IX The past

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- Titus, Hargun calls you, - he nodded to his brother-legionary brought the message and stood up sheathing the knife, freshly lubricated and wiped. The Astartes picked up his helmet and walked down the quarters, stomping with his ceramite boots; he wore his armour and the vox functioned well, just Hargun liked to keep live communication between his brothers. Here their small squad was separated from the others and personal communication must be maintained.
- Sergeant Hurd! - he saluted his superior. Hargun greeted him in Cthonian. The strict officer stood straight like he was going to receive an order form the Primarch and not to give one to his subordinate. An old white badge with imagery of a wolf head and crescent moon caught the eye on the highly decorated greenish armour, which praised the long service of its bearer. Not as long as his though.
- Take Kudon and go to the governor palace, the incompetent fool sent another distress call. Our brothers might need help. Report me when it is over. Kill for the living!
- Kill for the dead! - Titus stroke his chest and went out. He put on the helmet and called his friend through the vox, - Kudon?
- I am out, - he found him standing next to a land speeder, ready to war, - where did he send us? Another strike at the promethium refinery? Those mortals, they've been dealt with too soft last time.
- "The governor" called us, - Titus laughed at the title which absolutely didn't suite the maggot it bore, - our brothers are there, let's rush, - each warrior outstretched a hand showing number of fingers, - even! You drive.
- Lucky me! - Kudon jumped into the driver's seat and started the speeder.
They raced off, hovering above the ground of this little moon. Local inhabitants followed them with hateful looks or ran for cover: anger and fear - Titus got used to this reaction. They brought peace, safety and the unity of whole mankind - the only chance to live prosperously in the galaxy full of danger, but this people rejected it. Said no to compliance, said no to the Emperor's truth. The Warmaster sent his sons to illuminate these fools, but even the look of the mighty and grandiose Legions Astartes hadn't change their mind. The planet was a pitiful shadow of what it was before the Long Night. The brief compliance war finished what left of it. Polluted, ruined world with no valuable resources or precious atmosphere was marked on the galaxy map, written down in the deeds of the expeditionary fleet and forgotten for the better times. Later, when the mankind has time and resources to spare, the world of forgotten name will be remade. The fate of moons and asteroids surrounding the planet had been decided differently from the beginning. It had rich reserves of promethium resources - a valuable trophy for the ever-growing Imperium. Several squads deployed and conquered the ruling facilities and destroyed those who dared to oppose the inevitable. It was fast and easy, local warriors were way too inferior to the space marines. And the population in masses didn't get that their masters have been changed and didn't care that much really. Initial mission of iterators showed compliance, and the Adeptus Mechanicus started their work. In weeks the production facilities became more efficient and safer. The people knew a better life with food, living space and all other resources justly arranged. The colony joined the Imperium and now produced the fuel for its continuing war. Titus' squad was left as an additional protection of the newly established order on the main moon. He blamed the survivors from the havocked planet and the idiot, who decided to settle them down on the satellites of their former world, for staying here so long. Resistance emerged, underground, of course. Decimation was his proposal. Again, and again, until the humans wouldn't give out the rebels themselves. Titus was sure that doing so one time would be enough, but it wasn't his call. The sergeant said there was demand for the fuel and the lack of the colonists. And so, the conquerors of the galaxy turn into the militia catching petty saboteurs and rebels.
- Ho was the chieftan? - asked his brother pushing the speeder to its limit: they left the settlement and now were crossing the empty rocky plain between their quarters and the capital of the moon. One more foolish order they have received - to keep distance to the governor, showing the people that the war was over and they are ruled by their own. Nonsense, the war was never over. There was always an enemy to crush. Titus never shared the ideas about what would the Astartes do after the Crusade would end. They would stay warriors. What else?
- Caring and attentive as always. Asked how did I sleep, - Titus grinned.
- Can't see, why Hargun doesn't like you, - Kudon shook his head, driving attentively, - I bet it's because you are a soft Terran boy.
- I don't need him like me. He gave me justice orders and that's enough. You are the Cthonian too, as well as the rest of the squad. There are few of us, born on the Terra, stayed in the company, but it never bothered me. There are no Terrans or Chtonians, we are all Sons of Horus. - Titus slapped his friends on the pauldron, - and hadn't this Terran boy saved your life too many times to be called that?
- Not more often, than I had his, - laughed Kudon, - and gladly would do so as many times as have to.
- I won't stay in the debt, brother, - sitting shoulder to shoulder in the tight cabin, they were like a reflection of each other, a two perfect automates made for war. One helmet concealed a smile, the other - a frown, - I think it is somehow related to the damn lodges.
- But you are not the member, - Kudon's voice was confused, - you said you didn't like the very invitation and rejected. At your place I would have checked what it is everybody whispers about and then reject. Or did they make you another offer, Titus? Lucky you, seems they find my person too simple for their society.
- You are straight and sound warrior, brother. An example, others should follow. And no, I heard nothing new from them, whoever they are.
- Then tell the chieftan, that you are not playing these games!
- Maybe, he is a member himself, - though Titus doubted that the strict sergeant could be interested in such foolishness, - he is my squad leader, I can't just start with him the dialogue on a such topic.
- The hell you can't, brother! - exclaimed Kudon, - he is just an Astartes as you or me. You even have been serving longer than he!
- He was picked to be a sergeant by the company command, which were appointed by the battalion command, which was...
- Stop it! Next thing you say that Horus Lupercal personally picked Hargun Hurds to torture us and we should listen to him as to the Warmaster himself, - laughed old friend, - figuratively speaking, of course.
- Literally too, Kudon, - he warned his brother, - watch your tongue. The Primarch's name and the laugh shouldn't go close together.
- I am ready to incur the punishment from Horus, if it brings me closer to him and the rest legion. We must be there, fighting alongside our brothers in Istvaan System, not to rust here. Meddling with these ungrateful humans!
