Soulmate to the mafia don

By hopeful_soul

282K 5.5K 507

Valerie Gunnar was a simple girl. She liked reading, she was a fiery fighter and she was a total smart mouth... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32
Chapter - 33

Chapter - 14

7.9K 174 12
By hopeful_soul

It had been about two weeks since the attack. Rex was healing, very efficiently one would say had they seen him. He was currently, if I am not wrong in his office working. Which is precisely where I was marching.

It's about time I got my shit back, won't you say?

I knocked on the solid door, not wanting to disturb him. Who am I kidding? I'm trying not to anger him so that I could have my bloody phone back.

"Come in."

"Are you busy?" I question out the second I'm in.

"No. Is there anything you need?" He looked surprised to see me here. I couldn't blame him. I barely came out of the library till the evenings these days.

"I want my phone and other belongings back." I replied, straightening myself. The only thing that told me he had heard me was the raising of his eyebrow. He continued looking at me, his lack of answer annoying me.

"Regio!" I spoke a little louder, trying to snap him out of whatever he was thinking, "Phone. Now!" When he still didn't reply, I marched towards his desk and stood beside him. Crossing my arms, I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for him to bloody move and give me my stuff back.

"Why do you need it?" He asked after a few more minutes of 'creeping Valerie out with my stare'.

"Because," I started speaking, my voice thick with sarcasm, "It's mine!"

"Hmm." Was all he said before he opened a drawer in front of me and picked out my phone. My attention however, was drawn to the thick file on which it had been laying on. Valerie Gunnar written on top of the file, it did not take me much time to figure out the contents in it.

"You have a bloody file on me!?" I asked, snatching it out before he could shut the drawer close. Jumping out of his reach, I ruffle through the pages of the file, giving a pointed look to his men who looked like they wanted to take it out of my hand.

My eyes widened as I looked through the file, nausea thumping at the base of my throat. He had everything on me. Even things only I knew of. Things I had never told anyone of.

My wide eyes snapped up to his, fury building in them at the invasion of privacy.

"That's my entire life in there!" I hissed, not hiding the anger. His only response was a shrug.

A bloody shrug!

"It's not that big of a deal."

"Not that big of a- Of course it is! It's a total invasion of privacy not to mention it has things that I do not wish for you to know!"

I regretted that the second I said it.

Slammed against the wall with a gentle but firm push, my hands were pinned above me after snatching away the file out of them, showing me just how easily he could take control of any situation. His hot breath hit my ear a second later, not giving me a second to even blink at the new position he had trapped me in.

"What could it be that you would not wish for me to know little warrior? Did you lie to me? Have there been any other hands than mine that have touched you? Hmm? Are you hiding past lovers? Boyfriends? Beneficial friends? Tell me darling, what have you lied about?"

"N-No." Why was I bloody stuttering? It has to be the cold frost-bite from his voice. Yes. That's it. "I-I'm not hiding anything."

"Why do I sense another lie there?" He asked chuckling, the vibrations of it driving straight to my core. Dammit! I can't think when I'm like this.

Tugging at my hands, I tried hard to get out of his hold, somehow not affecting him in the least. The bloody ice-block did not seem slightest bit affected by my tugging and thrashing.

"Tell me!" He hissed, cutting my moving abruptly as he pressed every inch of his body into mine, leaving not a pocket of air between us. "Who dare put his hand on what's mine!?"

"None of your damn business. Who I've had romantic affairs with in the past is none of your concern. I could have 10 lovers, 10 dozen in fact. I can have one as of right now and that should not concern you for I. Am. Not. Yours." I exclaimed, ranting.

I was bluffing, I had never had any man as a boyfriend or lover or whatever. It was just fun to show him his place once a while.

After all, I wasn't anyone's.

His next words were spoken calmly, only it wasn't a nice friendly calm, this was the calm before striking of a tsunami, calm before you saw death.

"Let this be known to you little warrior and let it be the last I mention it because I do not share little one. I will rip apart any man that dares think he's brave enough to touch and take what is rightfully mine and I will make you watch as I do it so that you remember who the real man is. Then..." Something too cruel of a smile tugged at the corner of his lip for barely a second. Then I felt him breathe down my neck and chuckle diabolically. Oh.. Oh my..

"Then I will punish you for even thinking of touching another man while you should be wondering of touching me." Oh my god that was hot! What- No! That wasn't hot! That was utterly arrogant and chauvinistic and swe- No!

He moved, just barely so that we could see each other eye to eye, his body still tightly pressed against mine as I struggled in vain for words.

"Regio I-"

"Tell me the names little one or I won't be responsible for the bodies that'll adorn the floor below us by tomorrow."

