the Adam's apple. The man dropped the club and swung his hands frantically choking. Tapio picked up the club and broke the skull of the attacker.
- No, please! - the last enemy knelt before him pleading for mercy, - it was all their idea, I swear.
The sniper killed him in one blow. It was his choice to join. Tapio stretched his back, the hump didn't make his life easier as it was without hand to hand brawl. He took the case and went on. He had no sorry for those three. They were parasites inside the body of the Imperium. Filthy xenos in human shape, nothing more. He wouldn't even mention this short encounter to the inquisitor. His master didn't meddle with such trifles. He made it clear during the first operation Tapio took part in under his command.

The only stop before he came to the position was another check by a servo-skull. Tapio was on the roof of a living building, not the highest in the block, but with excellent view to his target. He easily broke in and chose a comfort place. The roof was filled with cables, antennas and ventilation engines. He opened his case.
- Tapio is on position, - reported the man and prepared to wait: the vox connection to the orbit was a hard thing itself plus he used a highly crypted channel. The inquisitor was at Ataraxis, gathering the data from all squads deployed around the city.
- Proceed, Tapio, - a servo-skull activated and flew out the case. It haв one lens and was spiked with antennas of all kinds. The techno-priest was his companion to this task. The man pulled out a chip from the augmented bone and plug it in his optic. One eye got blind and then the world split in two separated pictures mixing together in a strange fusion in the center.
- I have a view. Testing sound, do you read?
- The connection is clear and stable. Moving the servitor to the position, - the answer came much quicker, now he had a straight connection to the techno-priest, who already made the skull fly away. Tapio got to prepare his weapon, taking the time to adjust to the double image in his brain. He worked liked this couple times, but it was still hard. The main problem was that he could "close" his eye, while the servitor's view was always there, as well as the sounds it was catching. He plugged in the riffle and laid down eyeing his target. As the master said it was a ruin of a small chapel. The fire took place some time ago, a new temple was erected somewhere else, but somehow the spot still wasn't built up. Not that attracted the inquisitor. A group of citizens visited this area by nights time to time. They had no other connection between themselves except for being in the congregation of the burned down chapel. All people had a perfect record in the Administratum, but those night visit must be checked. The master called it the weakest lead. Tapio didn't care, there were no small deed at this war. Only righteous or wicked.
- That's enough, - he said to the techno-priest, who stopped and lowered the skull on the other side of the road. The servitor caught the approaching sound of a wheeled vehicle. An expensive car drove in and stopped letting out a couple of people, whom the killed robbers would love to meet.
- We are the first, as always, - nervously told the woman, while the man looking around. The skull showed they stiff statue, while the bayonet gave him a clear view of their faces - whatever purpose brought them here, they didn't enjoy it.
- The God-Emperor be praised! - a humble voice belonged to an aged woman who've been brought by young men.
- And the holy Amin who brought His word to our souls, - answered the rich couple making an Aquilla sign.
- Let the Emperor be with you, brothers and sisters, - a strongly built man came out from another vehicle.
- How is Simin? - asked the old woman.
- She is healthy, and mourning, - the man robbed his wrinkled forehead, - but the bastard made her puke with anger and tremble with fear. Not what we need here, I reckon.
- You are right, - nodded the rich man. Others came in vehicles or by foot: people of all ages and occupation, they praised the Emperor, remembered some Amin and cursed "that bastard". Mostly they've been waiting in silence. When couple dozens of them were there they came into the remnants of the chapel and knelt there in the ashes. The quiet murmur was barely heard.
- The volume rate is low, - said the Martian, - should the servitor get closer?
- Negative, - Tapio knew a pray when he saw one. If those people gather here for a late service, let them be. He prayed himself a lot, asking for righteous life and death. That was all he wanted. Only this will unite him with his family, who were definitely by the light of the Emperor. His wife was a pure woman, kind and faithful, and children were too young to do something really wicked. They were there waiting for him. He hoped they were despite the fact that he had failed to protect them from the xenos. It would take a miracle to see them again. Tapio dedicated his life to His name hoping this would be that miracle. Asking for death was a sin, but asking for righteous one was his daily routine. Not today apparently.
- Don't stop, please continue, - a new man showed up. He didn't look much, but acted arrogant and shameless. The servo-skull noticed his steps, his thugs were more discreet, but haven't avoided sniper's eye. They were bandits for sure, they didn't need to hold guns to prove it. Some people jumped to their feet, but most of them finished the pray first and then left the burned down chapel.
- We brought the money, - said the rich man, the rest nodded looking around, - where is he? Bring preacher Amin back!
- Oh, he is alright where he is, - "that bastard" laughed, - after all he came to me by himself and got comforted.
- You kidnapped him, you bastard! - screamed someone from the crow, - the Emperor will punish you!
- It is me, who is punishing you and that stupid priest of yours! - yelled the man angrily, - your Amin got the chapel burned, got a new one, but no! He dared to came to my land and to dictate me what to do with my property!
- These doings are not related to the investigation. I shall call the servitor off, - the techno-priest clicked in the vox.
- Bring him now! - couple men produced pistols to clear astonishment of the rest.
- Wait! We will finish here, - Tapio silently fired his riffle, killing one bandit. Before the rest noticed it, he shot another.
- Now he is a dead man! - screamed the extortionist and ran back. His thugs thought they were shot by someone in the crowd and pointed their weapons at the parishes. Tapio shot one more, and the last two opened fire and hit armed men and those who stood close to them before he finished them. Another victim produced a weapon and shot the running away bandit in the back, but missed. The thug was going to be out of his sight, so Tapio didn't risk and hit him in the back.
- Say them to stay where they are, I'm coming down, - the sniper left his position picking up the case. Running down, he heard and saw agitated crowd, weeping for the wounded and the gone Amin.
- In the name of the Inquisition, - the servo-skull turn on the light and flew closer to the people, - do not move!
- Put down your weapon, now! - Tapio run across the road holding his riffle ready.
- We are all disarmed! - claimed the rich man, and empty hands raised in the air, - we are innocent!
- Shut up! - Tapio had no time for their pleas and promises. Few were dead, filled with pellet shots. One man was wounded, he would survive without assistance. He ignored horrified faces and came to the shot bandit. His riffle left a big hole in his back. The Mechanicus was right, it was definitely not their business, another fiddle thing for tonight. But he would help these people. Tapio knelt before the corpse and found the code, printed on the wrist. Good. He produced a heavy knife and chopped off the greedy arm. With the bloody trophy he returned to the crowd, - take this. Tell the arbiters all the truth and what you saw. I am an agent of the Inquisition, make them clear that the result of the investigation will be checked.
- Thank you, lord, - the rich man took it fastidiously, the rest thanked, somebody cried with a relief. Few were grim, understanding that their silence will be punished too.
- The Emperor be praised, - Tapio turned from them and went into the darkness. - Send local arbiters to this location and turned the servitor off, I'm going to the extraction point, - he said to the techno-priest in the dark alley, putting the riffle into the case. He hadn't to do it, maybe he shouldn't mention the Inquisition and leave the roof unnoticed after the gunfight. But showing up like this and chopping the hand off was impressive, and now the victims don't runaway and the arbiters would take the case seriously. Would they find that Amin or another criminal activity didn't matter. He did the righteous thing tonight.

- Grant me strength, make me worthy, grant me strength, make me worthy, - Luisa was praying, clutching her amulets. The vehicle went over a bump, and the golden bell rang shaking on her neck, reminding her of her sin. Let it ring, let all know who they are riding with. The sinner. That who she was, is and will be. The death may bring a redemption, but not necessarily. New arm and leg ached - that's how it should be, why would the body feel good while the soul was crippled; the prostheses, not covered by slashed robe, made her ugly in men's eyes - if they only could saw her ugly soul, her rotten past. The transport stopped; it was time. She lifted her new eye, the red dot inside the car. - Disembark, surround the object, keep the distance and wait for my order.
