XII They are coming

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- Wake up! Traitors are all around us, be discreet.
- For now, - Trevon was buried under packages of nutrition. He's spent here long time, but didn't even think about eating some of it. Since he had seen the truth, he forgot everything else. To share his vision with the rest of deceived mankind was his only desire.
- We don't have time for ignorant slaves, just run, - the awoken voice of his suppressed consciousness instructed him.
- I will, - he found the handle of his instrument of enlightenment among scattered ration bricks. With that object he will open eyes to all these poor souls how false their lives are. Trevon felt no hatred to the slaves, only pity. One wall got opened outwards, letting the part of boxes to spill out.
- Again?! - a man screamed angrily, - for the Emperor's sake! Their neglect costs us time. Servitors, collect the spilled rations. Olber! Stay where you are! Whatever you did back on Abderra, here, we don't tolerate thieving. I don't!
- I'm just watching, auditor Parviz, - the dark eyes of the man got wider, - there is somebody inside! Call the guards!
- Go! - ordered the inner voice.
Trevon jumped out the container and silenced the yelling man with his fist. He swung the precious case and broke with it the skull of Parviz. The servitors, grey and thin as skeletons were silently collecting the ration packages and putting them back in the boxes. Punished for the thief of food, they were condemned to work at the nutrition distribution with their flesh dried out and lost all fat. The mouths were stitched, reminding the human workers of the sin of gluttony. One servitor got shot with a las-bean: one hand stopped moving but the automate kept gathering the food with the other one. The guards were shooting him. Trevon wanted to draw his gun, but the voice reminded him of the scale of the heroic deed he was going to commit and he ran away. It was a vast storage, filled with all kinds of containers and buzzing with people and servitors.
- Freeze! Stop him! - he ran faster than the guards, and their voices got quieter. The viewers didn't dare to intervene.
- Obey the law, - somebody steered a heavy servitor on him. The automatу had pincers instead of palms, reinforced back and mounted on trucks.
- Your law is the lie! - Trevon pressed the case to his body and jumped kicking the obstacle with both legs, knocking off the torso off the moving platform. He ran again, after such demonstration the others slaves disappeared.
- Stop fooling around! You could run over the machine, - the voice scolded him, - get out of here, go to the left.
Trevon turned left and ran into the armoured glass, not strong enough to stop him. The shard cut his face - for enlightened mind it was nothing. It was night and other storages outside: big lighted buildings stood around him. Between them he saw a high wall.
- Run to the wall, there you will find a way out! - he obeyed the voice immediately. Every word of it proved to be the clearest truth. It saddened him, that his comrades didn't follow it, but he was glad being chosen. Now he would share the received gift with all this world. Bring them freedom.
Trevon came to the wall simultaneously with two giant dogs, the beasts were gene-enhanced and highly augmented to stop any intruder. He shot one in the mouth; the bang of his gun was drowned in the moan of the siren. The metal teeth clasped his right hand, weighing it down; the hanging beast snarled and kick him with the legs. Trevon couldn't let go his case, so he swung the bitten arm into the wall. The dog whined and let go after the second hit. He couldn't be stopped by such petty guard - he was the chosen one. Trevon covered his face with the case from the bullets rained on him and ran back in the alley, away from the wall.
- Here is your way out of here, - declared the voice, - wait for them.
He has already pressed to the wall of one building, stretching the bitten arm with the gun, waiting for the pursuers. Trevon used to be a slave, but he has been a warrior-slave. The light emerged in the alley with engine's hum and tires screeching. He shot twice at one vehicle and fired at the second, which got to spit at him the stubber's gunfire. There were screams and shots behind, but the voice urged him to flee the battle in the name of his noble goal. Trevon darted to the wheeled machines with mounted heavy weapon. Those fast firing platforms were good against hunger mob in case of riots, but not against a trained specialist like him. He took the place of the driver, whose face became a hole, and drove away from the battle scene.
- The truth! People must know the truth! - the inner voice urged him to leave this premises.
Trevon raced along the wall, until the incoming shots indicated the block-post at the gates. He pushed the rune and the jet of fire stretched to the nearest barricade: the flamer, mounted under the cockpit was one more anti-mob tool the vehicle had. The chosen jumped out the machine and it hit the second cover, making guards scatter. He was among them, pulling the trigger and running to the controlling room.
- Open the gate! - he pressed one man to the wall inside the post. Outside the rest of the guards were gathering to stop him. They were ready to die rather than to get free.
- I can't! - cried the guard.
- Lier, - declared the voice, and he snaped the slave's neck. There were more people inside, covering their faces from him, from the truth itself, - that one, in the corner.
- Open the gate or die as a slave, - Trevon pulled the woman up on her legs.
- The Emperor pro..Aargh! - he didn't let her finished the old lie and broke her palm. The order was repeated and she pushed the right runes on the panel and showed her shaking branded wrist to the scanner. The gates got opened, letting in the mob. The guards opened fire at the marauders pouring in. Somebody always prowls around the ration storage and the route, hoping in vain to get something from the convoys. That night for some reason there were more people than usual, and hearing shots behind the mighty wall they assumed that the unrest would open storages to them. Trevon ran out the controlling room and mixed with the crazy mob, dying under the fire of the guards. He pushed away ugly people mercilessly and got shot in the back - didn't matter: the voice assured him that his goal was close. The reinforcement was coming to the guards, but in this chaos of attempted looting no one would catch him. Trevon disappeared in the darkness.

He stood before the plain rockcrete wall. That was his goal. They would find him soon: the broken servo-skulls and the dead arbiters he left behind; the stormed gates and the guards failed to stop him; the time he spent running though this facility, - all that was enough to gather the real force to stop him. Let them come, they will be the first who see the truth he brought to this world.
- You did well, Trevon, - the voice praised him joyfully, - break this wall, which separates the blind slaves from the shining truth. Do what you have been chosen for!
- For the truth! - he put down the case and opened the armoured lid. With the same left palm he activated the charge - the right was wounded, couple fingers were missing. Trevon stood up, feeling how satisfied his consciousness was. He looked at himself, noticing how scorched and scratched his power armour was. Humans couldn't do all this damage to him, his brothers did it. They stood loyal, but one traitor killed them. He was that traitor, whose faith wasn't strong enough. The vile spirit put the veil off the marine's mind enjoying his sufferings. Trevon knew that behind the walls stood the plasma-reactor in the middle of some Hive-City.
- The Emperor, forgive my weakness, - the first flash emerged below the polluted air of Olynthum T.

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