My Sister's Keeper (TLOU Elli...

By Multifiction2513

18.4K 396 50

Follow Ellie, Dina and Ellie's twin brother Dylan as they hunt down the people responsible for Joel's death... More

You Like Her
The Dance
I'd Like To Try
Waking Up
Clearing The Supermarket
Eugene's Place
The Chalet
Packing Up
Welcome to Seattle
Take On Me
Have A Little Faith
Room For Three
Back to School
The Book Store
The Tunnels
Flashback - Happy Birthday!
Hillcrest Part 1
Hillcrest Part 2
Flashback - Finding Strings Pt 1
Flashback - Finding Strings Pt 2
Road to the Hospital
Meeting the Seraphites
Hello Nora
We Made Her Talk
Next Stop The Aquarium
Road To The Aquarium Part 1
Return Home
Final Farewell
Secret's Out
For Our Family
Bit Of Excitement
Peace Shattered
Finding Abby
You Let Her Go
Years Later

TV Station

295 10 0
By Multifiction2513

The trio made their way through town and it was oddly quietly, too quiet for the twins liking. The trio headed into a store, looking for any supplies that had been left. The twins looked around at the contents of the store.

"Anything in here?" Dina asked.

"Just Halloween stuff." Ellie replied.

Dina looked around the store with Dylan.

"Some of this stuff is funny looking." Dina said.

"I'm not a fan." Ellie informed.

"Me neither." Dylan said as he held a werewolf mask in his hand.

Dylan sighed and tossed the mask back on the shelf.

"Why not?" Dina asked Dylan as Ellie continued to look around for supplies.

"Our friend, Riley, died after we visited a mall. We had fun in a halloween store before shit hit the fan. Since then we haven't been the biggest fans of Halloween, too many memories." Dylan replied.

Dylan looked to Dina and gave her a small smile. Dina placed her hand on Dylan's back, consoling him.

"Guys, we should move on. We need to get to Leah." Ellie informed.

Dylan and Dina headed out, following after Ellie. The trio pressed through town, searching more buildings and killing more infected, running into the odd one or two WLF soldier. As they exited another building, they had company of the wolf kind.

"Man...I can't believe this whole area is going to be empty soon." A WLF soldier said.

The trio lowered themselves as they moved to cover.

"They're everywhere..." Ellie said quietly.

"I still don't understand why the fuck we're falling back." Another WLF soldier said.

"We're not falling back, we're getting called up." A WLF soldier replied.

"It took us months to secure this zone." Another WLF soldier informed.

"Ellie, what's the plan? Do we take these out or not." Dylan asked.

"Less WLF the better, right?" Ellie smirked at her brother.

Dylan grinned.

"Something tells me that you're wrong about that, lady. Zone isn't as secure as you think." Dylan said as he moved out from cover, alarming the WLF as he flipped them off.

Dylan fired off shots, killing a few WLF before returning to cover.

WLF began to come out from every other building. The trio worked quickly as they returned fire, wiping out any trace of the WLF before they moved on to the TV Station.

"Is that all of them?" Dina asked as she looked to Dylan.

"Hold on." Dylan said.

Dylan stood from cover and wasn't shot.

"We're good." Dylan informed.

Ellie and Dina stood from cover and shook their heads at Dylan.

"What?" Dylan asked as he followed after the couple.

"You're such an idiot." Ellie replied with a smile.

Dylan chuckled and followed the girls. Dylan noticed a gate blocking their way to the TV station. Dylan looked around seeing an upstairs window, leading over the fence.

"Looks like we've got to head up and over." Dylan informed as he headed inside a juice shop.

The girls followed after him as he went upstairs. The trio exited the shop through a whole in the wall, leading down to the ground. Ellie headed over to a booth and prepared to help Dina up on to it.

"Hey, Dina." Ellie called.

"Yeah." Dina replied as she moved over to Ellie, receiving a boost up onto the booth, "Gimme your hand."