- I share your frustration, - he really did, - but now our duty lays here. The Warmaster has a place for every one of us in his plan. Trust him.

His brother slowed down the vehicle - they were arriving in the capital. This title suited to the little town as the word "palace" suited the barracks, playing this role. A common building, which would be invisible at the real Imperium's city, towering over squat native architecture.
- Something up, - the streets were too empty; Titus announced their arrival to the brothers, guarding the governor, - Titus is speaking, respond, brothers!
- Finally! - Kastruk responded, - the mob gathered outside in a moment, definitely planned defiance. Executing the order of sparring lives of locals, we retreated inside and took clerks with us. Seems we did a mistake - they took our mercy for weakness and started a riot.
- Ungrateful bastards, - snarled Titus.
- Exactly, brother, - continued the sieged legionary, - they are rampaging outside, the pict-records show arsons and vandalism, no corpses so far. I sent militia away. We have the whole damn administration with us and have to protect them.
- I see, Kastruk, don't go out, we will stop them.
- Teach them to fear us, brother, - the legionary switched off.
- Shall we call chieftan? - asked Kudon.
- No, we've got our order, - Titus checked the heavy bolter mounted next to his chair, - they will obey or get punished.
- With all your piety to the hierarchy, you like to act on your own, brother, - his friend chuckled, - don't you think it is the reason Hargun doesn't like you that much.

The entrance into the palace was surrounded with the crowd of two thousands: people screamed, threw stones and firebombs in the building, aiming to the narrow windows, which were well protected against much stronger weapon anyway. Several rebels tried to open the gates with some mining equipment. If they succeed, they would only find an angry Astartes on their way. The rioters were digging their own grave.
- Citizens of the Imperium! - Titus addressed the mob through the loud-speaker, hoping they wouldn't listen to him. The Imperial Law must be respected daily and sincerely, not under the muzzle of the bolter, - stop this riot! Drop your weapons and stay where you are. Till your punishment will be announced, - the last words he said when the hull of the spider was ablaze. Handmade firebombs and rocks hit the vehicle. One glanced off his helmet. People screamed something to the arrived legionaries, thinking one Astartes to thousand unarmed humans was a ratio to their side. The language in this system was too distorted to Titus and the mob to understand each other. But the intentions of both parties were clear; the rioters did their choice. He pulled the trigger and the crowd began to burst with wet explosions: heavy bolter, designed to pierce armoured enemy or light vehicle, scythed naked humans, killing several with every bolt. What did they expect, that he would retreat? That the Imperium could be chased away? People instantly lose their rebellious spirit and flee. He said to Kudon to drive around the square, herding the runaway rioters - the more he kills, the less survivors will dare repeat this insolent action. Titus fired with no doubts: there were no innocence around him now. If somebody has just joined the riot when it started - he could blame only himself. The Emperor declared the Crusade to collect the scattered worlds in one formation. Mankind needs no fools.
- I think that's enough, - said Kudon.
- Agree, drive to the gates, - Titus didn't see hundreds of dead people, they were rebels - a piece of scenery, unpleasant landscape. He was looking after those who escaped his wrath: rioters were running away down the streets, dropping the idea to hide inside the nearest buildings, which owners knew better than to let them in. Titus expected resistance, some firearms, missed by requisition - nothing. Some people are not only stupid to adapt, they are dangerous enough to lead others to ruin with them.
- Well done, Titus! - Kastruk cheered him through the vox, - very impressive and efficient. We all enjoyed it, - the legionary obviously mocked the clerks around him who witnessed the massacre and must be terrified.
- I had no joy in this dirty work, - he added for the humans, - disobedience can't be tolerated. Open the gates, time to discuss the cleaning and new adjustments after today's events.
- Waiting for you, brother.
Titus jumped to the ground and went over corpses to the palace, holding his bolter. Kudon stopped the speeder backwards to the building and took his seat, ready to meet a possible new wave of insurgents with fire. The ceramite door, marked with the Imperial Eagle relief, slid up, opening the empty corridor, bright and light - clean, straight lines of the main building of the new regime symbolized a new better order. The order, which those mortals, who in their degradation had ruined their own world and sunk so low, dared to reject. As long as he represented the Crusade on this rock, its habitants would obey the will of the Emperor and Horus.
- Kastruk! How deep did you hide from these rebels? - Titus laughed, walking through the empty offices and rooms. His brothers and the clerks must be in the vox room, making contact with other Imperial authorities across the system. He heard the clicks and hum of the cogitators; somebody murmured some messages in the communication machines. Titus pushed the rune, being Astartes he was authorized to enter any facility of this recently complied world. The armoured panel swiftly slid aside and he was pushed backwards and hit the opposite wall with his power backpack. But he didn't fell down - heavy punches held him up, nailing to the rockcrete panel, hammering him into it. His helmet cracked under hits; the head darted in all directions. It was the first time when Titus felt himself helpless in the fight. The beating stopped for a moment and he was shot in the chest - the impact bit off a piece of his chest plate.