- Yes, my lady, - the leader of enforcers barked back in the vox.
The master put her in charge of these men. Dozen enforcers quietly left the transport and their heavy armored figures mixed with the night. The man was rotating a stubber in a top hatch of the armoured vehicle, scanning the area with his augmented helmet. Luisa stepped forward, holding her weapon tight at her breast, like a baby. The sword and mace were gone, she wasn't sorry, those were mere tools. This thing was her most precious possession, a reminder of her sin and a way of washing it away. "You can take it, Luisa", - said the master, and she did so with the tears of gratitude. It was a rare thing she could wield it in a battle. The master knew she was close to the end, and granted her a possibility to die the way she has been dreaming for.
- Luisa in the position, begin the operation, - she reported steadily. The last fight or not, the duty always goes first. She moved forward, wincing from the pain which crawling on her body with every step. The boot on her left foot made her even more awkward. That was all she could wear. There was no need to cut her armour in half for her last days. It would serve to somebody else soon. The enforcers reported of their readiness. She hobbled to a wide double door of some public diner. - Captain, I need that door get opened silently.
- Yes, my lady, - in few seconds a man appeared and knelt before the panel, producing data slate and some wires. The process didn't interest her, she was looking for the possible fight ahead. Would she find a mortal enemy behind that door? The xenos in the desert were perfect in their way: filthy pests, sentenced to death by His will. To die killing them would end her penance properly. The giant saved her, so it wasn't her time then. Loosing limbs didn't hurt her so much as the repetition of the past: she had been saved again. Not by His angel at least, the total relapse would devastate her. The enforcer stood up and left her alone before the opened door. She came in. It was an eating joint, citizens of Abderra Prime come here to buy extra ration for excess money. Both things were bizarre for Luisa. At her homeworld they heard of no extra good things. Only excess beating or additional labor. Those people had everything and they wanted more. The master said that a numerous group of clerks made tours into the wild desert at their vacations, - another thing her parents hadn't heard of, - for hiking and fasting. It was sanctioned and the participants led a clean life afterwards. Some fraction of them met on irregular basis, the areas and participants changed, last few months it was this place. Deaths occurred among these men, transport accidents or street violence. They gathered and died not often, but there was a link to check. Luisa must find out, if they found something in that desert besides the tighter faith in the God-Emperor. She moved between long tables in the dark, her new limbs filled her with loud pain and the joint with the quiet whirr. The place looked empty, if it had some safety system, the enforcer cut it off.
- The hall is empty, come closer, do not enter, - she called the squad in whisper and continued the search. The kitchen area was washed clean and smelled with disinfection chemicals. Too much of it for the place where the food will be cooked in few hours. Was it covering something up? Her nose stayed with her and it would find the familiar sense if it was here. What will it be this time: vice, blood, hellfire? The backdoor was closed, some enforcer must stay outside, but it wasn't a time to bring him in yet. Luisa went through a door and smelled the blood to her surprise. They had got a real meat here! Frozen carcasses hanged in the room; the hoarfrost reflected her red lenses. She passed the freezer and emerged in a corridor which led to the left. The smell of the chemicals was stronger here. Luisa went along and heard the quietest thud, so low it likely came from the outside. If her hearing could be deceived, the nose never, she would recognize the smell of freshly spilled blood in any environment. Not buckets of gore after a battle, which choke and make you puke, but single drops of red, falling to the ground or rockcrete floor. Small springs pouring out from an ambushed victim or a stubbed member of a rival gang. The nose helped her to outlast her brother, who never knew when you should take another rout or just turn around and run away not to become a short-lived witness. Luisa stopped before a door, she knew for sure that right now the blood was being spilled behind it. She switched to the inquisitor's channel, - Master, something is going on here, - she didn't wait for the answer and switched back, - captain, northwest corner, possible illegal activity, I am coming in.
- The Emperor protects! - answered the enforcer. He knew what to do himself.
- The Emperor protects, - she moved her lips wondering if He pardons too. These sacred words used to be a hollow noise for her. Lies used by rich folk to justify their dominance over her kin. You are poor, you live hard lives, the job is killing you, - that part the preachers got right, it was the ending that she couldn't accept back then, - your labor it your tribute to Him, the Imperium depends on you. - Only the rich ones benefitted from the hardship her family and neighbors have endured. Luisa crossed out the rest of mankind out of her life, when her father's petition he had send to the Administratum for possible improvements of working space brought a penalty upon him. Clerks were enemies of workmen, there were no such thing as the united Imperium. Luisa crossed out the Law, when her uncle was beaten to death by some rich bastard's bodyguards, when he defended her aunt's honor. Arbiters were enemies of workmen, there were no justice for the poor. Luisa closed her heart from the Emperor, when the Ministorum preacher called them for bury their pride and anger along with the uncle, - Your sufferings are noticed and appreciated by the Emperor, - lied His chosen. She rejected that life and soon found out that she was far from the fist who did so. Luisa joined the gang, to her father's anger, brother's envy, mother's tears and her own joy. The joy was short. Turned out the workmen had one more enemy - other workmen. Her life didn't become a life of noble fighter against the injustice and lies, she was a scared and abandoned piece of flesh in a grinder. It took a miracle to show her a path to His light and redemption. The miracle came in flame and steel. Luisa pushed the door which happen to be open; the scent of blood became stronger. A naked male back blocked the view. The guard was alive, but so captured by something he witnessed, so just hadn't noticed her. Could such luck be a sign of His forgiveness? Is He ready to receive her tormented soul? The whirr of her new arm was audible, but the man didn't hear again and fell back to her silently. Luisa quietly put the corpse down and look at the hall she came into. It was a storage and a garage at the same time. Without vehicles and with all stuff being set along the walls, the place was made into an empty square arena. Eight lamps illuminated the ankles high red sand, spotted with blood and sweat. Two men were just finishing their fight. Their absolutely naked bodies glistened with sweat. The duel was silent, only sniffing through the noses could be heard: both fighters had their mouths gaged with the red fabric, and their fists were wrapped up with the similar material. Up to thirty viewers stayed around silenced in the same way. One fighter fell down and the winner leapt on him in frenzy, beating to death and falling next to him in the motionless exhaustion. Some viewers dragged them away. Another man came into the center of light holding an ancient looking pickaxe, rusty and chipped, he was a center if nervous anticipation and spin the shaft in his stretched-out hands. The sharp ends of the tool became a double pointer, which brought from the darkness a new couple, a man and a woman, according to the quiet sniffing everybody wanted to be at their places. The naked fighters started to wrap their knuckles. Luisa have seen enough; it was a cult and she will stop it. Those clerks overplayed and defied the God-Emperor just like those damned fools back at home. That time, she thought that the Emperor decided to punish her for the apostasy. Luisa used to believe she was tough and that her strength would get her trough however tough the life was. Though she cursed her outlaw life and cried during lonely nights, she wore a brave face and laughed at faithful. Mocked their obedient pitiful existence. And the Emperor showed her on the edge of what bottomless pit mankind lives. The cult emerged out of nowhere. Last night it was the same dull life and at the morning half of her gang turned on the other. She didn't understand who was on which side for she was the only survivor of that animal brawl. Outside their den the town became a hell, a nightmarish scenery filled with fire and screams. People attacked each other for no reason, mobs teared apart lonely strangers and then just devoured itself. Those who barricaded inside their homes or other supposedly safe places found out that their beloved ones were tainted. The shelters turned into slaughterhouses. Luisa found her home in such state. The father must have been gathered the friends among neighbors, and locked their living compartment. He always cared for others and some of them repaid in blood. She was chased back to the street by those whom she grew up with, she didn't recognize their faces then, all human was gone. Luisa remembered well that moment. A knife cut her and she fell to the ground not willing to protect herself anymore. She accepted the punishment and asked for one thing.