Dina helped Ellie up onto the booth and Dylan waited for one of the girls to help him up. The girls both looked out into the distance.

"Hey, that round building!" Dina informed, "It looks like the TV station from your map."

"Yeah." Ellie replied.

Dylan sighed and shook his head.

"Wouldn't know, can't see from down here!" Dylan called up to the girls.

Ellie smiled and leant down to help Dylan, pulling him up onto the booth. Dylan looked out at the round building.

"Oh, that round building. You're right, Dina. Does look a lot like the one from the map." Dylan said sarcastically.

Ellie and Dina smiled and shook their heads.

"C'mon." Ellie said before she dropped down from the booth.

Dylan and Dina followed after her.

"I don't know how I would've done all of this without you..." Ellie said.

"Oh shit!" Dina said alarmed as a clicker came lurking out of a liquor store.

The clicker suddenly exploded into a million pieces. Dylan laughed as he remembered Bill and his traps.

"What the fuck was that?!" Dina asked.

"It ran into a trap." Ellie replied.

"A what?" Dina asked.

"Explosive traps." Dylan replied, "Watch where you're walking. It's fun to watch when the infected blow up, but no fun when you do it."

Ellie quickly checked the liquor store, before rejoining Dylan and Dina.

"Two more traps ahead. There are infected behind them. I think brick master may have to come out of retirement." Dylan informed as he looked to Ellie.

"What the fuck is 'brick master'?" Dina asked. 

"I am the brick fucking master!" Ellie replied with a grin.

Dina smiled and shook her head at the twins.

"Just throw it before the trap and the infected should walk straight into them. That way we kill two birds with one...brick." Dylan informed.

Ellie smiled and removed a brick from her bag. Ellie threw the brick and the sound of it breaking drew the infected into the traps, turning them into small little chunks of flesh and fungus.

"Now that was fun to watch!" Dylan smiled as they carried on their way.

"Okay..." Dina replied.

The trio headed out, looking over a large ditch. Ellie noticed a ladder leading up the tower beside them and decided to head up.

"Where are you going?" Dina asked as Ellie began to climb.

"Hold on a second." Ellie replied.

Dylan looked out at the ditch, seeing a long slippery slope before them. Before Dylan was tempted to slide down it, Dina began to talk.

"So, I'm gathering you've seen those kind of traps before?" Dina asked.

"Yeah, a long time ago. Friend of Joel's used to make them. He was a weird dude, but he sure as hell knew how to make a good booby trap." Dylan replied.

As Dylan finished, Ellie joined them back on the ground.

"Any wolves?" Dina asked.

"I didn't see any...but it's hard to tell." Ellie replied.

"I think we've gotta get down this." Dina informed as she looked at the slope.

With that Dylan decided to slide down the slope.

"Woah, shit!" Dylan said as he slid down.

"Dylan, you okay?" Ellie asked as Dylan reached the bottom.

"Fuck...I'm okay. C'mon!" Dylan replied and was soon joined by the girls.

The trio pressed on heading through the water to the other side of the large ditch.

"This Leah chick...What if she's gone by the time we get there?" Dina asked.

Dylan looked to Ellie, awaiting her answer.

"I don't want to think about that right now." Ellie replied.

The trio continued on as Dina had an idea.

"We should put some of those trip wires up around Jackson." Dina said.

Dylan looked up to see a wall with a painting on it.

"Hold that thought D...Look." Dylan asked as he pointed to the painting.

"Who do you think it is?" Ellie asked as she looked at the painting.

"Someone who wants us to 'feel her love.' You think she's related to the Wolves?" Dina asked.

"I don't know..." Dylan replied.

"It's kinda fuckin' weird." Dina said.

"I was thinking the same thing." Dylan replied, "What were you saying before about the trip wires?"

"I just though they might be a good way to deal with the hordes." Dina said.

"Yeah, that'd be smart." Ellie replied.