- Kudon! - he gasped in the vox, warning his brother of the new dangerous enemy, saving him from the ambush. At the same time, he reached for his knife, but the new punch blocked his visor and the hand was twisted and nailed to the wall with the blade, piercing his palm despite the gauntlet. His right hand was empty - he lost the bolter during the attack. What a disgrace. The whole fight took two seconds at most, and he still hasn't seen his enemy. Whoever or whatever it was, he, Titus Livius of the 16th, won't gave up his life easily. The enemy got a powerful firearm, but seems like he enjoyed beating the Astartes in close combat - another heavy punch in the head tilted it up. He leant on the wall and used the legs to grab the foe. Titus succeeded getting another punch in the visor as a reward for his resistance. Blindly he stretched out his right hand, aiming to pull out the thing holding his left arm. It was caught and twisted, almost broken, the pain pieced him despite all enhanced biology. Titus roared with anger and freed his palm, feeling how his blood sprayed from the wounded arm, he clenched it in an excuse of a fist and crushed it into the enemy hitting something. His legs were still around the foe and the Astartes felt how the opponent moved, blocking his released hand, but his right was still held, so he darted his helmet forward luckily hitting somewhere. A blood soaked giant, of similar shape emerged to his view when he pulled the head back. No time to gaze at the enemy, Titus leant on him trying to make him loose balance, to push him down. The grab on his right got a bit weaker and now he squeezed his enemy's arm with his fingers. The stranger tried to give him back the headbutt, but hit the chest - Titus has finally seen who he was fighting with. A protective armoured plate covered his conscience, the knowledge was immediately shut down in the dungeon of his mind, protecting his sanity. They froze in a tie for a moment. Then the enemy pushed him back in the wall cracking the rockcrete, and pulled them both on the floor. Titus landed on the wounded palm, but he managed to wrest out his right arm and now wrung the enemy's limb, twisting the elbow. The legs lock was the move saved him in this fight. Struggling to free himself from it, the enemy let him stretched his left arm under the foe, his wounded palm emerged behind the tangled wrestlers. Titus let go the twisted limb and reached for the thing pierced his gauntlet. Massive pauldrons, power backpacks and the enemy himself were in his way, but managed to grab the handle of the knife, the exact copy of his own weapon, stayed in the sheath, pulled it out and stroke the back of the neck of his opponent. The blade glanced off ceramite, the enemy twitched ever more, but the second strike hit the neck below the helmet rim. A simple tool, common around the galaxy, but turned by the Imperial technology into the perfect weapon, stopped another exemplar of the mankind's warfare. The unbelievable enemy trembled and twitched, not accepting death. Titus pulled his left arm out of the dead Kastruk and disentangled his legs. He didn't get a chance to stand up - a hit in the right pauldron pushed him back. Titus leapt for his bolter, his armour got bitten by bolts three or four times more, cracking and chipping the ceramite, stripping him off for the lethal hit in the future. The fire came from the vox-room, who was with Kastruk today? Titus ran down the corridor and took cover in the nearest compartment on the right side.
- Kudon! Where are you?! - he called his friend, looking over the door, ready to shoot anybody who would emerge from the damned room - no ally was there. No Astartes would fire another space marine several times for mistake. Whatever happen to poor Kastruk, took the mind of his companion too.
- I'm out, chased away few humans, who dared to show up after your lesson, - carefree answered his brother, ignorant to the catastrophe just had happened next to him, - what's going on, why are you using private channel?
- The common one is compromised. I've been attacked by Kastruk. Repeat. Kastruk tried to kill.
- What the hell, brother?! You are the one who told me to watch my tongue, drop this vile jock!
- I wish it was, brother, - Titus said bitterly, keeping his feelings tied up inside till the fight is over. The loud bang filled the corridor and he ducked, hiding from the detonation raining him with shards. - Did you hear it? I wasn't my bolter. Who else is here today?
- Avakhul, - came the short business-like answer, - I am coming to you, Titus.
- He is in the vox room, be careful. It is some kind of madness.
- We don't go mad, - distant stump of his friend running emerged inside the palace, - The Emperor and Horus! - exclaimed Kudon looking over opposite end of the corridor and seeing the dead brother.
- No! - Titus saw a greenish armour of his legion smeared with blood in the doorway to the vox room and fired at it. The mad space marine disappeared made his shot. - Kudon!
- I'm alright, - his brother responded, - the atrocity of this hurting more than any bullet. Don't worry, I can hold my weapon, let's take him and find out the reason.
- We go simultaneously and catch him in cross-fire, - "that's just another enemy", - he kept telling himself, - as at that citadel under the mountain with the surrounded king.
- You should be more specific! - Kudon tried to laugh, as he commonly did in the battles, but this time his voice was nervous and hoarse. Two brothers point their guns on the open door and started cautiously approaching the pathway into the vox room. Step, then another, hands gripped the bolter tight, but his mind and hearts trembled. The shadow emerged in the door and Titus fired at it, simultaneously being hit himself. Driven only by the instinct he pulled the trigger one more time, falling to the floor. Compromised armour stopped the initial hit but detonation filled his chest with shards. Titus laid on the side, stretched hand holding the bolter, but Avakhul didn't move. Just as Kudon - his oldest friend, his named brother shot him, when he fired at the mad Astartes hiding in the vox room. But was Avakhul mad? Did Kastruk really attacked him? And Kudon? Easy going and straightforward Kudon, how could he get mad? It must have been him, Titus, who went crazy. No! He pulled himself together and took control of the slipping reality. They attacked him, he defended, and now time to inform sergeant Hurds. The Astartes stood up, feeling how his enhanced physiology contained the damage. The squad got the medic at the quarters, he will deal with shards. Titus warily approached the slain legionaries. Avakhul was half-sitting leaning on the wall: Titus got him in the face. The vox room was empty, but the blood on madmen' armour spoke of the brutal end of the governor and clerks. He looked at Kudon - Titus got lucky to hit a gap between ceramite and pierce the sub-suit of his former friend; the bolt must have made a pulp out of his internals. He suppressed the urge to look at his brother's face - there was the same face, watch it or not. The galaxy had no place for miracles. Titus picked up his friend's bolter as a token of their former relationship. Ill, mad or hypnotized, but Kudon had been his brother for over thirty Terran years in dozens of campaigns. He returned to the room and tried the vox - useless. It wasn't smashed or chopped - just didn't respond to his commands. Titus turned around and saw his reflection - the same sea-green armour.