- Pardon me, the Emperor, please, forgive my sins, - she cried looking at her killer. But it was a His angel that she saw. A tall figure stepped over her and tossed away the frenzy man. A bolter in an armoured hand decimated the mob and the elegant giant charged it fearlessly. At the last moment her savior looked at her.
- The Emperor protects! - the most beautiful face Luisa had ever seen spoke to her with kind warm certainty the words that she had dared to defy. His angel ran into the mad crowd and hold it for few moments, before the mob leapt to her again, other angels emerged and killed everyone on that street except for the awed young woman. It was first time Luisa saw the splendid Sisters of Battle with her own eyes. A magnificent view of His beaty and power in such gentle bodies. The Sororitas went further and she could look closer to her savior, to the noble martyr who gave her sacred life for her pathetic existence. The head was severed and the beautiful face was mutilated with cuts. But the beautiful image of the fearless angel had been printed forever in her soul. Luisa had no chance to became a Sister herself, but she returned to His light in her soul and changed her life around. She joined the militia of the Ministorum, protecting faithful from those who were deluded how she used to be herself. She tried to return lost ones and showed no mercy to those who refused the Emperor's love. Luisa became famous in her district, then in her town. The Ministorum took her as its agent and there the master found her, giving her an opportunity to repent herself. And here she was, facing another cursed cult. They deliberately refused Him and betrayed. Their judgement time has come. The loud ringing filled the space. A big heavy bell in her hand attracted the damned.
- In the name of the God-Emperor, I find you guilty in heresy and sentence you to death! - with the spike on the pommel of the hilt she cut herself across the face repeating the ugly cut which the angel bore for her. The cultists run to her in silence, not afraid, rather excited to spill the blood out of their perverted order. She stood at the top of low metallic staircase, so she will not be overwhelmed at once. She would kill many of them first before they get her. Just like the angel.
- We're coming! - shouted the captain in the vox, but the woman didn't answer. The nest is found and will be purged. The master would be pleased, she could die now.
- The Emperor protects! - she cried joyfully and crushed the head of the fastest cultist with the bell. The first crushed easily, the latter only rang loudly enjoying the righteous battle. Luisa knew the weapon liked to be used, what else could bring such a joy to a martyr than to serve Him even in death? The bell was made of the skull of the angel, strengthened and prepared for war by her own hands. Luisa saw the beautiful contended face of the Sororitas every time she swung her sacred skull on the enemy. Three or four cultists have already laid before her, others stumbled over fallen ones trying to get to her. They swarmed like filthy beasts they were.
- Ding! - another died in His name.
- Dong! - Luisa turned sideways, smashing those who came to her from the back, climbing the ladder behind. She didn't feel the pain of the prostheses, she didn't feel a pain from the hit she missed in the face. Luisa jumped away from the platform, landing clumsily on her new leg, it didn't fell off, so she could continue. She laughed in ecstasy; her left eye gave her a blur view since it was filled with tears of joy. Luisa shot it and the area got black and white. Not much changed, only the man with pickaxe stood surrounded with grey lamps. She didn't make it to him, the frenzy silent mob caught her and knock off the feet. All the same, she has gained His pardon. The cultists hit her from all sides, tossing each other trying to kick the intruder. The long-awaited peace and happiness cut off all pain. The darkness between naked legs exploded in white and she was left alone. The enforcers blew away the piece of the wall and were firing the cultists down, who leapt on them in mindless charge. The man with the pickaxe killed a running by woman by one blow and thrust it in her fallen body.
- Blood for the Blood God! - screamed the cultist falling to the pick with his neck, bathing his victim in his own blood.
- My lady! Where are you?! - the enforcers searched for her.
Luisa didn't hear them just as she didn't see the bloody end of the duels' leader. Her red eye had gone out by that time. The captain turned her breathless body and the closest enforcers gasped: their lamps illuminated the face of the beautiful young woman captured in the happiest moment of her life. They would call it a miracle.

- Begin! - Titus heard Enzo's voice, even more artificial through the vox, and ran forward. The acolyte of another inquisitor was in charge. His armoured boots stomped on the ground, others clattered behind, a squad of enforcers assisted them. No need to be discreet this time: a big mansion in the richest district of Abderra Prime stood on the cliff hovering above the rest of the city, so guilty ones would escape only though air which was guarded by the soaring enforcers' flyer. The rockcrete plateau was brightly lighted and filled with stone images of plants of all sizes, looked like the owner got tired of the red sands of his home-world, and with many civilian wheeled vehicles, blocking the straight way to the doors. Titus jumped over one car, leaving a dent in its body with his gauntleted palm. One transporter was pulled over behind him - Mischek cleaned the way for his superior. Sebastian among other things told him not too spare property: any area become a warzone when the operation begins. If the suspects proved to be innocent in the eyes of the Inquisition, they will be so glad escaping a lethal punishment, that some broken property would mean nothing. As well as couple servitors. Two automates were stumbling to meet him, both human-size covered in clean robes.
- Identify yourself, leave the property, - the servitors stopped showing them pale palms.
- Out of my path! - Titus tossed them away.
- We are coming in, - stated invisible Enzo. The Astartes saw a little burst in the corner of the massive door, chips of armor flew away from it. He jumped to his right; there were no time to warn others. A thin ray slashed across the door from inside, cutting it in half along with one enforcer, one stone plant and two vehicles.
- Fire! - emotionless voice of Enzo gave the order. They started shooting at the massive servitor came out the wrecked entrance: based on four high crawling legs the human torso was protected with thick carapace plates, ignoring las and gunfire of the enforcers. The serf was armed with a water jet drill, which he took for the laser at first. Another man was cut down by a jet, and one more mining servitor appeared at the threshold. The owner of the mansion was one of the Prospectors of Abderra - a high ranked specialist who discovered and controlled mines all over the planet. He was one of those whom the whole system owed its prosperity. He brought home these constructs not just as showpieces.
- Call for the air support, it has a heavy weapon! - the leader of enforcer screamed in the vox. Titus hit the head of the machine several times and he agreed with the man. They were losing time and men here.
- No, the flyer must be ready for possible escape by the air. We will deal with that. Mischek! - Titus had to run from the lethal jet, for his shots hadn't damaged the servitor but attracted its mindless attention. He saw the ogryn put down his storm shield and took a massive gun hanging on his back. Mischek, unlike Enzo and Kacper, wore the plain carapace armour, crude and scratched - he was the muscles of their crew, just like Titus was in Sebastian's. Another statue showered him with its chips being hit by the jet. The short scream of pain on the vox showed that the second servitor hit somebody. The ogryn fired his weapon at the servitor with clunk sound, and the machine disappeared in three explosions: grenades torn it apart. The second automate pointed its muzzle at Mischek. But Titus wasn't going to be in debt to the witless mutant. He ran towards the servitor, who either didn't see him or took for a mere human. The metallic limb's joint was at the level of his face, the Astartes jumped on it. The body was well protected as well as the drill system, but the muzzle itself was vulnerable. As soon as the jet went out, Titus bent it over and jumped down. The servitor didn't use the broken drill and didn't freeze, the machine changed its protocol and charged in melee. Just as he expected, but the automate still ignored him and ran toward Mischek who somehow didn't fire at it.