"Although, we'd probably blow up some stragglers." Dylan informed.

"We'd put up signs...warning them." Dina stated.

"What if they can't read?" Ellie asked.

"We'll make drawings...Y'know, like a fool tripping over a wire and then a big fire. I bet I could build them." Dina replied.

Ellie chuckled, "I like you."

"I want it in writing." Dina smiled.

Ellie smiled and Dylan's heart melted for the two of them.

"You two are too cute." Dylan said.

Ellie shook her head at her brother with a smirk.

"We met this guy once, friend of Joel's, who trip-wired a whole town." Ellie told Dina.

"Oh, yeah. Dylan said something about him. But how'd people get around?" Dina asked.

"It was just him." Dylan replied.

"Wait, he lived alone in an entire town?" Dina asked.

"He had trust issues." Ellie replied.

"That's sad." Dina said.

"Kept him alive." Dylan informed.

"It's not like you have to choose between being alive and being close to people. It's not black and white." Dina stated.

"You take a risk though, right?" Dylan asked.

"You take a bigger risk being alone. Like what if he got hurt? What if he got sick?" Dina asked.

"What happens if someone else gets hurt or sick? Then you have this added, you know, burden that puts you in a worse position." Ellie replied.

"Yeah, I guess that's also true." Dina said.

Dylan moved round and underneath an old freeway, followed closely by Ellie and Dina.

"Holy shit." Dylan said as he came across a few dead clickers and a dead horse, "These were all shot."

The twins looked at the horse.

"Hey, look." Ellie said, "It's Tommy's."

Ellie opened the bag on Tommy's horse.

"Ugh...Infected did a number on this one..." Ellie said before she closed the bag, finding nothing inside.

Dina began to vomit beside them. Dylan placed his hand on Dina's back, trying to console her.

"You okay?" Ellie asked Dina as she turned to look at the twins, wiping her mouth.

"Yeah, it's just the smell." Dina replied.

Ellie nodded and continued on. Dylan looked to Dina as they jumped a low wall.

"You sure you're okay?" Dylan asked as he looked to his best friend.

"Dylan, I'm fine. I promise I'm okay. The smell just got to me, that's all." Dina replied as she smiled up at Dylan.

Dina and Dylan caught up to Ellie as they continued their way up to the TV station.

"How did this city get so wrecked? Boston wasn't like this, was it?" Dina asked.

"Boston didn't have a full-blown civil war. The Fireflies never put up this kind of resistance." Ellie replied.

The trio made it to another fence, finding a small wall to get past it.

"Whoa. More bodies." Ellie informed.

"Tommy definitely came this way." Dylan said.

"I bet he went through there." Dina pointed out.

Ellie and Dylan began to head up towards the TV station, when Dina called out to the pair of them.

"Stop!" Dina alerted.

Ellie and Dylan stopped immediately and looked back to Dina.

"Tripwire." Dina informed as she pointed to their feet.

Ellie stepped away and moved around it. Dylan looked to his feet and was a mere inch from the explosive. Dylan moved away carefully and looked back to Dina.

"Thanks, D." Dylan thanked Dina with a grateful smile.

"They're all over." Dina informed.

"Probably for infected." Ellie said.

" wrong step..." Dina stated.

"Yeah, let's be careful." Dylan informed.

The trio manoeuvred round the trip wires that near enough surrounded the entire area.

"They've really got this area covered." Dina said.

"Probably don't cut through here much with all this." Ellie replied.

"There's that silver lining." Dina smiled.

Dylan smiled at Dina as they headed up towards a truck, seeing another painting.

"More of this stuff." Dylan pointed out.

"Huh." Dina said.

The trio headed through the truck and crawled through a small space underneath a garbage truck.

"Ellie, careful. More traps." Dylan informed as he pointed them out to his sister.

"I got it." Ellie picked up another brick and threw it at the tripwire, causing it to explode.

"Smart, that works." Dina said.