- Lupercal! - Kudon leapt on him striking with his knife. His bolter was in his hand, but there was no time to Raise it, so Titus dropped it and in the last moment blocked the weapon pointed to his lenses with his own blade, drawn from the sheath in automatic movement. He didn't see the left hand of the relentless enemy, but his own punched the wound, mixing his own blood with the gore of the mad brother. Kudon put a palm on his helm, but he was too weak from the injure, and Titus smacked off the armed arm of his foe and nailed his blade in the lenses. The fight was over. This time, he knelt down and put the helmet off Kudon's head and looked at his dead friend. Now Titus has experienced what exactly had happened in last couple minutes. He didn't remember his life before becoming the Astartes. Titus born the day he joined the 16th and since then the galaxy for him was a board of very dangerous and grim game for survival. And he has been enjoying this cruel way of life, he embraced his fate to wage war in the name of the Emperor and mankind and knew no fear, knowing that whatever horror he meets - his brothers will be there, by his side, and they will overwhelm it. He will die eventually, but the Legion would live. The Imperium that was built on their blood would live. To be surrounded with dead Astartes slain by his hand - that would be the craziest dream if Titus had ones. He just has lived through one. Titus wanted to cry and yell, but he couldn't. He saw mortals do so often, he was saved from this. The Astartes took the Kudon's knife and put in into the floor - the blade held by firm hand pierced the rockcrete at the right angle. Titus stood up and kicked the handle, breaking the weapon in halves - that was it, he broke the link with those he used to call brothers. He was the old space marine and heard enough rumors about some strange deviations in other legions. Maybe he discovered one among the Sons of Horus. He would tell Hargun Hurds. The sergeant - to the company command and then the Warmaster himself would know of it. Horus would know what to do with it, he would protect the honor of the legion.

Titus went out the palace, the helmet protected him from the smell of the corpses. After the three kills inside, these hundreds seemed insignificant. Damn and burn this moon, however rich her subsoils are, if it brought this flaw in his fellow-legionaries. The arrived militia was few and shocked. He ignored them, jumped into the speeder, announced through the loud-speaker to the frozen town, that nobody could come inside under the peril of death, and started the engine. Leaving the blooded square behind he thought that with all clerks being dead it wouldn't be cleaned soon. Outside the capital Titus sped up the skimmer, hurrying to Hargun. The radar showed him that he wasn't alone. Thanks to the landscape he saw it himself soon - a dot appeared on the horizon, coming right at him. It could be only a jetbike coming from their quarters to the capital.
- It's Endarr, - creaked the vox, - how is the situation in the palace? We lost the vox-link with it and chieftan sent me to check on you.
- It's me, Titus, - the bike got closer and he slowed down, may be to tell trough the vox will be easier, - a terrible thing happened, brother.
- What is it, Titus? - asked another legionary and fired at him with plasma cannon built into his bike.
And again, his body reacted while his mind was shut down from the absurdity of the ongoing. Titus jumped out but the blast wave caught him and pushed further, while another madman raced by. He rolled over and raised his bolter - the jetbike was going on him, being a lethal treat by itself, not counting the Astartes riding it and the cannon which would be ready soon. Titus fired, but the legionary expectedly ducked behind the ruling panel, then he shot the cannon, hidden inside the long hull of the machine, and jumped aside, escaping the fate of being hit. Both Astartes exchanged bolts: he got shot in the pauldron - the enemy was a match for him. Titus kept firing and silence - no use wasting time on mad gibberish. Endarr went for another round - this time firing his bolt-pistol from the start, aiming not only to hit him but also to obstruct his shooting. He had only two precious bolts left when the rider turned right rapidly, the jetbike lost velocity and hit the ground. Titus limped to the fallen vehicle, dragging the wounded shin. He kept the visible motionless leg at gun point, didn't risk to change the magazine. His anxiety paid off: next to the leg emerged the head and the armed arm. One shot made them disappear. Endar, wounded in the neck and chest struggled to get up, reaching for his pistol. Titus shot him in the face and reloaded the bolter. He put the body across the hull and mounted the bike. Starting the engine and wincing from his wounds, the legionary thought, what kind of mental sickness affects one and spares another among those who share the one life.

Their quarters were located next to a small transport hub, a vehicle repair shop for those who didn't need to go to the capital. The garage facilities were used by the legionaries to store their transport and ammunition. A marine named Judd who enjoyed machines was in charge of it, he wouldn't like destruction of the speeder. But the rest of the story would make him forget his precious flyer. A smoke rose on horizon - something was up. Had the madness taken all his brothers? Impossible! Endar called him intelligibly first, so he left the quarters being sane. Titus slowed down and drew a field glasses from the saddle bag: the barracks laid in ruins. A pile of blown rockcrete was all that left of their camp. He didn't care for the shelter, he had nothing valuable buried under the wrecks, it was his brothers he worried about. Was it Endar who set the charge before leaving or another legionary went mad and blew the others? Titus hit the gas.
- Endar? Did you deal with him? - a brother speaking in Cthonian emerged in the vox, - is the rest behind you?
- Yes, - Titus answered hiding the truth out of some vague feeling. He sensed that he covered not the grim reality, but his identity and life.
- Good! Come here and join our rescue operation, - the legionary chuckled and cut off the link.
- What the hell is this madness?! - Titus squeezed the handlebars. He raced to the quarters, looking into the field glass time to time on the full speed, trying to see what was waiting for him. The Astartes left the bike on the outskirts of the settlement and run to the garage, bolter ready. The locals working on the repair station was out of sight. "No wonder, - he lied to himself, - they were ordered to take cover and stay away, when the explosion happened". He found them dead at their working place: tiny humans, chopped and broken, laid next to Judd. Titus didn't spare his time on wondering and examined the corpse: the legionary was killed with two shots, one in the lower back and one in the head. The bare head was almost gone, he recognized the machine fan brother by the marks on his pauldron. No doubt, the madness took his squad, and insane ones killed the rest. How many more former brothers he had to stop to terminate the sickness. Would he feel when the illness crept up on him, to blow his own brain out? Titus sneaked as quiet as possible, knowing that his enemy was the same post-human as he was, but lacked his wounds and broken armour. And might be not so lonely.