"I was joking-"

"Joking!?" The word of hissed, the sound deliciously threatening. I nodded frantically, my legs feeling weak. "Is that another lie little o-"

"I have never lied to you! Let go!" I spoke, trying to sound stern.

"Tell me I'm the only one that's ever made you feel this." He rubbed his body on me in a way that made me moan softly, my head lulling back involuntarily as if inviting him. "That I'm the only man that has held you this intimately. Am I little warrior?" Am I the only one for you?" My head had nodded in agreement before his words even registered in my mind.

"Last warning little one- do not tempt me by speaking of being romantically or physically involved with another man, you tempt the beast one too many times, you'll find yourself tied to a bed with me fucking you mercilessly as I mark you as mine. Do. Not. Tempt. Me. The thought of you with another man makes me wish to wipe off every male off the face of earth. Remember that the next time you joke of being with another man. You are mine. You belong only to me. No one else."

I expected him to let go of me after that. He didn't though. He did however, wrap his hand around my waist tightly as he arched my back into his chest.

"Rex-" I didn't know what to say. My insides had melted into nothing and not a part of my brain was sane enough after his words. I didn't know whether to be scared, angry or swoon at his words.

Sure there had been a part of me that was angry at his claiming but there was another part that just couldn't help itself. It liked his possessiveness over me.

"I- Give me my phone back!" Yes! Bravo! A complete sentence without any stutters. Rex rested his forehead on mine, chuckling softly and letting my hands go.

"You are too pure for this goddamn world Valerie. Not at all tainted by the viciousness of this planet. I'll never let you part with that innocence darling, and I thoroughly plan on enjoying it as well." What is he on about?

"I don't understa-"

"Pay no heed. Here. Have your phone." His hand that had been pinning my hands swiftly went to his pockets, my phone coming out of it. Instead of handing it over to me like any sane person would, his hand travelled to the back of my jeans and pocketed it there.

Blushing like a madwoman as he did his seductive doings, I tried to put my mind on things that would turn me off.

Dirty laundry. Smelly feet. Socks. Disgustingly wet socks. Wet Regio- No!

Mud. Brown, gross, muddy mud. Naked Regio in mu- Dammit!

Sweat. Gross armpits. Gross sweaty salty smelling body. Regio's skin shining with swea- Fuck this is getting ridiculous!

"Regio. Plea-"

"No worries. Continue your sex affairs. Pay no mind to the dozen men standing here. Please continue." Oh. Oh my shitty shit! Groaning, my head thumped on Rex's chest as I let it drop, mortified.


"Yes. Stone age possessive alpha male." I had to chuckle at the originality.

"You're dead."

"I like being alive Rex. You know that." I had never asked Regio about his connection with these people but something tells me they've been close for a long time.


"Yes little girl?" Scowling at the nickname, I gave him the finger, telling him to shut up. He chuckled, coming close to us and ruffling my hair. Oyy! "Stop messing up my hair you fucking idiot! Let go so I can kick his ass!"

"You can certainly try."

"Oh I did. Remember? I punched your ugly ass face. Need help reliving it? I'll be happy to oblige."

"Little bitch!" He muttered lowly, narrowing his eyes at me mockingly.

"Big freak!"

"Crazy woman!"

"Ugly shithead!"

"Stop calling me that!"

"Your hair is the exact color of shit! Not to mention you do a shitty job styling them, so guess what they look like? Shit!"

"Your hair's the same color as mine!"

"Bitch please! They're shiny like a fucking star!"

"Rex! I don't like her! She's mean!" Zach yells, stomping his foot and pointing at me. That rat!

"Too bad Zachery. Perhaps I should kill you since you have a problem."

"Aha! Bitch you just got thrown out!"

"Alright that's enough of you two." Reluctantly backing out of the roast battle I was about to start, I look up at Rex sweetly.

"Let go please."

"No. This is where you belong. In my arms. Bound to me forever." Why that-

"I am not yours to belong to and neither will I ever be bound to you. Now- be a good little boy and let go. And give me that file you have on me. You're not reading it."

"Yes I am."

"No you're not."

"Why won't you let me read it?"

"Why won't you just ask me whatever you want to know about me?"

"What do you not wish for me to know?" I found myself at the loss of words, conflicted whether to tell him or not. I shook my head, not wanting to tell him.

"Sean. It's about the school incident is it not?" A quiet voice spoke, my head snapping to the familiar voice. Sandy bitch you little piece of shit.

"Don't." My voice came out weaker than usual as I spoke, my eyes casting itself down.

"Who is he?" Instead of the words being spit out like I thought he would, he spoke surprisingly gently.

"Her bully."

"Shut up. Now!" I hissed.