"Yeah. I've seen Joel do this." Ellie replied.

"You think someone heard that?" Dina asked.

"It was pretty loud...Keep your eyes peeled." Dylan replied.

The trio carried on towards the TV station, exploding tripwires as they went.

"We're not being subtle right now." Dina informed.

"Maybe Leah will come to us..." Ellie said.

"Yeah...or they might be waiting to ambush us." Dylan stated.

The trio came to a locked gate.

"Ugh. Need to get in there..." Ellie said.

Ellie jumped the small wall and took the lead as she climbed over the low fence beside the gate. Dylan and Dina followed after her, following her example and joined her as they finally reached the TV station.

"There it is. Stay low." Ellie informed.

"Feels empty." Dina said.

"I don't buy it." Ellie replied.

"Me neither." Dylan said as they began to climb up to the TV station.

"Fuck." Ellie said as she found a dead WLF soldier.

"Ugh, that's brutal." Dina stated as she laid eyes on the corpse, "Tommy do this?"

"Maybe." Dylan replied.

Ellie headed over towards a rope hanging from an open window.

"Let's get inside." Ellie said as she began to climb up.

Dina and Dylan headed into the TV station after Ellie, finding more dead WLF as they headed further inside. They followed Ellie through a vent opening in the wall, heading into another room.

"Holy..." Dina started as she looked out at the horrific scene before her.

"This is definitely not Tommy." Dylan informed as he looked up at the bodies hanging from the ceiling.

"Who the fuck did this?" Dina asked.

"I don't know...But it's a message." Ellie replied.

"This just happened." Dina informed as she looked around the room, "You think they're still here?"

"I hope not...But keep your eyes open." Dylan replied.

The trio headed through the room and up the stairs, out onto a balcony. Ellie began to walk carefully beside the window, heading round to the broken window in order to gain access to the rest of the station.

"I don't like this...We're too exposed." Dina informed.

"We have to search all of it. I want to find Leah." Ellie replied.

"Just...Be careful." Dina said.

Carefully, the trio made it inside and moved further into the station, finding more dead WLF. The trio headed up a stairwell and heard a sound coming from the next floor.

"You hear that?" Dina asked the twins.

"What is that?" Ellie asked.

The trio entered the room, which the sound was emitting from finding another dead WLF.

"That's her. Leah." Ellie informed as she looked over the corpse.

"You sure?" Dina asked.

"Yes." Dylan answered.

Dina crouched down beside Leah's body.

"Guess the universe really wanted her dead, huh?" Dina said.

Dina began to search Leah's body. Ellie caught a glimpse of a duffel bag out the corner of her eye.

"There's nothing on her." Dina informed as Ellie walked over to the duffel.

Ellie pulled the bag from underneath the bed, opening it as Dina and Dylan examined the radio.

"Six, this is Two, do you copy? Six, acknowledge, over." The radio said.

Ellie pulled out some photos from the duffel bag and began to search through them.

"Dina. Dylan." Ellie said.

"Hmm?" Dina replied as she and Dylan looked to Ellie as she walked over to join them.

"It's all of them." Ellie informed as she showed them the photos.

"No, wait. That's near Jackson." Dina pointed to one of the photos.

"Look at their fucking smiles." Ellie stated.

Dylan looked to the next photo as Ellie went through them.

"Ellie, stop. Look." Dylan informed as he pointed to the photo.

"That's her." Ellie stated, "That's the one who killed him."

Dina took the other photos from Ellie as she continued to look at the photo of Joel's killer.

"Three down, right?" Dina said as she took the photo from Ellie.

"Three down." Ellie replied as she looked to Dina.

Dylan took a deep breath as he calmed himself down.

"Six, this is Two, do you copy?" The radio repeated, "Support unit India en route to the TV station. Repeat, support unit India en route--"

"Shit." Dina said.

"Yeah. We should get going." Ellie informed.