- Finally! - the same voice thundered in the air in Cthonian. It wasn't distorted by the vox, but Titus failed to recognize its owner. He looked over the corner of the building and the hope stirred inside him. There were two Sons of Horus, clearing the debris, tossing away big pieces of rockcrete away. Bareheaded Malonus was diffing the shards with both hands; Raddek, fully clad in ceramite, assisted him with one, holding the auspex in the other. The legionary with no helmet grunted and pulled another green figure out of the debris, Titus recognized the white wolf badge. Hargun's head was crimson and black, - you won't need this anymore, "chief", - with nasty laugh Malonus tossed off the badge and hit the neck with the knife. He didn't get to cut the head off, for his own skull disappeared in the wet explosion. Titus was already firing at the Raddek, who started to move with the first bang of the bolter. The mad Astartes got his bolter hanged on the shoulder and shot in response not taken aback by the attack. His power backpack took all bolts sent by Titus and they started the gun fight among the debris. This Raddek has been turned into the Astartes recently and joined the squad just before the compliance of this damned system, but showed himself very good in the short-range city fights. With intact armour and that auspex, he was going to be a tough opponent. Titus turned and ran, bolts immediately detonated behind him, he blindly shot back. Running by the dead Judd he noticed the other jetbikes belonged to the squad - good, he wouldn't be left on his own. Titus came to his vehicle, hiding behind it, he started the machine, lifting it up off the earth. With the hum of the engine came the sound of the bolter, the noise that used to be the sound of glory and victory, now screamed his death. Would he die the same way Endar ended did by his hand? Tied up with controlling the bike, and having no place for gaining the speed, Titus should have driven away by all tactics and rules. But nothing that day went by the book. He headed the bike right at Raddek, firing over a corner. The lack of speed and distance actually increased his chance of surviving. The hit almost knocked him out the bike - the left pauldron was completely destroyed, but keeping the mad marine on the position was all he cared about - Titus fired the plasma-cannon and jumped off. The corner was annihilated by the charge and then hit by the bike. He tossed grenades in the dust covering the collapsed part of the building and broke into the structure itself through a door. Raddek was there, covering from the plasma shot or the grenades, he might notice. But he didn't see him coming, his both hands were occupied with the bolter. First bolt Titus sent hit the glorious weapon, ruining it. The second cracked the breast plate of the mad brother. The third blew the face away, showering Titus with ceramite chips and shrapnel of his own bolt - so close Raddek came on him. The Astartes took the bolter's magazines and left the body. Other corpses called him.
- It hurts to see you gone this way, brothers. It is wrong. - Titus leant Hargun and Judd on the wall of the garage. He had not time to dig the rest corpses out of the wrecks. - I killed those who did it and promise to find out the cause of this madness so this atrocity will not happen again. I must hurry, forgive me leaving you like this, - he put the symbol of the Luna Wolves in the hand of the sergeant, - the legion will not forget you, brothers! - Titus saluted the legionaries hitting his chest and turned to the bikes. He had no evidences of the happening, no witnesses or pict-record, but the 16th would believe him. Horus would trust his loyal son.

Titus raced across the moon; the Endar's body laid among others madmen at the quarters. He didn't like leaving bodies of the legionaries for the locals to stare at them, but the time was important. The sooner he informs the legion, the better. There was still a chance the madness would take him next. The Astartes felt sorrow for killing his own kin, but otherwise he felt the same. His plan was to inform the local authority about the riot and the accident, join the nearest expedition fleet, then inform his command. It would be hard to travel alone and not revealing the cause, but he must do it. Titus has been driving for many hours, the rocky land under him turned black and got lighted again - by the noon of the second day he had arrived at the biggest mining facility on the moon. It had a garrison of the Imperial Army's veterans, stationed there to maintain the compliance. The colonel, retired from the crusade, was out of the world's command structure, but was an important figure, representing the Imperium and looking after its warriors, and now, it would be his duty to maintain the order on the moon. More importantly, the settlement got the vox-commutator and transport, which get him out this rock. He parked the heated bike, padded the reliable machine and went into the building, ignoring humans, saluting to him or staring at his battle worn look. Nobody stopped him, of course. The colors of the Sons of Horus granted access anywhere across the worlds, joined the Imperium. The frighten man showed him the compartment of the colonel.
- Titus Livius, - announced he, entering the room.
- My lord? - Titus saw that the officer wasn't very much surprised with his arrival. One half of the face was an image of young man, made of dull metal. The true aged skin wrinkled, looking at his damaged armour. - Everything is finished?
- What finished? - he didn't get the question. Was the colonel aware of the accident? But why he wouldn't? Some time has passed, the capital couldn't sit still looking at the pile of corpses. There were militia, some clerks could survive. - Yes, the riot is suppressed successfully, - the man nodded warily, - there is something I should tell you, colonel.
- Yes, my lord? - the human, what was his name, looked back nervously.
- Keep it to yourself and look after the soldiers,- he warned strictly, - my brothers are dead. A dramatic accident happened.
- What, what happened? - mumbled the colonel, getting pale and running with sweat, - who died? And how?
- I said the accident happened, - repeated Titus harshly, - whatever your soldiers will see, they must keep it to themselves. The natives shouldn't know anything. From this on you are the governor of this system.
- Me, my lord? - the shocked human repeated after him.