- Blow it away! - screamed Titus, running after the servitor.
- We are occupied, - came back the answer from Enzo. The Astartes couldn't see nor him nor the ogryn.
- Slow him down, grenades! - the captain showed an example to his men and tossed a frag grenade under the limbs of the killing machine. Lethal for humans it inflicted no damages to the servitor. But it recognized the enforcer as a new treat. The metallic limbs cluttered quickly towards the man surrounded with explosions of other grenades and pierced him to the ground, it filled the vox with anger and sad screams of the enforcers. His sacrifice gave Titus time to grab the ogryn's gun, loaded and ready. He blew the machine apart with two grenades and turned around looking for the acolyte and his pet giant. They were fighting with two servitors: human-size figures in robes circled around the acolyte, who defended himself with short sword, and the ogryn, who clumsily smashed the air with his fists, missing the agile enemy. He looked around - no, the ones he pushed aside laid motionless where he tossed them, those were new enemies.
- Guard the entrance, I will help them! - Titus ordered to enforcers and drew his combat knife.
- Mischek first, - said the acolyte. He struck the servitor in the back of its neck, almost cutting the head off. Another machine jumped away facing three enemies at the same time. The head was full artificial and filled with lenses, hands had one extra joint and ended with wide knives, spotted with blood. Enzo was intact therefore it belonged to the dead enforcer he saw lying next to the third servitor. The automate didn't run away, so Titus stepped forward.
- Prepare to enter, - Enzo announce though the vox, putting his las-pistol, away - the pierced head of the servitor lay on the ground. The ogryn leapt to it and stomped the remnants. - Stop! Pick up your weapon, Mischek! Send couple grenades inside!
- My very idea, - thought Titus, running after his riffle and picking up few grenades from the dead enforcers. The seven survivors point their guns at the wrecked entrance. The light in the hall went out after Mischek fired his gun. The ogryn put the grenade-launcher behind and produced a massive power mace. With shielded giant at their tip they moved to the mansion. With all that vehicles outside, the house should be crowded. But when they left the devastated hall behind, they came to vast lighted rooms, empty as the desert which gave the owner the wealth and his high rank. Through his helmet Titus inhaled the clean and fresh air, gentle flower flavor could make one forget the red desert outside. The interior was rich, upper-hive rich.
- The air? - clicked Enzo.
- The pilot Roya speaking, my lord, nothing to report.
- Titus, check the upper floors, you have a minute.
- Yes, - he ran upstairs knowing for sure he would not find anybody there. However solid was the building, it would be smith to dust by the governor's artillery. If the enemies were here, they were hiding underground, in the rock. It wouldn't save them of course, and they knew it. Would they just fight for their pitiful lives or did they have an escape plan, that was the question. Luxury comfort meant nothing to him, so he ran through the upper floors unimpressed and came back to the kill-team in half a minute. - It is clear.
- We found them, - Enzo and the rest were looking at the armoured door built into the wall. The furniture and useless things were scattered around, the tapestry was laid in a shapeless hip. One enforcer was setting the explosion to the door, another was gently carrying the golden image of the Emperor out of the room. When everything was ready, the acolyte commanded "fire" and the whole wealth got vanished along with the door and the fake wall. They didn't wait for the dust to settle down and ran into the dark tunnel leaving the burning home behind.
- Found a secret underground path, - he sent the report to Sebastian and switched back to the common channel.
If the tunnel had been a bit tighter the Ogryn would have stayed outside. Broad back of Mischek blocked the whole path and covered Titus. The giant was hiding behind his storm shield. Enzo let them ahead, clearly using like a bait.
- I don't see anything, - said the ogryn, stumbling over stairs.
- Turn the lights on, they already knew we are here, - snarled Titus.
- Switch the lamp on, Mischek, - cut in the acolyte, and the ogryn activated a powerful lamp on his shield. They moved freely and appeared in an empty cave with an exit tunnel of its own. The ogryn was sent to block it, while the rest of them checked the place. It was made by humans, but was a bare stone sack. No wire of any kind or explosives were found by Titus senses and the enforcers' scanners. Enzo sent the ogryn further. The second tunnel was shorter and as dark as previous. It also ended with a wide cave. Titus looked over Mischek's back: the circle of the ogryn's light was hovering along bare stone and spotted boots and backs of two men lying in ground bow.
- They are here! - emotionless voice of the acolyte screamed in the vox.
- They are here! - a real voice raised high in the darkness; it had an accusatory tone. An explosion rumbled behind Titus almost tossing him off the legs. Bright powerful lamps got activated illuminating the Astartes and the Ogryn with its blinding light.
- Stay still, Mischek! Don't show your back to these bad people, - though his visor Titus saw roughly hundred people straightening up from their sleeping of praying on the floor. Their uneven rows led to a person who was lighted separately: a wealthy looking man was laying on one side with a cushion under his head. Titus swore to himself that he would make that insolent human pay for his arrogant and relaxed pose.
- Enzo! - called the ogryn, looking back.
- We will avenge him, look forward! - Titus was by his side. The giant and the shield were his only cover in case those cultists had any firearm. He slapped the confused ogryn by the head, - look at your enemy!
- They came as I told you, - the new voice raised in the cave, it came from the separated man, probably the leader of this mob. Strange thing, the man kept screaming, but the voice sounded differently, as it belonged to other man. - They came to steal from you! To robe you of your prosperity and chance for power. The secret is yours, not theirs! - the sleepy mob didn't look so sleepy any more, the humans stood looking angrily at them not fearing two huge armoured strangers. - Do you hear us, filthy thieves?! What will you say in your excuse? - the voices replaced each other during the speech, but Titus wasn't listening and wasn't going to answer anything.
- Aim at the talkative bastard, Mischek! - he put the gun in ogryn's hands and started to toss the grenades: two in the nearest humans and three more into the leader. But he did a rookie's mistake, the one his sergeant would have punished him severely and the brothers would mocked him for a long time. Titus hadn't checked the time set of the grenades and was surprised when it didn't burst right away. The humans used a longer fuse length, so the cultists had time to jump on it protecting their leader and others. Instead of dozens his attack took ten enemies and left few wounded. The ogryn didn't do much better: he missed the first time and aimed too low the second - several men got blasted in the middle of the cave. Mischek got no more charges.
- Kill them! - the leader jumped to his feet, kicking the cushion and the nearest people with twisted face, - protect the secret, protect us!
- Crush them, Mischek! - Titus fired his riffle at the racing mob. He had two-three seconds before melee, and just pressed the trigger. These humans were miners and clerks, but comparing to those he slain in Orson settlement they were more dangerous. He saw hatred and greed, not just despair and fear.
- For the Emperor! - the ogryn charged the mob crushing and tossing several cultists before starting to swing his mace. He was immediately swarmed with tiny people like a freshly skinned carcass with flies. Armed or disarmed they would kill the giant eventually. Titus broke the riffle in halves and ran to the ogryn. The Astartes jumped on cultists killing with every strike of his knife, piercing bare necks and heads. He barely escaped the killing blow of the mace: as soon as Mischek felt that he could move his hand he swung it, not noticing the ally. The ogryn was took by rage. A blade struck him in the visor; a man clenched his carapace stripes and been a dead weight to him; he couldn't cut him off for there were hands everywhere stretching for him; Titus was faster than the ogryn and it saved him: he ducked and twisted, punched with elbows, fists, knife and head. However mad these people were, they wouldn't withstand the angry Astartes, the mob got thinned out already. If they didn't have mighty firearms or hidden reserve somewhere. Turned out it was Titus who could count on help.
