you should've just left me th...

By arandomfangirl4456

16.1K 511 603

kokichi gets lost in a unfamiliar part of town and breaks his leg, feeling helpless he starts crying but a ce... More

#1 lost and found
#2 a new place to call home
#3 an adorable friendship
#5 reading kiibo's diary
#6 finally going to the hospital
#7 and thats the truth
#8 so...about the diary...
#9 you love me?
#10 saihara chan

#4 squish squish!

1.5K 47 95
By arandomfangirl4456

The next day I was awaken by a strange sensation on my cheeks and creepy mumbling. I opened my eyes to see kiibo poking my cheeks with little stars in his eyes, I could also hear him a little clearer then before, he was mumbling "I didn't think that he would be so....squishy".....why is he poking me "What are you doing?" I asked which surprised him and he backed away quickly "eh!- um i....i just....." Kiibo mumbled, poking the tips of his fingers together nervously. I let out a, slightly too loud, laugh "it's fine kiibo you can squish me if you want.....buuut I get to touch you anywhere I want in return deal?" Kiibo nodded "erm" I smirked as I leaned forward slightly "alright, squish away!"

After a few minutes of cheek squishing kiibo backed away a bit "Alright I'm done now" "Great! It's my turn now" I said as I eyed his body, I've never touched a robot before so I was a little exited "Please be careful with me..."  "Oh? What do you mean by that" I asked as I ran my fingers down kiibo's chest "w-well if you touch certain spaces of my body it may cause a feeling of intense....pleasure" I let out a small laugh "you can't feel pain but you can feel pleasure?" Kiibo seemed a little embarrassed by my question"Yes so please be careful" I nodded as I reached down towards his legs "th-that is one of the- mmf! " I cut him off by pulling a sike out at the last minute and squishing his cheeks instead. His synthetic skin was surprisingly soft. He let out a small laugh after a moment of poking his cheeks "that tickles" Kiibo said between laughs as I poked other various parts of his body

"W-wait you're poking me for way longer then I squished you" Kiibo said in realization "oh you got me and here i thought you wouldn't notice" I said as I looked downwards slightly....."a little bit can poke me for a little longer but that's it" I looked up with a smile "yay!"

He let me poke him for another hour

As we sat on the couch together kiibo eventually asked "Hey ouma, yesterday you mentioned that you were running away from someone.....what happened" "Oh um I told my frenemy something that he.....didnt like and he got angry" I remembered the conversation vividly


I found myself eves dropping on a conversation that kaito was having with was a little boreing and I was about to leave and move on with my life until I heard "you resorted to prostitution?" Shuichi said to kaito I'm disbelief " not exactly proud of it but I have to do grandma has cancer and I don't have enough money to pay for the surgery" I let out a loud laugh at kaito's words,immediately blowing my cover so I revealed myself to them. "Oh your grandma has cancer you say....and you really thought that being a fucking prostitute is going to get you enough money to pay for the surgery? You really are an idiot.....But I'm not saying that you should stop, if anything you should continue, maybe one day you'll have enough money to buy some self respect!"

I don't remember much after gets a little fuzzy from being punched so hard but I managed to escape and I found myself in an alleyway far from where I began

Looking back on it I may have gone a little too far..... "Ouma? Are you okay you seem a little 'spaced out'.....if that's what it is called " I was snapped back to reality when kiibo waved his hand in front of my face "o-oh um yeah I'm fine"

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