- I, being a representative of the Warmaster, - hearing this name the colonel squinted and lick his lips, leaving a wet trace on the mask, - name you so, you have means to maintain this title. Your first duty is to clean the bodies in the capital. Inside the palace, entering to which I have forbidden personally you will find your dead predecessor with his clerks and dead Astartes. We have no statis field devices here, so you have to destroy my brothers and do it secretly. Is it clear, governor?
- Yes, my lord, - the man started to get himself together, after all he was experienced crusader. All that happened last day turned to be an unexpected promotion for the man. Now he would end his life as a governor of the system, however small it was. The colonel looked at him expectantly.
- The same must be done in the legion's quarters. Deal with the consequences of the accident and then take control of the system. I will return with the replacement and with a decree from the fleet.
- May I ask two questions, my lord? - Titus nodded, - are you the only survivor of this dreadful accident?
- What?! - he roared, fighting the urge to tear the head off of the insolent human.
- I beg your pardon, my lord! - the colonel swiftly bowed low, trembling, - I didn't mean to insinuate any indecency. I just wanted to know if lord Malonus is among the gone.
- I made it clear, that I am the only survivor, - growled Titus, - why do you ask about him? What's your business to my dead brother?
- Nothing, my lord, I assure you. Lord Malonus honored me with a talk after visiting this facility. I am grieving for such warrior.
- What is your second question? - Titus cut off the sentiments. Freshly made governor stood at attention.
- How can I assist you, my lord?
- Tell the tank barge on the orbit to get ready to move to the nearest ship capable of a warp-jump. And show me to the shuttle which get me there.

The old army shuttle took him to the orbit. Titus took control over the tank barge filled with the precious resource by one third and left the damned moon behind. There were two ships with a warp-engine in the system that time, both were enormous cargo carriers. One just had returned, bringing the last position of the 326th Expedition Fleet to which he delivered the promethium barges. The other had a scheduled warp-jump in the future. The captain tried to convince him to wait several Terran days, but the Astartes made it clear, that he was a messenger to the Warmaster himself and would not tolerate any delate. The civilian skipper showed uncommon character speaking to the space marine and taking his personal data, gave order to his subordinate to get ready for the jump. "For the clerks", - said the man putting away the data-plate with proofs of being requisitioned by the Astartes. The short voyage through the warp Titus spent in some tight compartment, cutting out the biggest chips of his flesh. He had a repairment set, but the most damages of his armour were way below his means and abilities. The power suite lost its invincibility for good. Washing away the blood of his brothers, Titus chased away the grim thoughts. The darkest of which were inspired by nothing other than the dangerous Immaterium outside. One human got mad during the warp voyage and the captain asked him to the unfortunate man. He asked what was captain planning to do with the wretched sailor, receiving the gloom silence for the response, the Astartes gently stopped the suffering of the dead mind. "They are waiting for us! They want you!", - this gibberish was stopped by his hands. When the signal announced the returning to the real space, Titus left his compartment and walked to the captain bridge.
- The fleet has gone, my lord, - the man nodded to the servitor wired to the vox panel, - we are searching for any Imperial vessel in this area to know more, - Titus nodded, - navigators are sure we are here where we are supposed to be.
- Incoming request, captain, - another human called from the opposite dark corner, reading glowing monitors of cogitators, - Imperium signature, but neither crusade nor civilian.
- A rogue trader then, - grunted the captain and added with jealousy, - sneaky bastards, free as the wind. Put him through!
- Hello, friends! Have you lost? - the joyful voice emerged on the bridge, confident and well-humored, despite the creaking of the vox. - My name is Afanasy, captain of Twer, exploring the galaxy under the Warrant of Trade.
- Titus Livius, legionary of the Sons of Horus, - he cut in the chat, - I am looking for the 326th fleet, do you know its whereabout?
- Greetings to you, cousin, - after a pause a new voice emerged in the vox, - I am sergeant Teleman of the Emperor's Children. May I ask your purpose of this travel?
- I greet you, sergeant, - Titus stroke his chest, making the sound loud enough for the other Astartes to hear it. The third was a battle forged ally of the Sons of Horus. He fought alongside the Children many times, praising their approach to the war and the crusade. - Legion business. The 326th is the nearest fleet for my knowledge. May I ask the same?
- I am afraid the answer will be the same too, - easily answered Teleman, - but we may share the service, captain Afanasy provided to me. I am heading to Istvaan System, I believe you will find enough of your brothers there to complete your mission.
- Thank you for your assistance, sergeant Teleman, I am ready to join you.
- Sending our coordinates, Titus of the 16th.
The shuttle which took him to the barge was capable of taking him to Twer; Titus left the ship, dismissing the captain, who could return to his shipments now. The Rogue Trader's ship was a small one, the smallest he has ever seen with a warp-engine aboard. Afanasy himself welcomed him guiding his mooring when he approached it. Titus left the shuttle breathing the dry air of Twer. Couple servitors approached the flyer, no humans on the deck, filled with neat rows of containers - some precious cargo the free merchant planned to trade before met the Astartes. To pursued him must be harder than the captain of some tanker, the Rogue Traders were as autonomous as possible. But they were still a part of the Imperium and bend to its will. And the Astartes were this will incarnate. The gates to his left let the sergeant in.
- You have met the ferocious enemy, Titus, - the warrior looked at his ruined armour. Teleman himself was an example of his legion attraction to the beaty: purple ceramite gleamed like a spotless mirror; heavy golden decor trimmed the plates; the eagle on his breast, which the Children took so much pride of, had a diamond eye. The sergeant was bareheaded, his long, almost white hair laid loose around his face. A beautiful prince on the outside, an unstoppable killer inside - Titus knew better than to underestimate the marine before him. A different culture, but the same origin and purpose.
- Unexpected one, Teleman, - he answered bitterly, clenching the helmet at his left hand, - I can't say more, with all respect and gratitude, sergeant.