- For the Emperor! Mischek, fight these heretics! - Enzo and four enforcers joined the battle adding their las-beans to their weapons and fists.
- Shock-grenade! - warned some enforcer and the cultists stopped their attempts to knock him down. Finally, Titus got a chance to break the neck of the miner who held him down.
- To me! Mischek, Titus, come here! - the acolyte called them and he obeyed, though obviously not as eager as the ogryn. They both broke the distance with the stunned people and joined the survivors. Enforces and Enzo were dusted and scorched. The expensive robe of the acolyte was torn, showing his crimson painted carapace armour with the golden insignia at the chest. The helmet was bent, but in general he looked intact.
- I thought you are the psyker, - said Titus, - and would notice such a crowd.
- I am, but they are stronger, - the acolyte padded the ogryn forearm, sticky with gore, - you have pleased the God-Emperor today, Mischek.
- They? - he turned back: the cultist ran to the leader, followed by enforcer's las beans. There were less than forty of them.
- The time has come! No! It is too soon! Already too late! We must protect the vessel! Kill them! - the multi-voiced man trembled and twisted surrounded with his followers.
- Me, me! It's my turn! - people didn't care for their dead or the enemy, they stretched their hands to the leader, not daring to touch him.
- Forward! Kill the heretics! - Enzo ran forward firing his pistol. Titus and Mischeck outraced the humans and they first saw the transformation. The screaming leader fell down silently and the next moment some of the cultists started to twist and yell.
- Me too, me too! It is unfair! - those, who were not touched by whatever cursed witchcraft was going on, started to weep. They were sitting helpless; those, who survived the battle against the ogryn and the Astartes, were covered in blood; some were wounded by the enforcers and now were ignoring the new las-beans killing them. Those deceived fools sat still even when their former comrades started to kill them testing the new power. One corpse flew into the ogryn's shield.
- Fire at the standing ones! - screamed Titus and dodged the flying head. Next moment his visor cracked, making him look through the web. He would not put his helmet off when there are flying rocks around breaking armour.
- Mischek, stand your ground! - the acolyte called the ogryn and darted to him like to cover. Titus was already there and saw how two enforcers were knocked down by rocks and corpses.
- Five possessed, I repeat, five possessed, - he sent a call to Sebastian and left the channel open. Titus would be surprised if his call would leave this deep cave. The possessed didn't wait till their squad gathered together, they charged them roaring. There were five monsters versus five of them, including three humans. The enemy saw the weak links too, so only two grimacing miners ran to the acolyte, others leapt on them.
- Fight them! - Titus clenched the left fist and squeezed the knife's grip in the right. His life was in his own hands literally. He charged the nearest enemy, who had an appearance of a tough miner with one artificial hand. The possessed turned the metal hand to his blade, and grabbed his left hand with the human one. But it wasn't human anymore, tiny fingers with bitten nails must not have broken his bracer, filling the air and his forearm with the sharp chips. Titus headbutted the miner, totally destroying the face, but the creature only laughed through broken teeth, twisted his hand swiftly and knocked him off. Suddenly the Astartes was on his chest, the demon in human shape pressed on him and pulled his helmet off. Luckily for him it wasn't his true armour, the fasteners got broken easily and his head stayed at its place, sensing the familiar stink of death.
- Aaargh, - the spirit tossed away the empty helmet and squeezed his head, - look at them, mortal!
Titus looked around and saw a sad picture: Enzo backed from two possessed which were laughing at his attempts to shoot them, both enforcers laid torn apart; Mischek stood on the knees two demons held him still by pulling his mighty hands in opposite direction. One possessed had a broken head by a mace, but showed no discomfort about it. - This one is strong one too, which one we pick?
- We have time, - said one of those who chased the acolyte. Possessed spoke hardly intelligible, every time they did so the Astartes felt a weak psychic echo in his mind. There was also a quiet scratch, like somebody trying to call to him through several doors and could only scrape in frustration. The inquisitor said he put some kind of protection on his mind, maybe it was working against the enemy now. Or maybe it was blocking the last attempt of the cornered Enzo to say something to him. The other demon continued, - we've been together so much time, let's enjoy this moment of solitude.
- Time to choose the new vessel! - roared the demon above him, - I liked this one, though he is oddly old for the mortal.
- This one is so simply to control, - creatures holding the ogryn joined the discussion.
- Kill them! - Enzo screamed desperately turning to Titus. He felt a blast wave of psychic energy and the grip on his head went away. The Astartes thrown away the weaken possessed and jumped to his legs. Next moments he should act beyond his speed if he was going to survive. The acolyte laid on the ground, his helmet was cracked open, highly augmented head lacked the lower jaw. But the psyker had sent his message piercing the layers of mental protection. Titus knew how to help the frighten ogryn, but first he had to save himself. Time to remember what another psyker told him. Titus smirked at the most of Sebastian's words; those things were for someone like Luisa. For weak mortals, who lack the strength of their own. He had enough strength. The Emperor gave it to him, made him the Astartes. However the galaxy has changed, whatever unimaginable events and horror he had seen, one thing stayed everlasting as long as he breathes. He, Titus Livius, a warrior, who can conquer the universe. And one belief he shared with his capturer sincerely.
- For the Emperor! - he struck with his fist the possessed which started to regain the control over the miner's body. Other spirits laughed, but not this one. - For the Emperor! - the head of the cultist burst, the body got soft and he tossed the corpse away. Titus picked up his knife and faced two enemies approaching him.
- How?! - roared the one.
- Destroy him, we have the body! - screamed the one with broken head.
Titus attacked silently. He needn't to scream anymore, old words boiled inside his every muscle. The Astartes threw his knife in the head of one possessed and hit the other with his right. The enemy caught his limb, just as he wanted him to. Titus put his left fist through the head of the enemy and blocked the heavy strike of the another. This opponent attacked ferociously, but he could block and dodge these punches. Finally, he could hit back and his left fist pierced the stomach of the possessed. His knife was still in the head, so he pulled it out and cut the head off. The rest of the corpse still tried to move and he hit the breast with final strike.
- We will tear this lump of flesh apart if you come closer, - screamed the last possessed. Titus ignored them and looked at the stupefied ogryn. If that wouldn't work, he would finish here by himself. He clenched his fists.
- Mischek! These two broke the dog. Punish them in the name of the God-Emperor. Enzo knows you are faithful man.
- I do belief, - murmured the giant not lifting his head.
- And these bad people do not. They envy you and broke the dog. Show them your righteous fury, Mischek!
- Kill him, I will hold that body, - the one with broken head turned to the other. The lethal enemies right in front of him became some horrific joke. The whole cave looked unreal to Titus. But the possessed didn't talk more, they dropped the arms of the ogryn like hot iron.
- The Emperor protects good people! - Mischek stood up, - I am good and He will punish you for your sins, bad people. I will kill you for the broken dog! For the God-Emperor!
- Mortal fool! - one possessed attacked the ogryn and hit him hard, cracking the armour, but the heavy fist knocked him off and the second smushed the unfortunate head. The last enemy leapt on Mischek from the back trying to get to the neck, but Titus was there and tossed the creature aside. He didn't give the spirit a chance to stand up finishing him. The creature wheezed, but no word came out of it. He stood up, enjoying another hard-earned victory. The Astartes looked at the ogryn who knelt before the motionless acolyte. What was it? Has he witnessed one more miracle in his long life? Another one was right in his fist. Titus looked at his left palm - a small plain image of Aquilla laid on it spotted with filthy blood of the enemies.

- It is good to have an upper hand, my lords, - the leader of the enforcers stepped to them, - the traitors have led us to their hideout.