"It's nothing. Just typical high school shit."

"He broke your arm!"

"I said shut up Hunter!" I yelled, not wanting for the men to know that I was a weak little woman.

"He did what!?" Now that angered shout was something I had expected.

Cringing at his loud yell, I backed up and sat down on the couch, pouting. His stare unnerved me as I moved, my resolve of not saying a word breaking after he continued staring at me with those smoldering eyes of his.

"I pissed him off. We got into a physical fight. He twisted my arm and slammed me into the wall. Broke my arm."

"Details Valerie!" Sighing at his demanding ass, I reluctantly started from the beginning.

"Sophomore year. He was this jock everyone was scared of. He was bullying another boy and pushing him and all that typical shit. I intervened. Pushed him off of the guy he was punching. He got angry, we started yelling and I roasted him. Teacher came in before he could get physical... A few days later, I had stayed back for detention, he was there as well, so again, he said some things that riled me up and well, I put him in his place." Sighing softly, I continued again, my voice a little heavier than usual.

"Needless to say, he didn't like it and when detention ended, he tried to pick on me. He pulled at my hair so I punched him, his friends; which I didn't know were there grabbed me and then he slammed my head against the lockers. I tried to claw at him, he twisted my arm and broke it."

"And." I shut my eyes in annoyance, the memories of the next two years that followed the incident rushing in my head.

"And I became a fucking target. What else? You know the deal Regio... help a victim, you become one. The usual pushing and pulling followed. Name calling, shaming and all that shit. Mean pranks, fake accusations and stupid fucking rumors."

"Library!" Hunter hissed out, looking at me pointedly.

"How much do you fucking know!?" I ask, exasperated, annoyed and shocked.

"Enough. Tell him." He spoke, looking at me with pity.

"I don't need pity Hunter! Do not look at me like I'm a broken doll that's too delicate to touch." Sighing as he nodded, I looked up at Regio whose eyes held a raging storm behind them.

Running my hand through my hair, I continued. "He and his friends tried to make a move on me."

His fist that was in front of my vision clenched, the only indication my lowered gaze got that he was getting more and more furious.

"I was studying when he came up from behind and tried touching me. I got up and kicked him, about to run away when his two other friends grabbed me. Tore my cardigan's sleeve. They tried to touch me further, I yelled out. I'm not going to go into details. He punched me and ran away, librarian found me bloody. They were suspended soon after."

"The names of the other two men." It was not a question, it was an order.

"Ethan and Cole." The names were out of my mouth before I knew, my mouth not even corresponding with my mind first whether or not to answer. I weaved my fingers nervously, waiting for his reaction to this.

"Hunter." Again, just one word. No more words were exchanged but somehow, Hunter understood whatever it was he had asked for.

"Of course boss." He left without another look.



"Were you scared?" His question caught me off-guard. I wondered if I should lie, show him I wasn't easily scared. That I was a tough person. Some part of me disagreed. So I went with the truth.

"Very. So fucking much."

"Do not worry little one. I'll avenge every tear that they took from you." I believed him. And I also believed that those three boys will be in front of me soon enough, Regio's wrath being something each of them will have the full force of.

"How angry are you at me for not telling you?" I asked, joking lightly, my lips tugging upwards with difficulty in a pathetically weak smile.

"I can never be angry at you. I understand you wanted your privacy but if anything else even remotely around this has happened, tell me. I need to know." I shook my head, telling him it hadn't.

"I need to go. I want to call some people." I speak after a while, kissing his cheek and leaving.

Back in our room, I look through the messages I had received in the past one and half month. I can't believe it's been that long.

My fingers twitched nervously, my thumb wanting to press dial but another part of me not ready to talk to my family.

I miss them so fucking much.

"Connor." My voice sounded shaky as I spoke quietly, nostalgia and home-sickness running through my veins.

"Val! Val! Is that really you!? Oh my fucking god! Where the hell are you!?" A tear slipped out of my eye as he asked the last question.

He hadn't even told them.

"Connor." A sob broke through me as I told him about everything, his reactions going from angry, to worried, to distressed and then all of them combined.

"Jesus Valerie. Soulmate. He's your soulmate? Out of all the men in the world- He! Has he hurt you? Threatened you in any way? Do you want me to get you out of there? Maybe I ca-" A short laugh escaped my lips before I could help it.

"You and I both know you can't do anything. No one can. He's... the king. No one can. Besides, I'm okay. I'm fine. I don't mind it here. Don't worry about me. Tell me, how's everything back home?" The voice on the other side suddenly turned grim.

"Val... there's something you need to know." I gulped, asking him to continue. Something told me I wasn't going to like the next words he spoke.

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