- I understand, Titus, and will not ask you to, - the Astartes in purple showed at the path behind him and turned back to him, - let me introduce you to the noble Afanasy and then a cabin for you will be arranged. Have you heard of the Death Guard and the World Eaters?
- What about them? - Titus asked the back of the sergeant, who was pushing the runes of a control panel to let them in the corridor.
- They chose right, - the gates opened up and the bolter, hanged by his side exploded, the same happened to the helmet. His face bled from the fresh shrapnel cuts. Titus saw a smoking muzzle of the bolter in the purple hands. Another legionary of the 3d stepped on the deck. Teleman aimed at him with his bolt-pistol.
- You have no authority to judge me, the Emperor's Children! - stated Titus, keeping the scream "madness" inside. - What are you accuse me in? I demand you explain your gruesome behavior.
- It is Solanius, - said Teleman, sheathing his pistol oblivious to questions. - he is my rival. After all these years we have fought with him together, my brother insists that we are marksmen - and I swear by the name of our Primarch, he is an extraordinary shooter, - here disarmed Titus got no objections, looking angrily at the visor of another Astartes pointing at him the bolter, - but I am sure that we are fighters, fencers, wrestlers, you see? Take enough humans or filthy xenos and they would gun us down, but to beat Astartes in hand to hand combat, - Teleman charmingly smiled and shook his head, - for that, Titus from the 16th, only other Astartes has power. - The sergeant drew his combat knife with the pommel of a golden eagle, - produce your blade, legionary, we'll see which of us achieved the perfection in our nature.
The old weapon has saved him many times and has been serving him well since the first day of his life as an Astartes. But that was the hardest fight he has ever endured. Titus forgot about the second Child and saw only Teleman, who moved with the certainty of the true master of combat. The sergeant was faster for a fraction of second, and during these moments he cut him: a hit in the wounded palm - to use his weakness; a strike in the chest - to check how shattered his armour was; a slash across the chin - aiming for the throat. The Astartes in purple wasn't playing with him, he wanted a fast and sure victory. The bareheaded madman was going to kill him. The bareheaded - here it was! Titus slashed the face of the Teleman with a long strike. The sergeant jumped back, preparing to counter-attack, his own knife would pierce the Son of Horus next moment. But Titus continued his attack: letting the handle go, he pushed off the floor with very tip of his boot prolongating his leap and grabbed the still floating hair pulling it to himself. Teleman didn't get to wipe off his excited smile, the fist in torn green gauntlet did it for him. The blow was so strong that light tips left in his fist with the rest of the head and body fell down. But Titus didn't let it hit the floor. He grabbed the unconscious sergeant used him as a shield - Solanius saw the end of his brother and opened fire, thundering on the deck. The purple body in his hands twitched from impacts, while he reached for the sheathed pistol. Titus ran at the enemy, holding the corpse in front of him and tossing it in the warrior of the third. Solanius moved aside, but bolts got him in the chest. Titus wasn't a genius marksman, but he survived two centuries of war not only by virtue of his close combat skills. A true Astartes is a balanced warrior and forgetting this simple rule cost lives to these mad cousins. And again, what kind of madness was this? One moment the sergeant was normal, the next put a gun at him. And the second one was hiding behind the door from the start. If they were going to kill him anyway (the reason for this hideous act should be put aside for now), why they didn't shoot his shuttle down? The barge wouldn't notice it. The question about other legions, was it a trick or the key to this madness? Showing his ignorance to their fate, some choice others made turned him into the enemy of the Emperor's Children. Those Astartes wore different colors and that made it easier to look at them, he felt the wrongness of this and wished he was still inside the tanker, having a dream during the warp travel. Titus checked the bolt-pistol, picked up additional magazines and stepped into the corridor - he had to deal with the reality, however fantastic and confusing it was. The vox of killed Astartes was silent, but who knew how many other madmen were on the board.
Ships were ships, so he walked warily to the captain bridge, not knowing that ever since sneaking around would be his fate. Nobody turned to him when he stepped into the commanding compartment. One half of the crew laid dead from bolt and blade wounds, the other sat motionless. He came closer to the nearest human and heard a sob.
- The Emperor! - Titus looked at the wet face of the woman; tears and blood mixed together. The cruel picture was shaded: the face skin was almost completely cut off and the lower lips were nailed to the equipment making a terrible tent - the human couldn't move glued to the working station with pain and fear. She trembled, rolling sore eyes. - Where is the aid kit on the bridge? Do you have a medicae on the board?!
The woman only moaned. The rest members of the crew were mutilated in different ways, left on the bridge without hope for escape. Titus found the box with antiseptic spray, bondages and some injectors. He ran from one wretched human to another, freeing them from their tortures, treating their wounds. He asked everyone he saved, where was the captain, how many enemies were there.
- He is in his chamber, above us, - pale man with chopped off feet answered him, not daring open his eyes. Purple or sea-green - there were no difference for the human. Titus saw, that the half of them would die soon. If the insane Astartes didn't went crazy completely, they should have spared the navigator, the captain and some crew members. By looking for the logic in their deeds, he admitted, that the Children wasn't just mad. Just as his killed brothers. Holding pistol and knife ready, Titus found the captain chamber and opened the door.
- Leave us alone, - the weak voice came out, - you need me no more, just say the crew where do you want to go.
- Afanasy? - he stepped inside the very small room, which were mostly occupied by the bed, squeezed between walls filled with shelves and monitors. Still, the captain was on the floor, stroking the long grey hair of a thin woman in a dress. Afanasy himself wore some kind of fleet uniform and looked much younger than the corpse in his laps. - How many were of them?
- She didn't like the rejuvenation, silly girl, - the man raised at him glassy eyes filled with tears, - had some complicated ideas and beliefs. I hoped that she would change her mind eventually and laughed, scaring her with death of old age. Silly me, the galaxy is burning with hundreds of wars; nobody dies of age this era.
