Slayer vs. Killer {A Yu-Gi-Oh...

By Head_SlayerPhoenix

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Yugi, brought up in a society of zombies, werewolves, and vampires, was trained to kill vampires on the Human... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Final Scene
Author's Note

Chapter 14

1.7K 77 10
By Head_SlayerPhoenix

Chapter 14

Slayer Nova was on the rooftops of one of the buildings in the Zoha Sector, looking down at a hoard below. This hoard was massive. He had never seen so many zombies in one place before. Anywhere.

He had gotten here by flying. Malik had given him some of that awful drink and he regained his strength really fast. Malik said he was going to go look for Yugi and that Nova should go ahead into the Zoha Sector. There was an opening in the flying demon hoard that covered over most of the Sector. By just switching to demon form and disguising himself amongst them, he was able to infiltrate them and get even closer to where they were keeping Slayer Phoenix.

Nova still had over a mile to go before he would even come close to where the Vampire Yami was. He could feel Phoenix’s end of the link getting closer and closer the further he got. Now he was at a standstill.

“I’m coming for you, Phoenix. Don’t worry.” Nova said. He could still feel the pain coming through the link as he took off as fast as he could to the place Yami was hiding Phoenix.


“He’s already in the Zoha Sector?!” Yugi yelled at Malik.

“I believe that he would now be close to where they are holding Phoenix.” Malik said as calmly as possible.

“Why didn’t you stop him?” Yugi said as they continued to walk, being cautious about how loud his voice was.

“Because I was the one who told him to go on.” Malik said. Malik pulled out another one of his chains and snapped it out, another demon appearing on the end of it. “This should help us pick up on Nova’s demon scent.”

“Which demon is this?” Yugi asked as they walked on, the demon sniffing the air occasionally.

“Apophis.” Malik said. The demon turned and looked at him, but with a quick snap of the chain, the demon turned back around and continued forward. “I trained it in tracking.”

After Malik said that, Apophis let out a snarl and started tugging in one direction towards a set of buildings. Yugi listened closely and heard the moans of the zombie hoard. They would now have to get past this in order to get to where Slayer Nova is.

“Do you have another demon? Preferably one that can fly?” Yugi whispered as Malik called back Apophis.

“Nope. We fight our way from here.” Malik said, pulling out a sword that cast a dark glow.

Yugi pulled out his chains and the spikes came out on them. The metal turned darker and they also started to give off a dark glow. Yugi wasn’t taking any chances on if these zombies had once been demons or not.

“Yugi, burn a dark blue flame around you.” Malik said.

Not even asking why, Yugi did so. “Ready?”

“Ready.” Malik said and they both ran into the beginning of the hoard.


Yami was standing on the roof of his building. He could sense Slayer Yugi getting closer and closer. That was how he spotted Slayer Nova before he even got there.

“Looks like Slayer Nova has come to try and get Phoenix back.” Phoebe said. She was wearing dark gear that would protect her against fire, and had chains much similar to Slayer Yugi’s. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail with mini daggers hidden in the clip.

“I’ll let you take this one.” Yami said. He just had a sword slung across his back and had a dark red version of the gear that Phoebe had. As he started to walk off he said, “He is your father after all.”

Phoebe smiled and used her demon’s changing powers to change herself into how Phoenix looked before Yami had hurt her. She stood where she knew Nova would be able to see her. In a matter of seconds he was on the rooftop across from her.

“Phoenix?” Nova said. “How did you get out? Why haven’t you gone back to the APFH?”

“I have just managed to escape or I would have.” She said.

Nova jumped over and landed in front of her. “I’m glad you are okay. You are surprisingly unharmed though. Did that vampire not want to harm you or are you just that good?”

“What does it matter?”

“You are right.” Nova said and embraced her into a hug. “I’m just glad you are with me n—“

Phoebe pulled the dagger she had just shoved into Nova and he let her go.

“Phoenix?” He said weakly and fell to his knees.

Phoebe turned off the change and turned back into herself. “Hello dad. Remember me?”

“Phoebe!” Nova tried to yell. “How could you?”

“Mom knows.” Phoebe said looking down on Nova. “Maybe you should ask her when you see her. In hell!”

Phoebe kicked Nova in the face and it flew him across the rooftop and he flew into the concrete covering over the entrance to the stairs. Blood was dripping out of his stomach and his mouth, but Nova stood up and faced his daughter.