Dylan placed his hand on Ellie's shoulder, comforting her as they left the room.

"Well...she's dead. How do you feel?" Dina asked the twins.

"I'm pissed we couldn't talk to her." Ellie replied.

"Yeah. D, how you feeling, bud?" Dina asked.

"She's one of the ones who kept holding me back, prevented me from helping Joel and Ellie. I'm pissed I didn't get to talk to her too." Dylan replied.

"But she didn't hurt Joel. It would have been pretty fucked up to make her talk." Dina said.

"She travelled hundreds of miles to torture him. I don't care whether she held the club or not." Ellie informed.

"Me too." Dylan said.

"I get it." Dina replied.

As they made their way out, Ellie began to talk.

"You wanna find somewhere to hole up? Look over Leah's stuff?" Ellie asked.

"For sure." Dina replied.

"Let's head deeper into downtown. We can find a building to secure." Dylan informed.

As the trio dropped down back towards the dead WLF, they heard more WLF approaching.

"Keep your eyes open!" A WLF soldier informed.

"Shit." The twins said in unison.

"Get down!" Ellie informed.

The trio moved inside and found cover, watching as the WLF infiltrated the TV station.

"Christ. They're all dead! Fucking Scars killed 'em!" Another WLF soldier informed.

"Spread out. We still could have Scars in the building. Watch each other!" A WLF soldier informed.

"How are we getting out of here?" Dina asked quietly.

"Someone get to the radio and call this in, now." Another WLF soldier instructed.

"On me." Ellie informed.

Dylan nodded and followed Ellie's move.

The trio moved further into the room, carefully and quietly.

"Heads up, to our left." Dina informed.

The trio moved around the threat and moved into the next room.

"Ellie, we have to fight. There are too many on the ground. Dina, you stay close to Ellie and I." Dylan informed.

Dylan looked to Ellie with his gun raised.

"You ready?" Dylan asked.

Ellie nodded and they opened fire on the WLF.

Once the room was clear, they headed back downstairs.

"Oh shit! There!" A WLF soldier informed the others and opened fire on the trio.

"Dina, Ellie, go! I'm right behind you!" Dylan informed as he shot back at the Wolves.

Ellie stopped and helped her brother.

"Ellie! Dylan! C'mon!" Dina called and the twins followed her lead.

"Fuck! Through the window!" Dylan informed as they sprinted their way through.

The trio jumped out of the window as the WLF shot at them.

"Oh fuck! Dina, Dylan, we gotta run!" Ellie informed.

The trio sprinted through as more WLF arrived.

"Trespassers! Over there!" A WLF soldier informed as they began to shoot down on them.

"Don't stop!" Dylan yelled from behind the girls, "We gotta lose them!"

"Dead ahead!" A WLF soldier informed as they stood before the trio.

"Oh shit!" Ellie said.

Dylan fired at the soldier, killing him.

"C'mon, this way!" Dina said as she pointed to a door.

Ellie flung open the door, allowing Dina and Dylan inside before the twins blocked the door with a vending machine.

"All right." Ellie said.

"It'll work for now. Keep going." Dina informed.

The trio continued on and entered a crawl space.

"Spores ahead. Masks." Dina informed.

"Okay." Dylan replied.

The trio pulled on their masks and headed through a small drain pipe, moving deeper into the spores.

"We've gotta keep moving." Dina informed as she heard the WLF coming.

Ellie pushed through an old train station barrier door, followed by Dina and Dylan.

"I hope there's a way through." Dylan said.

"I thought they had us." Dina informed.

"I know." Ellie replied.

The trio headed through the small crawl space.

"Ellie!" Dina called, pointing out the clicker below them.

They continued on their way and heard the WLF up ahead inside the train station.

"Masks on! Sweep the entire station!" A WLF soldier informed.

Dylan smiled at Ellie.

"Looks like we're about to have fun with some infected. Use them to our advantage before we end their poor lives." Dylan smirked.

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