- How many were of them? Answer me, human! - barked Titus, looking back in the corridor.
- You are green, but are you different to those two? - the captain lose interest to him and kissed the dead woman.
- I killed them. Are you sure there were only two of them?
- Killed them? Good, - Afanasy smiled and turned the woman face to him, - "only two" you say, that was enough. They should have saved us, - the man chuckled, - can you imagine, I was worrying so much, would they believe me? But I thought about the wrong thing. I should have asked myself, have they done it too?
- Done what? - asked Titus.
- Betrayed the Emperor, - smiled the man and stroke the hair of the corpse.

Afanasy, the owner of Twer. Titus saved his life and owed him his own. The Rogue Trader came to his senses in several hours and told his story. Hadn't he killed Astartes from two legions by his own hands in last two days, Titus would rip the man's tongue out. But he saw the proofs of mortal's words. Afanasy was his own master, but made a close connection with Eidolon, Lord Commander of the Emperor's Children, supplying the high rank officer with curiosities and maps of far space. Recently, the Rogue Trader felt that attitude to him had changed. The high ranked Astartes, especially of the third legion, never was a friendly person, but his disrespect grew drastically. Afanasy showed no discomfort, playing the role of a resigned servant, glad to have business with the venerable general. Meanwhile he found out how tight Eidolon and the Warmaster got, and what plans they mustered. Telling about the Horus's treason, Afanasy looked at him with genuine fear. Titus stood still, showing no emotions, meanwhile the beloved power suite suffocated him, the Primarch whom he adored and praised for centuries betrayed him and the Emperor, his father, for no visible reason. Why? How? What part of the legion followed Horus? Titus has killed not madmen, but traitors. The worst thing corrupted his brothers, for the treachery is far worse than fear or craziness. Afanasy told about his escape, his try to deliver the horrorful news. After three random warp-jumps he emerged here, far from the fleet of the Warmaster and Eidolon. A civilian ship crossed his way, carrying supplies for colonists and two space marines, who survived some accident on their ship. They named themselves the Ultramarines, who are looking for the fast ship to take them to Terra or Macragge. He has checked their codes and answers, he thought he was so clever. When the mooring gates opened the slaughter began.
- I knew it would happen eventually, - Afanasy finished his tale, - nothing is eternal. But the Imperium should have stayed for millennia before something like that would occur.
- Your personal grieve blinds you, - said Titus, - the Emperor and other Primarchs will know about this treachery and will stop it. Now we must find a way to deliver the message. A fleet or a world with an astropath capable to call the right person.
- The fleet or the world must be trustworthy. I prefer the world, some stable prosperous system, that joined the Imperium long ago. Maps will show the way. I hope they will believe us.
- They will, - confidently answered the Astartes, - I will name myself and will request the means of communication. Nobody will dare to say no to me.
- You look at the galaxy through the eyes of the legion - everybody plays by rules when an Astartes army is around. When I meet people there are always some law being bent. Now you are alone and the galaxy has changed.
- You are wasting time for doubts, Afanasy. The galaxy is the same, the Crusade is still on. There is just the new enemy to crush.

It happened as Afanasy foretold. When they emerged in the real space Titus stood next to the captain on the bridge. One of few survived crew members, crippled and sick joyously declared they jumped out in the right system. Captain steered Twer to the prime world. Deep in the safe zone of the space, the system lacked orbital defense platform, but the fleet was there. They were contacted by local authorities. The Rogue Trader identified himself and was asked to stop movement until his date been checked.
- They are warned about me and will shoot us, - Afanasy told him calmly, - full speed ahead, traders! We will die as we lived, sailing the galaxy! Forget last days, it was a dreadful nightmare. It happened to others, not to you, my friends. Remember the most fascinating wonders you have witnessed across the space and enjoy it one more time! You have conquered the darkest edges of the galaxy; nothing can scare you. - People around Titus said goodbyes to each other, preparing to die. He saw not mutilated fragile humans, but strong and proud adventurers surrounded him. Some of them whispered the words, which became soon the guarding chant for whole mankind. Afanasy turned to him, - take the shuttle, Titus, your trace will be covered with her death. Maybe you will survive this new war. Nothing is eternal, my friend, nothing!

Twer disappeared, saving his life with her proud end. Shuttle hit the atmosphere, and was met with fighters. Now Titus knew better, than name himself. Nobody asked anyway. The burning flyer plunged in the ocean - a thing of legends. The pursuers didn't expect an Astartes aboard and he survived. With one knife, he emerged on the coast - the armour he had left back at the Trader's spaceship. Titus looked in the sky - there were no sign of the destroyed Rogue Trader, no trace of the Horus' betrayal. He ran into mountains. It was easy for him to survive, but for information he was hunger. He tried to contact authorities and has been met with fire. Leaving the destroyed settlement, Titus crossed vast wilderness before he found an enormous city. Next time he captured single humans, but they knew nothing. Then he decided to wait and the answer came with broken statues of the Emperor and screaming people who used to rule this world. Afanasy was right, nothing was eternal. Other humans came and cobalt-blue Astartes with them. The cousins of 13th almost killed him. After the second attempt he dropped the idea. Many Terran years had passed. Titus managed to change worlds after worlds, seeing that the Imperium over-lived the Horus' treachery. But he didn't try to return to it, didn't see why. His legion's name was stained, his story was too fantastic even for the age of wonder he had witnessed. Titus didn't know what happened to the rest of the Sons of Horus. He would yet know their shameful fate. Titus Livius was a warrior, and didn't think about taking his own life, though sometimes he wondered what did he live for. The Astartes mostly was on his own, rarely spent time among humans, covering his origin. Titus hadn't seen another space marine for a long time till one day he met his brothers again.   

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