“Phoebe you have got to stop.” Nova said, spitting blood onto the concrete.

“Why?! And lose to a piece of garbage like you?!” Phoebe yelled. She had pulled out one of her chains and threw it at Nova. It hooked around him and she yanked on it, pulling him forward across the rooftop. “You are a weak fool. You only came to get Phoenix back. You would have left me here to rot with that vampire when the Slayers came through.”

“I didn’t know you were here.” Nova said quietly. “I didn’t even know you were still alive.”

Phoebe yanked the chain and threw it over into the opening that Yami and her used to get in and out of the building. Nova landed with a thud and coughed up more blood.

“Don’t get any blood on the floor stupid.” Phoebe said kicking him again. She grabbed the end of the chain and pulled him along to the room that they had left Phoenix’s body in. She tossed Nova in there, the chain coming undone and wrapping itself back around her arm. “Enjoy what she used to be. This is all that’s left.”

Nova looked over and saw Phoenix laying there, the puncture wounds on her neck still there. Her eyes were closed and her skin was paper white. He heard Phoebe lock the door and heard her footsteps retreat, but all he could comprehend was that Yami had broken the deal about not hurting Phoenix.

He reached out a hand and placed it on her face. It was cold, and that was never good.

“Phoenix, we will avenge you.” Nova whispered as tears started to run down his face.


Yugi and Malik had almost made it to the building where Yami would be, and it had been a tough battle to get there. Yugi had not been able to keep the flame up like he should have, and once that barrier went down it was literally a fight for their life. The slamming of the zombies against the building they had gotten into was getting louder and louder.

“We are going to have to do something.” Malik said, wiping the zombie blood off of his sword. “I can’t keep fighting like this much longer. My demons won’t be any use either. They will just get turned.”

Yugi was trying to catch his breath. “I know what you mean, but I don’t know what else to do.”

“We are literally about five buildings over from where we need to be.” Malik said looking at the map they had brought.

“What building are we in now?” Yugi asked looking at the map frantically.

“The housing of the…” Malik said and then looked down. “Demonicia Clan.”

“We’ve got to get out of here!” Yugi said.

“You aren’t going anywhere!” Yugi and Malik looked over and saw a group of about five girl demon hybrids standing across the room in the doorway.

“Please we don’t mean any harm.” Yugi tried to say but the girl who appeared to be the leader hissed at him.

“What do you two think you are doing here? A Slayer and Conjurer. You two are pretty far away from the Headquarters.” The leader smirked at them.

“The Conjurer is pretty cute.” One of the other demons said, winking at Malik, who just shuddered. “Maybe we can keep him and he can be our little toy.”

“I heard he’s got all those strong demons at his command. They can play too.” Another one said and they were eyeing Malik like he was fresh meat.

Yugi remembered his knowledge of the Demonicia Clan. The clan was a group of female demons who flaunted their looks to seduce their enemies. A select few of guys actually were kept as their slaves. Yugi realized that they might keep Malik because he was a Conjurer, but Yugi would most likely be killed.

“So you going to stand over there forever?” The leader said to Malik.

“Malik.” Yugi whispered. “Call out Astaroth.”

“Are you kidding me?” Malik whispered. “She is very attached to me.”

“Exactly. She will distract them.”

Malik flicked out one of his chains and a bright demon appeared in front of them. The other demons hissed at Astaroth as she took form.

“Hey baby you called me out?” Astaroth said to Malik, putting her arms around him.

“What do you think you’re doing?” The demon leader yelled at her. “We had our eyes on him first.”

The two demons kept going back and forth at it, completely unaware that Yugi and Malik had slipped to the other room and found the stair way to the roof.

“Can Astaroth fly?” Yugi asked, seeing the top of the roof to the building that Yami was in.

“Not for long. The Demonicia Clan won’t follow us though. It’s a territory thing.” Malik said and yelled something in a demonic language down the stairs. Astaroth burst through the roof and grabbed ahold of Malik and Yugi. She took off towards the building, the Demonicia Clan yelling curses at them as they flew off.

“Prepare for battle Yami, I’m coming for you.” Yugi said as they got closer and closer. 


Slayer: Only 2 more chapters left! But anyone who is willing I am taking requests for how you want it to end! Just leave it in the review box along with any other review you may have!

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