- I like the flying policy of Abderra Prime, Dawar, civilians have no business in the air, - Jacob smiled to the captain. He has already known the half of his squad by names and first thing he did getting aboard was sharing a joke he had heard from the Red Champions. - You did a good job tracking them down. Now we will crush them for the law and order of the Imperium. What do we know about the location, Dawar?
- It's the very outskirts of the city, my lord, some storages and abandoned premises. The casualties among loyal citizens will be minimal. We are landing in two minutes, my lords.
- Get your people ready, captain, - Jacob released the enforcer.
- May I ask you, master Obrecht, how long have you served inquisitor Sebastian Silver? - Kacper Balik was looking at him from the opposite seat; his expensive and shiny power armour bent the chair. The aged man's eyes were staring with paternal concern. Professionally acted. Jacob has seen the true care of a father - strict ruthless urge to make the best of a child, to make sure he would grow up a strong and decent man. He was who he was because of his family efforts which rarely were warm and soft.
- Not so long, my lord, less than a dozen Terran years, - Jacob played along, - I dare to guess what you are thinking, my lord, the mentor also says I am too soft with the servants of the Emperor.
- You are right, master Obrecht, - Kacper nodded with a smile, which was a more obvious fake, - if your mentor tolerates this, I won't interfere. Please, call me inquisitor Kacper, I am in charge of you only for this quick operation. Please, do not take my question for a doubt in your competence, Jacob, I heard you have showed yourself well fighting those Aeldari.
- Besides this, - he knocked his new leg, - it was a good fight, inquisitor Kacper. I am proud for spilling aliens' blood with my sword, - Jacob patted the long blade standing next to him, acting a role a braggart, which as he knew fitted well to his character.
- The fight your master took, though he hadn't to, - semi-approvingly said the inquisitor, - after meeting your mentor I gave received some picts from that operation. That giant in your crew looking impressive, who is he?
- The name is Titus, another tool my master has, - Jacob shrugged, not covering his own frustration with the mystery. "I know you want to know more, you all want, - said the mentor before sending him to inquisitor Balik, - it is my call what knowledge to share with you. I will not tolerate disobeying, as well I will not demand hiding your vexation. I trust, acolyte, you will honor your vows", - his origin is unknown to me, inquisitor Kacper, I guess he will not stayed for long.
- But he emerged here, in Migdonia sector? - mused the inquisitor, showing he was just killing time talking to a young agent before a senseless operation way below his level.
- Yes, - swiftly confirmed Jacob, - though he could arrive from another place, so it could be just a coincidence.
- A lucky one, - chuckled Kacper, - considering the support that Titus provided at Abderra. I envy your mentor, Jacob, he is very lucky. So many suspects in one night! The city is just filled with heresy and witchcraft.
- Some chases will definitely lead to ordinary illegal activity. But cleaning the stain of lawlessness of His world is our duty too, inquisitor Kacper, - Jacob imitated the eagerness he didn't feel. The acolyte was sure he would spend his time for nothing here, while others might fight the ancient enemy of mankind. The enemy he, man with the blood of noble Obrechts in his vein, must have fought. The inquisitor didn't answer and put his helmet on - they were landing. Jacob brushed his moustaches and took his helmet. Before turning the vox on, he prayed to the Emperor asking to forgive his arrogance and pride - Jacob was ready to fight anyone who dared to oppose His will. Any righteous deed would glorify his family name tonight.
- Inquisitor Kacper Balik speaking, - the red armour dimly shined in rare lights of sleeping district. Big storage facilities and some transport hangars surrounded them. The inquisitor got a bolt-pistol mag-locked to his thigh and a short straight dagger sheathed at his belt. A dozen enforcers surrounded him in semi-circle. The grounded aircraft was shut down, - enforcers, lead the way, I entrust you to carry out this mission. Don't mind me. Acolyte Obrecht, you are free to operate on your own. Proceed, in the name of the Emperor.
- For the Emperor! - responded men and trotted towards through the gap between two enormous buildings.
- I will cover your backs, Dawar, - Jacob run among enforcers, holding both his pistols ready.
- Thank you, my lord, - came the grateful response of the captain.
- Keep me informed, master Obrecht, - according to his visor's data, the inquisitor was lagging behind them.
-Yes, inquisitor, - the master told that they demonstrated not only His might, but also His majesty. The Emperor's agents should show other servants of the Imperium how great and noble humans might be. The acolyte shared his superior's attitude to this mission, but showing it so openly was a disgrace in Jacob's eyes.
The enforcers got their own routine, so he let them lead him. Armoured men moved swiftly along the alleys, checking every corner with their night vision visors built in helmets. He saw their greenish figures pointing guns at all directions on the move in absolute vox silence.
- Spread out! Possible contact ahead, - the men broke their chain getting cover. Jacob pressed to the wall, bulging with thick cables. The rune in his visor told him, that inquisitor Kacper was at least one block behind. He looked over the knot of chords: a big storage stood ahead, no lights or noises. Enemies used the same technologies they did.
- Turan, Piruz, - captain sent two men forward. Their left their cover, ran forward together and then split up.
- It's Turan, see one guard at the northern corner, armed and armoured, have a clear shot, - first enforcer broke the silence of the vox channel in half a minute.
- Another on at the western one, a clear kill is possible, - added few moments later the second.
- Open fire! - Jacob saw only one small flashes, - squad, at the double! Report!
- Their vox channel is quiet, captain, - came the response, - too well suited and armed for a gang or heretic.
- The smugglers then, - Dawar was already at one corpse, Jacob by his side, - be careful, lads, these bastards know how to shoot.
- As the captain says, inquisitor, - he supported the enforcer's opinion before Kacper, whose pace haven't changed since they engaged the enemy. The acolyte knew, that the more dangerous cult is the less it looks as the cult. Mad outstanding fools were like gangs - easy to spot, easy to crush. Traitors hiding behind masks of loyal citizens, rooted in the community, brought way more havoc. But this time Jacob knew Dawar was right. The master said himself, that this was the most credible version. A group of clerks used to work together in the inspection department kept contacts at off-duty time: knowing all the mines and all the routes of Abderra, they could have been seduced to organize contraband shipments. Obviously, they have.
- The status of this facility is off duty, - stated the leader of enforcers, - I mark everyone inside as traitors. Piruz, Turan, keep your positions. Prepare to storm. My lord?
- Procced, right after you, captain, - approved Jacob.
Enforcers lined up along the wall in two groups and by the word of Dawar slid the massive doors open. It moved with a screech, piercing the silent night, but the enforcers were already inside, their silenced guns thudded softly. He raced inside after the last man: the storage was filled with empty containers high as three humans; they were arranged in disorder, giving enough cover for the smugglers, who were retreating firing back; high above was a gallery, filled with enemies, covering their accomplices, suppressing the enforcers.
- In the name of the holy Inquisition! - Jacob announced though inbuilt loudspeaker, - stop your resistance and surrender to His wrath!
His words stunned the smugglers, they stopped firing for a moment. Jacob demonstrated the uselessness of opposing by blowing those who hided abode - the roar of his bolt-pistols sounded deafening in the storage after silenced guns of enforcers and las-guns of the smugglers.
- Freeze! - ordered Dawar, but the traitors fled, pursued by fire.
- Captain, the movement from the East! Engaging the enemy! - reported Turan in the vox.
- The help is coming! - replied the leader.
- Dawar, help your men outside! I will clean this storage, - Jacob outran the enforcers. His power suite would protect him. And the rune in his visor indicated that the inquisitor didn't rush to join the fight, so the men outside were in needless danger.
- As you wish, my lord! - the captain thanked him through the vox. Jacob raced forward, gunning down everyone he saw. Random las-beans flew him by like white lightings, he has already reloaded both his pistols. The opposite wall of the storage got closer, last few containers he paced by unopposed.
- Dawar, status! - Jacob asked the captain.
- The enemy retreated, we are moving along north-east wall, my lord.
- Piruz speaking, my lord, the south-west side is quiet, - added the enforcer.
- Proceed the chase, - the inquisitor finally spoke out.
- For the Emperor! - Jacob answered with the rest men. And here he was hit hard in the back with a las-charge. The armour withstood of course, but the jacket was ruined. The acolyte turned around firing at the shooter, but the bolt flew through the empty space. He was hit again now multiply times, Jacob ran aside, firing at the new enemies: one was stand at one side of a container, and two others at the other. He blown apart the head of the lonely shooter and kept moving - he couldn't risk facing straight fire for long time - his armour was excellent, but not invincible. Jacob managed to shoot one more smuggler, when another ray hit him in the back. The system of the suite informed him that the power backpack absorbed critical amount of damage. Being hit by the powerful xenos was one thing, though a degrading and shameful one anyway, but being defeated by common bandits would be a disgrace. He turned around, knowing that he would see nothing, ignoring shots from behind - the other smuggler proved himself as a poor shooter - Jacob darted in the greenish dark, searching for one who's hit him twice.
- If you dare to attack the Obrecht, strike to the death or face the mortal revenge, - he muttered to himself, moving between containers.
- Repeat, my lord, - the voice of Dawar emerged in the vox. - I didn't hear you well.
- Report, captain! - there he was! Jacob noticed the man disappeared behind the container not fast enough.
- We are approaching the eastern corner, my lord, the enemy is not visible.
- I am finishing here, Dawar, - Jacob mag-locked the pistols back to his armour and climbed onto the container, - don't go further without me if possible.
- Yes, my lord. Piruz, check the southern corner, - the left behind enforcer received the order.
The smuggler heard him and backed away from the container, ready to shoot. But he mistook the power armour for some kind of heavy carapace. The servo muscles pushed him in the air way too higher than any human limbs could have; Jacob flew above the white snakes of las-beans and landed on the smuggler. The green surrounding got darker. His leather boots must have been covered with gore, but it was his serf's problem. All Jacob cared about was the purity of his family's honor. He ran to the exit; the last shooter must have been left the storage. The acolyte doubted it was the last enemy for tonight. According to his visor, inquisitor Kacper had just entered the facility, still standing out of the fight. Jacob came to the exit and looked outside: to his left two huge trucks stood, one behind the other; to his right stood one more. All vehicles had closed hulls, stood still but looked recently used and well maintained.
- Captain, do you see it?
- Yes, my lord, - came the answer, - I think they are loaded with stolen materials, there is always demand for these in and out of the system. Distribution is organized wisely of course, - Dawar hurried to praise the Administratum, which he served, - but the black market succeeds to survive despite all measures. No trace of the enemy, but they are somewhere here. Pirus?
- Nothing, captain.
- They are hiding, be careful, - inquisitor Kacper contributed to the operation.
- Does he know something? - a paranoiac thought crossed Jacob's mind, but he chased it away. Behind the trucks the next building stood: another storage with monolithic walls and closed gates.
- I sent a call for additional squads, - reported Dawar, - as were decided, my lord.
- Right, - answered Jacob, but he wouldn't just sit here giving away these minutes to smugglers to run away. Or worse - the help would come to show that they were sitting hiding from the empty trucks and building. - Cover me, captain! - Jacob ran forwards, changing the channel on the move, - mentor, no cult activity, smugglers are found, initial resistance is suppressed, proceed the operation.
He raced past the trucks - his lonely figure attracted no attention. Jacob saw a trace of blood, pointing to the closed gates. He slid one door open and looked inside: the darkness burst with white flashes and he hide behind the thick metal. Las-beans flew in response - few enforcers were behind him and fired at the hiding smugglers.
- Shock-grenade! - Jacob didn't wait for it to burst and run after the charge thrown by some enforcer. He sealed off his helmet and changed the mode of the visor. The mute darkness lighted with a flash, shaded by his lenses. There were only three fugitives, hiding behind some machinery. Jacob shot one in the darkness, shot the other when the world became green and noisy again, he wanted to take the last alive, but failed: the smuggler pointed his gun at him, and the wound inflicted by the bolt was mortal.
- Let us search the storage, my lord, - the captain sent four enforcers to check the place and they two went outside.
- Weren't here too many of them, Dawar? - Jacob saw that the rune of the inquisitor was walking away, Kacper hadn't left the first storage after all.
- Way too many, my lord. The trucks are filled with ore, may be something is hidden inside, but even then, the number of hired guns is impressive.
- You are saying we haven't found their storage? - Jacob frowned.
- Or frighten off the exchange, - the enforcer was looking around, - or came too soon, or have been tricked by... - Dawar fell silent abruptly and fell down. Jacob staggered; his head darted to his breast - for the second time tonight the ceramite suite has saved his life.
- Ambush! - he screamed in the vox running for cover to the lonely standing truck. The view burst white and stayed so for a moment, then the visor turned off the night vision: from the south-west alley a strong ray lighted the area before the second storage, spotting the dead captain. The second ray came from the opposite direction; they were crisscrossed by light and under the fire. - Take cover! I will take the south alley.
- Avenge the captain! For the Emperor! - the enforcers showed no fear.
- Piruz! Do you see them? - Jacob run along the long hull of the truck and, when he emerged from the cover, the light and the las-beans were there.
- Opening fire, my lord! - came the answer, and the enemy's lamp lighted the knelt enforcer. Jacob turned back the night vision and enlarged the view.
- Piruz, take cover! - too late, the track of heavy stubber's bullets ran to the enforcer chipping off the pieces of the rockcrete of the ground and shredded the man.
- Heavy weapon! - he heard in the vox, and the same noise came from behind. Jacob ran to the vehicle with the mounted stubber, sending bolt after bolt, the light went out as well as las-fire, but the heavy stubber started to chase him again. He jumped and tumbled in the dark alley, squeezed between two buildings. Bullets glanced off him couple times, the straight hit would definitely stop or cripple him. The armed vehicle was still at distance. Jacob rammed some door and broke in another empty storage.
- Inquisitor Kacper! - the rune showed that the man hadn't changed his direction since the new stage of battle begun. The string of bursts came through the wall, piercing thin rockcrete. He would race down this empty facility and ambush the vehicle.
- They are leaving, my lord! - enforcers warned him in the vox, - engaging the rearguard of the enemy. The approaching time of the assistance is two Terran minutes.
Jacob didn't answer, a wheeled desert vehicle emerged inside the storage ramming through the wall. The car stood sideways to him, but the protective shield of the turret mounted behind the cabin had already turned to him. The heavy stubber rained him with fire, making ditch to cover again. The acolyte shot back, but armoured plates withstood his bolts. The vehicle started to move, and he fired at the cockpit, pursued by enemy's fire.
- Don't damage the cabin, master Obrecht, - the voice of the inquisitor emerged in the vox just as the stubber went silent. The rune still indicated the absence of Kacper on the battlefield, - come here now!
- Inquisitor?! - he greeted the man in red armour with half-surprise, half-accusation. His superior deceived him, sending the fake signal of his position. He deceived the enforcers, dying outside. The inquisitor did know something.
- You will drive, Jacob, - the man squeezed in the tight hatch, checking the stubber, - hurry up, we will catch them.
- Yes, inquisitor, - he torn off the door and dragged out the driver. The opposite armoured glass was broken: the inquisitor's bolt pierced it and then blew inside the smuggler's head. He huddled in the cabin, brought the engine to life and managed to drove back to the alley. It was filled with sounds of gunfight.
- Inquisitor Balik speaking, clean the road.
- My lord, the enemy's vehicle still blocking the path, - responded some enforcer.
- Get out of my way! - Kacper hissed scornfully, - Jacob, forward!
- Yes, inquisitor! - He raced down the alley, wondering if the car squeeze between the trucks. If so, then would the armoured glass withstand the stubber's hit. Not likely. Jacob drove between two trucks, almost scratching the hull. They raced by figures of enforcers, letting them go, and jumped on something: the vehicle got a spiked bumper, it was dragging the remnants of a man. Front headlights illuminated the armoured enforcer killed by the heavy stubber. The speed did its job and the corpse disappeared under the hull. As well as the stubber of the enemies', though the lamp was still lighting ahead.
- Don't slow down, Jacob! These outskirts go for many kilometers they still can hide somewhere underground inside the city, - he sped up and raced by the silenced vehicle: an animalistic servitor stood on it. Four glowing lenses followed them. The inquisitor chuckled. - But they will not escape me. The God-Emperor! Hunting down rotten people is like beating children compare to the Xenos hunt. Enforcers, collect your dead and examine the crime scene. Your further assistance tonight is not required anymore.
The enforcers answered in grim silence, Jacob shared their frustration. The inquisitor used them as a bait, they could find the enemy without those sacrifices, but Kacper wasn't a patient man. Why did he got involved in this operation at the first place? The dark road split ahead, which way should he turn? Jacob took the left - the darkness ahead was pierced by a column of light, spotting a big truck racing through the night. So, the inquisitor had an air support of his own all this time. What else surprises does he hide? The light vehicle was catching up with the loaded transports - when Jacob drove right behind the fugitives, he counted four trucks.
- Get closer, - ordered the inquisitor, - we will distract them.
When Jacob got the car even with the latest truck, Kacper opened fire, shredding the hull and the wheels. The driver lost control and then his life - the stabber torn the cabin to pieces.
- Here they are, - said the inquisitor, - by not abandoning the cargo they did the righteous deed, for doing so they shorten their corrupted lives by themselves. Join the battle, master Obrecht!
- For the Emperor! - answered the acolyte. The ray of light from the sky spotted few figures coming their way: bikers were coming to defend the stolen goods. Jacob turned the headlights off, but the las-fire rained on the windshield, the stubber thundered behind. He asked the machine spirit of his armour to protect him one more time tonight and hit the gas. Chips of the armoured glass and las-beans showered him, but Jacob didn't change the direction. One heavy bike got stopped by the inquisitor - bullets hit the machine and it flew them by rolling over and over. Jacob shot his pistol through the broken door, hitting racing bike, which probably could be enough. Another two smugglers passed them by. Before the enemies turned around, they could hit another truck. The acolyte saw two white spots above the nearest truck, two short flashes. In a second, they moved away and the vehicle's cabin disappeared in the explosion, making his visor turn off the night vision for a moment. The air support of the inquisitor made its move.
- Bikers are coming back, - came the voice of Kacper, - look to your left!
Jacob saw how the ray of light moved to the last two trucks ahead, rumbling on the road on the edge of its powerful engines. A man came out of nowhere to the top of the leading truck. He wouldn't see him if not for the flashes at his back. A drop trooper jumped off the racing truck; the grav-chutes flashed one more time, slowing down the landing. The truck got blown away, the vehicle lost its speed and started to wobble. The last transport had to come around, failed to do so and hit the back of the other, crossing the road and breaking into some abandoned building. Jacob hit the brakes stopping his car, turning left side to the approaching bikers. Everything happened too fast, so riders haven't reacted. One bike raced right at him, and the acolyte shot the smuggler, the uncontrolled machine swung aside and hit other building. The last biker tried to stop; the wheeze of breaks ended with hum of the stabber when the inquisitor shot him. Jacob was already outside, running to the crushed truck. He hoped to catch a survivor for interrogation, but the wrecked cabin crumpled like a tin cup.
- No survivors, - he reported to the inquisitor, who left the car and stood motionless, - but could have, inquisitor.
- Are you criticizing my way of conducting the operation, acolyte Jacob? - the man spoke to him condescendingly, standing back, - we were looking for the filthy heretics, found out that there were none. That very moment we could retreat with honor. But I destroyed those criminal scums, which are problem of lesser servants of the Imperium, and yet you are standing unsatisfied, surrounded with the dead traitors.
- Some of them could have been taken alive and lead to more hidden enemies, - Jacob wasn't hiding irritation with the inquisitor, despite his rank, - and those dead enforcers were not inevitable sacrifices.
- It is a miracle to see such a naive member of the Inquisition, - chuckled Kacper, in his dark red armour reflecting flames of burning trucks, he looked rather a sinister enemy than a loyal ally. The inquisitor turned to him rapidly, - you dare to accuse me in disloyalty, boy?! I have been serving the God-Emperor for two centuries counting the years in the status of Inquisitor alone and I will not answer for my actions before some suckling, who even can't hide his own thoughts!
- I didn't mean that, inquisitor Kacper, - Jacob wasn't afraid, he was angry for being spoken to in such way.
- Of course, you didn't, Jacob, - the voice under that visor mocked him, - you are not a psyker and still serve in the Ordo Malleus? Are you looking for death or satisfied with the eternal role of an acolyte?
- I serve...
- Where did this Astartes come from, Jacob? - Kacper interrupted him.
- Titus was not introduced as one, and I don't think he is, - he answered confidently.
- You are lying, Jacob, - calmly said the inquisitor, - we both know he is. And I know one thing about the Astartes, you don't know. In the hardest times, I served the Emperor alongside the space marines. They are vain, Jacob. Even working for the Holy Inquisition, those giants bragged about their chapters. I have never met a single Astartes who wouldn't show a connection to his brothers in a tiniest way. So, I am curious, who is that Titus, that he is not only hiding his membership to one of the glorious chapters of the Angels of Death, but also hiding his origin. And why does inquisitor Sebastian Silver play this questionable act? You keep silence, Jacob. You understand, that I can look inside your mind right now, break all those barriers your master constructed and just glance what you really know and think. But I will not do so. Because I am a loyal servant of the Emperor and don't want to hurt another warrior of His will. Who knows, what would your master do to you, when he found out I have done so. Or that we had this conversation, - at that moment a shuttle landed with a roar, its lighted hull got opened like a mouth of fire-breathing beast, - let me give you a lift, master Obrecht. The enforcers are capable to clean this up without your supervision.

- Don't mistake a win over some recruits for beating the enemy's champions, Titus, - Sebastian stretched out his arm palm up. He put the Aquilla in it, - I see you have used it.
- I would be dead if I hadn't, inquisitor, - The Astartes looked around. In an hour after arrival of his capturer and his psyker-pupil the cave had been cleaned. Dozens of arbiters took the bodies out in the next cave, leaving only remnants of the possessed, at which Pison was doing whatever he does to the corpses. Enzo survived and needed rather a repair than healing. The inquisitor had a short silent chat with the acolyte and the last left the dungeon in the company of Mischek. The Ogryn waved him at his way out. Titus was taken by surprise and didn't wave back. He used to be shot at by temporary allies, rather than be thanked.
- Master! - Pison stood up and stepped to them trembling. He looked like he was pulled out of the nightmare leaving part of his mind on the other side. - These entities, these imps, they have nothing to do with our investigation, mentor.
- I see, - Sebastian's face petrified. For the first time Titus saw his capturer losing calmness. - Return to Ataraxis. We are done here.

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